5 minute read

Gospel Grace

A Faith Like No Other


The silence of the warm Nigerian night was pierced with gunfire and terrifying cries of “Allahu Akbar!”

A large man wearing fatigues and brandishing an automatic rifle stepped out of a Jeep. “This village, its livestock, fields, possessions, and people now belong to the Fulani tribe. Any villagers who remain will be dealt with accordingly.”

A young soldier approached the leader, shoving an elderly man covered in blood-spatter. “I found this Christian crying out to Jesus to save some old woman. But, of course, it did no good,” he smirked. “She couldn’t even walk, so I shot her and put her out of her misery.”

“Who are you?” the leader demanded as he knocked the man to the ground.

“I am Ayotunde Okombe, pastor of this village,” he calmly replied.

“So, you are responsible for teaching these people to worship a false god,” the leader sneered.

“We worship the one true God who makes peace with us through His Son, Jesus Christ,” the pastor boldly stated.

The leader smashed the butt of his rifle against the old man’s head. “Silence, Infidel! You will not preach to me,” he spat. “But I will offer you a gift of salvation. Deny your Jesus and submit to Allah, and you shall live.”

The leader pulled the crumpled pastor to his feet and dragged him to where he could lean against a building. He stepped back and leveled his rifle at Ayotunde, who was bleeding profusely. “Your time is up, Infidel! You may have your Jesus or your life. What is your answer?”

“First, you must know that although you have killed my wife, I forgive you, and Jesus will forgive you as well. He loves you.”

“You are a fool!” the terrorist said as he raised the rifle.

Ayotunde made his choice known by quoting from the first chapter of Philippians, “I hope that I will have sufficient courage so that now, as always, Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”


Although this story is fictional, scenarios just like it play out in the middle belt of Nigeria on a regular basis; they happen all over Africa, in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea, and Myanmar, among many other countries. So, what kind of faith would enable someone to give up his life, like Pastor Okombe, rather than deny Christ?

No matter where and under what conditions we live, when we are without Jesus, we will always have an innate sense deep within that something is lacking. And we rarely can live up even to our own expectations or values. Can any of us sincerely say we have always been 100% honest in every situation? Have we never been petty or selfish or said something deliberately hurtful to someone who’s hurt us? Even despite how we may try, we are incapable of living a life free of guilt or regret.

In the Bible, God makes it clear that our natural condition is flawed and sinful. Isaiah 64:6 explains, All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags (NIV). Even if we actually manage to live our lives as righteously as is humanly possible, it still only amounts to a pile of smelly, disgusting rags in God’s sight.

But Romans 5:8 counters with, God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (ESV). Jesus willingly took our place when He was crucified. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree [cross], that we might die to sin and live to righteousness (1 Peter 2:24 ESV).

Simply pray, "God, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. Thank You for paying the penalty for my sin through Your Son, Jesus. I accept Your gift of salvation and ask that You fill me with Your Spirit as I submit my life to You.”

People like Pastor Okombe have embraced the free gift of salvation that offers them not only life and freedom on earth but life for all eternity. They are living proof that having a relationship with God through Jesus changes people in a way nothing else can. How else can their willingness to die for their faith be explained? Even though they suffer persecution, they know the truth of John 8:36: So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (ESV). Even those who are imprisoned or sold into slavery understand that the Spirit living within them can never be contained. They have adopted the Apostle Paul’s attitude in Romans 14:8, If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s (ESV).

If you have never experienced this kind of faith, it’s yours for the asking. Simply pray, “God, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. Thank You for paying the penalty for my sin through Your Son, Jesus. I accept Your gift of salvation and ask that You fill me with Your Spirit as I submit my life to You.”

In the United States, we are blessed to live in a country where we can worship freely. Please pray for those who suffer persecution daily and let their unwavering devotion to serve God, regardless of cost, inspire you. You can learn more about Christians who are suffering for their faith at barnabasaid.org.

Julie Harwick lives to encourage and share what God is doing in her life through writing, speaking, singing, and acting. She is a podcaster for WWL’s “Celebrating God’s Grace.” Julie can be contacted at janharwick@bellsouth.net

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