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- JULY 2015
JULY 2015 - PAGE 3
COOL FACTS 4 KIDS 1. Sheep, sheep, and more sheep. There are about 100 million
sheep in Australia, making it the country with the second largest sheep population (China is number one, with a staggering 150 million sheep). Australia produces most of the high grade wool used across the world.
2. Australia has approximately 25,000 known species of plants
(Europe has approximately 17,500), but this number is still going up because new plants are still being discovered. It also has a number of plants that have been around since the days of the dinosaurs. They were thought to have been extinct for millions of years until they were re-discovered in Australia.
3. Multiculturism is thriving. About 20% of people living in Australia were born overseas, and 40% have mixed cultural heritage. There are about 225 languages spoken in Australia, making it one of the most multicultural countries in the whole world.
4. A land of inventions. Australians are great inventors. Some of
the things that they have invented over the years include the Black Box on aeroplanes, lawn mowers with engines, smoke alarms, aspirin, the pacemaker, penicillin, the Hills Hoist clothes line, the wine cask, the electric drill, the car radio, Utes, the bionic ear, duel flush toilets, the hardest to counterfeit bank notes technology, and long wearing contact lenses.
5. Inventors of the fridge... kind of. While Australian scientists did
NOT invent/discover the technology used to keep fridges cool (this award goes to French and German scientists), they were the first to see the practicable application of this technology and use it for commercial purposes. They used it to refrigerate ships so they could sell meat to England and to keep beer cold. It wasn’t until about 20 years later that a company (Kelvinator, in the US) finally made a patent of the technology and to produce fridges for the household.
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No part of this magazine, including the advertisements, may be reproduced without permission of the editor. The opinions expressed within Kids’ Voice magazine are not necessarily the views of the publisher, but those of individual writers.
- JULY 2015
Collaborating for Reconciliation
What homework does to teenagers
Healthy sleep tips for children
Schools: Northern Bay College
Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre
Milla Milla Playgroup
Surfside Waves Mini Roos
23 Music & Arts: Deadly Dancers 24 A visit to Central Australia 25 Cooking & Craft 26 Reviews 27 What’s On
THIS ISSUE’S C OVE R... COVER GIRL’S NAME & AGE: Zoe Walters aged 12 Painting in background is the Tapatjatjaka Artist Collaboration, by Titjikala community artist and is a story about the area where Zoe was born.
JULY 2015 - PAGE 5
NAIDOC WEEK NAIDOC Week will be held from 5 to 12 July 2015 and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities but by Australians from all walks of life. NAIDOC originally stood for ‘National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee’ but its acronym has since become the name of the week itself. The National NAIDOC theme for 2015 is “We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate.” This year the theme highlights Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ strong spiritual and cultural connection to land and sea. The theme is an opportunity to pay respects to country; honour those who work tirelessly on preserving land, sea and culture and to share the stories of many sites of significance or sacred places with the nation. As the oldest continuing culture on the planet, the living culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is intrinsically linked with these sacred places. Long before European arrival, these places had traditional names - names that now reflect the timeless relationship between the people and the land. Often sacred places are connected with Dreaming stories or tell of the meaning of an area. This year’s theme was also chosen specifically to highlight and celebrate the anniversary of the ‘Handback’ of Uluru, one of these sacred sites, to its traditional owners 30 years ago. Before the 1920s, Aboriginal rights groups boycotted Australia Day in protest against the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians. By the 1920s, they were increasingly aware that the broader Australian public were largely ignorant of the boycotts and several organisations emerged to create awareness, particularly the Australian Aborigines Progressive Association (AAPA) and the Australian Aborigines League (AAL). Their efforts were largely overlooked and, due to police harassment, the AAPA abandoned their work in 1927. On Australia Day, 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney,
followed by a congress attended by over a thousand people. One of the first major civil rights gatherings in the world, it was known as the Day of Mourning. From 1940 until 1955, the Day of Mourning was held annually on the Sunday before Australia Day and was known as Aborigines Day. In 1955 Aborigines Day was shifted to the first Sunday in July after it was decided the day should become not simply a protest day but also a celebration of Aboriginal culture. Major Aboriginal organisations, state and federal governments and a number of church groups all supported the formation of the National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC). At the same time, the second Sunday in July became a day of remembrance for Aboriginal people and their heritage. In 1972, the Department of Aboriginal Affairs was formed, as a major outcome of the 1967 referendum. In 1974, the NADOC committee was composed entirely of Aboriginal members for the first time. The following year, it was decided that the event should cover a week, from the first to second Sunday in July. In 1984, NADOC asked that National Aborigines Day be made a national public holiday, to help celebrate and recognise the rich cultural history that makes Australia unique. While this has not happened, other groups have echoed the call. With a growing awareness of the distinct cultural histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, NADOC was expanded to recognise Torres Strait Islander people and culture. The committee then became known as the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC). This new name has become the title for the whole week, not just the day. Each year, a theme is chosen to reflect the important issues and events for NAIDOC Week. The National NAIDOC Committee has representatives from most Australian states and territories. Each year a competition is run for the design of the NAIDOC poster. Elaine Chambers, a Brisbane born and bred Aboriginal woman, won the 2015 competition with her entry titled ‘We all stand on Sacred Ground’. The
5th - 12th July 2015
winning artwork is a combination of photography, drawing and graphic work to represent the ages and colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the strong spiritual connection to the land and sea. The lines and dots represent sacred areas throughout the country and joins with a meeting place in the center that represents the families and communities. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. The week is celebrated not just in the Indigenous communities but also in increasing numbers of government agencies, schools, local councils and workplaces. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate NAIDOC Week: • Learn the Traditional names and stories for places, mountains, rivers etc around your region • Discover what language groups had names for places and sites in your region • Listen to Indigenous musicians or watch a movie about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history. • Study a famous Indigenous Australian. • Run an art competition for your school or community. • Visit local Indigenous sites of significance or interest. • Invite local Indigenous Elders to speak or give a Welcome to Country at your school or workplace. • Invite an Indigenous sportsperson or artist to visit you. • Invite Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander dancers to perform. • Invite elders or others to talk about local sacred sites • Host a community BBQ or luncheon. • Hold a flag raising ceremony. Local Aboriginal community artists and Gordon students are holding an exhibition to help celebrate NAIDOC Week on Wednesday 15 July at The Gordon Gallery, 2 Fenwick St Geelong from 6pm. Entry is free.
- JULY 2015
Collaborating for Reconciliation The Rory McCaffrey Reconciliation Collaborative supports opportunities for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal young people to form relationships and increase cultural understanding. It raises money and provides small grants through a fund that is managed by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation. It also facilitates and promotes projects and activities that lead to Aboriginal and nonAboriginal young people working together and developing mutual understanding and respect. As future community leaders they will extend and progress recognition and reconciliation. Rory’s mother Fiona Reidy, father Tony McCaffrey and sisters Molly and Keeley, who are Ocean Grove residents,established the Reconciliation Collaborative following his unexpected death on 29 December 2011 in a car accident. Rory died just two days before his 17th birthday.
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“Rory had a strong sense of social justice that was consolidated through his secondary education. He had the opportunity to participate in an exchange program at Shalom College in Townsville in year 9 and a two week Aboriginal immersion called Desert Tracks in year 10”, Fiona explains.“Both experiences had a profound impact on his values and thinking. Rory was shocked that two worlds exist within our Australian community and that the huge gap in health and wellbeing outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community members remains. He also came home with an understanding of how much can be learnt from Aboriginal heritage and culture. I vividly remember him saying to me that the Aboriginal elders he met were really smart and asking why we didn’t ask them for their opinions more often”. “Losing Rory at such a young age, and in traumatic circumstances, has left a deep sadness in our lives. The Reconciliation Collaborative has been helpful because it has kept us close to the values Rory developing as a young man and which he undoubtedly would have pursued through his life. It has enabled our family, friends and community to join and support us through our philanthropic work. Significantly, we have formed strong relationships with many impressive Aboriginal people throughout the region and followed Rory’s values and beliefs in a way that I think would have made him smile. That is very meaningful to us”. The Reconciliation Collaborative’s major funding initiative in 2014 was a project called “Spreading the Message”. It also received funding through the Transport Accident Commission and was supported by G21 – the Geelong Region Alliance. It involved Aboriginal students from Northern Bay College who developed and created painted bollards to illustrate and share their cultural
story over a period of six weeks at the Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Grovedale.The bollards were then installed at the school. Corrina O’Toole, a proud Wathaurong woman, and Nathan Paterson, an award winning Aboriginal artist, guided the project. A short DVD and book were also developed and can be found on the G21 website - www.g21.com.au. Since this project was launched in September 2014, Corrina and Nathan have also run the program with other schools in the region. It has proven to be a great way of involving young people in Aboriginal culture. A bollard was even developed and installed in the indigenous garden at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Ocean Grove earlier this year after Nathan worked with an Aboriginal student. Having these beautiful pieces of art made by local children has positive impacts for them and also the school community. The images and stories on the bollards lead to conversations about Aboriginal culture and respect for the creative skills involved in telling the stories. “NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The theme this year is We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate” says Fiona. “I wonder how many of us have thought about the significance of a culture that dates back over 60,000 years or how Aboriginal Australians have contributed to literature, film and the arts? Most young people have a genuine interest in caring for the land and our environment and I will always remember how impressed Rory was with the environmental land management that he learnt about in his immersion programs”. “When we started the Rory McCaffrey Reconciliation Collaborative we wanted young people to learn about Aboriginal culture without having to go interstate or on immersion programs. We wanted to see if we could make it happen in our local communities.We are now delighted to be launching a “Spreading the Message” resource kit during NAIDOC week this year so that schools, sporting clubs, community organisations and Councils can see how easy it is to collaborate and spread the message of reconciliation and show respect to the traditional owners of the lands on which we meet, play and work”. Donations over $2 are tax deductable and can be made online by going towww.lmcf.org.au, finding the make a donation tab and clicking on the Rory McCaffrey Reconciliation Fund campaign drop down. More information on the Rory McCaffrey Reconciliation Collaborative can be found at www. reconciliationcollaborative.com.au
JULY 2015 - PAGE 7
I could never be a foster parent. I would get too attached…
It’s a common concern and usually one of the first questions many potential foster carers ask. How do I get attached to a foster child and then go through separation? How do I invest time, commitment and energy into a child only to have that child move to a new placement? Will the emotional impact be too much for me? For my own kids? It’s natural to feel this way, and it shows a great openness to emotional connection-- which is exactly what children in care need. Yes, we are asking foster carers to put themselves in a position where some tears, grief and loss are part and parcel of the role. But with foster care there can be so many other feelings of achievement as well as pride, satisfaction, and the joy of having a lasting positive impact on a child’s life.
