4 minute read
Empowering Lives with Purpose
A New Creation
As the current cover of Voice of Truth shares the cross of Jesus Christ, we remember the significance of what His shed blood on that cross did for us. Jesus did not come to reform our sinful flesh; He came to kill it. He ended death, sin, and the grave on that cross once and for all. Our old nature cannot peacefully coexist if we are a new creation in Him.
When I surrendered my life to Jesus in Israel in 2009 in the Garden Tomb area, I became a new creation in Christ. The old creature I was, who once looked inwardly toward myself each day, died. All of my old habits, my old lifestyle, and my past sin died; it was nailed to the cross and put to death forever. The cross of Christ brought death to my sinful nature. Because Jesus rose from the grave after three days, I can now live eternally with Him as a new creation. The confession of my sin and my faith to believe in Jesus brought about my new existence. My life now reflects outwardly a new life lived by the Word of God.
When you become a new creation in Christ Jesus, you begin living in the freedom of the Spirit, no longer entrapped in legalism and all the world throws upon you daily. You are recreated and transformed into the image of Christ. Your old life is gone, and your new life begins. We can look at this miracle as a complete gift from God.
We will live when we put our trust in Jesus as our Savior. God’s Word tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:15, He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. (NLT)
If we look at human birth, the baby—the new creation— is the evidence of live birth. Yet over time, the baby undergoes a transformation as she grows from infancy to maturity. Likewise, when we are born again in the Spirit, we who were dead in our trespasses and sin are brought to new life. We are a new creation—the evidence of the Holy Spirit in us. This is something to rejoice over! God changes our desires, outlook, and focus as we turn from being selfish in all our thinking and long to live for God and others. As a new creation, we worship God instead of ourselves, but still, we must continue to grow, undergoing a transformation as we become more like Him. We fight the battle of flesh with our God, who equips us and never leaves us. He enables us, by His power and might, to grow in holiness. As we focus on knowing God, reading His Word, and surrendering ourselves daily to the control of the Holy Spirit, we begin to make better choices. We begin to think and act differently as we more closely resemble our heavenly Father, who created us, forgave us, and gave us life.
If you are a new creation in Christ, you can be assured you belong to Christ! The moment you became saved by the power of Jesus, the process of transformation began. You have been saved by His power, and you are united with Him for eternity. You are now positioned to accomplish what God has created you to do.
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & co-CEO
Ephesians 3:20