November 3-5, 2022 Hilton Appleton Paper Valley Appleton, Wisconsin

6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Wine & Cheese Reception and Door Prizes – Exhibit Hall – After Awards Ceremony Concludes 9:30 p.m.–11:00 p.m Webizens Social – Blaze
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m Awards Ceremony & Keynote Presentation – Distinguished Educator, Janet Rowe; Wisconsin Voices Keynote Event – Salon D
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m Exhibit Break
12:15 p.m.–1:15 p.m $ Buffet Luncheon & Awards: Future Language Teacher, Recognition of Merit, Certificate of Professional Service, and the Donna Clementi Blue Ribbon Award – Empire Room
Saturday, November 5, 2022
2022 WAFLT Fall Conference Overview
1:45 p.m.–2:45 p.m. Special Interest Sessions A
The 2022 WAFLT Fall Conference graphic on the cover of this publication was created by Sarah Schwark
11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. $ Buffet Luncheon — Discover Languages Contest Awards Empire Room
7:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m Registration is open – Atrium/Lobby
6:45 a.m.–7:45 a.m WAFLT Business Meeting (Complimentary Continental Breakfast and Door Prizes) – Empire Room
9:00 a.m.–6:45 p.m Exhibit Hall is open – Salons A, B, and C (Hall is closed from 4:30-6:00 for Keynote Address and Awards) 10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m. Poster Sessions – Exhibit Hall
7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m Registration is open – Atrium/Lobby
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. $ Pre-Conference Workshop: Empowering Gen Z: Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as Your Anchor for Learning - Jill Woerner, Director of Education, AFS-USA 6:30–8:30 p.m. Registration is open for pre-registered & on-site attendees – Atrium/Lobby 8:00–9:30 p.m. Conference Kick-Off Reception – Lawrence Room
3:15 p.m.–4:15 p.m Special Interest Sessions B
1:15 p.m.–1:45 p.m Exhibit Break
7:45 a.m.–8:15 a.m. New Teacher/New Attendee Orientation Session – Salon D 8:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m $ Friday Workshops
4:15 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Exhibit Break
Thursday, November 3, 2022
8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall is open – Salons A, B, and C
8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m Special Interest Sessions C
9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Exhibit Break
9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m Special Interest Sessions D
Friday, November 4, 2022
2:45 p.m.–3:15 p.m Exhibit Break
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Language Association Networking Sessions
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1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Special Interest Sessions E 2:30 p.m Conference Closes
Level Up: Embracing Change, Empowering Learners
We encourage you to share this document with your colleagues who are new to the profession and/or your building, as well as those who may not be WAFLT
We are thrilled to return to our first in-person conference since 2019 and invite you to experience it with us! We are excited to offer you a wide variety of engaging professional development opportunities as we reflect on our practice and Level Up: Embracing Change, Empowering Learners. Along with your colleagues, explore the myriad of approaches to support our students’ quest for improved proficiency.
We hope you will join us for the energy, professional development, and collegiality of the 2022 WAFLT Fall Conference!
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Friday Morning Workshops – We are again featuring a range of interactive workshops encompassing a variety of topics. Consult the WAFLT Pre-Conference bulletin for more information. Back this year is the High School Student Workshop to bring our future colleagues along for the ride!
Here are a few key highlights of our conference in Appleton from November 3-5, 2022.
November 3-5, 2022
Friday and Saturday One-Hour Sessions – This year’s conferenceincludes an abundance oflearning opportunities across languages, levels, and areas of focus
Hilton Appleton Paper Valley, Appleton, WI
The best way to register for the conference is online. You must have a current email address and create a login on the WAFLT website ( As you register, be sure to carefully read instructions and note the sessions that require an additional fee. Remember to register early and check deadlines for the conference and hotel reservations. For the latter, contact the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley directly
Friday Afternoon Awards and Keynote Event – Join us to celebrate our colleagues at our annual awards ceremony, and then stay to enjoy a slate of speakers in Wisconsin Voices, a TED talk-style presentation featuring educators from around the state sharing their perspectives on leveling up, embracing change, and empowering learners!
Linda Havas & Cathy Stresing WAFLT Program Co-chairs
you to renew your WAFLT membership online at or using the form on page 27. WAFLT members receive many benefits throughout the year, such as reduced registration fees for the Fall Conference and FLESFEST as well as the opportunity to apply for grants and scholarships, and participate in other professional development opportunities throughout the year.
Friday Morning Poster Sessions – Back by popular demand, colleagues will share their research and projects with attendees via Electronic Poster Sessions that will be presented in the exhibit hall on Friday morning.
WAFLT 2022 Fall Conference
Thursday Pre-Conference Workshop: Jill Woerner, Director of Education for AFS-USA, hosts an interactive workshop entitled Empowering Gen Z: Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as Your Anchor for Learning. Join Jill to build and expand units around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets! Participants will engage in an exploration of resources to actually make the SDGs tangible anchors, thus ensuring that global competence and community engagement are ingrained in every unit in alignment with the revised Wisconsin Standards for World Languages.
Registered students are also eligible to attend any of the one-hour sessions offered on Friday, at no charge, provided they are accompanied by their nominating teacher.
WAFLT invites student participants to attend this workshop from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, November 1. If a student is selected to participate in the program, a non-refundable $10.00 registration fee will be charged. Students will have the opportunity to attend the WAFLT luncheon at no charge on the day of their workshop. Please do not send any money with student applications. Confirmation materials will arrive via email prior to the Pleasconference.enote:Theteacher
Nominate one (or more) of your students to participate in the High School Visitors’ Program: Colleagues of the Future at this year’s WAFLT Conference!
Students who arrive at the conference without pre-registering will not be admitted.
nominating the student must be registered and in attendance at the conference while the student is attending the workshop. However, teachers will not participate in the High School Visitors’ Program Students who have not paid the required $10.00 registration fee will not be permitted to attend the High School Visitors’ Program.
**Please note: registration is only available via email. We thank you for your interest in this program and sincerely hope that you will nominate potential “colleagues of the future.” If you have any questions about the program, please contact:
High School Visitors’ofColleaguesProgram:theFuture
Special Application Procedures
This form must be submitted via the teacher’s email address no later than Friday, October 7, 2022
Danielle Chaussee or Amber Little High School Visitors’ Program Coordinators |
There is a growing need for language teachers at all levels. The purpose of the WAFLT High School Visitors’ Program is to provide a realistic, insightful, and entertaining view of teaching world languages. We encourage you to promote this unique, interactive opportunity to your junior and senior language students. There are probably students in your classes who would make great teachers but who have never considered that possibility. Perhaps they have already decided to pursue an education degree but not as a teacher of languages Those are the students we hope you will help us find!
Please Note: WAFLT is not liable for the participating students.
Attention High School Language Teachers:
If you have students interested in attending the WAFLT High School Visitors’ Program, we ask that the teacher complete the student’s registration form. Visit for registration information.
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IMPORTANT APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Student applicants must first go to WAFLT’s website, Please follow the prompts to join WAFLT as a student member. Be sure to keep your login and password accessible as you will need them whenever you access your information on the website or register for the WAFLT Fall Conference. (Do not register for the WAFLT Fall Conference until you have heard from the scholarship committee!) Students or nominators must submit the application electronically, including filling out and attaching the student application form, a one-page personal statement explaining why they wish to attend the WAFLT Fall Conference, and an individualized letter of recommendation from a methods instructor or cooperating teacher. All three documents should be submitted electronically to in one email by either the student or the nominator.
At least one scholarship will be available for each of the languages represented on the WAFLT Board, including: Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, and one for Other World Languages.
ScholarWAFLTship for Tomorrow's Teachers
College/university juniors, seniors, or graduate students must be declared language teaching majors or Studentsminors.who have completed or are currently enrolled in a language methods course are eligible. Nominators (methods instructor or cooperating teacher) must be current members of WAFLT, must have been members for at least the two years preceding the nomination, and may only nominate a maximum of five students
Scholarship Requirements
Scholarship Amount
The Executive Board of the Wisconsin Association For Language Teachers is pleased to offer up to 10 scholarships available to college-level students preparing to become language teachers. The purpose of these scholarships is to provide teachers-in-training with financial assistance to attend the WAFLT Fall Conference. By attending the conference, teachers-in-training will have the opportunity to become familiar with WAFLT and the language-specific professional organizations which also hold meetings during the conference, meet and interact with teachers already in the profession, become more familiar with trends in language education, and learn firsthand the benefits of membership in WAFLT.
Important! Scholarship applicants should not register for the conference until after receiving notification of their status.
Application process: Application instructions and important details can be found under “Grants and Scholarships” at and must be submitted electronically to by September 25. Please follow the specific steps listed (e.g., creating a login) before submitting application.
Notification: The WAFLT Grants and Scholarships Committee will process the applications and make recommendations to the Executive Board. Scholarship winners will be notified by email in early October.
Cost of registration for the WAFLT Fall Conference Cost of a Friday Morning Workshop
The scholarship does not include meals or lodging.
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$45 Pre-Registration Required
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Jill Woerner, the national Director of Educational Outreach for AFS-USA, previously served as a Spanish teacher and administrator. Jill is the former World Language and Global Learning Specialist for the Indiana Department of Education where she implemented Indiana’s Seal of Biliteracy, facilitated the Dual Language Immersion grants and programs, and led numerous workshops helping Indiana world language teachers shift toward proficiency-focused instructional practices. Jill was the CSCTFL Teacher of the Year in 2012 and now serves as the CSCTFL Board Chair. Jill also volunteers with a variety of state, regional, and national organizations that support the cultivation of global citizens