of happiness. I get my family involved by letting them know the day the child will be leaving and where they will be going. “I always get a transition plan from my case worker, which makes the move easier and gives the child some time to get to know their new carer. I always buy each child a special gift to take with them-- a new bag to pack all their belongings and their special pillow, which I buy for them as they begin their stay with us”, said Tracy. Tracy also always shares details of the child’s daily routine with the new carer.
“This includes the child’s food likes and dislikes, their sleep/nap time, favourite television programmes, nursery rhymes, favourite toys, medications, It is the reason why people who are afraid to get ‘too specialists dates... anything you feel you need attached’ are often the type of people who would make to include to make the child settle into their new the best foster carers. environment quickly and easily”, said Tracy. “On the On the flipside, when children don’t experience a day of the transition I always make sure the child sees secure attachment with primary caregivers, they are me look and feel happy so they know the move is a likely to develop negative expectations of relationships. good thing.” Children with negative expectations and who lack trust Tracy believes that you will always feel a small piece are unlikely to seek or accept help and guidance. of your heart has been taken no matter how many Becoming attached to a foster child in your home is the point of good foster care. But when a child’s placement ends—perhaps they move back with their biological parents, go to live with relatives, or into more permanent long term foster care— how do you deal with the separation of a child who has shared your home?
Firstly, it is about setting expectations. Carers, particularly short term carers, know they can play a vital part in their foster child’s life but that it is not likely to be permanent. If you start caring for a child knowing they will move on, you can shift your focus and allocate a different meaning to the time a child spends with you. Some of our experienced MacKillop carers who have had several children move through their homes agree. And all said that each and every child in their care has touched their hearts. While there is a sense of loss and sadness after a child leaves, carers talk about the positives of being there, even for a short a time, to help a child along their life’s journey. Tracy Connolly, a MacKillop carer, offered the following tips.
children come into your life. But another child will enter your life needing you once again and then he or she steals your heart all over again. “That’s why I have nothing but happiness for them when they move on to someone who will continue their care and help them to live a fulfilling life,” Tracy said. Separation anxiety is a natural concern, but ultimately it’s the difference you make when the child is in your care that makes the biggest impact. You are teaching the child how to form strong and healthy relationships with adults, you are teaching the child how to feel part of a stable family, and you are helping them grow in confidence. Just consider this quote from a woman who looked back on her time in short-term foster care: “Someone fed little-me, got me dressed. Bathed me. Snuggled me, knowing that one day I would leave. Knowing their heart would be sad, but that they would be happy I’d found a forever home.” And isn’t that what makes a great foster carer?
“I start with telling the child (if old enough to understand) that they’re moving to a new permanent home with friendly loving people which will bring a lot
Opinion editorial from Barbara Schwalm, MacKillop Family Services Therapeutic Practitioner, Foster Care To find out more about becoming a foster carer, please visit mackillop.org.au
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- JULY 2015
S S E R T S = s e o d t i t Wha s r e g a n e e t to n a c w o h d an you deal with it?
As a 15 year old student my workload from school is starting to grow. Accelerating into a VCE subject and my year 10 studies is definitely a challenge. Add on netball, extra-curricular activities, my part time job and a social life you can see that I struggle to find time to fit it all in. I strive to do my best in school but when I receive an overload of homework I’m just not motivated to do it. I end up organising my homework in order of priority. The real problem is that I’ve just spent 6 hours at school only to come home to another 3 hours of homework and some of that work isn’t even necessary. I constantly hear the complaints from my friend’s about the ridiculous amount of homework they receive. Obviously there are different types of homework and revision for a test or exam is important. If you want to do well in an exam you need to revise for but all the other work should be done in class and not dragged into a student’s personal time. After school I look forward to relaxing and eating after a long day of hard work. Researchers found that students said their homework led to sleep deprivation and other health problems. They also found that students who spent too much time on homework meant that they were not meeting their developmental needs. Students were more likely to put off activities, stop seeing friends and family and not participate in hobbies. They felt compelled and obligated to choose homework over other activities. Many of the students surveyed said that their homework was “pointless” and that they only did it to keep their grades up. Losing sleep over pointless work isn’t fair, constant pressure from teachers and in some cases parents can be exactly what a student doesn’t need. To be the best you can be you need to be well rested and in control, not tired and stressed. If you’re a parent, make sure your child isn’t stressed out. When they come home from school ask about the homework they received and if they want any help. Make sure you encourage them and tell them not to worry too much about it and just do the best they can. If you put too much pressure on them to complete all their work in one night, they won’t do their best. Effort is all you should expect from your child. You know their strengths and weaknesses so help them work on what they need to. If you’re a student struggling with your homework overload, talk to someone about it. A teacher, parent or friend, someone who can help you. Try and stay as organised as possible, if you have tests coming up write them down and put your list somewhere visible so you don’t forget. If you feel overwhelmed with your homework, tell you teacher and ask for an extension or some help with it. If you take the initiative to ask you’re bound to be rewarded. Homework is something that should be helping you with your education, but if it’s stressing you out then it’s become a chore. Homework should become something a student can choose to do as extra and not as a forced task. If the student really wants to learn or improve they will choose to do it. Forcing a student to do work only makes them anxious and they won’t participate fully in that subject. Students will learn better from a teacher in a classroom rather than from a worksheet that’s due tomorrow. Caitlin Ramsay
JULY 2015 - PAGE 9
If a woman’s highest value is her children and she walks through a shopping mall, she will see things mostly relating to children; like children’s clothes, toys etc. In the area of our highest values we have what I call “attention surplus order,” which in this case, involves this woman’s children. However, she may have what some might label “attention deficit disorder” in the areas of business and finance if those are way lower on her list of values. In which case, computer and business stores may go unnoticed.
systems instead of projecting onto them what they ‘should’ learn. Marilyn knew that one of the boys loved automobiles, another loved music, another loved history and another was interested in sports. Whatever it was, she utilised each of their highest values to teach them and draw out their genius.
