National Insight Conference and Awards 2018 - Delegate Pack

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Darren Murinas, Chief Executive, Expert Citizens CIC The Rt Revd Geoff Annas, Bishop of Stafford Sammy Woodhouse, Author & Campaigner Paula Harriott, Prison Reform Trust Danny Flynn, Chief Executive, YMCA North Staffordshire Jude Habib, Founder and Director, Sounddelivery Amanda Roche, Musician & Mental Health Campaigner Jason N Smith, Probation Services, Poet & Expert Citizen

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INSTALLATION & FOOD Humans of Stoke Oatcakes & Lobby

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INTERACTIVE THEATRE B-Arts & Rideout: ‘In My Shoes’



Art’s Council England & Big Lottery Awards for All


INSIGHT AWARD NOMINATIONS Welcoming people award Listening to people award Learning from people award Leading others award Mark Gater award

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MARKET PLACE Visit the stalls Learn about services Networking

HUMANS OF STOKE We have much more in common than that which divides us

LIVE MUSIC & POETRY Original Music from local talent ‘Last of the Spoken’ and poetry from Jason N Smith

VIDEO ROOM Come and share your INSIGHT with our team in the video room

MARKET PLACE Key to exhibitors


ORGANISATIONS REPRESENTED Websites for your reference


YOUR NOTES Blank pages for your notes


INTERACTIVE THEATRE B-Arts & Ride Out ask us to step into someone else’s shoes to explore the notion of ’lifestyle choices’ in an interactive theatre production


PRODUCTS & SERVICES Products and services provided by Expert Citizens CIC





Recognising success Challenging stigma Changing cultures


ARRIVAL & REGISTRATION Tell us that you’re here, grab a drink, make a video, network in the market place and take a look at the ‘Humans of Stoke’ exhibit

10:00 INTRODUCTION & HOUSEKEEPING Darren Murinas, Chief Executive, Expert Citizens CIC

10:10 WELCOME & SPEAKERS The Rt Revd Geoff Annas, Bishop of Stafford Sammy Woodhouse, Author of #1 best seller ‘Just a Child’, national speaker, campaigner & fundraiser 11:00 BREAK Grab a cuppa, make a video, and network in the market place 11:10


INTERACTIVE THEATRE —‘In My Shoes’ B-Arts & Ride Out ask us to step into someone else’s shoes to explore the notion of ’lifestyle choices’ in an interactive theatre production

12:40 LUNCH & NETWORKING Eat lunch, make a video, network in the market place and take a look at the ‘Humans of Stoke’ exhibit. 13:25 SPEAKERS Paula Harriott, Head of Prisoner Involvement, Prison Reform Trust Amanda Roche ‘Last of the Spoken’, Musician & Mental Health Campaigner 14:05

FEATURING Visit the stalls Learn about services Networking

HUMANS OF STOKE We have much more in common than that which divides us

LIVE MUSIC & POETRY Original Music from local talent ‘Last of the Spoken’ and poetry from Jason N Smith

VIDEO ROOM Come and share your INSIGHT with our team in the video room

INSIGHT Awards 2018


Presented by: Danny Flynn, Chief Executive, YMCA North Staffordshire Jude Habib, Founder and Director, Sounddelivery • Welcoming People • Listening to People • Learning from People • Leading Change • Mark Gater Award •

B-Arts & Ride Out ask us to step into someone else’s shoes to explore the notion of ’lifestyle choices’ in an interactive theatre production

14:45 SPEAKERS & CONCLUDING REMARKS Jason N Smith, Probation Services, Poet & Expert Citizen Darren Murinas, Chief Executive, Expert Citizens 15:20 NETWORKING & CLOSE


AWARDS Recognising success Challenging stigma Changing cultures


EMPOWERMENT “I don’t believe that I can empower others, but I do believe I can help to create the conditions for others to empower themselves”

Darren Murinas Chief Executive Expert Citizens

Expert Citizens & VOICES Chief Executive Expert Citizens CIC

Darren Murinas Darren is chief executive of expert citizens CIC, a trustee of the Lankelly Chase Foundation and adviser for the Big Lottery Fund board. Over the last 12 months Darren has represented Expert Citizens at

numerous events and

conferences including a lived experience conference in February where Darren spoke about the negative labels placed upon people who are caught up within the system, and how these labels affect people moving forward in their lives. Darren was also part of a panel comprised of current leaders within the sector at this years homeless link national ‘Under One Roof’ conference.