Additional Fee
Jill Woerner Director of Educational Outreach, AFS-USA
Making their mark, changing the world, and having an impact are all phrases that describe our Gen Z students They want to make a difference, so let's empower them to do just that. Whether you're a beginner with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or someone who has been dabbling with them for a while, let's dig in and build some units together. In this workshop, we'll explore the SDGs and their targets and we'll engage in an exploration of resources to actually make the SDGs tangible anchors for unit building or expansion to ensure that global competence and community engagement are ingrained in every unit in alignment with the revised Wisconsin Standards for World Languages
Empowering Gen Z: Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as Your Anchor for Learning
Presented by:
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10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m –
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WAFLT Board Members
Recipients of the Distinguished Language Educator Award, Anthony J. Gradisnik Award, Frank M. Grittner New Teacher Award, and ACTFL Teacher of the Year Nominee will be recognized.
... Meet new people
Sessions marked with this icon ( ) will be of particular interest to teachers at the beginning of their careers!
Thursday, 8:00–9:30 p.m.
Welcome to WAFLT 2022!
Included in your registration packet will be a coupon for a complimentary beverage for this reception only
Receive many tips on making this a most rewarding conference
Snacks provided Cash bar available
... Relax after your drive to Appleton
... Enjoy a beverage and snacks
Discuss the conference layout
Be sure to attend this Conference Orientation Session which will familiarize you with all the wonderful things that WAFLT and the 2022 Fall Conference have to offer.
Friday, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Salon D
Are you a new teacher or a first-time WAFLT conference attendee?
Awards Ceremony
Keynote Presentation Wisconsin Voices
... Reconnect with old friends
... Mix and mingle
Meet the WAFLT Executive Board
Friday, 7:45–8:15 a.m. Salon D
Lawrence Room
New Teacher / New Attendee OrientationSession
6:45–7:45 WAFLT Business Meeting (Complimentary Continental Breakfast, Door Prizes) – Empire Room
1:45–2:45 Special Interest Session A: 2:45–3:15 Exhibit Break
8:00–9:00 Special Interest Session C: 9:00–9:30 Exhibit Break
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10:00–4:00 $ Pre-Conference Workshop: Empowering Gen Z: Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as Your Anchor for Learning
Personal Conference Planner
Thursday, November 3, 2022
10:15–11:15 Poster Sessions – Exhibit Hall
9:30–11:00 WAFLT Webizens Social – Blaze
Friday, November 4, 2022
3:15–4:15 Special Interest Session B: 4:15–4:30 Exhibit Break
4:30–6:00 Awards Ceremony & Keynote Address – Salon D
7:45–8:15 New Teacher/New Attendee Orientation Session – Salon D
12:15–1:15 $ Buffet Luncheon & Awards – Empire Room
6:00–6:45 Wine and Cheese Reception – Exhibit Hall, Salon A, B, C
9:30–10:30 Special Interest Session D: 10:30–11:00 Exhibit Break
Saturday, November 5, 2022
11:00-12:00 Language Association Networking Sessions
1:30–2:30 Special Interest Session E:
11:45–1:15 $ Buffet Luncheon – Discover Languages Contest Awards – Empire Room
1:15–1:45 Exhibit Break
8:30–11:30 $ Friday Workshop: – OR –
8:00–9:30 p.m Conference Kick-Off Reception – Lawrence Room
Methods: how to teach
9) Teachers are able to evaluate themselves: The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally
3) Teachers understand that children learn differently:
4) Teachers know how to teach:
The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals
Developmental aspects of learning
1) Teachers know the subjects they are teaching:
8) Teachers know how to test for student progress: The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil.
Methods: differentiation
Methods: curriculum and standards
Community connections: outreach, exchange programs, professional involvement
The number in brackets after each session title –e.g., [1] – identifies the state teacher standard(s) which applies to that session.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure
What we teach: culture, language, context
5) Teachers know how to manage a classroom:
The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
7) Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons:
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children's development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
Technology for pedagogical purposes
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10) Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community: The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
6) Teachers communicate well:
Reflective practitioner: National Board Certification and action research
Group work, learning environment, positive impact on student attitudes
The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities
Conference Tip
The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
2) Teachers know how children grow:
Friday Morning — 8:30-11:30 Friday Workshops
FW-02 Teaching for Meaning and Purpose with Thematic Units [4, 7]
Presenter: Jennifer Schwester, French Teacher, Brick Memorial High School, Brick Township, NJ Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
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Dive into the beautiful, true story of Baltazar Ushca, the last ice merchant in Ecuador. Practice strategies, explore assessments, and leave with high-interest, comprehensible materials to help your students discover lives outside their own while furthering and demonstrating their proficiency.
In this session, presenters will share insights learned from Central States Workshop Presentation by Dr. Celia Chomón Zamora on how to best support our Heritage Learners in mixed classrooms as well as in Heritage Programs
Presenters: Helena Curtain, Assoc Prof Emerita, UW-Milwaukee; Theresa Kruschke Alfonso, Spanish Teacher, Greendale Schools Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Additional Fee – $20 Pre-Registration Recommended
Friday Morning Workshops
This session will address the importance of collaboration, other-care, and teacher survival tips. It is designed to be both motivational and practical, with time to share materials and talk with others about fears and freedoms found.
FW-01 Interactive Intercultural Learning [1, 3, 7]
FW-04 How Can I Keep Teaching? [4, 10]
Well-planned standards-based thematic units are the basis for a powerful curriculum that builds proficiency. We will examine the benefits of teaching thematically, explore the “why” and the “how” of creating such a curriculum, and collaboratively work on a unit.
FW-06 Mindfulness & Movement for World Language Classrooms [3, 5]
Teachers will work on mindfulness strategies that they can use for themselves and their students. This interactive, movement-based workshop will help teachers to be in the moment, which will help to create a greater sense of community in the classroom
Presenters: Jessica Santiago and James Braun, Spanish Teachers, New Berlin West Middle & High School
FW-03 Heritage Language Learning - Share Out from Central States Conference Workshop [1, 2, 3, 4]
Language: All Languages Level: Middle School; High School
Teachers will become students, as the presenter guides them through multiple interactive intercultural learning activities designed to build cultural awareness and understanding in the classroom. Each can be replicated in the target language at the novice level. Prepare for laughs
Presenter: Natalie Glaze, Spanish Teacher, Amherst High School Language: Spanish Level: Middle School; High School
Presenter: Jill Woerner, Director of Education, AFS-USA Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Presenter: Mary Straub, Spanish Teacher, Waterford Union High School Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
FW-05 The Last Ice Merchant [1, 4, 8]
Poster Sessions are drop-in sessions where presenters discuss their topics with small groups throughout the hour. Check them out for a few minutes or spend the entire hour learning from and conversing with presenters!
• Audio cassettes
• Originally published readers and resources
• Are you simply seeking new ideas and materials to infuse into your instruction?
Language: All Languages
New to WAFLT in 2022!
FW-07 High School Visitors Program: Colleagues of the Future [4, 7, 10]
Conference Tip
What types of items should I bring?
Yes, Bring! No, Don’t Bring!
• Music CDs in original packaging (can be opened)
• VHS cassettes
Classroom Resource Swap Meet!
• Are you a veteran teacher who wants to pass along your underutilized (but still relevant) resources?
The Classroom Resource Swap Meet will be available to all conference attendees in the exhibit hall all day Friday and until 10:00 on Saturday morning. The materials will then be brought to the AAT Business Meetings for another opportunity to find a home. After the meetings they will be either donated or discarded.
• Illegal copies of music, movies, print media
Level: High School
Simply bring your items to share to the designated area in the exhibit hall. Due to limited space we ask that you be judicious with the items that you bring (e.g., please do not bring the entirety of your classroom materials).