She would wave her stick like a magic wand and point it towards her students and ask: ‘Henry tell us what was going on with the automobile in 1905’. And out came his Every decision we make is based on what we think will give genius according to his highest values. Every child had the us the greatest advantage over disadvantage, the greatest desire and inspiration to listen, knowing they were next to reward over risk to fulfill our highest values or priorities. answer a question that would boast their excellence. To the Thus everyone’s decisions and actions are based on their next student she asked: What was going on in the music world at that same time? All the answers from her students hierarchy of values, particularly their highest values. involved cross-topical information on that period in history There is a genius inside every one of us and whatever is highest on our values is where we awaken our genius. Our giving the class a broader knowledge. Advice by Dr John Demartini - a gifted teacher who has By the time these children were 13 they knew up to nine been teaching for 40 years. He is also an expert on human greatest potential sits there. languages, religions of the world, sciences, arts and behaviour, an author and a business consultant. It is vitally important for teachers to master this concept philosophies. Some went on to become professors at if they wish to communicate in a student’s highest values Inspired teachers give rise to inspired students and universities at very young ages. as this is the key to keeping them engaged, inspired, teaching students in a way that aligns with their highest Her methods were once challenged by an educational disciplined and focused. values (their highest priorities) is one of the most valuable ways to increase and maintain high concentration and To demonstrate this, I would like to relate a story about one system in New York. They stated it is easy to advance participation levels. of the finest teachers I have ever met. Her name is Marilyn children from privileged backgrounds, but what if the kids came from Harlem? So she took 25 kids from Harlem and Wilhelm. She is the author of the book Education: The Whatever we perceive to be most missing in our lives used the exact same method of teaching to show that Healing Art. our highest voids - will determine whatever will be most deep inside every human being there is a genius waiting important to our lives - our highest values. This highest Many years ago I was invited to speak at the acclaimed to surface according to the hierarchy of their values and void and value makes up the cornerstones of our behaviour Wilhelm Scholê International in Texas by Marilyn herself. that it has little to do with economic backgrounds. She and when we, as teachers, understand how to determine The class was a group of 8 and 9 year olds. In the back of transformed these young children’s lives in months. She the highest values of our students and share the curriculum the classroom was a one-way, mirrored window. Behind tapped into their potential and brought their desires, we desire to teach with them in a way that is linked to it were teachers from many countries observing Marilyn’s dreams and aspirations to the surface. their individual highest values, we will begin to master the teaching methods. As I was about to speak, an 8 year old If teachers do not take the time to communicate in their essence of inspired teaching. Japanese boy put his hand up and asked: Dr Demartini, I student’s highest values, they may end up unconsciously have a question. I would like to know the modus operandi Let me explain. We all have a hierarchy of values or a list projecting their highest values onto the student. This of how enkephalons and endorphins work in the cerebral of priorities that we live our lives by. This list has indirect will create classes of alternating monologues instead of hemispheres of the brain? It so happened that I had done correlations with our inner morals or outer ethics, but a dialogues. However, if teachers are inspired by the a dissertation on that topic. However, I was so blown a direct correlation with every decision we make. Our curriculum they are responsible to teach and are caring away by an 8 year old asking me that question, I turned to hierarchy of values describes what is most valuable or enough to communicate it in each student’s highest values, Marilyn and said it would be wiser for me to observe her important to us scaling down to what is least valuable or it becomes inspiring for the teacher to teach and the important. These values are usually derived from what we teaching the class than to speak. I watched her get up, students to learn. address the class and work her magic. This is what she perceive to be most missing from our lives, what we wish For more information on Dr John Demartini, the Demartini did. She cared enough about each child to consciously to fulfill most or, in other words, our voids. For example, memorise each of their highest values and what was most Institute, Demartini products and services please contact if we perceive we are missing a relationship we seek a important to them so she could tap into what they were the Demartini Institute: www.DrDemartini.com relationship, if we perceive our health is lacking we seek most inspired to learn. health. Dr John Demartini Human Behavior Specialist, Educator, Business Marilyn does not see children as children; she sees Our list of values are unique and we tend to filter our them as little geniuses. She honours them by masterfully Consultant and Internationally Published Author reality through them. We have selected attention and teaching the curriculum in their own language and value www.DrDemartini.com biases towards that which we value most. For example:
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JULY 2015 - PAGE 11
Sleep is a powerful restorative tool that helps us function physically and emotionally and has direct links to our behaviour, attention span and ability to learn. It is for these reasons that it is important that we develop strong healthy sleep routines in childhood. When children do not get enough sleep they can have difficulty concentrating, become irritable, hyperactive and impulsive, making one of their primary occupations of learning difficult. From babies to teens, children of all ages will have difficulty thriving, focusing and learning if they are sleep deprived.
Healthy Sleep Tips for Children
The following tips are designed to help you give your child the best chance of a good nights sleep.
If your child has difficulty following routines a picture chart might be helpful in providing your child with reminders of what they need to do to get ready for bed. If you are having difficulty getting your child to bed try a reward chart where they get a sticker for each night they are in bed by their bedtime. Once they earn five stickers in a row provide them with a small reward. Rewards can be anything from singing a song, reading a book together, playing a board game, watching a favourite TV show, playing with a special toy etc. Tip 2: Relaxation Winding down is an important part of preparing your child for bed and sleep. Try the following to help your child relax as part of their getting ready for bed ritual. • A warm bath can be soothing and will help the body reach a temperature optimal for rest and relaxation. • Some light stretching will help loosen up the body’s
Tip 4: Create a peaceful environment in the bedroom As well as being free from devices the bedroom should be comfortable, dark and quiet. Some children prefer to have a night light which is fine. As well as a relaxing peaceful environment we want children to see their bedroom as a positive place to be. In order to do this you may want to consider sending your child somewhere other than their bedroom as a punishment to help avoid negative associations. Tip 5: Consider the effect of food and drink on sleep
Tip 1: Develop a routine Keep regular sleeping hours. Getting your child off to bed at the same time each night teaches the brain and internal body clock to begin to naturally wind down ensuring a more solid and beneficial rest for the mind and body. Prepare your child by giving verbal prompts prior to the time your child needs to start getting ready for bed, for example ‘in ten minutes it will be time to get ready for bed” “in five minutes it will be time to get ready for bed”. Have a set bedtime and stick to it.
go off to sleep on our own and fall back asleep easier if we wake during the night. Having a bedroom free from TV and other devices helps teach children that the bedroom is for rest not for entertainment.
muscles. Try teaching your child to tighten one part of their body at a time for a few seconds then release to unwind different muscle groups at a time. • Play some soft music or read a book with your child. This will help relax the child’s mind from the thoughts and happenings of the day. • Guide your child through some deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and out through the mouth. Tip 3: Avoid TV or screen time before bed and no devices in the bedroom!
It is difficult to get to sleep when we are hungry, therefore a light healthy snack before bed and teeth cleaning can help. Children should not have a heavy meal within one to two hours before bedtime. Sugary drinks and drinks containing caffeine will have a negative effect on sleep. These types of drinks should be avoided for children in general. Tip 6: Make sure your child gets plenty of outdoor play Daily activity assists in burning off energy and providing us with a better nights sleep. Daylight also helps regulate our body’s natural sleep cycle. Therefore outdoor play will assist in getting good nights sleep. It should be noted that heavy exercise or play should be avoided within an hour before bed as this will wake up brain and body.
TV’s, computers, iPads, gaming devices etc. all provide If you have concerns regarding your child’s sleep the body with alerting stimulation which is the opposite of behaviours or routines you can consult your GP or refer to what we want when settling children for sleep. A number of an Occupational Therapist for assistance. studies are beginning to emerge showing evidence around Caz Morris the type of light that is emitted from these devices and the Paediatric Occupational Therapist negative effects it has on our circadian (sleep) rhythms. Bellarine Community Health Screen time for children should be minimal in general and The Child Health and Development Team offers a familyparticularly avoided in the lead up to bed time. centred service focusing on the well being of children These devices should also be limited to use outside aged 0-12 years. The team includes speech therapy, the bedroom. It is incredibly easy to develop a habit of occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics, physiotherapy ‘needing’ the use of one of these devices to go to sleep. and dentistry. When we require assistance to get off to sleep such as They can be contacted through BCH Intake –Telephone: watching TV, it takes longer to doze off and the quality 5258 0812 or Email: intake@bch.org.au of sleep is reduced. Being able to self sooth will help us
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Wathaurong The Wathaurong are one of five peoples that form part of the Kulin Nation of Aboriginal people. The traditional boundaries of the Wathaurong people run along the coast from the Werribee River to the Lorne Peninsula and inland in a north westerly direction to Ballarat and they have lived within these regions for more than 25 000 years. In 1978 the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative Ltd was formed by the community to support the Aboriginal people in Geelong and surrounding areas through social, economic, and cultural development. The Co-operative provides a range of services from community services including housing, justice and language and cultural heritage; family services which include the Milla Milla playgroup, the Koori pre-school and family support; as well as health services including a Koori maternity service and health workers. Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative Ltd is the largest employer of Aboriginal people within the Geelong region. The vision of the co-operative is “We are here to support and politically advocate for the community: to provide culturally appropriate health, education, aged, disability, housing and cultural services, provide and advocate for sustainable employment for Aboriginal people in ways that are consistent with Aboriginal cultural practices”. Further information can be found at www.wathaurong.org.au
National Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day 4th August 2015 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day is held annually on 4 August to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their strengths and their connections to culture, as well as to acknowledge the efforts of all those who work with our children and families. This year’s Children’s Day is all about helping our kids stand tall and feel connected and proud in culture. The theme for Children’s Day 2015 is “Little People, Big Futures”. It’s about supporting and celebrating the services that empower our little people to have big futures, and ensuring these services are adequately funded so that we can provide secure futures for the next generation of our kids. We know that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community led services lead to improved development and education outcomes for our children; they’re more effective in creating safe and welcoming environments that engage our families and connect them to the service supports they need. In early years these services provide a vital place for our communities to share and continue their cultural traditions, grounding strong and positive identities in our little ones. This year’s Children’s Day theme aims to provide a space for everyone to come together to celebrate the achievements of these services and the families and children they support. If we can ensure these services are funded in a sustainable way they can continue to ensure all our little kids have big futures. We all want our children to grow up safe and healthy in close connection to their family and culture. However, today Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are ten times more likely to be in out-of-home care than non-Aboriginal children. In fact, since the 1997 inquiry into the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families (the Stolen Generations), child removal has increased by 400 per cent. Ensuring our children thrive is everybody’s business. Make sure you’re a part of Children’s Day this year. The most important way you can get involved is by making sure you organise a Children’s Day celebration at your work or community. It doesn’t matter how big or small, the important thing is you celebrate. Together let’s stand tall with our children and celebrate all their deadly strengths! Further information can be found at www.aboriginalchildrensday.com.au 1,000 Deadly Kids, 1,000 Deadly Books! Make and publish books with your kids this Children’s Day Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and the power of storytelling, Kids’ Own Publishing, in partnership with SNAICC presents 1,000 Deadly Kids, 1,000 Deadly Books! Be part of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day on 4 August and learn how to make books with your children. You can run your very own bookmaking workshop and work with us to publish them to help ensure our LITTLE KIDS have BIG FUTURES. Around the country kids will be creating books that will be published online and in print. All expressions of interest will receive a special guide to support the running of your very own bookmaking workshop. Information on a special publishing app – WePublish will be in Children’s Day bags this year. You can also purchase a self-publishing kit with your Children’s Day order from SNAICC (Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care). To confirm interest or for more information Contact: Myles Russell-Cook, Community Liaison & Cultural Advisor at Kids’ Own Publishing at myles@ kidsownpublishing.com or Peter Nathan, Coordinator – Children’s Day at SNAICC at peter.nathan@snaicc.org.au.
