3 minute read
A Focus On Him
Whoo Do You Associate With?
A magnificent Great Horned Owl sat camouflaged at the base of a tree in my sister’s backyard this past Mother’s Day, and I captured this portrait photo before I realized it was dying. As soon as I became aware a problem existed, I called many rescue centers for help to no avail–they were all closed for Mother’s Day. The owl slid off the tree onto the ground when its legs became paralyzed. I quickly scooped it up and carefully placed it in a box with towels to keep it warm in preparation for transport. Unfortunately, it died within minutes as a result of a toxic environment.
This majestic apex predator, which I originally thought had a leg injury, turned out to be the victim of rodenticide. When I reviewed my photos later, I noticed it displayed all the classic symptoms. It was slowly being paralyzed by a poisoned rat it had eaten. Once a rat eats bait, it slows down and becomes easy prey for owls and other raptors. When ingested by those predators, they also die from the same poison. No amount of medical help could save the owl, but seeing such a beautiful creature die needlessly was heartbreaking.
We are losing our beautiful wildlife population very quickly because of these baits. The truly sad part is that owls and other raptors are actually the best solutions to a rat problem if we would just allow nature to take its course the way God created it!
As I reflected on this horrible event, God impressed upon me that people become like those whom they associate with. Their spirit is being poisoned because of the toxic environment they are in.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:14, The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? (NIV).
Great news exists for you if you feel your spirit is being crushed. The psalmist shares The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18 NIV).
Wow! Rather than staying in a toxic, negative environment, we can change our surroundings by running to the Lord, who is waiting for us with open arms. By spending time with Him in His Word,
He will detoxify and heal our crushed spirit from the inside out of the poisons we’ve ingested in this world. Then we will no longer be paralyzed by the toxins and fears that have overwhelmed us. We can be victorious in Jesus and be overcomers. We can be filled and strengthened with the joy of the Lord and rise to new heights of who God created us to be, glorifying Him all along the way.
In memory of the Great Horned Owl, “Whoo” do you choose to associate with? Choose wisely.
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation. Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail. com.