Vof newsletter 58

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Newsletter-58 Date: 31\8\2015

Speak Out And Vote Against Those Who Condone the Taking of Human Life Jesus said to His disciples, "Ye are the light of the world" (Mt. 5:14). Isa. 58:1 says, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression...." Prov. 24:11-12 says, "Deliver those who are being taken away to death... If you say, "See, we did not know this," does He not consider it who weighs the hearts?..." And since we have the right of free speech, and since we can participate in the political process, then we have even more reason to do so. One function of government is to protect the poor and the oppressed, the weak and the helpless. If we believe the unborn are persons, and we have shown that they are, then we believe that the government should protect them. And if the government is failing in its role, that we have the right to petition our government to fulfil its role. What should we do then? It seems that one of the best ways to guarantee that government fulfills the role of protecting the helpless, unborn children of this country is through passage of a constitutional amendment concerning the right to life for the unborn. Now, lets pray for the people group to raise and work to influence the policy making people group and Government agencies for the change in the 11th Amendment –additional clause to the Muluki Ain: Clause 28 A and 28 B regarding abortion legal provision in Nepal’s constitution. -Soman Rai (Elisha)

9th August 2015 Sunday: Voice of Fetus, Nepal’s 6th General Assembly was held at Changed Life Fellowship’s Hall at Bagdole Lalitpur. Soman Rai the Executive Director presented the Annual Progress Report and Financial Report of 2014-15) in the AGM. He also presented the New FY Annual Plan and Estimated Budget of 2015\16. Mrs. Arti Kathayat the Chairman of VOF thanked all the Board members for their successful -

and fruitful three years duration in VOF and eventually declared to dismiss the Board. And the same day, the General Assembly of 60 general members elected new Board members for three years. The GM evaluated that the annual progress remained great even in the midst of different calamities caused by the massive earthquake in Nepal.

The Annual Progress report in Brief of FY 2014\15

Title of Project

Number of Direct Beneficiaries

Voice for the Voiceless (VFV) Training Partnership with 10\40 Connections

206 Christian\Non-Christian Women

Church Leader Training (CLT )Partnership with Life International (LI)- US

73 Pastors and leaders

Therefore Choose Life (TCL) partnership with Gabriel International-US

1029 Pastor, leaders, believers and other

Pathway to Sexual Purity partnership with Gabriel International and local churches

885 Christian and Non-Christian Youth

Earthquake Relief Campaigns

1196 Pregnant, new mother, lactating mother and babies

Rescue\Shelter Program to lady in crisis pregnancy, baby, single moms and adoptive family

6 Ladies in crisis pregnancy, 3-3 single mother -babies and 3-3 babies and adoptive families

The financial Report of the FY 2014\15 Printing& visual Items


The Internal Income of the Year (Membership fee, local donation from Individual-church, registration fee)


The External income of the year (Gabriel International, Life International, 10\40 Connections, Friends)


The Total Income of the Year:


Last Year Closing Balance:


Administration Expenses


Program Expenses:


The Total Expenses of the Year:




Cash at hand:


Closing Balance at Bank:


We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all our partners and friends for your valuable prayer and support throughout the Fiscal year 2014\15. “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me� Matt. 25:40

26th July, 2015 Sunday; As VOF Nepal has plan to conduct Pro-life Educational Presentation in different Nursing Campuses in Kathmandu Valley and near by districts, it conducted Pro-life Education Presentation in Scheer Memorial Nursing Campus in Banepa where more than 60 nursing student of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Year and faculty members and Principal Bishnu Rai were participated. Soman Rai(Elisha) presented four hours class to them with different creative teaching methodology. The presentation remained very affective and productive...The three students from each 1st, 2nd and 3rd year representing their own class shared wonderful comments and they were very committed to inform the knowledge to the people who come to their contact in community work and hospitals. The faculties were also thankful for the presentation...each of them were very astonished with some facts of abortion. As a whole, the presentation was an eye opening for them. 24th July, 2015 Friday; the Soman Rai was invited by the Ps. Sebastian Lepcha of Wisley Methodist Church in Kathmandu for the presentation on Sexual Purity among teenagers. More than 40 teenagers and young adults were gathered together for learning. They were informed about the changes in their sexual and reproductive behaviour during their adolescence, knowledge to handle them, friendship, love, dating, purity not virginity, purity under pressure, self-control as a fruit of Holy Spirit and New Beginning with Christ. The participants were very serious with their life and future...after the presentation. Thank you so much Pastor and leaders of WM Church.

25th July, 2015 Saturday; On the initiative of Believers Church Narayanthan Kathmandu VOF facilitated CLT on the Sanctity of Human life among the 40 pastors and leaders of surroundings. Mrs Mamta led the female group and Ps Depesh helped to facilitate male group for the discussion on Reproductive system and Biblical Sexuality, fetal development and abortion. In general, the training was very informative and affective. Thank you Ps. Depesh and Mamta Sunuwar.