JULY 2015 - PAGE 13
Northern Bay P-12 College is a multi-campus school in the northern suburbs of Geelong. The student population at the College numbers over 2000 and over 120 students identify as Aboriginal which is the largest school population in the South Western Victoria Region Walking through any Campus there is a real sense of cultural inclusion. Each of the five campuses fly the Aboriginal flag alongside the Australian Flag, and framed and displayed in the main foyer area, is the National Apology. The College Welcome and the Acknowledge of Country are prominent in all learning areas and beautiful art works adorn the walls of teaching spaces and corridors. The College is particularly proud of the amazing source of culturally appropriate resources and readers in their library areas and a recently opened Koorie Education Common Room where students can receive extra tutorial assistance, is housed at the senior campus in Goldsworthy Road. Each campus has two elected Aboriginal student leaders who are formally known by the local Wathaurong word ‘Ngarrweet’ Leader and they play a significant role in student led activities. Many events that take place in the College calendar are inspired by the dedicated ‘Aboriginal Key Events Calendar’ which has been developed to support teachers in acknowledging and / or celebrating especially significant days and weeks in the school year. The major whole college event is NAIDOC and celebrations are held in the first week of term three. In all facets of College life there is a symbolic, as well as a real sense of pride in acknowledgement of Australia’s First People. “I’m proud to be Aboriginal at the College because I like learning about my culture and we get to do great activities, where I learn heaps.” Phillip Murray-Wilson (Grade 5)
n r e h t r o at N 2 Bay P-1 College
Three years ago the college initiated a “Koorie Education Action Plan” that has led the way in creating a cultural inclusive curriculum. Annually reviewed and updated this plan aims to address student learning needs from Prep to Year 12. A fulltime Koorie Education co-ordinator, Mrs Tinning works with students, teachers, parents, carers and local community to ensure the best educational outcomes can be achieved.
• With Deakin University: The College partnership with Deakin University has for many years exposed students to high potential opportunities in further education. An innovative ‘Koorie Aspire’ is being planned for students in Years 7 and 8 providing one afternoon a week at Deakin University to instill and encourage strong aspirations and future career paths.
The College’s Koorie Education Program has relied on very little funding from the State Government over the years but they have still manage to deliver and access some amazing programs that strengthen and support their student’s cultural identity. Mrs Tinning is certain that the success of these programs has been made possible by the commitment that the College has made to form successful partnerships with other influential and supportive organisations.
Alongside these we have students enrolled in statewide programs such as ‘AIME (Australia’s Indigenous Mentor Experience) where senior Aboriginal students travel up to RMIT University in Melbourne to receive a fantastic mentoring experience that builds upon their strengths, resilience and aspirations. Opportunities to work with organisations such as the Smith Family have allowed the ‘Making Tracks Buddy Reading Program’ to be a success. Senior students from the Geelong College visit weekly to support Aboriginal students in Year levels 3 to 5 in their reading.
Examples of partnership success include: • With G21: ‘Spreading the Message’ – a program where Aboriginal students in years 6-8 collaborated with a local Aboriginal artist to paint their stories onto Bollards which now decorate the College’s grounds and symbolise a shared culture. • With Geelong Performing Arts Centre (GPAC): ‘Short Black Opera’ a program which immersed Aboriginal students from years 4 to 6 in an extensive one week workshop with renowned singer and educator Deborah Cheetham. The finale of the program was a public concert for the local community. • With the Department of Education and Training (DET): ‘Sista Respect’ a program of ten sessions where a Koorie Education Support Worker delivers a program about young Aboriginal Women’s health to Year 7 and 8 students.
Naturally a very strong relationship exists with the Wathaurong community, and a unique experience has been offered this year by Uncle David Tournier (Wathaurong Co-op) where Aboriginal students who are in Years Prep to Two have begun to learn the local Wathaurong language. “I love learning the Wathuarong Language and working with Uncle David Tournier. He is the best!” Bella Taylor (Grade 2) Northern Bay College is a school that respects, acknowledges and celebrates Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. It has shown commitment to improve the educational outcomes for all their Aboriginal students, whilst continuing to build and strengthen reconciliation in the Geelong Region. The seed has been planted and “From little things, Big things grow!”
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Aboriginal Cultural Centre
Narana, which has been inducted into the Victorian Tourism Hall of Fame, is an Aboriginal Cultural Tourism and Education Centre which seeks to build understanding of Aboriginal history and culture in a welcoming, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, through personal interaction with groups and individuals from all community backgrounds. Nestled amongst native trees, walkways, gardens and our resident emus is our Cultural Display and Performance building, Art Gallery, Café Narana and retail outlet. Entry to Narana is free, and presentations can be booked at a moderate price. Narana is a division of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress that is the Aboriginal arm of the Uniting Church in Australia. The emphasis is on building healthy relationships and developing a shared understanding. The Congress is wholly controlled by Aboriginal people and works with Aboriginal people building self-reliance and a new future. Narana is a non-profit organisation dedicated to developing better community awareness of Aboriginal culture Cultural Education programs are delivered by expert staff who will fill your mind with the wonders of Australia’s Indigenous Culture, connection to the land, spirituality, laws, cultural designs, Dreaming stories and more. Narana offer a large range of cultural programs to a widely varied client base and are developed to suit the interest, age, background of the visitors to the centre, whether they are primary school children or business people on ‘time out’ from a conference. The cultural program experience includes plenty of ‘hands on participation’, and is not just viewing, but actually sharing in the richness of the Australian Aboriginal cultural background. Some of the programs for kids include Dreamings For Kids (suitable for kindergarten to year 3) in which the children explore language, watch a didgeridoo performance and
boomerang throwing, hear dreamtime stories and games and go on a garden walk and visit emu’s. Dreamings And Bush Tucker For Kids (suitable for kindergarten to year 3) includes damper and kangaroo tasting (kangaroo/bush tomato meatballs) or boomerang painting, a didgeridoo performance, Dreamtime stories and games, boomerang throwing and a garden walk and a visit to the emu’s while Big Dreaming For Kids (suitable for kindergarten to year 3) involves boomerang painting (paint traditional, contemporary or personal designs on returnable boomerangs and take them home), damper and kangaroo tasting (kangaroo/bush tomato meatballs), a didgeridoo performance, Dreamtime stories and games, boomerang throwing, a garden walk and visiting the emu’s. During the school holidays there are school holiday activities to celebrate Naidoc Week - more on this can be found in our advert in this edition of Kids Voice. At Café Narana our chef offers an extensive menu including all day breakfast and lunch featuring dishes inspired by indigenous ingredients. Relax and enjoy our specialty Seven Seeds coffee in our spacious café or sunny deck. Some of our menu items include wild bush berries pancakes (homemade pancakes, bush berries, salted caramel ice cream and Canadian maple syrup with walnut and pecan crunch); kangaroo sliders (slow cooked kangaroo fillets, desert cajun rub-on brioche with homemade slaw on side); grilled chicken, pancetta, macadamia salad (fresh lemon myrtle marinated chicken, toasted macadamia nuts, pancetta, red onion, bush tomatoes and mixed lettuce) and a fresh Indigenous seafood tasting plate (smoked eel, salt and pepper calamari, snapper taco with a potato and green salad). smaller items on our menu include trio dip (homemade dips of the day with Zeally Bay ciabatta bread); soup of the day with fresh damper and bruschetta (freshly chopped
tomato, garlic, Spanish onion, feta and basil on ciabatta bread). Walk through Narana’s Art Gallery that exhibits and sells artworks, to suit all budgets, showcasing internationally acclaimed and emerging Indigenous artists from across Australia. Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre is inviting everyone to help celebrate NAIDOC week by participating in our “We All Stand On Sacred Ground” Art/Crafts/ Photography Exhibition. All arts, crafts and photographs will be hung or displayed in the Narana Exhibition and Gallery space for two weeks. All entries must be accompanied by a story and pricing for catalogue, and must be delivered by the 13 July. A people’s choice award will be judged on the night of the opening Friday 17 July at 7pm. This year the theme “We All Stand On Sacred Ground” highlights Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ strong spiritual and cultural connection to land and sea. The theme is an opportunity to pay respects to country; honour those who worked tirelessly on preserving land, sea, and culture and to share the stories of many sites of significance or sacred places with the nation. With a proud history of supporting live music, the first ever Narana Music Festival was held back in 2004 featured local legend Xavier Rudd as well as a then little known emerging two piece rock band from Akron, Ohio - The Black Keys, who 10 years later have conquered every major festival and stadium stage in the world. Narana is working hard to revive the music scene and earlier this year held the first ever Narana Unplugged event. Utilising Narana’s unique performance spaces from The Circle to the Boomerang Range, The Deck and the Curragundi Gardens, music lovers were able to immerse themselves in the sounds and sights across the whole Narana site. Narana plans to hold more music events.
