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WAFLT Annual Meeting Minutes
Saturday, November 5, 2022
V. Treasurer’s Report – Kellie Villalobos
MOTION: Linda Havas moved and seconded by Jodi Reif Ziemann to dispense the reading of the treasurer’s report and accept as written. The motion passed.
VI. DPI World Language and Global Education Consultant’s Report –Pam Delfosse
VII.NNELL Report – Jessica King Leadership positions are available: WI-NELL representative, NNELL President-Elect, and NNELL Treasurer. If interested, please contact Jessica King at jking@foxbay.org
Join NNELL to support early language learning and teaching at nnell.org
FLESFEST – Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 25, 2023. It is a free, virtual conference held for 2 hours this year. For more information about previous conferences, visit wi-nell.org
VIII.Professional Development Committee – Jamie Gurholt
Mentoring – Julie Horvath Outreach and collaboration during Mentor/ Mentee WAFLT session (8am Sat 11/5).
Share Fair – Anita Alkhas & Zoe Witzeling
Both will be offering Share Fair options for spring 2023 in their respective areas: Anita (MKE) and Zoe in Fox River Valley. Dates & registration will be pushed out via email.
Virtual PD -– Jamie Gurholt & Julie Horvath
Monthly Power Hours and Why WAFLT? (both on website)
IX.Professional Development
Summer Institute – Iva McLean
Will occur in the beginning of August 2023. More information will be provided prior to the end of the school year.
MOPI – Jody Reif Ziemann
No activity this year.
All MOPI training is still being offered as virtual training.
We have decided to wait to see if/when in-person training will begin again before moving forward with this project.
X.Grants, Scholarships, & Awards
Grants & Scholarships – No Report Awards
No report until December meeting. Reminder to all to nominate their colleagues and students for the many awards.
High School Guests
This was not held this year, so no updates. We’re hoping to hold it again next year.
XI. Public Relations Committee
In-state advocacy: No Report
National level advocacy:
Language Advocacy Days in Washington, DC. See Dan Tess if interested.
Discover Languages – Devin Pettys
Postcard Theme 2023: Connect with Languages
Due Oct. 6, 2023
XII.Communications & Publications Committee – Lauren Rosen
VOICE – Katy Dueppen eVoice – Lauren Rosen/Kara Torkelson
The Voice of WAFLT is a biannual publication that seeks the voice of its members. Please consider writing an article pertaining to effective instructional practices, assessment, or initiatives to promote language learning and interculturality in your school.
We are seeking articles for our Spring edition from the entire WAFLT membership.
January 1 – Spring edition deadline. Send articles to voice@waflt.org Microsoft Word or Google Docs preferred.
Affiliate organizations: January 1 deadline.
Provide a current list of all officers (name, school, and email, if your organization lists that information).
Please check your verb tenses and dates when writing about past and future events. (Pay close attention to the publication date.)
Photos are welcome and encouraged!
Please send photos separately as .jpg, .jpeg, or .png files.
Please include photo captions in your article and name your photo files to correspond with captions.
Keep encouraging colleagues and tap into retirees to submit an article. Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
We currently have 702 subscribers.
21st Century Committee
We are still looking for people who are generally active on social media in groups where they see content of interest to language educators. If you are that person or know that person, please consider this opportunity to keep the WAFLT social media platforms updated with interesting content. Just email 21stcentury@waflt.org
Advertising – Josh LeGreve
Advertising income is at $800 for the year.
Thank you to CETA Tours, Interact Travel, and the French Traveler for advertising this year.
Website – Lauren Rosen
Please don’t forget to maintain your account information on the website, especially a working email address. If you change jobs we don’t want you to miss anything and we use the database to reach out to all our members.
Conference survey and link to submitting your session materials are both now listed towards the top of the conference page on our website.
XIII.Announcements / other business, etc.
Announcement of 2023-24 President Elect – Linda Havas
Congrats to Andrea Behn as President-Elect!
Fill out the conference evaluation form.
MOTION: Jodi Reif Ziemann moved and seconded by Lauren Rosen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed.
Professional Development Opportunities
Wisconsin Association For Language Teachers (WAFLT) Fall Conference
November 2-4, 2023 | Information: waflt.org
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference
November 17-19, 2023, Chicago, IL | Information: actfl.org
February, 2024 | Information: wi-nell.org
Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
March 14-16, 2024, Minneapolis, MN | Information: csctfl.org
Join a Language Leadership Listserv: join-languageleadership@lists.dpi.wi.gov
Join Your Language Association: Go to waflt.org/about-waflt/language-associations for a list of all organizations.
Wisconsin Representative to NNELL
Jessica King
Fox Point-Bayside School District jking@foxbay.org
Carley Goodkind
Jody Schneider
Central States East Regional Representative to NNELL
Kathy Olson-Studler Minnesota kathyolsonstudler@gmail.com
Wisconsin Website: wi-nell.org National Website: nnell.org