Darren has also been working with local and

national media outlets such as BBC Radio Stoke, BBC radio Hereford and Worcester, BBC Radio four listening project, the

We are working together to help local organisations coordinate their work to help people experiencing multiple needs through their journey of recovery even more effectively. A key method of achieving this is by listening to people with direct experience of multiple needs and coordinating services around the issues they describe. Working through the VOICES partnership we aim to fundamentally change services for people with multiple needs via mutual support, cooperation, and shared learning. To do so it will be necessary to illustrate the often avoidable frustrations and setbacks that people experience as well as their stories of success.

Victoria Derbyshire show and the Huffington Post.



“Change is the end result of all true learning.” Leo Buscaglia Author

Bishop of Stafford

The Rt Revd Geoff Annas The Rt Revd Geoff Annas is Area Bishop of Stafford – one of the four Bishops who serve the Anglican Diocese of Lichfield. He has responsibility for supporting all members of the Church of England in North Staffordshire and representing the Church to the wider Community here. He

The Church of England has a

has been in post since 2010 and before this served as a Parish

byline that says:

Priest for some 27 years in Southampton and the Old Kent Road

a Christian presence in every community.

in the centre of London. During his training to be a priest Geoff worked at the

Centrepoint Night Shelter which was then based at St Ann’s Church in Soho. He has continued to take a particular interest in the issues surrounding homelessness. Geoff currently chairs the Hardship Commission which brings together various interested groups with the City Council to discuss the reasons for poverty in the City of Stoke on Trent and possible ways to tackle the challenges.

That is provided by a network of

parishes - on which most civil parishes are or were founded. That








believers who form each local church.




confusion by using the word

Geoff is also involved in providing Christian Chaplaincy to

'church' in two ways: properly, it

members of the entertainment industry and is himself Chaplain

is the name for the people of

to the Regent Theatre in Stoke. He helped to set up the Street

God, who share faith in Jesus

Pastors in Southampton and is now a volunteer at the monthly

Christ. But as often as not, we

Night Church in Hanley.

also use it to describe the

Before his Ordination as a Priest, Geoff trained and worked as a

building in which each local

Social Worker. He is married to Dr Ann Clover and they have

segment of the Church meets.

two adult children.



"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." Coretta Scott King Author & Civil Rights Leader

Author & Campaigner

Sammy Woodhouse My name is Sammy Woodhouse, I am author of #1 best seller ‘Just A Child’, a national speaker, campaigner and fundraiser. I am one of the 1500+ survivors who were


groomed, abused and failed in Rotherham. I


was groomed and abused mentally, sexually and physically for years, made pregnant twice and gave birth to my son when I was 16 years old. Not only was Arshid mentally, sexually and physically abusing me, he was also grooming me to commit crime. In July 2013, I contacted Andrew Norfolk at The Times newspaper and handed over evidence that proved I was abused and also failed by authorities. My story was published, naming Hussain and the deputy leader of Rotherham council in August 2013. This triggered the Professor Alexis Jay report, which exposed the cover up of 1,400 children being abused and failed in Rotherham. I was also the survivor to open the police investigation (Operation Clover) into my abuse and all other non

recent child abuse cases in Rotherham. In February 2016, Arshid was found guilty and sentenced to 35 years in prison. As a campaigner I am trying to bring awareness and make changes to policies and laws.





This implies that the child or

young person is responsible for the exploitation and has the capacity to make a free and informed choice. It does not recognise



exploitative context.



“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”

Prison Reform Trust

Paula Harriott Paula



Nelson Mandela Head


Former President of South Africa


Involvement at Prison Reform Trust. She leads on integrating prisoner voice and

experience into the work of PRT, influencing policy, design, delivery and evaluation of

The Prison Reform Trust (PRT) is

services that affect those in the criminal


justice system and

ensuring that all policy and advocacy




working to create a just, humane

positions and recommendations from PRT are informed by


lived experience insight. She leads the Prisoner Policy Network.

We do this by inquiring into the

She is a Trustee of the Community Chaplaincy Association, and


a current Griffins Society Fellow, researching the experience of

informing prisoners, staff and the

mothers and families post imprisonment. She is a passionate

wider public; and by influencing

advocate for highlighting the structural inequalities that affect


vulnerable people in the criminal justice system.

officials towards reform.

