1 minute read
You Have The Victory
I painted all the colors of the rainbow: His promises, as though being released, coming down like sheets of rain. As I was painting the sky, I felt there was a spiritual battle - a swirl of the angelic fighting our battle. The distant mountain is what we see in this world, but we need to step into what is happening in the spiritual realm. God has our situation in His hands. The warrior has fought his battle and he is standing strong. He has won his victory. The warrior’s sword is grounded in the Word - the blue representing the Word of God. The circular land is the earth we have overcome. The red cape is the covering of the Blood of Jesus. (Romans 8:37 TPT) Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph, for God has made us to be more than conquerors; and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!
Lynne Hudson