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My 8-year old is one of the best salespeople I‘ve ever met. And I’ve met some of the world’s best. He’s not unique though. Any parent will tell you their children are incredible persuaders. If they want something – be it a skateboard, an ice-cream or an app– they’ll try every trick in the book and they won’t let up until they get it either. Like all great salespeople, children are dogged. They’ll present one reason after another as to why they should have it. If that doesn’t work, they’ll throw a tantrum. If that doesn’t work, they’ll sulk. And so on, until, beaten down by sheer exhaustion, we give in. Sold! I’ve recently interviewed thirty-five of Australia’s top entrepreneurs for a book about online business and I’ve discovered that getting their own way (or in corporate lingo ‘having influence’) is indeed the secret to their success too. It seems that children and entrepreneurs have a lot in common. The only difference is entrepreneurs consciously wield their skills to achieve a desired result. Children? Not so much. They take a hit-and-miss approach and hope for the best. This revelation got me thinking – what if we could teach children to be consciously aware of the skills they already demonstrate naturally; to teach them the entrepreneurial skills they already know but make them conscious of how, when and where to use them? 10 years from now, the working world our children will face will be significantly different to the one we’re in now, and the skills and attributes that entrepreneurs naturally exhibit will be needed by everyone not just to succeed, but to survive. Could our children learn something from what entrepreneurs have to offer? I think so. Here’s three reasons why I believe we need to provide our children with entrepreneurial skills before they leave school: 1. Jobs won’t be guaranteed. By the time an 8-year old graduates from university, they’ll be competing with a highly educated, global workforce, many of them prepared to work for less, and do more for it.To get the best jobs, our children will need to be outstanding persuaders, capable of adding not just technical value but wisdom, knowledge and relevancy. 2. They’ll have five careers before they’re 50. The rapidly changing nature of technology will force our children to reinvent their careers maybe five times before they’re fifty. They’ll need to know how to learn quickly, demonstrate immediate competence and build strategic networks.To learn quickly and
of the most valuable talents any person, entrepreneur or not, could aspire to. In a world where our children will increasingly have to demonstrate a wide range of skills to secure rewarding and ongoing employment, is it worth considering adding ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ to the primary school curriculum? I may not be able to convince you of it in this article, but I bet my 8-year old son could if there was a skateboard, an ice cream or an app at the end of it. Five tips on how to encourage your child’s entrepreneurial skills: Not all children are born to be entrepreneurs, but developing entrepreneurial skills will help them negotiate the stormy working world that awaits them:
Why we need to teach our kids to be entrepreneurs on-the-job, our children will need to have superior questioning abilities, be exceptional listeners and display high-level presentation skills. 3. Everyone will need to be a salesperson. Whether you’re selling motor cars, milk or meditation courses, everyone will need to learn how to sell. In a marketplace crowded with competitors being able to sell a product, concept or vision will be the only true way to guarantee a paycheck.To become great at selling, our children will need to be able to decipher body language in an instant and respond accordingly; be empathetic and emotionally intelligent. If you’ve ever read the biographies of Richard Branson, Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey you’ll know it’s not their technical ability but that indefinable ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ that made them successful. After all, Richard doesn’t fly, Steve didn’t write code and Oprah doesn’t edit. What they excelled at was communicating their vision and drawing out the best in others. Perhaps one
1. Curate for them a range of inspiring websites and let them choose what they watch. Sites like online tutoring site Khan Academy, TED talks for kids, wikiHow and others will give them access to worlds and wisdom they might not discover on their own. 2. Encourage them to use persuasive thinking skills whenever possible. If they want something – icecream for dessert, a ticket to the footy or an outing to the cinema, ask them to persuade you of it. Just for fun. 3. Inspire them to develop their public speaking skills. Rotary and other community clubs offer schoolchildren training in how to become better presenters and often offer prizes and scholarships for those who show promise. 4. Help them to learn how to build a simple app or a board game to stimulate their creativity, problem solving abilities and computational skills. Telstra and Microsoft now offer after-school coding camps. 5. Let them indulge their passions. If they love something, encourage it, even if it doesn’t look like it could lead to a profitable career. If they can find work experience in the field, even better as it’ll build confidence, competence and contacts. Bernadette Schwerdt is the director of the Australian School of Copywriting, a university lecturer, an online marketing strategist and the author of the new book, ‘Secrets of Online Entrepreneurs (How Australia’s Online Mavericks, Innovators and Disruptors Built Their Businesses…And How You Can Too.) To download a sample chapter and access free resources on how to build an online business, go to www.BernadetteSchwerdt.com.au.
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A L L I M A L L I Maygroup Pl
Milla-Milla Playgroup was established in 1983. It was formed by a group of Aboriginal mum’s and dad’s living in and around the Geelong district. The playgroup’s first premises were situated at Forster St, Norlane, adjacent to the previous Wathaurong Co-Operative. The Co-Op was originally in an office on the Waterfront, and then moved out to Forster St-Norlane. The mum’s and dad’s wanted to come together in one place where they could engage with each other and their children, in a comfortable environment. They soon realised that it was great for everyone. All the parents were interacting with their children, children were able to play with other Aboriginal children, parent’s developed friendships with other families and Aboriginal cultural stories and knowledge was shared around the playgroup which showed a positive effect on the community and their cultural identity. It has been 35 years since the beginning of the playgroup and the playgroup has continued to be a strong link in the Wathaurong Community today. Three generations of families have been a part of playgroup over these years. It has made a positive impact on children and families in a lot of ways; identity, knowledge, culture and belonging. Three generations of mothers, auntie’s, uncles, fathers, carers, children, and grandchildren. Grandparents have passed thru and enjoyed and gathered, a lot of Koorie culture while connecting at playgroup over these 35 years. Playgroup has progressed from the early days operating 1-2 days a week, to operating 3 days a week - Monday (off-site), Thursday and Friday 11.00am-1.00pm. Playgroup started with 6-7 families attending back in 1983 and currently we have 51 families utilising playgroup. The playgroup building also provides a place for main stream services to come in and run programs they see valuable to the community - safety awareness, health, age and key stage development, cultural awareness, birthing programs, just to name few! The building over in Forster Street became too small and the building was in a poor state. COGG worked closely with the Co-operative to improve the playgroup building. It was then decided we would lobby for a new building as it would be too costly to upgrade the Forster Street building. At the time of lobbying for a new building, we had approximately 20-30 families attending, so we out-grew it fairly quickly. Seven years later after a lot of hard work we now have a beautiful Children’s Service Building, which our Community is very proud of. We call our new building Wathaurong Children’s Services but playgroup is still called Milla-Milla (known as a happy place-named by the original parents who established it). Milla Milla Playgroup facilitates Koorie structured programs for 0-5 year olds. This includes Koorie art and craft activities, making boomerangs, painting didgeridoos, rock painting, reading cultural stories, etc. We also do cultural dancing, storytelling by our Elders, and implement traditional game physical activities (outdoor play). We hope to achieve positive self esteem, improve identity, increase cultural knowledge, engage families in the community to attend community days and events and provide families with a friendly safe environment to attend with their children and provide a structured program at playgroup to improve developmental stages in each Koorie child. It makes it easier for a child transition to kinder and school as they have learnt about routine and structures. The playgroup along with the other services available at Wathaurong provides a holistic place for all Aboriginal families. It creates strong foundations for lifelong learning, health and wellbeing. For the past four years, we have shared our facility with the Early Learning Centre at Rosewall (kindergarten) who tragically lost their building due to fire. We have a fantastic working relationship with the staff at kinder. It has a 3 and 4 year old program. Rosewall Kindergarten has 16 Aboriginal children with 9 Non-Indigenous children attending. Kinder operates on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.30am-1.30pm. There is currently 5-6 staff, who alternate their days. The Playgroup Facilitator’s, KPSA (Koorie Preschool Assistant) as well as Best Start, In-Home Support and other Wathaurong Co-Op Services, facilitate programs from playgroup. This may be from cooking classes with the mum’s, to basket weaving, parenting courses, special day’s- (Mother’s/Father’s Day) etc. The building is very diverse, and well occupied. It is in a great location, as we are adjacent to the Co-op, parents have easy access to services like housing, courses for employment etc. It is also built beneath the Wathaurong Medical Service, which puts minds at ease, knowing if anything serious occurred to any of the children within 20-30 steps you have medical help.
