5 minute read
What Happens When You Stop Believing?
What do you do when you stop believing that “all things are possible”? That things will really change? That your life will change?
What do you do when you lose hope? Will God understand? Is it okay?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Maybe not out loud, but in the depths of your soul, the hidden places in your heart? I know I have.
What happens when your prayers seemingly go unanswered? Or what about when you feel opposition on every side or when every door is closed? When the enemy seems closer than God?
These are the questions that linger in the air when we can’t sleep at night. They are the questions that, as Christians, we don’t like to admit have run through our minds. But for most of us—if we’re honest—at least one of them has.
We remind ourselves that God will never leave us or forsake us—that He is our ever-present help in time of need. He is our refuge. He is our strength!
We know the scriptures. But sometimes they feel so far away.
I’ve clung to Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 46:1, and Isaiah 41:10 like they were air. I’ve also heard, read, and recited them out loud when they sounded hollow. And I’ve listened to that voice in my head whisper saying, “You’re a liar. A hypocrite.” I used to think that voice was me. Thank God I now know that voice is NOT me. It is the voice of the enemy.
The Bible warns us to be alert and of sober mind because our enemy roams around like a prowling lion looking for whom he can devour. (See 1 Peter 5:8) He is a strategist. And he knows us. He doesn’t have new tricks. He uses the same tactics to lure us into his deception every time, just in different scenarios.
When we have gone through a season of disappointment and loss, when we’re struggling with health issues, when our loved ones are hurting, when we are hurting, he knows (even if we don’t) that we are more available and “open” to listen to him, to entertain him. I wish this at least meant that when things were good we wouldn’t have to worry about him! But it doesn’t.
Until Christ comes back, the enemy is near. However, in Luke 10:19, Jesus says, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (NIV) With Christ, through Christ, and because of Christ, we have the authority!
“Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world,” is true, whether we feel like it is or not. (See 1 John 4:4) God IS our ever-present help in time of need, whether we see Him helping or not. Like the Bible talks about in Isaiah 43:19, God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He will open our heart and mind to new possibilities—IF we let Him.
Are you familiar with Matthew 13:15? It states, "For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes—so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them." (NLT)
So how do we keep our hearts from being hardened when we’ve been betrayed and let down over and over? How do we “have faith like a child” when so much has happened in our life?
I ask you these questions—for they are the same ones I ask myself. Here are a few of my go-to tools and strategies.
1. Make scriptures personal and read them out loud. I proclaim them over my life and whoever I’m praying for.
2. Sing! Praise brings the “super” to the “natural.” (And God always thinks we sound beautiful.)
3. Play praise music throughout the house—even when no one is there.
4. Share stories of how God has come through in the past. (Not only does this stir up others’ faith, but it also stirs up ours.)
5. Do something for someone else. Check on a friend. Reach out to someone who is going through a hard time. Offer to do something for someone “just because.”
6. Take a prayer walk. I thank God out loud for everything I can think of.
Those are a few of my strategies. What are yours? What brings God close when He feels far away?
Knowing the answer to this—and acting on it, will make you stronger than you were before. It will give you access to wisdom you’ve never had. It will make your relationship with God stronger than it has ever been. And that… will CHANGE YOUR STORY.
After running away from her dreams and battling addictions for over a decade, Kirstin Leigh is now a best-selling author, speaker, actress, and the founder of The Change Your Story Workshop. She is passionate about empowering others to break free from strongholds and discover the masterpiece that lives within. To find out more about Kirstin or to purchase her books, you can visit: www.Kirstinleigh.com For information or to enroll in The Change Your Story Workshop: www.thechangeyourstoryworkshop.com