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Wattisham Information & Support Centre (WISC)
Spring will be upon as you catch up on all the useful information and articles in The Eagle. Here in the welfare department, it is business as usual as we provide advice and support to personnel and families. Appointments can be made by contacting your relevant welfare team by QR Code, phone or email (please view the welfare details page in this magazine for these details) Alternatively, you can just pop into the welfare reception where we will assist you with your queries.
Wednesday mornings, we also operate from Hadleigh House, located at 14 Leeks Close, Hadleigh, IP7 6GE. Doors open between 0900 – 1200 hrs. You’re most welcome to drop in, have a cuppa, chat and meet members of our welfare team (subject to availability).
Monday mornings at Hadleigh House, the charity Home Start runs children’s activities and a coffee morning for military families. It’s free, so please pop along from 0915 –1115 hrs. No booking required.
HIVE is currently vacant therefore, if anyone requires information regarding WFS and local areas, please pop into welfare and see Clare or give her a call on 01449 728358 or email clare.morrin100@mod.gov.uk.
For information on running an event and general queries, please contact Clare.
Proposed Event Dates For Your Diary!
These dates are subject to change
The Youth Clubs on Tuesday evenings is a must if you have bored children. To join Youth Club please contact Beth for enrolment details.
Monday and Tuesday so please pop in to say hello. In addition to Toddlers Soft Play on a Monday morning, she has organised two further sessions on a Monday. Tea & Toast Warm Space and Family Fun Nights, consisting of fun activities for the whole family.
The Tuesday Coffee and Cake mornings is going strong and a good way to meet up with others and welcome new faces.
Events can take place during the week and weekends, subject to availability. If you have any questions, wish to book the Community Centre for parties, meetings, training, clubs, please contact Clare on 01449 728358 Skype on 0300 163 0986.
TBC - Feb 24 Quiz
TBC - Mar 24 Disco Night Hellfire Bar SP
Need Free, Confidential and Impartial Advice?
Citizens Advice Bureau are running Virtual sessions at WISC for individuals or for families.
Appointments are available on Tuesdays at 9.45, 11.00, 12.45 and 1400 hrs and are all carried out in the strictest of confidence.
To check availability and to arrange an appointment, please contact Clare on 0300 1630 986.