She was previously Head of Involvement at Revolving Doors Agency 2015-2017, Head of Programmes at User Voice 20102015 , and in both positions has taken a lead on programmes for service user involvement in prison and probation, as well as

work to both campaign and deliver services which can assist in supporting both prisoners and ex-offenders to progress both personally and strategically past the stigma of imprisonment and multiple exclusion.





unnecessary solutions





conditions for prisoners and

prisoner Listener, a qualitative study submitted as part of a Post

awareness of the issues faced by prisoners and to proactively



and associated research – The experience of being a female

HOB PCT – sharpened her commitment to further raising



community on a diverse range of issues stems from personal

Needs of Women Offenders in Resettlement, commissioned by



imprisonment and promoting

Her current passion for working with excluded members of the

Graduate Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy, and The Health



forensic mental health services.

experiences as a prisoner 2004-2012. Her personal experiences


their families. •




human rights in the justice system.


“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Albert Einstein Physicist

Chief Executive YMCA North Staffordshire

Danny Flynn Stoke’s




Daniel Flynn is Chief Executive of YMCA

regarded as one of the best

North Staffordshire, he has worked in the

YMCA centres in the country

charitable sector for the last 35 years. His


work has focused around social housing

YMCA of the Year Award in 2014

and homelessness, and he clearly understands the linkages

and best provision of family

between design and outcome. YMCA is still the biggest youth

services 2017.

based charity in the world, based in 138 countries, servicing 50 million








internationally for YMCA working in West Africa and Israel/ Palestine. He is committed to the area and loves to see the green shoots of creativity that he believes will unlock the prosperity of all.




More than 1500 people use YMCA North Staffordshire every month from a wide customer base – young people, families, children,



sports teams, vulnerable adults,

Danny has spent most of his career working within the third sector, developing services, products and schemes. He has served on various boards and strategic bodies delivering services for young people including school governorships. He is passionate about helping young people to find a fulfilling and exciting future for themselves and believes that education is the key that unlocks the regeneration of the city. He studied Community Development at Leeds Met University and has a DMS from the Institute of Leadership and Management.


youth clubs, business meetings, art classes because they find support



here. We are a place where young people, families and our communities can get access to

services and resources that will help them develop a better future others.





"Sometimes reality is too complex. Stories give it form." Jean Luc Godard

Founder and Director Sounddelivery

French-Swiss film director

Jude Habib Jude is a BBC trained reporter and producer with over 20 years’ experience of unearthing stories that need to be told. At the BBC Jude focused on human interest storytelling, developing and delivering high-impact social action campaigns across radio, television and digital. These included Ring Around Carers, Africa Lives, Hitting Home, Children in Need and Comic Relief. She founded Sounddelivery in 2006 to give charities and the people they support the skills


and confidence to tell their stories. Since then Jude has trained



thousands of individuals in storytelling, helping to raise

priorities give a voice to: people

awareness and inspire action on issues including mental health,

with experience of violence and

domestic violence, homelessness, the care system, poverty and


life in prison.

experience of the care system;

young people with

the role of legal advisors and Sounddelivery is an award-winning digital storytelling agency

the people who seek their help;

and digital media consultancy. We champion stories that need


to be told, stories that challenge prejudice and disadvantage,


and have the power to change the world around us. We help


organisations to navigate the changing media climate and













poverty, those in


At Sounddelivery we

Sounddelivery offers a wide range of digital storytelling services,

want to support organisations

from bespoke digital training for expert citizens and in-house

that do great work but need

teams, to project partnerships, consultancy, story gathering and

further expertise to use the

content creation. We also work to connect charities and the

power of storytelling to increase

media together to build long-term relationships.

their impact.



“Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.” Jimi Hendrix Musician

Musician & Mental Health Campaigner

Amanda Roche ‘Last of the Spoken’ Amanda is a Singer/Songwriter, guitarist, bassist, drummer and producer born in Newcastle-under-Lyme who grew up in Stoke-on-Trent. Amanda uses her original music to share her ongoing story of mental health recovery, journey of Borderline Personality Disorder with symptoms of Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety and OCD. Amanda taught herself to play guitar, bass and drums at 16 and has been writing songs since 13 about her experiences of the world and her own life. In the Summer of 2017 she dived in to the deep deciding to integrate her music with being a more prominent mental health awareness activist on local radio stations, gigging, releasing music on ITunes, Spotify, Amazon etc as well as registering as an official ‘Champion’ as part of the ‘Time to Change’ mental health movement to help break down stigma. Her first single which she released in December 2017 got to No.3 in the Moorlands Radio ‘Quiet Revolution’ end of year 2017 top 30 singles chart for unsigned musicians in

Staffordshire and Cheshire with her Mental Health anthem ‘Fairytale Ending’. Amanda continues to use any opportunity she can, whether live gigs or on local radio stations to play her music and further the conversation around mental health.


“For most people, music is an important part of daily life. Some rely on music to get them through the morning commute, while others turn up a favourite playlist to stay pumped during a workout. Many folks even have the stereo on when they’re cooking a meal, taking a shower, or folding the laundry. Music is often linked to mood. A certain song can make us feel happy, sad, energetic, or relaxed. Because music can have such an impact on a person’s mindset and wellbeing, it should come as no surprise that music therapy has been studied for use in managing numerous medical conditions.”



“Poetry is truth in its Sunday clothes.” Joseph Roux French Poet

Local Poet and Expert Citizen

Jason Smith After being caught in the revolving door of the prison system for over a decade, Jason


fought for and finally gained emancipation

Drenching rains, Indian Summers

while inside a prison cell. Upon release

Cast adrift far from land lovers.

Jason moved forward with a new drive

Sirens sound singing to tease,

and new light and now helps young adults

Hurricanes blending into breeze.

prepare for independence after leaving care and works as a

Shining bright in starlit throne

community support officer for CRC Probation services. Jason

North Star guiding man alone.

facilitates workshops using poetry, creative writing and drama

The great majesty of a moon

for positive outworkings in people's. futures and has performed

Inspiring light from inner gloom.

at The National Theatre London, St Ethelburga’s Centre for

Beacon bathing stormy green

Reconciliation and Peace, Bet 365 Stadium and Roundhouse

Glancing rocks can now be seen.

London. Jason has had a novel exhibited at Birmingham

Lapping waves a peaceful tune,

Museum and Art Gallery, holds three platinum awards for

Land ahoy, we’ll be home soon.

poetry and fiction and has recently released his debut poetry collection 'Beyond Words' available via Amazon and is soon to release his EP 'Unalloyed Voice'.


HUMANS OF STOKE “The time is always right to do what’s right” Martin Luther King American Minister Stoke-on-Trent is a wonderful and diverse city with a proud history at the heart of the industrial revolution. Humans of Stoke is a collaborative project between Expert Citizens, VOICES and local photographer Jason Bould, which aims to celebrate the people that call the city home. We're famous for our friendliness, warmth, and humour. Through Humans of Stoke we share a snippet of each other's joys, sadness, triumphs, and challenges. While we all have a different story, we share a common bond of humanity and life experience as well as this great city.


OATCAKES & LOBBY Staffordshire oatcakes are a delicacy which has reportedly been around for hundreds of years and are still a firm favourite here in Stoke-on-Trent. There's now a steady stream of non-Stokies who are touched by their greatness after just one taste. After all, tasting your first oatcake is a bit like eating chocolate - it's a deeply personal moment and many people never look back!

Lobby is a traditional beef and potato stew or broth from Stoke-on-Trent. The main recipe of lobby consists of diced potatoes, diced beef, carrots, onions, stock such as an Oxo cube, and other various ingredients. Staffordshire has many traditional dishes, including lobby, which was eaten by poorly paid potters who could not afford fresh food every day.


INTERACTIVE THEATRE ‘IN MY SHOES’ Today we’re going to ask you to step into someone else’s shoes and ask, “In that situation - what would,

should or could you have done?” B arts and Rideout have been working with members of Expert Citizens to create an interactive performance that shines a light on some of the challenges people with support needs face in their daily lives. Drawing on the real-life experiences of a number of Expert Citizens, this show will present scenes from the lives of two fictional characters, and ask you, the audience, to help in their decision making. Furthermore, you will be asked to consider the role of professionals in

their lives, and explore strategies for better policy and practice. B arts and Rideout (Creative Arts for Rehabilitation) are Stoke-on-Trent based arts charities specialising in work with people experiencing social exclusion. They use arts processes and creative techniques to help people make healthy changes in the way they experience the world, and to build new positive narratives for themselves and their communities.