• DVDs in original packaging (can be opened)
Friday Morning 8:30-11:30 Friday Workshops
Presenters: Danielle Chaussee,SpanishTeacher &Global Scholars Program Coordinator, NBCT, Oconomowoc High School; Amber Little, German Teacher, Stoughton High School
• Are you just starting your career and pinching your pennies?
• Textbook ancillaries (CDs, quiz/test manuals, workbooks, DVDs, etc.)

• Originally published blackline masters
• Textbook samples
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The purpose of the WAFLT High School Visitors Program is to provide a realistic, insightful, and entertaining view of the teaching of world languages. This is a unique, interactive opportunity for your junior and senior language students
Here is your chance to network with colleagues and share resources at no additional cost to you. Think of this as a Little Free Library for language teachers!
P-01 Bring an immersion program to your district? Mais oui!
Presenter: Pam Delfosse, World Language and Global Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Language: All Languages
Taco bar with fixings
First time conference attendee? Interested in learning about the benefits of WAFLT membership? To discover what WAFLT can do for ALL and inversely what ALL can do for WAFLT, consider attending a poster session hosted by a WAFLT board member!
South of the Border
Empire Room
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P-04 Storytelling, problem based solving and tech to train students 4 Chinese skills
Tortilla chips
Presenter: Ellen Russell, French Teacher, Lake Mills High School
P-02 DPI Facilitated Consultancy
Language is a skill that supports all disciplines. UW CLP uses STAMP S4 assessments to retain students for a longer sequence through meaningful badging that encourages “leveling up,” and provides credentialing that specifies what students can do in the language.
Presenter: Lily Chih-Hsuan Tsao, Chinese Language Instructor, Carthage College Language: Chinese
Discover Languages Student Postcard Contest
Friday Buffet Menu
Presenter: Lauren Rosen, Educator, University of Wisconsin
P-03 Increasing Retention with Digital Badges
Friday, November 4 11:45–1:15
Join us in recognizing the student winners of the WAFLT Discover Languages Student Postcard and Video contests Awards will be given to world language students who designed a postcard and/or video that depicts the 2022 Contest Theme: Connect, Shape & Grow with Languages! These contests were open to all world language students in Wisconsin, PreK-16. Come celebrate and see how our students are helping Wisconsin Discover Languages and Discover the World!
Language: All Languages
The French Embassy is supporting further dual-language and immersion program development in Wisconsin. Stop by to learn about the opportunities, pick up information, learn what is currently in progress, and consider the next steps for you and your district.
Roasted corn and black bean salad
Friday Morning 10:15-11:15 Poster Sessions
P-05 Why WAFLT?
Cost: $25.00
Connect with DPI's World Language & Global Education Consultant to share questions, ideas, and experiences Get access to updates and new resources. Build relationships with others who share your interests. Walk away with new perspectives and a renewed sense of community

