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Meet theTeam


Editor: Sqn Ldr Barry Johnson

E: BARRY.JOHNSON134@mod.gov.uk


Sales Manager: Jayne Bailey

E: jayne@lancemediagroup.co.uk

T: 01536 334219


Designer: Amanda Robinson

E: amanda@lancemediagroup.co.uk

Pumas are firmly established in Brunei, providing essential support to Jungle Warfare Training and in Cyprus, delivering Emergency Response activity. Apache and Wildcat have returned from Op PELEDA in Estonia having conducted multiple tasks supporting NATOs Forward Presence. Commando Helicopter Force Merlins have completed training in Portugal with their Portuguese Air Force counterparts, Chinooks have been in France supporting French paratroopers and Watchkeeper continues to train in the USA.

In the UK the JHC were front and centre at His Majesty The King’s Coronation being one of the few waves to defeat the weather and then returning 6 weeks later for The King’s Birthday to lead out the full flypast. Apaches of 656 Sqn AAC have refreshed their Deck Landing Qualifications embarked on RFA Argos and 1 Regt AAC have supported the Police Service of Northern Ireland during His Majesty the King’s visit.

Despite the high demands of supporting the UKs commitments JHC personnel have also managed to conduct multiple Force Development and Adventurous Training activities as far afield as Austria, USA, Chile and Scotland returning home stronger, wiser and armed with new skills.

Looking forward we will see Joint Helicopter Command evolve into Joint Aviation Command (JAC) later in the year. Whilst there will be no change to how we operate crewed rotary wing capabilities the change does reflect the increasing importance of uncrewed systems and human-machine teaming on the battlefield. By establishing a JAC, we will continue to reap the benefits of operating as a joint force with the Army, Navy and RAF but also provide a framework to develop future cooperation using UAS and similar systems in the joint environment.

As we approach the UK summer holiday season, I sincerely hope you can all manage to take some leave and enjoy a well-deserved break from work with your family and friends before returning refreshed for what looks like yet another very busy period.

Air Vice-Marshal A P T Smith Commander JHC


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T: 01536 334222

E: mike@lancemediagroup.co.uk

W: www.militarymags.co.uk


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