LAND PURCHASED for the SAFE HOME BUILDING PROJECT 6th July 2015 Monday; Finally, VOF Nepal purchased a land of 3,764.64 Sq.ft (11 aana) in Kitini Godavari. It is the great achievement of organization. We want say thank you to all the supporter. Now...planning to build the house for the lady in crisis pregnancy, single moms and babies. Appreciate your prayer and support. Thank

17th August, 2015 Monday; VOF has plan to reach eight Theological Collage and seminaries in Kathmandu and other parts of Nepal this year. So, VOF had reached BCMS at Bhaktapur where 60 students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year and faculties members were trained very directly. Soman Rai conducted two days trainings presenting teaching on the sacredness of human life, Biblical Worldview, Biblical sexuality, Human life development, Abortion procedures, its effects, Recovery session and commitment. The students were asked to work in group, make questions and interact on the topic very openly. They were really influenced by the teaching and information. In feedback time, students shared that they were warned, aware and informed about the seriousness of a Human Life and abortion very thoroughly. They were convinced and inspired to make the Pro-life education as an important unit of their ministry. Finally they were given Life-bags and prayed for their future ministry. Thank you Fr. Christ Paul Tamang and faculty members in BCMS, Bhaktapur. 21 August, 2015 Friday, Kathmandu: As usual VOF was invited in Nehemiah Institute for the Pro-life teaching among the 27 women from different churches in Kathmandu. Soman Rai did the presentation on the Beauty of a human life and marriage, reproductive blessing to a married couple, Unique and fearful creation and development of a baby in womb, Devaluing of human life as an abortion, its effects in family and finally about recovery. All the women took the teaching with tears and gratitude and they were well-encouraged to inform the knowledge to others in family and church. They were given some teaching materials as well for the use in their sharing. Thanks NI! 21 August, 2015 Friday Lalitpur; Soman Rai the Executive Director of VOF was invited by the Youth of Patan Koinonia Church in Kumaripati for the sharing in their Evening Youth Fellowship. So, he presented the teaching on the Sanctity of Human life, Biblical Sexuality and the Abortion as a result of Unbiblical sexuality and new beginning with Christ. The participants were really excited and interested with the topic and serious for their future. Thank you all the leaders of youth fellowship! It is to inform you about the VOF Nepal’s contact office in Bhanimandal-4 Lalipur...near Basketball court with Hosanna Printers building. You are welcome to visit us for counselling and Pro-life related books, DVDs and other printing materials. Thanks!

Hope House is one of the projects of VOF Nepal for the abandoned newborn babies and children at risk. Whenever we rescue abandoned newborn babies we bring them there in Hope House and provide emergency medication and tender care. And in same place we have been providing shelter, food, education and all kinds of parental care to 8 boys who were rescued from high risk. A Brazilian couple Mr. Oskar and Vera Armindo have been serving Hope House with financial and some physical support. And Miss Kopila and Chandri have been working as a care-giver in Hope House.

The Compassion House is also one of the projects for the lady in crisis pregnancy, single mom-babies and male-female children. Compassion House has been divided into two divisions; Compassion House -I for lady and Girl children and Compassion House -II for boys children. Whenever we rescue lady in crisis pregnancy we bring them in Compassion House and provide all kinds care and counselling to them and help them till their child birth and more. If they choose to raise their baby by themselves we even provide additional support to stay there. Now, there are four single moms with their babies working as a half-paid staff and two ladies in crisis pregnancy. Further of it, there are 7 boys and 6 girls who are going to school. Mrs. Violeta Gaurino a Brazilian citizen has been helping the Compassion House with finance and some physical support. Mrs. Puja Parajuli is the full-paid staff serving in Compassion House as an Accountant and In-charge. Special thanksgiving and prayer points:

♦ Lets thank God for His faithfulness throughout the FY Year 2014\15. ♦ Please pray for all the new annual plan and estimated budget and its effective implementation and provision . ♦ Please pray for the Building Project , its needs and needed assistances. ♦ Please pray for all the participants in our last trainings and seminars to apply the teaching in their life and ministries. ♦ Please pray for our up-coming training in Chitwan, Nawalparasi and Syanga ♦ Please pray for our country as our Government and political parties are making new Constitution. May God have His control over the situation in Nepal

FUNDING First of all, VOF believes in vision, then in provision. We are always committed to fulfil the vision from God, but it won’t be possible unless someone wish to support the vision from God with their cheerful heart and hand. So, please open your heart and hand to support this LIFE- GIVING work. VOF receives any kind of grant you wish to send: prayer, financial, commodity, volunteers, technical, etc. Thank you.

Banking Details: Account No.: 00602676670017 Account holder: Voice of Fetus, Nepal. Bank name and add: Himalayan Bank Ltd. Patan Branch, Lalitpur, Nepal. Swift code: HIMANPKA For further information: Voice of Fetus, Nepal GPO 8975 EPC: 2194, Katmandu, Nepal. Email: voiceofetus.np@gmail.com Contact: +977-9841651569 Website: www.vofnepal.org

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