Refried beans & rice Churros
Pico de gallo, guacamole, and fire roasted tomato salsa
Presenter: Jamie Gurholt, Administration, Stateline Community Foundation Language: All Languages
Language: French
Utilize technology in storytelling to practice Chinese speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The story contains problem solving and cultural elements so that the lesson can intrigue the students.
Presenter: Andrea Behn, French Teacher, Parker High School, Janesville Language: All Languages; French Level: Middle School; High School; Post-Secondary
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Presenter: Linda Markley, National Consultant, Vista Higher Learning Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
A-03 Let's Question Our Questions [1, 4, 7, 8]
A-01 Data Matters [8, 9, 10]
Presenter: Pam Delfosse, World Language and Global Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
A-06 Lenses of Culture: Addressing Culture in the Novice Classroom [4, 7]
Presenter: Jessica Miller, Professor of French, UW-Eau Claire Language: French Level: Post-Secondary
A-05 Exploring vignettes from the past: Letters written by German-speaking Wisconsinites in the 1880s [1, 7, 10]
Presenters: Julie Larson-Guenette, German Faculty, UW-Madison; Joseph Washburn, Project Assistant, Max Kade Institute, UW-Madison; Sophia Strietholt, PhD Candidate, UW-Madison Language: German Level: All Levels
A-07 Developing Open Educational Resources in Small Programs [4, 6, 7, 10]
A-08 Pros and Cons of COIL Project: Reflecting on the practice between UW-Superior and Ibaraki University [1, 4, 5, 10]
Friday Afternoon 1:45-2:45 Special Interest Sessions

A-09 Language is a Superpower [6, 9, 10] Presenters: Ellen Russell, French Teacher, Lake Mills High School; Brian Wopat, French Teacher, Onalaska High School Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
A-04 Grabbing the World by the Screen! [1, 3, 4, 7]
Presenters: Paul Sandrock, Senior Advisor, Language Learning Initiatives, ACTFL; Donna Clementi, Methods Instructor, Lawrence University, Appleton Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
A-02 CI + A as the Central Intelligence in Your WL Classroom [1, 2, 3, 4] (Exhibitor)
Presenter: Paul Hoff, Professor, Spanish and Language Education, UW-Eau Claire Language: All Languages Level: High School; Post-Secondary
Presenter: Joshua LeGreve, Spanish Teacher, Green Lake School District Language: All Languages; Spanish Level: Elementary; Middle School; High School
Presenter: Yoshiko Shakal, Lecturer, UW-Superior Language: All Languages; English; Japanese Level: Post-Secondary
A-10 Pause to Reflect: Learners Take the Lead [1, 7, 8]
Special Interest Sessions
B-07 WACLT Share Fair [1, 4, 7]
B-01 German Idea Share [1, 3, 7, 10]
B-02 WiATJ Share Fair [1, 4, 7, 10]
Presenters: Anne Hlas, Professor and Jesselyn Nadolny, Teacher, UW-Eau Claire Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Presenters: Melanie Lasee, German Teacher/ WI-AATG President, Ashwaubenon High School; David Coury, German Professor/ WI-AATG Treasurer, UW-Green Bay; Derek Schaefer, German Teacher/ WI-AATG Vice President, Slinger High School; Jeff Dyer, German Teacher/ WI-AATG Past President, Oregon High School; Sarah Seidler, German Teacher/ WI-AATG Secretary, Ripon High School Language: German Level: All Levels
Presenter: Cathy Stresing, President AATF-WI, Fond du Lac Schools Language: French Level: All Levels
B-05 Fulbright TGC (Teachers for Global Classrooms) Program [1, 4, 7, 10]
B-09 AATSP-WI Share Session [1, 3, 4, 10]
B-08 No-stress, Low-prep, Authentic Assessment in the Interpersonal Mode [2, 3, 7, 8]
Presenter: Jessica King, Spanish Teacher, Stormonth Elementary, Fox Point Language: All Languages Level: Elementary; Middle School
Presenter: Alissa Bratz, French Teacher, Waunakee Community High School Language: All Languages Level: Middle School; High School
B-03 WI-NELL Networking Session [2, 3, 10]
Presenter: Jodi Resch Brownell, Spanish Teacher, Crandon High School Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
B-10 Teacher’s Toolbox: Planning a Talk Read Talk Write (TRTW) Lesson [4, 7]
Presenter: Patty Breun, WiATJ Vice President, Madison Country Day School, Waunakee Language: Japanese Level: All Levels
Presenters: Anita Alkhas, Associate Professor of French, Diana Boateng, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Kristin Woodward, Librarian, and Ruth Adeniyi, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UW-Milwaukee Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
B-11 What's in a grade? [1, 3, 8]
Presenter: Yongyan Liu, WACLT President, School District of Whitefish Bay Language: Chinese Level: All Levels
Presenters: Jessica Santiago, AATSP-WI President, New Berlin West Middle/High School; Alix Madden, Secretary, Stratford; Barb Olson, Concurso Oral Coordinator, Kettle Moraine; Bridget Geboy-Helfenstein, AATSP-WI President-elect, West Allis West Milwaukee; Catalina Cabello, Treasurer, Stevens Point; Josh LeGreve, Webmaster, Green Lake; Kathy Varda, AATSP-WI Past President, JEDI Virtual School; Nicole Thompson, SHH Coordinator, New Berlin West Language: Spanish Level: All Levels
B-04 AATF Share Session! [1, 4, 10]
B-06 Take the OER Plunge [1, 3, 4, 7]
Presenter: Chelsea Peeters, Teacher, Stevens Point Schools Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Conference Tip
Friday Afternoon 3:15-4:15
Newer teachers will be particularly interested in the sessions marked with this icon:
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Address Salon D
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Presenter Victoria Carter, WAFLT President-Elect
Presider Daniel Tess, President
Honored Attendee Janet Rowe

