2 minute read

Dear Sister

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. (PSALM 139:13 NKJV)

Dear sister,

You do belong, and you do matter. Who you are is not a reflection of the possessions of this world nor your trials and tribulations. You are not shattered, broken, or desperate. You are not the residue of all the things that you have had to overcome. The key word here is OVERCOME.

You are the daughter of a King who has always valued you. You are protected, loved, and adored by God. God has always held you close to Himself. God has always shielded you and guarded you as one of His most valued. You are who God says you are. Shaped, formed, and fashioned from the time of conception to formation in the womb, created for a purpose. God sees you as unique. God sees you as one of His most valued treasures that He has always kept near to Him. You are vital to God. You are His possession.

So, my sister, know that you never have to feel alone, neglected, or abandoned. Fear not, and know that just as God protected you in the womb, He is still protecting you now. My sister, you are safe. My sister, you belong, and there is no place where you will go that God will not keep you. Move forward in your purpose, and let God lead you. There’s no looking back. God will reveal Himself to you in ways that you never thought were possible. He still has the reins!

Love you,

Dr. Jia Conway

Dr. Jia Conway
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