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The Deakin University Institute of Koorie Education provides community-
based learning and was designed to allow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to study without having to travel away from their communities for long periods. In 2016 the program will have been running for 30 years after starting in 1986 when Deakin University offered two programs for Koories – the Koorie Teacher Education Program (K.T.E.P.) and a final year program for Batchelor College graduates. The Institute’s programs offer off-campus community-based delivery supported by on-campus intensive study blocks and complemented by local tutors at regional study centres. Students from all areas; rural, remote and metropolitan, and across all age ranges, particularly mature age, are able to undertake studies without compromising their family and community obligations. In Australia, only a very small number of universities offer degree courses through off-campus study mode and among these, it is Deakin that has developed a comprehensive and sustained range of course offerings. The Institute of Koorie Education prides itself on being able to develop customised, appropriate teaching styles and timetabling arrangements, together with the incorporation of Koorie cultural knowledge and perspectives into the curriculum, which can then be negotiated between the Institute of Koorie Education and Faculty Academic Staff. This approach to course delivery promotes access and equity for Indigenous Australian students. The Institute’s administrative and academic staff provide an extensive range of services, which support the students with their academic endeavours. Services include, co-ordinating the provision of tutorial assistance, ensuring the availability of appropriate lecture/tutorial rooms, providing support to students in the use of computer technology, managing the travel and accommodation needs of students, providing an induction service and generally being available to advise and respond to the specific needs or problems of students as they arise. www.deakin.edu.au/ike
Wurdi Youang is an Aboriginal stone arrangement located at Mount
Rothwell, near Little River and is important for its cultural heritage. The Wathaurung Aboriginal Co-operative took ownership of the title to the area in August 2006 and plans are underway to identify all species or flora and fauna at the property. The stones are arranged in an oval shape, comprising of about 100 basalt stones ranging in size, and were built by the Wathaurong people. There are three prominent stones at the highest point of the shape, at the western end and are claimed to mark the positions of the setting sun at the solstices and equinoxes. Older than Stonehenge, this stone circle is an astronomical marker and it has been suggested that the Aborigines may have been the world’s first astronomers.
Source: The Daily Telegraph
The Wathaurong netball team play every Wednesday night (school terms) at the Corio Leisure Centre. This is a social activity for the girls to come together and play, the age group is from prep (who play net set go program) right up to the 17 year olds. The social netball has been running for around 5 years with the support of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-Operative, who help fund the sport. Wathaurong also complete in the VACSAL junior netball and football carnival every year during the September school holidays.
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Surfside Waves Soccer Club
Surfside Waves Soccer Club are embarking on a new programme to get kids active from three years old! The new program is called AIA Vitality MiniRoos kick off and the club had a come and try day on 9th May. So successful was the come and try day that numbers had to be limited. The idea behind this is very much a focus on fun and being out in the fresh air exercising. The club have recruited four coaches, three of them females to run the twelve week program that started on 23rd May. Program Manager Cath Sattler says ‘anything that gets kids active and enjoying themselves whilst exercising has to be a good thing.’ Cath who is also one of the coaches has recruited a great team in Sophorn Thea, Talisha Sparks and Andy Sattler. Between them all they have a wealth of experience of soccer and have enthusiasm to burn! All have played for some time and between Cath and Andy there is 75 years experience of the soccer world! We feel that having three female coaches sends out a very strong message to kids that soccer is for both boys and girls, it’s vital for youngsters to have role models like this that they can follow and look up to. As a club we have worked really hard to embrace equality, bringing back the women’s team after four years of not fielding one, having four qualified female coaches at the club are just some of the positive steps the club has taken in this direction. So far on the program a massive one third of Miniroos Kick off registrations are girls.
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MUSIC ARTS Photos by Brad Wilson
SHORT BLACK OPERA FOR KIDS Short Black Opera for Kids is... a free regional program developed to empower Aboriginal children through song, dance, visual arts and storytelling (acting). The program is designed for students in years 4, 5 and 6 and aims to inspire confidence, leadership and excellence. The program is facilitated by Yorta Yorta Soprano, Composer and Educator Deborah Cheetham AO and has been implemented across Australia. The Short Black Opera program (SBO) in Geelong was co-ordinated by the Geelong Performing Arts Centre, Education Manager Kelly Clifford with support from the Department of Education, Koorie Engagement Support Officers and teachers from across the region. The program ran from the 16th to the 20th March bringing together twenty-eight indigenous children from seven schools,including the four campuses of Northern Bay College. The SBO program was presented in two parts; with a workshop program running every morning for three hours across the week,followed by a community concert on the final day. During the workshop program Deborah brought all the children together to share stories, to talk about identity and history and to celebrate Koorie Culture,through music and song. This process was especially important because: • Many indigenous students across the region are often
isolated or separated from other indigenous students. • The program focused on empowering, encouraging and inspiring the students to be “great” not just good. • Deborah was a strong positive indigenous role model. • Deborah talked to the students about having pride in their country, culture and their place in modern society. • Deborah taught the students songs about empowerment and social justice. On the final day, Friday the students had one more rehearsal before the Community Concert performance in front of family, friends and community members. In total 120 people came to the concert to support and celebrate the student’s work, with the students singing the following songs:
Deborah and Jess and with the other Aboriginal kids.” – Kiarah.age 10. Following on from the concert a small group of children sang two of the SBO songs at the Reconciliation in the Park event in Geelong on the 31st May and two children have been given scholarships to sing with the Dhungala Choral Connection co-ordinated by Deborah. While Deborah was in Geelong she also ran a Master Class in singing with Indigenous and Non-Indigenous trainee teachers at Deakin University. This workshop focused on music education in the classroom and how teachers can enhance students’ knowledge, by having the confidence to demonstrate and perform in front of students. As demonstrated by Deborah.
Deborah also gave a presentation to the students at Deakin University, Institute of Koorie Education about her • Do you know me? Music by Deborah Cheetham - Lyrics life and career. She spoke historically about the politics in Australia and highlighted the importance of being the best by Dhungala Children’s Choir person you can, which meant not being restricted by the • No School Today – from Pecan Summer, by Deborah opinions and judgement of non-indigenous people. Overall Cheetham she was a strong, dynamic positive role model for all • Why we sing – by Greg Gilpin Indigenous groups. By the end of the concert there wasn’t a dry eye in the More information about the Short Black Opera program house, as proud parents and community members can be found www.deborahcheetham.com/short_black_ enthusiastically applauded, giving the children a standing opera_company ovation. This program could not have happened without the When asked, all the children involved in the program said support of Vic Health, Artistic Merit, headspace Geelong, they would love to participate in it again: VicWestCommuntiy Telco and the Department Of “I loved this program so much and I am thrilled to have the Education & Training. opportunity.” – Yalanda age 11 By Kelly Clifford - Youth and Education “The best part about the program was singing with Geelong Performing Arts Centre • BuraFera – traditional Yorta Yorta song
JULY 2015 - PAGE 23
DEADLY DANCERS The Deadly Dancers are a troupe of young Aboriginal children aged between 3 and 14 years old. The children have grown up strong on Wathaurong country and perform numerous dances, which are a way of the children sharing stories through dance which is a strong tradition of Aboriginal Culture. Sharing stories through dances instils a proud and strong Aboriginal identity within the children and spiritually connects them to their culture. Well-known local Didgeridoo player Norm Stanley also plays the didge for the performances, bringing a strong traditional sound to the dances. Corrina O’Toole is the manager of the dance troupe and she believes that giving the children the opportunity to learn and perform traditional dance will give them strong confidence and proud identity to grow into strong leaders. The dancers often perform a reconciliation dance which gives all people the opportunity to join in the dance and perform a big mob reconciliation dance. They want to share their culture, educate the community of the traditional stories and continue to walk towards stronger reconciliation. The children have performed at a number of major events including the opening of the Australian Indigenous Titles at The Rip Curl Pro which was broadcast on NITV, Geelong After Dark, Skilled Stadium prior to a Geelong game, many reconciliation events, have been part of a film clip with Mark Holden and will shortly be starring in a children show. Last month, for Reconciliation Week, the boys troupe of the Deadly Dancers and Corrina were nominated by the City of Greater Geelong for a reconciliation HART award in recognition of “the enormous contribution they have made to Cultural Education and Reconciliation in the City”. They came second and were Highly Commended. This was a great achievement for the troupe and allows them to keep promoting the indigenous culture, which is the oldest culture in the world. The Deadly Dancers also won the Wathaurong Junior Naidoc award in 2014 For more information, contact Corrina O’Toole Traditional Wadda Wurrung Women - 0438034716
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Visit to the Centre
A group of Our World students from Christian College recently went on a ten day trip to central Australia – and I was lucky to be one of them. Our trip would take us to Uluru, Kata Tjuta, Finke (Alputula), and Alice Springs, stopping off at Coober Pedy and Mt Ebenezer on the long bus ride home. We caught a flight to Alice Springs and as we walked out of the airport at Alice Springs I expected it to be really hot, but when we got outside it was very windy and cold.
are students the same age as me that are faced with many challenges, like moving away from home and family at 13 to attend secondary school in Alice Springs or Adelaide. The vision that I had of Finke was that the school would be poor and rundown with limited learning equipment, but it was very colourful and well resourced. It was a good learning environment.