Jodi Reif Ziemann, 2021 WAFLT LanguageDistinguishedEducator
Wisconsin Voices

Friday Afternoon —
Devin Pettys, French Teacher, Onalaska High School

WAFLT 2022 Distinguished Language Educator
Deana Zorko, 2020 LanguageDisWAFLTtinguishedEducator
WAFLT will recognize members who have received special awards and recognitions during the past year, including recipients of the Distinguished Language Educator Award, Anthony J. Gradisnik Award, Frank M. Grittner New Teacher Award, and ACTFL Teacher of the Year Nominee.
Our keynote event, Wisconsin Voices, features a slate of speakers at different stages of their careers. Hear Wisconsin Voices from around the state in this TED talk-style presentation. You are sure to come away inspired to level up, embrace change, and empower the learners around you!
Pablo Muirhead, Instructor of Spanish and Teacher Education, Milwaukee Area Technical College, JNCL-NCLIS Board Member 4:30-6:00 Awards Ceremony Keynote
Attend the annual business meeting
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Danish Pastries, Fresh Fruit, and Bagels
Find out about the professional activities sponsored by WAFLT for this school year
6:45–7:45 a.m. Empire Room
Cost: Complimentary with Registration

Meet the officers and board members of WAFLT
Continental Breakfast
Saturday, November 5
Get information about the 2023 WAFLT Fall Conference
Win a door prize!
Coffee, Tea, Milk, Orange Juice
Presenter: Marta Ruiz Yedinak, NBCT, Spanish Teacher, Ripon High School Language: Spanish Level: All Levels
C-08 Theatrical Functions in Achieving 90% of Target Language Usage [1, 3, 4, 6]
C-10 IB Collaboration Session [10] Presenter: Joshua LeGreve, IB DP Coordinator, Green Lake School District Language: All Languages Level: Elementary; Middle School; High School
C-03Mentors and Mentees: Ideas Beyond Survival [9, 10]
Conference Tip
P 17 P
C-09 Integrating Afro-Latino Culture [1, 4] Presenter: Theresa Kruschke Alfonso, Spanish Teacher, Greendale High School Language: Spanish Level: High School
The Language Association Networking Sessions are a great opportunity to make contacts with colleagues from around the state!
Presenter: Julie Horvath, Teacher, Seal of Biliteracy Advisor, Beloit Memorial High School Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
C-04 Increasing Engagement through Inquiry and Low-Tech Games [1, 4, 5]
Presenters: Helena Curtain, Retired Emerita Prof., UW-Milwaukee; Rebecca Aubrey, Teacher, CT COLT Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
C-07 National Board Certification: Transformative P.D. [1, 9] Presenters: Janet Rowe, Spanish Teacher-Retired, Hortonville High School; Kelly Ferguson, Spanish Teacher, La Follette High School, Madison Language: All Languages; French; Spanish Level: All Levels
C-11 ¡Cuéntame! Facilitando el input comprensible por medio de pódcast [1, 3, 6, 7]
C-02 Bringing Everyday German Life to Your Classroom [1, 10] (Exhibitor)
C-05 Networking Session for Global Scholars Program Coordinators [10]
Presenters: Hanna Edwards, Program Manager, German and Amy Litman, Development Director, Xperitas Language: German Level: All Levels
Presenters: Danielle Chaussee, Spanish Teacher & Global Scholars Program Coordinator, NBCT, Oconomowoc High School; Alissa Bratz, French Teacher & Global Scholars Program Coordinator, Milton High School Language: All Languages Level: High School
Presenter: Nima Keivani, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UW-Madison Language: All Languages; French; Less Commonly Taught Languages Level: All Levels
C-01 Standards in Action [3, 7, 8, 9]
Presenter: Pam Delfosse, World Language and Global Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
C-06 Promoting Student to Student Interpersonal Communication Through the Information Gap Activities [4, 5]
Special Interest Sessions
Saturday Morning — 8:00-9:00
Presenter: Jeanne Engelkemeir, French Teacher, West-Allis West Milwaukee School District Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
D-06 Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn [2, 3, 4, 5]
Presenter: Hongying Xu, Assistant Professor, UW-La Crosse Language: All Languages; Chinese Level: High School; Post-Secondary
D-05 Maximize that Movie: Building Language Skills through Film & Television [1, 4]
D-10 Empowering Learner Potential Through Language Contests! [8, 10]
D-03 The Essential Question [1, 7, 8]
Presenter: Rebecca Aubrey, Spanish Teacher, Timothy Edwards Middle School, South Windsor, CT Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Look for hotel reservation information on page 26, and registration information starting on page 27 of this publication.
D-04 Le contexte fait le tout: Co-contextualizing Films in French [1, 3, 4, 7]
Special Interest Sessions
To ensure your place at the conference, register online at or complete your registration form and send it by October 21, 2022
Presenter: Jennifer Schwester, French Teacher, Brick Memorial High School, Brick Township, NJ Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Presenter: Vera Klekovkina, Associate Professor of French & Department Chair, Dept of World Languages & Literatures, UW-Stevens Point Language: All Languages; French; Spanish Level: High School; Post-Secondary
D-11Identity in the Gen Z Classroom [3, 4, 7] (Exhibitor)
Presenter: Carley Goodkind, German Teacher, Greenfield High School Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Presenters:Aisha Khan, Lead Spanish Program Consultant and Ryan Knott, K-12 German Program Consultant, Klett World Languages, Inc. Language:French; German; Spanish Level:Elementary; Middle School; High School Conference Tip
P 18 P
Presenter: Nathan Kolpin, Latin Teacher, Wauwatosa East & West High Schools Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Presenters: Andrea Behn, French Teacher, Parker High School, Janesville; Anita Alkhas, Associate Professor, UW-Milwaukee; Ellen Russell, French Teacher, Lake Mills Middle & High Schools Language: French Level: All Levels
Presenter: Janet Rowe, Spanish Teacher-Retired, Hortonville High School Language: All Languages; Spanish Level: Middle School; High School; Post-Secondary
