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From Your Fall Conference Co-Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Havas & Cathy Stresing
From Your Conference Program Co-Chairs ...
The 2022 WAFLT Fall Conference will be held November 3-5, 2022. This year's conference theme is Level Up:
Embracing Change, Empowering
Learners. We hope to return to an in-person conference in 2022 as conditions allow. Regardless of the conference format, though, one thing is certain: we want you to be a part
of it!
In order to receive notification when the pre-conference booklet has been posted to the website, your membership must be current. Please head to our website at waflt.org and take a moment to renew your membership and ensure your account information is correct. Please also update your safe sender list to ensure that messages from backend@waflt.org and noreply@waflt.org make it to your inbox. Finally, please be sure to visit the website throughout the year to learn of the many opportunities your WAFLT organization offers.
The true strength of WAFLT is its membership. Over the past few years, we have especially learned the value of collaborating with our colleagues. Think about your many successes in the classroom. We invite you to share your best ideas with your colleagues by submitting a proposal to present at the 2022 WAFLT Fall Conference. Here are some ideas to further guide your proposals:
What strategies (TPRS, CI, incorporating authentic resources, etc.) do you use to move your students to higher proficiency levels? How has teaching during the pandemic reshaped your instructional practices? How do you motivate your students to take ownership of their learning? How do you help your students see and control their progress? How have you successfully integrated technology into your classroom? What practices, activities, and assessments that you use would be especially helpful to new teachers?
Presentation Types: We invite you to consider submitting a presentation in one of three categories: Friday Workshop (3 hours), One-Hour Conference Sessions, and
Electronic Poster Session.
What is a Poster Session? A Poster Session is an opportunity to informally share an idea, a project, a strategy, or a bit of research in a small group personal Q & A session. During a 60minute period, presenters are located at tables in the exhibit area, allowing attendees to simply wander by and explore with you what you are working on. This is a great option if you want to share something interesting that you are working on in your classroom, your school, your district, or your state. This presentation format is informal, conversational, and in a more intimate atmosphere than a traditional conference session. You can get direct feedback and ideas, field questions, and even develop a network of interested collaborators.
The deadline to submit proposals is April 1, 2022. As you submit your proposal, be sure to: Verify that your account information is current and contains an email address you can access year-round. WAFLT communicates only via email. Verify with your school district that email from waflt.org is not blocked. Fill in all parts of the online form for a successful proposal submission. Enter the name, position, and school/company/organization for all session presenters as they should appear in the conference program. Select one person as the primary presenter and ensure that they are a current member of WAFLT. Important note: Even though all presenters must be WAFLT members and register for the conference, only the primary presenter will receive information about proposals. In addition, only primary presenters will receive free registration to the conference and an honorarium. Verify that your session has been submitted by logging into your WAFLT account and clicking on “My Proposals.”
It is your willingness to share and collaborate that powers the WAFLT Fall Conference each year. We look forward to your joining us at the 2022 Fall Conference! Should you have any questions, please contact us at program@waflt.org.
Linda Havas & Cathy Stresing