4 minute read


Was That in the Script?



When I recently debuted as a director, everyone on set knew I was a Christian director. Through comedic means, I let my cast and crew know that coarse conversation and cursing were not allowed— after all, that is the standard for believers. Ephesians 4:29 says "Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (NLT) To get my point across, I put a urinal on set, which I named Mr. Potty Mouth, and let everyone know that they would be making a financial contribution to Mr. Potty Mouth for verbal unpleasantries.

See, I am a Christian, and the set is my mission field. Some people on set knew Jesus, while others didn’t. I needed to set a precedent early! My actors and crew learned to respond to my voice and cues. Whether I was laying down rules or yelling “Quiet on set” or “Action,” my actors and crew trusted the words of my mouth. I was the director.

But Jesus is my Director. And each scene or situation in my day should be a reflection of the script He has given me, His Word.

BUT THEN ONE DAY…Jesus, the King of Glory, had the audacity to tell me that I wasn’t following His script, that the meditation of my heart STANK! WHAT?!?! He led me to read Psalm 19:14 "May these words of my mouth [a prayer wanting to be blameless with a pure heart] and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (NIV) I have been guilty many times of saying, “The Lord knows my heart.” Umm, yeah. It’s because He knows my heart that He’s convicting me in the first place for having a bad attitude! Was I finally ready to come clean with my Director, my Shepherd? Nope. I wanted to be a smelly sheep a bit longer.

“How can you say I have a bad attitude? I mean seriously. Is my attitude really that bad?”

Just trust me. If you’re asking Jesus that question like I did, YES, an attitude adjustment is in order. I heard my Director say, “Cut,” and remembered that His Word is a sword, and one of its jobs is to CUT.

Here’s what’s nuts; I wanted an attitude change, but I had to stop throwing my own hissy fit to be able to hear His voice! How was I supposed to do that?

Philippians 2:2 says "Then fill me with joy by having the same attitude [as Jesus], sharing the same love, being united in spirit, and keeping one purpose in mind." (ISV)

Everything you just read is the antidote for how to have a change of attitude. I know it’s a lot, but I can begin my heart change by starting with the FIRST step: praying, “Lord, please forgive me for having a bad attitude. Fill me with joy.”

A bad attitude HATES joy.

How could I not remember that? I’m a comedian! I perform clean comedy out in the world where I see bad attitudes everywhere! People all around me are living out their own scripts. I’ve got to be different! Joy and laughter are powerful tools.

Being Red Carpet Ready really represents the hard work of conquering wrong mindsets, slaying that bad attitude, and following the script! Together, my Director and I will certainly make a great comedy that will hopefully attract people who need to experience the movie A Day in the Life of DeAnn Alaine. By the way, my attitude did change. I have the GREATEST Director…I’m sure the queen-size chocolate bar helped, too. Just sayin’.

DeAnn Alaine is a comedienne whose mandate from the Lord is to bring joy to the world through stand-up comedy. She is the CEO of ComeeDeAnn Productions LLC and host of the award-winning carwash comedy show, Modwash Moments with DeAnn Alaine on SOLWIN TV. Visit www.deannalaine.com today!

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