We spent time playing games with the kids, doing craft projects and then the following day, together with the We drove for ages to get to Uluru and when we got closer Finke school kids, we went on an excursion to find Maku we could see it from the bus and were amazed by its size (Witchetty Grubs) and Bush Onions. We all hopped on and the colour. We got off the bus and stared up at Uluru in the bus and drove out of Finke to a little place on the main amazement. We were speechless. The colour of Uluru had road to Finke. There was a certain bush where we would changed. Instead of it being a red/orange colour, it now find the Witchetty Grubs and it was fun to watch the kids had a purple tinge to it. I learned a lot about the stories the run around and eat them. They knew where to find and Aboriginal’s have passed down and I thought the way they hunt the grubs, the knowledge of which would have been learn is very interesting and makes me think about the way passed down to them by the elders. A couple of ladies from I am taught. I liked the way the sun hit Uluru. We learned the community came along to help us find the grubs. They about Uluru and its spiritual connection to the Indigenous also taught us how and where to find them. I didn’t get the people. We got to have some quiet time at Uluru and as I chance to eat them because there weren’t enough, but sat and wrote my journal, looking up at Uluru, hearing the apparently they tasted like butter with a hint of nuts. We birds chirp and the trees sway with the wind, I realised how then walked to a dry riverbed, which the kids started to dig privileged I was that I was able to go to such a beautiful down into and found water and frogs. place and gain knowledge of it. The next day we went for a The next day we spent at the school, making books of our walk around Kata Tjuta. Personally, I think that Kata Tjuta time at Finke. My buddy wasn’t here for a lot of the time we was more interesting to look at than Uluru, because it had were but we still made the book. I felt bad for her because so many mountains and a beautiful view. Uluru and Kata she had just come back from hospital because of problems Tjuta are both very significant to the Anangu people. with her kidneys. This made me wonder how many kids The main aim of our Our World experience was to visit the town of Finke and spend a few days there interacting with the children at the local school. When we first arrived at Finke all I could see was dirt and some small houses. As we arrived at the school, I was quite nervous to see the kids and meet the teachers. When we walked into the classroom, I saw a lot of bright happy faces. By the time we had finished setting up our tents, the kids were growing restless and just wanted to play with us. I met a few kids and kicked the soccer ball with them. I noticed that the kids never grew tired and were just full of energy. My final thoughts of Finke that night were that it would be a privilege to help the kids there and that it is sad that there
go through this and how often this happens. I knew before I came that Indigenous communities face greater health challenges than the rest of Australia. Lack of access to hospitals and doctors was one thing that was apparent. When I came face to face with this, it made me feel very sad and upset. These kids have to go through so much, we seem like wimps compared to them. For the rest of the day we just stayed at the school and did some more art stuff. The day we had to leave Finke was really emotional and we really did not want to go. We had developed such a strong bond with the kids and the town. In the morning we read some of the stories that we made the day before with the kids. We then did some painting outside with our
buddies. My buddy and I talked a lot and she was always asking me for piggybacks. We decided to make a simple painting and when we had finished we thought it looked amazing and I had somehow got paint all over my arms and legs. By then it was time to say goodbye, which none of us wanted to do, but we had to. After a sad departure, we were on the bus where we would stay for the next seven hours. Over the next few days we had a great amount of time to reflect on our experiences while watching the vast landscape change out the bus window. Some of our observations made while we were at Finke included the fact that there were lots of young mums and dads; students had difficulty reading due to the following factors - attendance, English being their second language and maybe a lack of reading at home. There was no local high school and so many children wanting to go to high school had to move to Alice Springs. The community was very remote and teachers’ families were a long way away so it is difficult to get teachers that are committed to stay for a long enough time to get to know everyone in the community. It was great to see that the elders in the community were being listened to by the police. They would inform the officers of issues they believed were important and the police would help enforce them. For example many kids would wander around late at night so they introduced a community curfew, the police couldn’t lock the kids up but if they saw them out at night they had to help clean the rec centre the next day. It demonstrated how vital it is for government policy makers to consider each community before they create general policies. Arriving home I felt a sense of culture shock. I realised how lucky I have it and how grateful I am for the quality of life I enjoy. I am now more aware of the challenges that are faced by Indigenous children my same age. I have made friends that I will never forget and will always defend and stick up for when I hear racial comments or I believe I see misrepresentations in the media. I hope that one day I might get the chance to visit the Finke community again and I will always be more compassioned when it comes to understanding social and cultural differences.
JULY 2015 - PAGE 25
1. Slice apples in to slithers as thick as you like, make sure to slice them so that the core pieces are in the middle of each circle.
1. Put the whole box of baking soda in a large container. Then, slowly mix in shaving cream. 2. As you slowly mix in the shaving cream you will discover a fantastic mold-able snow. The snow is super soft, silky smooth, and smells so clean and fresh. It is also naturally cold, just like freshly fallen powdered snow! you can even add some glitter for extra dazzle! 3. Surprise your kids even further by filling a spray bottle with vinegar.
2. Use a round cookie cutter to cut out the nasty core part on each slice. Once the vinegar makes contact with the ‘snow’ it erupts into a foamy winter wonderland!
3. Combine ingredients to make batter and coat apple pieces. Pat the apple pieces with a paper towel, so the batter sticks to the apple better. 4. Make sure oil in frying pan is hot enough to fry apple slices. You can test this by dropping a tiny bit of batter in there to see if it sizzles. 5. Place apple slices in there, once one side is golden flip them over to crisp up the other side. 6. Once cooked sit them on paper towel to soak up an access oil and dip them in the cinnamon and sugar while still warm.
TIP: Allow them to cool on a cooling rack rather than a plate to prevent them sweating and going soggy!
PAGE 26 - JULY 2015
Paul Collins & Sean McMullen - Ford St Publishing
There is no lower rank than cabin boy on the warship Invincible. But Dantar knows he is important, because anyone who threatens his life gets turned into a pile of ashes. His older sister Velza is a shapecasting warrior, in a world where only men fight. Until now. Together they must solve the mystery of broken magic and escape the dragon.
Melbourne University Publishing Australian storytellers write about becoming a mother. In Mothermorphosis, some of Australia’s most talented writers and storytellers share their own experiences of motherhood. In telling their stories they articulate the complex internal conflicts, the exhilaration and the absurdity of the transformation that takes place when we become mothers. We read about the yearning for a child, the private and public expressions of maternal love, the questioning, uncertainty and unexpected delight, as well as unfathomable loss. Mothermorphosis reveals that there is no ‘right’ version of this epic experience and no single tale that could ever speak for all mothers. Yet it is in reading about other women’s experiencesthe hard bits, the joyous bits and even the ridiculous bits-that we can become more compassionate, not just to other mothers but hopefully to ourselves.
NJ Gemmell - Randomhouse
A cheeky news series! Coco Banjo to the rescue! Coco Banjo loves her life. She sleeps in a tiger onesie, wears her mum’s diamonds just because she can, and has dolphins and penguins for friends. Today Coco’s planning a Yay Day of fun on her secret island home in the middle of Sydney Harbour. But wait... what’s that Secret Signal? Oh no, Narianna (known as N) is being bullied! Coco sets off for school to rescue her. But when cranky school principal Miss Trample sees Coco’s school uniform (customised, thank you very much), Coco might be in even more trouble than her best friend. How will she get out of this one? hopefully to ourselves.
Crown & Andrews and Goliath Games
This super cool bunny has planted a carrot garden around his hill. The only way to get him to jump off the hill is to pick the right carrot. The youngest player starts by flicking the spinner to see how many carrots to pull from Jack’s bunny hill. Play will continue until pulling out the carrot that makes Jack jump. Catch him to win! Suitable for ages 4 and up with 2-4 players.
