2 minute read


The Steep Steps That Lead Me Into Your Arms


There is a huge hole in my heart

Lord, only You can hold and heal

The wind rises up against my face, my body, my mind

It rips tears in my skin

Exposed and bleeding

Piercing my thoughts

Stabbing my heart

Stealing my sleep and peace

I am caught in the whirlwind

I am lost in the eye of the storm

No answers

No path

No one visibly with me



Sad, the tears come, invited or not

But I am reminded of You and the love

You say and show for me

I am not alone, even when I can’t see You

I am in Your Arms, held even though I can’t always feel it

I am walking through the fire and slowly stepping up very steep steps!

No understanding of where I am traveling or how to get there


You know the way

You know the end destination

For me and for my loved ones

You are my everything

Nothing, absolutely nothing, will allow me to take my eyes off of You

Nothing, absolutely nothing, will fill and heal my heart but You

My loving, gracious, and capable God

Guide me

Let me experience Your Love – unlike any other love imaginable

Take me every step of the way home to Your waiting arms, loving eyes, and the Father who saw and held every tear

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