1 minute read
Celebrate Life - Lynne Hudson, Artist
Celebrate Life
As I started painting the background with vibrant colours, the texture built up and I felt God had a beautiful message through this mess of rough ridges of paint. I had not realized I was painting a profile of a woman and then started to sweep the wave around her face and there was a release of freedom as I began to paint the butterflies, doves and new beginnings of flowers with their buds. God wanted to show me that He wants to release and change mindsets of how women see themselves. The wave represents a cleansing, a reset of our mind. He sees our inner beauty and He looks past our faults. He feels every one of our tears and, as we step into freedom, He rejoices with us. He embraces our unique fragility and wraps us up in His fatherly love. You are a daughter of God, You are His masterpiece.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10 NLV
