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from VOA E-Paper 04-03-20
by VoiceOf Asia
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FRIDAY, April 3, 2020 l Published Weekly From Houston
lENTERTAINMENT l LEISURE Asterix co-creator Albert Uderzo dies aged 92 Netflix’s ‘She’ a misguided attempt: Review
Vol. 34 • No. 14 • 16 Pages (2 sections) • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com
Harris County extends stayhome order until April 30
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Admitting that the region has still not gotten to the point of “flattening the curve,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has extended a “Stay Home, Work Safe” order, which was originally set to expire this coming Friday, until the end of April.
In a joint news conference Tuesday with Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Hidalgo urged residents to continue staying home and practicing social distancing as COVID-19 cases expand.
The order, which includes allowing operation of only essential businesses, is in effect until April 30. Health officials added cases in the Houston area should peak around May 2.
As of Tuesday, Harris County confirmed 254 coronavirus cases, with two deaths and 39 recoveries.
However, Mayor Turner also announced that the city now has at least four deaths. The city has 377 confirmed cases.
Just before the announcement, During a joint press conference with Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo extended the stay-home order in Harris County. (Screen grab KTRK)
the state of Texas extended its own social distancing order to last until the end of April as well. The state has so far surpassed 3,200 cases. At 1,158 total cases, the greater Houston area accounts for more than a third of statewide cases.
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US virus death toll exceeds China tally

WASHING- TON | AFP | Tuesday 3/31/2020 - The number of deaths in the United States from coronavirus has surpassed those reported by China, where the pandemic began in December, according to a toll published on Tuesday by Johns Hopkins University.
There have been 3,415 deaths in the US from the virus, the Baltimore-based university said, more than the 3,309 reported officially in China.
Italy has suffered the most virus deaths -- 12,428 -- according to Johns Hopkins, followed by Spain with 8,269 and then the United States.
There are 175,067 confirmed coronavirus cases in the US, the university said, the most of any country in the world.
Italy is next with 105,792 cases, followed by Spain with 94,417 and China with an official tally of 82,278. Germany has 68,180 cases and 682 deaths followed by France and its overseas territories with 45,232 cases and 3,032 deaths, Johns Hopkins said. There have been 3,415 COVID-19 deaths in the US, more than the 3,309 reported officially in China. (AFP Photo/Bryan R. Smith)
Judge stops Texas from banning abortions during coronavirus crisis

Over 12,000 families join BAPS Hindu Mandirs in Mahapuja for global wellbeing during pandemic
Abortion is a central issue in US elections due later this year. (Saul Loeb AFP Photo)
WASHINGTON | AFP | Tuesday 3/30/2020 - A US federal judge on Monday suspended a Texas state decision that included abortion among non-emergency operations banned during the coronavirus pandemic.
“The Supreme Court has spoken clearly. There can be no outright ban on such a procedure,” said federal judge Lee Yeakel in his court ruling.
Like other states, Texas has outlawed non-medical procedures so that all health equipment
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A family joins in prayers being conducted online by BAPS Mandirs. Read report on Page 6