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Sgt “Jock” Charity SNCO Osborne Flt, IFPT

The RAF Part Time Voluntary Reservists (PTVR), conduct their Basic Recruit Phase 1 Training in two parts. Part 1 is conducted on their Sqns where they learn drill, have inspections, and conduct all their mandatory Trg such as D & I, Security, Fire Trg & the RAF Fitness Test to mention but a few areas. Once that is completed and they have passed all elements required they then get loaded onto the Part 2 course by their Sqns via High Wycombe. This element is held here at RAF Halton under RTS – IFPT, running for 15 straight days with 6 courses run over the training year, and two shadow courses in case of course cancellations or an increase in numbers. This element of the Trg starts with the recruits arriving on the Friday, prior to the course starting on the Saturday, to conduct all the arrivals process delivered by the SNCO & JNCO’s of Osborne Flt. It includes checking that their GSR, Webbing & Helmets all fit correctly, which is conducted by the JNCOs. That is followed by the SNCO’s arrivals brief.

The course then has an early start on the Saturday at 0630, when they are met by one of the Trg teams JNCO’s at Barrack Block 15 and taken to breakfast, given a familiarisation of the Henderson site pointing out areas that they need to be aware of including what we have in place for Welfare and Support. They are also shown areas around the station itself as they are marched down to IFPT. starts off relaxed with 2 days of First Aid. Then its 3 days of CBRN Trg which includes their initial exposure to CS, which some are fine with and don’t display many symptoms, concurrently to the range is Deployment Skills which is learning Force Protection Fundamentals, Report Formats and Radio Communication Voice Procedure (VP),

Once down at IFPT they have a Dress & Deportment inspection by the SNCO, are shown where to put all their Kit & Equipment and how to lay it out correctly on their Flt lines, then they are then given a familiarisation of IFPT itself. It’s then final paperwork check & collection to ensure they have the correct documentation and have passed the relevant modules to allow them to be here. We then begin the Trg which but others certainly won’t be forthcoming to do it again!

Moving onto the Skill at Arms (SAA) phase which is 4 days of rifle Trg including carrying out their Weapon Handling Test and if successful will move straight into the DCCT to conduct Live Firing (LF)1, which is firing in the prone position. The next 2 days is spent doing all the other LF shoots finishing off with Rifle Practice 1. Running

Vehicle & Personnel Search, Vehicle Check Points (VCP’s), Rules of Engagement (ROE) and many more topics. After the SAA phase and the range is complete, we then move into the final stages where we finish the Trg with a 2-day Exercise (Ex) called Ex Capuccini Warrior, this is conducted on the Airfield Trg area and involves bivvying out in the woods for a night. This is very good 5-star accommodation, and this is where the previous two weeks Trg is consolidated with a small Round Robin Ex which includes Individual Fire & Manoeuvre, Reaction to Effective Enemy Fire, Casualty

Evacuation, VCP’s & the 4 C’s as well as other lessons.

The graduation is on the final Friday, where a Reviewing Officer, usually a Gp Capt or Air Rank Reservist, attends their parade to inspect the Reservists and present the winners of the 2 trophies, which are the LAC Osborne Trophy for the Course Top Recruit and the SAC Gary Thompson Memorial Trophy for the course Top Shot.

It is a fast-paced course but very rewarding when they are stood on parade knowing that they have graduated and are now fully fledged members of the RAF and the RAF Reserves.

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