D-07 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage for Empowered Learning [1, 5, 6]
D-01 The Words We Choose: Bringing More Compassion into the Classroom [2, 5]
Presenter: Lisa Greenman, Director, National Spanish Exams Language: Less Commonly Taught Languages; Spanish Level: All Levels
D-09 Circle Talk: An Inclusive Practice to Build Community, Proficiency, and Global Competence [1, 2, 4]
D-02 Multilingualism and Identity in South Tyrol: A Flipped Unit [1, 3]
Be sure you have a place to stay –make your hotel reservation directly with the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley by October 4, 2022, to receive special WAFLT rates
Presenter: Sophia Strietholt, Graduate Student, UW-Madison Language: German Level: Middle School; High School; Post-Secondary
Saturday Morning — 9:30-10:30
D-08 Integrating a COIL Project into the Foreign Language Curriculum [1, 4, 8, 10]
Venez nombreux à la réunion de AATF-WI! On présentera les nouvelles de l'organisation et vous aurez l'occasion de gagner de bons prix!
Presenter: Magara Maeda, WiATJ President, UW-River Falls Language: Japanese Level: All Levels
Presenter: Yongyan Liu, WACLT President, School District of Whitefish Bay Language: Chinese Level: All Levels
Come join us for the WACLT Network session. We will be discussing events related to WACLT, and taking the opportunity to connect and share ideas on ways to enhance and promote the teaching of Chinese in the state.
Conference Tip
Presenter: Nathan Kolpin, WLTA President, Wauwatosa East and West High Schools Language: Latin Level: All Levels
LM-01 WACLT Chinese Teacher Networking Session [10]
LM-03 WI-AATG Business Meeting [10]
LM-07 AATSP-WI Business Meeting [10]
Come to connect with colleagues from around the state. Find out what's going well and how we can best advocate for our programs.
Meet the AATSP-WI Executive Board, learn of opportunities for involvement for teachers and students: the National Spanish Exam, Concurso Oral, Poster Contest, and Spanish Honor Society. Develop connections with colleagues and learn of available awards, grants, and scholarships available.
This is the annual business meeting for the Wisconsin Association of Teachers of Japanese. We will discuss membership, finances, and upcoming events to strengthen Japanese language programs throughout the state of Wisconsin.
LM-04 WiATJ Business Meeting [10]
Annual Business meeting for the Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association.
P 19 P
LM-05 WLTA Business Meeting [10]
Presenter: Daniel Tess, WAFLT President, Brookfield Central High School Language: Less Commonly Taught Languages Level:All Levels
Presenter: Cathy Stresing, President AATF-WI, Fond du Lac Schools Language: French Level: All Levels
Presenter: Melanie Lasee, WI-AATG President, Ashwaubenon High School Language: German Level: All Levels
Attendees will be updated on the chapter and learn about program offerings in WI. They will have the opportunity to connect with others and learn how to get involved. Attendees will also hear from the 2022 WI-AATG Distinguished German Educator.
For full descriptions of Special Interest Sessions, visit the Conference Information Page at
LM-06 OWL Networking Session [10]
Language Association Networking Sessions
Saturday Morning — 11:00-12:00
LM-02 AATF Business Meeting [1, 10]
Presenters: Jessica Santiago, AATSP-WI President, New Berlin West Middle/High School; Bridget Geboy-Helfenstein, AATSP-WI President-Elect, West Allis West Milwaukee; Kathy Varda, AATSP-WI Past President, JEDI Virtual School Language: Spanish Level: All Levels
Heidi Kolodziej DC Everest High School
Barb Olson
P 20 P
Market fresh soup of the day
Saturday Luncheon Menu
Horseradish, pub brew mustard, Giardiniera, mayo Assorted brownies & bars
November 5
Linda GreendaleProgramHavasCo-ChairSchools
Cost: $25.00
Cathy FondProgramStresingCo-ChairduLacSchools
Future Language Teacher Award, Recognition of Merit, Certificate of Professional Service, and Donna Clementi Blue Ribbon Award of Excellence in World Language Programs
Chef's choice pasta salad
Tossed salad with two dressings
Paula MarquetteMuskegoJohnson-FoxHighSchoolKatelynnJensenSeniorHighSchool (MI)
Rebecca Mai
2022 Conference Program Committee
Josh LeGreve Green Lake Public Schools
Shaved Italian beef, carved turkey & pastrami Sliced Cheddar, Swiss, & Provolone cheese
Chefs's select sliced breads
Cassville School District
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, ChappellHortonvilleJanetJacksonRoweHighSchoolLynneTennieElementarySchool,GreenBayJodiZiemannBerlinHighSchoolDeanaZorkoMadisonWestHighSchool
Hot Deli
Saturday Afternoon — 1:30-2:30
Conference Tip
Presenter: Sooyeon Lee, Senior Lecturer, UW-Milwaukee Language: All Languages; Less Commonly Taught Languages Level: All Levels
E-02 You have tough ears? I have thin ears!: Teaching Figurative Languages in L2 [4, 7]
Presenter: Andy Beckstrom, Spanish Teacher, Onalaska High School Language: All Languages Level: High School
Presenter: Kelly Ferguson, Teacher, LaFollette High School, Madison Language: All Languages Level: Middle School; High School
E-06 WAFLT Douze Points! Eurovision in the World Language Classroom [1]
E-07 Bienvenue au monde de l'Alliance Française! [1, 6, 10]
Presenters: Linda Havas, German Teacher, Greendale Schools; Cathy Stresing, French Teacher, Fond du Lac School District Language: All Languages Level: Middle School
Presenter: Kelsie Pattillo, German Teacher, Brookfield Central/Brookfield East Language: All Languages Level: High School
Presenter: Donna Clementi, Lecturer, Lawrence University, Appleton Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Presenter: Shauna Wessely, Spanish Teacher, Milton High School
Presenter: Jeanne Engelkemeir, French Teacher, West-Allis West Milwaukee School District Language: All Languages Level: All Levels
Conference Tip
Visit the WAFLT website for updated conference information, online registration, and complete descriptions of all sessions.
P 21 P
E-09 It's About Clarity: Designing for Real-World Interactions [4, 7]
E-03 World Language Longevity: How to teach a marathon mindset! [3, 5, 9]