Riley is a happy, hockey-loving 11-year-old Midwestern girl, but her world turns upside-down when she and her parents move to San Francisco. Riley’s emotions, which live in Headquarters and led by Joy, try to guide her through this difficult, life-changing event. However, the stress of the move brings Sadness (Phyllis Smith) to the forefront. When Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches of Riley’s mind, the only emotions left in Headquarters are Anger, Fear and Disgust.
Paper Towns is a teen coming-of-age movie, based on the novel by author John Green (The Fault in Our Stars). The main star is Quentin, whose neighbour Margo is his childhood friend. However they have drifted apart but he still has feelings for her. After going on an all-night adventure through their hometown, Margo doesn’t arrive at school the following day. Quention begins a search for her, based on clues in her disappearance.
7 TUBE HEROES Jazwares
Tube HeroesT come from all around the Digitalverse. They’re among you, everyday people that have chosen to transform themselves into something never before seen. They exist to protect the Digitalverse from anything that may threaten its existence. Bringing great entertainment to the masses is an added bonus. Tube Heroes are a new line of Minecraft-style action figures and plushies based on YouTube stars. Some of the characters include Captain Sparklez, Sky, AntVenom and Exploding TNT figures.
JULY 2015 - PAGE 27
27 June - 12 July Winter School Holiday Program 2015 at the National Wool Museum, 26-32 Moorabool St, Geelong. Various school holiday programs daily Monday to Friday. 29 June - 10 July Kelly Sports Holiday Program, Tate Street Primary School, Tate Street, East Geelong. Operating from Tate Street Primary School in East Geelong our coaches will keep your kids active and engaged these school holidays! Bring your kids down to experience all the fun and excitement we have planned from all sports to crazy games! Simply pack your child with a water bottle, lunch and enough healthy snacks to get them through a full day of activities and we’ll provide the fun! 8am - 5pm. Costs
daily. Three sessions a day. See the Narana “Singet dem advert in this edition of Kids Voice. Classes Herrn”. Don’t miss $5 and cookery classes $8 the opportunity to hear the exquisite 5 July singing of these Geelong Dance Showcase, GPAC, 50 talented young Little Malop St. Without a doubt a highlight singers—the of the July school holidays is the Geelong best from around Dance Showcase. Proudly presented by Australia. Come the Geelong Dance Network Inc. this high energy dance performance is to be staged and be immersed in GPAC’s Playhouse Theatre. This event is in the glorious extremely unique in that we have the energy sound of the human voice! and excitement of over 20 dance studios/ 7.30pm Costs schools & 300 performers from Geelong and the surrounding region coming together to display their talent. The Showcase is a ‘must do’ on the Geelong Dance Calendar with many of the schools/studios involved planning and rehearsing their dance works months in advance. 3pm Costs
9 July More Crafty Creatures School Holiday Activities, Botanic 29 June - 10 July Gardens, 1-49 foRT and North School Holiday program. Garden St, East 8 July Various venues and times. www.facebook. Geelong. Discover South Holiday Program, Youth Space, com/TeenActivitiesGeelong Grovedale Neighbourhood Hub, 45 Heyers creatures which live in the Botanic Gardens. 29 June - 10 July Road, Grovedale. Youth Drop-in and poster Participate in a “bug walk” and see real YMCA School Holiday Program, 25 bugs close up. Make your own crafty art activity. Work with an artist to learn Riversdale Road, Newtown. The YMCA creature. Help weave our “crafty creatures” new drawing skills, lay out & composition Geelong school holiday program has habitat. Children must be accompanied by of poster art, design and create poster art. two amazing programs planned for the Youth Drop In Space Open: X-box, Foosball, an adult. Suitable for children aged 3-10. upcoming winter school holidays. We have Table Tennis, Wii and more. 1-4.30pm. Free This activity is both indoor and outdoor so done extensive planning and re-shaping come dressed for both. 10am-12pm. Costs 9 July of our program and are now offering one 12 July More Crafty Creatures School Holiday jam-packed program for all ages, with an Point Lonsdale Primary School Market, Activities, Botanic Gardens, 1-49 Garden accompanying excursion program to our Point Lonsdale Primary School, Point St, East Geelong. Discover creatures which Camp Wyuna in Queenscliff. 7.30am - 6pm. Lonsdale. The Point Lonsdale Primary live in the Botanic Gardens. Participate in Costs School Market is held on the second a “bug walk” and see real bugs close up. 29 June – 10 July Make your own crafty creature. Help weave Sunday every month, Easter Saturday and 3219 School Holiday Program, Whittington our “crafty creatures” habitat. Children must the first Saturday in December. 9am - 2pm. LINC, Solar Dr, Whittington. Come down to Free be accompanied by an adult. Suitable for the Bellarine Living and Learning Centre this children aged 3-10. This activity is both 15 July school holidays for skate ramps and activity indoor and outdoor so come dressed for The Gordon NAIDOC Art Exhibition, The days! There will be heaps of activities such both. 10am-12pm. Costs Gordon Gallery, 2 Fenwick St Geelong. as Xbox, art and crafts, giant games and Local Aboriginal community artists and 7-10 July more! Various times. Free Gordon students exhibition to help celebrate Hansel and Gretel, The Potato Shed, 1 July NAIDOC Week 2015. 6pm. Free Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Hansel and South Holiday Program, Waurn Ponds Gretel, the classic tale with a whole stack 17 July Library, 140 Pioneer Road, Waurn Ponds. of modern twists - ready to delight locals Pyjama Party at The Potato Shed - BYAC Movie night. Can you guess? It’s going to be and tourists alike. With a growing demand Winter Wonderland, The Potato Shed, MARVEL....OUS! A V _ N _ ER _ Featuring for local live entertainment for children Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. The Bellarine super heros coming together: something during the school holidays, 3222 for Kids Youth Action Crew (BYAC) is excited to big and green, an American, a super suit, a have come up trumps again to provide their be organising a massive Pyjama party to hammer thrower. Popcorn and Pizza will be young audience a popular fairytale with a be held at the Potato Shed. This event is supplied. 6-8pm Free modern day slant. With colourful sets and for young people aged 12-25. Throughout 2 July costumes, catchy songs, and larger than life the night young people will enjoy a range More Crafty Creatures School Holiday characters, Hansel and Gretel will provide of activities including pizza, music, prizes Activities, Botanic Gardens, 1-49 Garden enchantment for everyone, even the old for best dressed, onesies, henna, photo St, East Geelong. Discover creatures which at heart. With eight shows in all during booth, movie. Why not dress up, join in the live in the Botanic Gardens. Participate in the second week of the school holidays, fun and get your photo taken in your best a “bug walk” and see real bugs close up. tickets can be booked at the Potato Shed in evening wear (that is: pyjamas, onesies, Make your own crafty creature. Help weave Drysdale. 10.30–11.30am Costs and/or slippers!). This is a fully supervised, our “crafty creatures” habitat. Children must no drugs, no smoking and no alcohol event. 9 July be accompanied by an adult. Suitable for 6-9pm. Free National Youth Choir, The Basilica of St. children aged 3-10. This activity is both Mary of the Angels, 136 Yarra St, Geelong. 17 July indoor and outdoor so come dressed for The National Youth Choir of Australia Amaze (Autism Victoria) Introductory both. 10am-12pm. Costs celebrates its 20th anniversary with special Workshop, Cloverdale Community Centre, 5 - 12 July guests The Australian Boys Choir. The 167-169 Purnell Road, Corio. The Early Narana Aboriginal Centre, 410 Surf Coast concert features Benjamin Britten’s “A Boy Days Workshops are for parents and carers Highway, Geelong. School holiday activities was Born“ and J. S. Bach’s mighty motet, of young children (aged 0 - 6) who have
a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or who are currently undergoing a diagnosis. Amaze (formerly Autism Victoria) facilitates these workshops in Victoria. The Introductory Workshop covers: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: what your child’s ASD means for you and your family, Practical strategies to assist the child with an ASD and your family, How to select and maximise an early intervention service, Choosing interventions and therapies; how to get the most out of services for children with ASD. Workshops are free for parents and carers. A light lunch is provided. 9.30am - 3pm Free 18 July School Sport Australia - Australian Football Championships, various football grounds in Geelong. School Sport Australia Australian Football Championships ready for kick off in Geelongl The 12 Years and Under boys, 15 Years and Under boys and 16 Years and Under Girls School Sport Australia (SSA) Australian Football Championships will kick off in Geelong on Saturday, July 18 with all states and territories preparing for what is one of the most exciting school competitions in the country. Hosted by School Sport Victoria (SSV), the championships will be held at various football grounds around the Geelong area with day 1 of competition kicking off with an opening ceremony at the Simonds stadium on Sunday, July 19 at 8.30am. Boys and girls selected schools squads from Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, ACT, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania will all battle to be crowned the SSA National Australian Football Champion with final matches taking shape on Saturday, July 25. 12 - 6pm daily. 26 July Picadilly Market, Deakin Waterfront University.