3 minute read
Feathers Appear When Angels Are Near
A Pretty In Pink sunrise swooped in overhead one morning on the Alabama Coast off the Gulf of Mexico. My husband and I drove up from Florida to check on our rental property repairs after a devastating hurricane followed by a hailstorm. The damage was significant, but it could have been much worse. Many people had lost their homes, and even cars sustained broken windshields and sunroofs.
No one is exempt from the storms of life. Maybe you are going through a storm right now. Loss of a loved one. Illness. Addiction or despair. Does it feel too heavy to bear? Do you wonder how you’ll get through it?
There is hope.
We can look to the Scriptures. In the Bible, feathers symbolize protection, holiness, purity, and God’s loving care. Psalm 91:4 (NIV) says He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Oh, how he loves you and me! He never promises the storms will not come, but He does promise to carry us through the storm. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Psalm 57:1 (NIV) Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
Maybe you’ve heard the saying Feathers appear when angels are near. Angels are known for comfort and support. They are often seen as carriers of the message they wish us to receive. Listen for the message. Be encouraged. For Native Americans, feathers are reminders to thank God for blessings, representing happiness, joy, knowledge, breath, and immortality.
As we stood there on the beach looking at our condo, we felt surrounded by angels. When you see a feather, pause, and give thanks. Be reminded of God’s love. Be reminded He is near. Receive His message and take it to heart.
Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/ sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.