If this is the first WAFLT Conference you are attending, please check the “first time attendee” box when registering to receive special instructions and recognition.
Presenter: Jamie Gurholt, Administration, Stateline Community Foundation Language: French Level: All Levels
E-08 Capture that Spark: Maximizing Middle Level Motivation [2, 3, 4, 5]
Language: All Languages; Spanish Level: High School; All Levels
E-04 Culture through Travel and Video Exchanges [1, 10]
E-05 Low Prep/High Yield: Get the best bang from your time investment! [3, 4, 5, 7]
Special Interest Sessions
Presenter: Joshua LeGreve, Spanish Teacher, Green Lake School District Language: All Languages; French; German; Russian Level: Middle School; High School
E-10 Invigorating Diversity in the World Language Classroom [2, 4, 6, 9]
E-01 Write More, Grade Better [4, 8]
E-06WAFLT Douze Points! Eurovision in the World Language
FW-02 Teaching for Meaning and Purpose with Thematic Units
LM-02AATF Business Meeting
D-06 Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn
E-01 Write More, Grade Better
LM-01WACLT Chinese Teacher Networking Session
C-08Theatrical functions in achieving 90% of target language usage
B-05 Fulbright TGC (Teachers for Global Classrooms) Program
E-03 World Language Longevity: How to teach a marathon mindset!
B-03 WI-NELL Networking Session
E-06 WAFLT Douze Points! Eurovision in the World Language Classroom
C-05 Networking Session for Global Scholars Program Coordinators
C-07National Board Certification: Transformative P.D.
D-07 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage for Empowered Learning
FW-01InteractiveClassroomIntercultural Learning
D-08 Integrating a COIL Project into the Foreign Language Curriculum
D-04Le contexte fait le tout: Co-contextualizing Films in D-07UNESCOFrench Intangible Cultural Heritage for Empowered Learning
B-08 No-stress, Low-prep, Authentic Assessment in the Interpersonal Mode
E-05 Low Prep/High Yield: Get the best bang from your time investment!
E-09 It's About Clarity: Designing for Real-World Interactions
FW-03 Heritage Language Learning - Share Out from Central States Conference Workshop
A-08 Pros and Cons of COIL Project: Reflecting on the practice between UW-Superior and Ibaraki University
C-03 Mentors and Mentees: Ideas Beyond Survival
A-07Developing Open Educational Resources in Small B-04AATFProgramsShare Session!
D-05 Maximize that Movie: Building Language Skills through Film & Television
B-06 Take the OER Plunge
FW-06 Mindfulness & Movement for World Language Classrooms
D-11Identity in the Gen Z Classroom
E-02 You have tough ears? I have thin ears!: Teaching Figurative Languages in L2
A-10 Pause to Reflect: Learners Take the Lead
A-06 Lenses of Culture: Addressing Culture in the Novice Classroom
A-09 Language is a Superpower
C-07 National Board Certification: Transformative P.D.
D-03 The Essential Question
A-02 CI + A as the Central Intelligence in Your WL Classroom
D-08Integrating a COIL Project into the Foreign Language Curriculum
A-01 Data Matters
Conference Sessions by Language
E-07BienvenueClassroomaumonde de l'Alliance Française!
P 22 P
C-08 Theatrical Functions in Achieving 90% of Target Language Usage
E-04 Culture through Travel and Video Exchanges
FW-04 How Can I Keep Teaching?
C-06 Promoting Student to Student Interpersonal Communication Through the Information Gap Activities
All Languages
A-03 Let's Question Our Questions
FW-07 High School Visitors Program: Colleagues of the Future
A-04Grabbing the World by the Screen!
B-07WACLT Share Fair
C-01 Standards in Action
D-09 Circle Talk: An Inclusive Practice to Build Community, Proficiency, and Global Competence
C-04 Increasing Engagement Through Inquiry and Low-Tech Games
E-08 Capture that Spark: Maximizing Middle Level Motivation
A-04 Grabbing the World by the Screen!
B-11 What's in a Grade?
C-10 IB Collaboration Session
D-01 The Words We Choose: Bringing More Compassion into the Classroom
E-10 Invigorating Diversity in the World Language
B-10 Teacher’s Toolbox: Planning a Talk Read Talk Write (TRTW) Lesson
C-08Theatrical Functions in Achieving 90% of Target Language
E-02You have tough ears? I have thin ears!: Teaching Figurative Languages in L2 E-06WAFLT Douze Points! Eurovision in the World Language Classroom
A-08Pros and Cons of COIL Project: Reflecting on the practice between UW-Superior and Ibaraki
D-07UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage for Empowered D-10EmpoweringLearningLearnerPotential Through Language Contests!
LM-06OWL Networking Session
FW-05TheClassroomLastIce Merchant
D-11Identity in the Gen Z Classroom
B-02WiATJUniversityShare Fair
LM-03WI-AATG Business Meeting
D-10EmpoweringUsageLearner Potential Through Language Contests!
Latin LM-05WLTA Business Meeting
Conference Sessions by Languages
E-06WAFLT Douze Points! Eurovision in the World Language Classroom
LM-04WiATJ Business Meeting
A-06Lenses of Culture: Addressing Culture in the Novice
E-10Invigorating Diversity in the World Language
P 23 P
C-02Bringing Everyday German Life to Your D-02MultilingualismClassroom and Identity in South Tyrol: A Flipped Unit
A-05Exploring Vignettes From the Past: Letters written by German-speaking Wisconsinites in the B-01German1880s Idea Share
LM-07AATSP-WI Business Meeting
B-09AATSP-WI Share Session
D-11Identity in the Gen Z Classroom
Less Commonly Taught Languages
Transformative P.D. C-09Integrating Afro-Latino Culture C-11¡Cuéntame! Facilitando el input comprensible por medio de D-05MaximizepódcastthatMovie: Building Language Skills through Film & Television
Is there a Thursday-only option?
Start your registration online and print your payment receipt. Then, give the receipt to your district to write the check. We recommend that you ask your district how much time is needed to allow sufficient time for processing. To avoid late registration fees, checks must arrive no later than the Friday before the conference.
Payments can be mailed to WAFLT – P.O. Box 1493 –Appleton WI 54912
WAFLT registration is available for Friday/Saturday or Saturday only. There is no Friday-only option.
We do not maintain a waiting list, but occasionally take late cancellations which may make tickets available.

