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The JHC Challenge - Innovation Fund

Have you ever thought “There must be an easier way to do this?” or “Why are we so behind the times?” We are sure you’re not alone.

Written By: JHC Comd SM Andy Howgate

If you have ever had an idea of how you would make things simpler and more efficient, or if you are thinking “If only we had that bit of kit, it would save so much time”. Then keep reading, this article is for you!

Joint Helicopter Command is calling out for innovators - people like you, with ideas of how to make things better for everyone. The JHC Command Sergeant Major, WO1 Andy Howgate has drawn together a team from across the JHC to assist with capturing your ideas and can provide funding to support their development, to prove concept.

What is the JHC Challenge?

The Army Research Innovation and Experimentation Laboratory (Project ARIEL) have agreed to invest £200,000 per year into the JHC to fund the development of experimental ideas. This is an amazing opportunity for everyone in JHC to see their ideas come to life and make positive changes.

The JHC Challenge will open four times each year (Apr, Jul, Oct and Jan) and will provide a space for ideas to be shared and developed. The Defence Ideas platform is open to all personnel (military and civil servants) from across the JHC. Successful ideas will be funded up to the value of £5000 per idea for a one-off in-year expense that has no recurring or support costs.

All three Services, the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, as well as Strategic Command, have on-going transformation programmes that have innovation at their heart. Be it programme ASTRA within the RAF, Project ARIEL in the Army or the JHub in Strategic Command, all are focused on long-term change programmes over several years. The JHC Challenge aims to release funds quicky, within three months, to enable ideas to be developed at pace.

How will it work?

Each round will last for three months, with the window to submit your idea being in the first month. The idea should be added to the Defence Ideas platform and the proposal should include: your Unit, the idea, the problem to be solved, and an example of the benefits it will bring (where applicable).

Each unit has a Unit Evaluator whose role is to monitor Defence Ideas for submissions from their respective unit personnel in order to support and mentor them in developing their idea further. The Unit Evaluators will score the idea and grades them on merit. They then progress their unit’s best two ideas forward to the ‘Force Den’.

“To make it fair”, said Flt Lt Ed Grace – SO3 Digital Innovation in HQ JHC, “each unit can progress it’s best two ideas each quarter. Those that are not progressed to the next stage remain in the pot for a chance in the next round.”

The Force Den is conducted like a mini Dragons Den. A panel of five review each idea based upon the information provided in the submission. “The information entered onto the platform starts the basis for the final Business Case. This is added to throughout the process, therefore there is no need for any additional work – keeping it quick and hassle free” said WO1 Howgate. “This is all about developing ideas as quickly as possible.”

Following the Force Den, the idea is progressed to the JHC Den where it competes with the very best ideas from across the JHC. The JHC Den is conducted in the same format as the Force Dens, where the panel reduce 18 ideas down to 10 for immediate funding. Again, those unsuccessful can remain on the platform for a chance to be considered in the next round.

What if my idea is picked?

There is no additional work…. sort of. The Business Case will have been continuously developed throughout the process with support from your Unit Evaluator. Once agreed for funding, the HQ JHC team will arrange for your unit to purchase the required equipment etc to support the idea. The only thing left for you to do is enjoy seeing your idea come to life and, at an agreed point, write a short report on its success.

So…. What are you waiting for?

Use the QR code to access Defence Ideas. Create an account and once in, click on the JHC Crest…. Add your idea and don’t look back.

Let’s get the ideas flowing and generate some positive change!

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