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Freedom Of Borough Parade
Flt Lt Steven Andor, RTS
Within Air Officer Northern Ireland’s (AONI) Engagement Strategy, No. 502 (Ulster) Sqn, RAuxAF was tasked to co-ordinate, prepare and deliver a Parade to accept the Freedom of the Causeway Coast and Glens, on behalf of the RAF, from the Mayor and members of the Borough Council at Limavady on Fri, 8 Apr 22. The event, delayed by the COVID pandemic, recognized the RAF’s service in providing vital air and ground security for Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is the highest honour a local council can grant. The event (parade, flypast and supporting history display at the local arts centre in Limavady) is the key engagement opportunity delivered by AONI, AM Sean Reynolds this year.
While the Sqn is the largest RAF unit in NI, as a RAF Reserve unit, they are reliant upon the ability of their PTVR cadre to be released from their civilian employment to support such activities. Although the Sqn were able to generate much of what was needed for the Parade contingent from within internal strength, with only a small Regular RAF component in Province, numbers fell short of what was required. Faced with that dilemma a request was made for Serviceperson Awaiting Trade Trading (SATT) support to augment; a request was approved and 27 x SATT under the supervision of Sgt Russell were nominated to the task.
The SATT team arrived at Aldergrove on 5 Apr and proceeded to undertake an intensive period of drill practice and rehearsal with the RAF Central Band over the next 2 days. Throughout, the SATTs were well disciplined, enthusiastically engaged with the process and integrated seamlessly with the Sqn. Sgt Russell also assisted the Unit SNCOs as they finalized and refined the Parade format and movements. Thrillingly, the Parade was successfully delivered, with AVM Mayhew, DCom Ops, reviewing the Parade with the Mayor and taking the salute as the contingent marched through the Limavady.
The event was extremely well supported by the local community and the performance on the ground was enhanced by a flypast by a Poseidon MPA from 120 Sqn as the Parade completed a short ceremony at the Town’s War Memorial with local RAF veterans. At the end of the ceremony, the full Parade contingent was hosted by the Council at a reception lunch where gifts were exchanged. The event also received wide (and positive) coverage by local television, radio and newspapers, alongside the RAF News.
personnel to find and better understand themselves when in a leadership role.
With addition to foundation leadership, this course offers key lessons to grow new leaders in areas such as Astra, Welfare, Emotional Intelligence and Appraisal Management.
Leading at RTS is not only a course aimed at new phase one trainers but an opportunity for Station SACs and A/Cpls who would like to start their journey within the leadership pathway, with courses planned on a quarterly basis. The following testimonials show the value of the course:
OC Arnold Intake - “This JNCO-led course provides invaluable peer to peer leadership feedback. It allows the individual to focus on knowing themselves as a person and trainer before being placed in the highpressure environment with phase one recruits.”
Acting Corporal, RTS Trainer - “Both a beneficial and enjoyable course, the trainers consistently put us in stretch with tailor-made challenges that tested our individual leadership styles in a safe environment away from phase one recruits. I look forward to using this experience within my first Basic Recruit Training Course.”
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