P 24 P
Can I attend the conference without registering?
What if my school district is paying for my registration and mailing a check?
What is the WAFLT payment address?
Yes. Consult the online registration form for the most current rate information.
Because our organization is run entirely by volunteers, we do not have a central office. For registration-specific concerns, please email us at
I can only attend Friday. Is there a special Friday-only option?
What is WAFLT’s phone number?
No. All attendees must register for the conference.
I registered using my personal credit card and need to submit a receipt to my district for reimbursement.
The Friday workshop I wanted to attend is full. Is there a waiting list?
Check at the registration table to see if seats in the workshop you would like to attend have become available.
Login to your account at Click on the “My Receipts” link at the left side of the screen. You may view and print a receipt from that link.

P 25 P

Reservation Deadline: October 4, 2022
ReservationCode CancellationPolicySingleDoubleTripleQuadAmenities
Online WAFLT RegistrationMembership/ConferenceInstructions
WAFLT Conference Hotel – Hilton Appleton Paper Valley November 3-5, 2022
Please allow for state and local taxes when making your plans. Contact the HAPV for further details.
$104$114$124$134 Indoor andrestaurantspool,lounges
Hilton Appleton Paper Valley 333 W. College Avenue
P 26 P
You may register by phone at 920-733-8000 or online at You will need a credit card at the time of reservation and you will receive a confirmation number.
The HAPV has 387 rooms and the property is 100% smoke-free.
Express check-out will save you time and will eliminate long lines. When you check in, make it clear how payment is to be made. You will receive a bill under your door the night before departure or you can access it on the TV. Then you can just leave your key in the room.
No charges are applied to your credit card until you check out, unless you do not abide by the hotel’s cancellation policy.
Downtown WashingtonAppletonStreetRamp (entrances on Washington or Division) and Midtown Ramp (entrances on Superior, Appleton, and Lawrence Streets) have skywalks to the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley. Parking fees are assessed based on time spent in the garage and are paid upon exiting the ramps. The maximum cost is $5.00 per 24 hours.

Tax exemption will be allowed if: (a) your school has a tax exempt number; (b) you have a purchase order; or (c) you have a letter stating the charges will be reimbursed by a tax exempt entity. This information has to be in the HAPV system at least two weeks prior to arrival.

WAFLT Online Conference Registration Procedures
The form contains a code that will allow us to finalize your registration once we receive the check. Checks must be included with this form. Any forms received without checks will be returned to you unprocessed. A $25 fee will be charged for checks returned because of insufficient funds. We cannot accept school purchase orders.
Onsite registration is an additional $10.00 on Friday and/or Saturday. If you have any special needs under ADA, please advise us by email to ASL needs must be requested in writing by October 1, 2022.
Thursday offers a five-hour pre-conference workshop with an additional fee of $45 which includes lunch. Friday morning is reserved for workshops with an additional fee of $20. Pre-registration is recommended.
P 27 P
Refund Procedure
Click on “Account Information”
Register online at by October 21, 2022
Please note:
Go to Note: Save on conference registration by renewing your membership first! You must have a login to register for the conference. Create that first if you have not done so in the past. Follow the conference drop-down to the annual conference page and click the “Register now” link
Complete the registration form. You will receive a detailed confirmation via e-mail when your registration has been successfully completed.
Refund requests must be made in writing by November 30, 2022, and sent to WAFLT at P.O. Box 1493, Appleton, WI A54912.service charge of $20.00 is applied to all refunds
Pay by check. Complete the registration form online, print it, and mail the receipt and a check payable to WAFLT to: WAFLT Registration ~ P.O. Box 1493 ~ Appleton, WI 54912
Click on “Edit,” update your personal information, and save Click the “Join” or “Renew” button
Login at – OR – create a new login
– OR –
Membership dues are non-refundable.
Pay with a credit card. Your registration will be finalized when you complete the registration process and pay with a credit card.
WAFLT Online Membership Procedures
No refunds for meals or workshop tickets are possible after October 21, 2022.
If your school district submits your registration for attending the WAFLT Fall Conference, please double check that the proper workshops, meal functions, etc. are selected. You will receive a detailed receipt by email as soon as your registration has been processed. Prior to the conference you are able to make changes/additions to your registration by logging into your WAFLT account. Additions may require extra payment. Change requests made on-site at the conference cannot be guaranteed.
You will be prompted to login.
Note: Save on conference registration by renewing your membership first!
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
Language(s) Taught: Position: Level: Chinese Teacher Elementary French Administrator Middle/Junior German Department Chair High School Japanese Supervisor/Coordinator College/University Latin Student Teacher Other: Spanish Other: Other:
Please Print
Mail this WAFLT Membership/Conference Registration form by October 21, 2022 to:
WAFLT ~ P.O. Box 1493 ~ Appleton, WI 54912 Checks must be included with this form. Any forms received without checks will be returned to you unprocessed. Payment must be in U.S. currency No school purchase orders can be accepted. A $25.00 fee will be charged for checks returned because of insufficient funds Refund request must be made in written form by November 30, 2022, and sent to the WAFLT Registration address. WAFLT service charge for refunds is $20.00. Membership dues are non-refundable. Refunds for meals and/or workshop tickets are not possible after October 18, 2022.
All WAFLT materials should be mailed to: my home address my work/school address
The above information is: a new home address a name change Previous name was
November 3-5, 2022
Mail-in WAFLT Membership Conference Registration
Address City State Zip Telephone Number ( )
Name of School/WorInstitutionkStreet
Please check the appropriate spaces below:
School/Work E-mail Address
Home E-mail Address
If you have any special needs under ADA or special menu needs, please advise on an attached sheet to this form ASL needs must be requested in writing by October 1, 2022.
Check here if this is your first WAFLT conference
Home Street Address City State Zip Telephone Number ( )
If you are unable to attend the Conference, but wish to join WAFLT for 2022, you may do so online at or by checking the appropriate box in Membership Dues section on the following page and including your check WAFLT does not sell or share our membership list with anyone!
P 28 P
Mail-in WAFLT Membership / Conference Registration
Meals Friday SaturdayLuncheonLuncheon
Appleton,P.O.WAFLTBox1493WI54912 For Office Use Only Date Received Check Number S P Amount
Friday Workshops – $20.00
Register Online at
Indicate your top three choices by code (i.e., FW-1, FW-2, etc.) in order of preference: First _______ Second ________ Third ________ $
Please note: On-site Registration (Friday and/or Saturday) $10 extra
Pay by credit card – OR –Print, mail, and pay by check
Retired or Student Member – $30.00
Lifetime Member – $600.00 Student Member – $25.00 $
P 29 P
Return completed form by October 21, 2022 with to:
$25.00 Number - _____ x $25.00 = _______ $25.00 Number - _____ x $25.00 = _______ $
General Endowment Contribution
Regular Member – 3 Years – $80.00 Retired – 3 Years – $65.00
Regular Member – $45.00
Thursday Workshop (includes registration, breaks, & lunch) Member $45.00 Non-Member $55.00 $
Saturday Only Non-Member – $75.00 $
Professional Development Scholarship (Honoring Dr. Roma Hoff, Dr. Connie Knop, and Dr Irène Kraemer) Student Study Scholarship (Honoring O. Lynn Bolton)
Saturday Only Member – $35.00
Please make check payable to WAFLT (School purchase orders cannot be accepted) Total Amount $
Regular Member – 1 Year – $30.00 Retired – 1 Year – $25.00
Non-member – $80.00