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Celebrating Our Male Authors!
On Thanksgiving Day 1961, Wes Schum was unstoppable. His Central Electronics Company had produced the world’s most advanced single- sideband transmitter, setting the Amateur Radio World ablaze. Three months later, it was all over. 60 years later, learn why and what could have been.
Jeff Geiger Jr.
The Honorable Judge John W. McClarty shares his story of a Black youth’s dream to become a lawyer and the obstacles he overcame to successfully accomplish his goal. With family photos and family history, he details his struggles and how he accomplished success.
After its original publication in 1951, Those Devils in Baggy Pants sold one million copies, was a Reader’s Digest condensed book, and was translated into multiple languages. Now, years after being out of print, the hit bestseller was republished by a member of Carter’s own family—David Ross Fraley. Those Devils in Baggy Pants invites readers to join the C Company of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne Division. Order this book directly from JCP — for a discounted price and FREE shipping! Go to the “JCP Book Shop” at www.jancarolpublishing.com.
For Detective Barry Kendall, the loss nearly broke him. It’s been almost thirteen years since Holly was killed, but he’s still haunted by the sound of his girlfriend’s piercing screams. And when the screams begin to die down in his head, the image of the witch that killed Holly that day is there to take its place. Now, so many years later, Barry is working a case where two young boys have been kidnapped right out of their bedrooms. As he investigates, it becomes clear to him that the witch is not only responsible for the kidnappings, but that she’s back to end his life as well.