4 minute read
Faith and Family
The Power Of Touch
by Donna Whartenby
Shopping is a visceral experience for me. I need to touch the merchandise before I buy. I run my fingers over the fabric of the clothes on the rack to feel the softness and durability. I gently touch the produce to inspect for ripeness. God created us with wonderful senses, such as touch, to enjoy this world, and He gives us the power to use touch to minister to others.
Think about a newborn’s grip on his mama’s finger, the soft touch of a loving kiss, the tickles of joy and laughter as feeling explodes through the body. You can see the look of fear morph into calming comfort as a child is cuddled after a bad dream. I’m sure you’ve experienced a sturdy handshake that solidifies a commitment or a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. I love the tender touch of holding hands while on a nature walk, guiding me step-by-step through rough terrain, or just letting me know I’m not alone. There are “it’s been too long” hugs and “I love you” embraces that release feelings of tenderness and care. I love hugs, whether they are embraces of hello, goodbye, or farewell.
There’s also the abusive touch of a slap, a push from a bully, or a hurtful punch that emanates a power of affliction. This kind of touch comes from evil bombardments of darkness that we must daily protect ourselves and our children from by asking for God’s protection.
The Bible teaches us how one touch from Jesus restored an unclean and untouchable leper to complete healing (Mark 1:40-45). Jesus showed loving kindness and gentleness to nearby children (Matthew 19:13-14) when He placed His hands on them and prayed. Jarius’ miraculous faith resulted in his twelve-year-old daughter being revived from death by the healing touch of Jesus (Mark 5:35-43). Mark tells us how Jesus made a blind man see again (Mark 8:22-25). A woman, sick for twelve years, touched Jesus’ cloak in a crowded street. Her unwavering faith in Him prompted instant healing (Luke 8:43-48).
The power of touch converts into kindness, gentleness, safety, security, comfort, commitment, pleasure, compassion, joy, love, and so much more. God, the Father and Creator of the heavens and earth gave Jesus this power and authority. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hands (John 3:35 CSB). Hebrews 1:3 (ESV) tells us, He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. This God-given power and authority allowed Jesus to heal the sick, restore life, and offer the promise of eternal assurance. Jesus did not have to touch anyone. He had the authority to speak miracles into being, just as God the Father spoke creation into existence. For he spoke, and it came into being; he commanded, and it came into existence (Psalm 33:9 CSB). The power of touch is wonderful, miraculous, and lifechanging.
Jesus passed that authority to his disciples and believers by saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 18:18-19 ESV). We, as believers in Jesus Christ, have the power of touch: kindness, gentleness, safety, security, comfort, commitment, pleasure, compassion, joy, love, and so much more.
Your touch has mighty power to change the life of a child, spouse, family member, co-worker, sick person, or someone in need of help. Teach your children and grandchildren that they have power in their touch to change someone’s life.
Freely use your God-given power of touch.
With her degree in Education, Donna taught public school, facilitated corporate education, and developed curricula for personal and professional development. Now retired, she teaches Bible studies, serves as church administrator, and is the co-coordinator of Women Encouraging Women, a ministry to encourage women in their walk with Jesus. Donna also sings in the choir and praise team, and plays the piano. Donna lives in South Florida with her loving husband, Keith, of over 40 years. They have a son, Bill, who with his wife blessed them with three wonderful grandchildren. They love family vacations to discover God’s creation wherever they go. Donna loves writing for Voice of Truth.