Rideout was established in 1999, and the company has a national and international reputation for innovative work, particularly with people in the criminal justice system. The company’s artistic director, Saul Hewish, has over 30 years experience in this field and has worked in custodial and community settings throughout the UK as well as in Europe and the United States.


We believe that public investment in art and culture matters. Art and culture make life better, help to build diverse communities and improve our quality of life. Great art and culture can inspire our education system, boost our economy and give our nation international standing. We are England’s advocate for the value of art and culture. We bring artists and organisations together so that their voice can be heard; we champion the role art and culture plays in our lives, and we support new ways of thinking about the arts and their potential. Take a look at the online conversation and get involved using #culturematters

National Lottery Awards for All offers funding from £300 to £10,000 to support what matters to people and communities. The Big Lottery Fund funds projects and activities that make communities stronger and more vibrant, and that are led by the people who live in them. We support charities, community groups, and people with great ideas - local or national, large or small. We also bring people and groups together: to share experiences, learn from each other and try new ways of working. People use this funding to do extraordinary things, taking the lead to improve their lives and communities. Every time you buy a National Lottery ticket, you help make this happen. Communities come in all shapes and sizes, and National Lottery funding is there for everyone.


“Don’t count the days, make the days count” Mohammed Ali Boxer, activist & philanthropist

AWARD NOMINATIONS WELCOMING PEOPLE AWARD Nominees in this category have demonstrated that they welcome people with multiple needs warmly. Encouraging participation with positive engagement that focuses on the assets and aspirations of people in need.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Chinese Proverb

Ben wood

Work Coach, Department for Work and Pensions

When Ben joined the DWP in January 2017, he recognised the opportunity to use learning from his own lived experience for the benefit of others. Ben organised for every desk in the Job Centre to have a small LGBT flag to help people from the LGBT community feel welcome. During Pride Week, Ben arranged for 100 local DWP staff to hear people’s stories through local people and organisations. Ben bravely told colleagues of his own difficult experiences. He then arranged for a display featuring information about local LGBT services in the Job Centre. He is now rolling out this learning to other offices across his area. Ben’s warm welcome is reaching truly far and wide.

David Roxburgh

Director, Elevat8 Kindness is the physical expression of empathy. This journey began with a simple Tweet. David called out to the void of twitter and asked if anyone would be interested in generating more kindness. Twitter responded fast through the medium of a local Pub Landlord. He kindly offered a free room where people could meet and, of course, his hospitality. People are now meeting regularly and, far from being random acts, kindness is being organised through the assets and good will of the local community. The Twitter hashtag “Ayrshire Be Kind” is now used to share kindness and inspire others. This Christmas the pub is hosting a celebration of kindness, offering free meals to people that have made a real difference by turning their empathy in to action.


EXPERT CITIZEN INSIGHT EVALUATIONS Expert Citizens are working with services to perform evaluations against a set of service standards we have developed using our own lived experience, or INSIGHT. There are four levels of achievement in the standards which are welcoming, listening, learning, and leading.

WELCOMING Welcoming services treat people with dignity and respect as well as valuing the contribution of Expert Citizens. They make people with multiple needs feel welcome.

LISTENING TO PEOPLE AWARD Nominees in this category have demonstrated that they listen to people with multiple needs actively with a view to changing services to make them even more effective.

Daniel Ware

Service Manager, St. Mungo’s

Alan Butler

Peer Supporter, Ealing Mental Health Hospital

John O’Donnell

Peer Facilitator, Dual Diagnosis Anonymous UK Dan, Alan, and John were already busy people. Nevertheless, their shared interests drove them to start Dual Diagnosis Anonymous UK in their own time. DDA is a peer led service offering on-going support in the community for people experiencing co-existing mental ill-health and addiction. They now run several peer support groups across West London. DDA reaches people that would otherwise be isolated or alone. People attending the group report that they feel more alive, more confident, and are now taking actions to seek work or study.

Vicki Bevington

Team Leader , ARCH When Vicki received a referral for a person that others described as being too “high risk”, she realised that flexibility would be needed. After some hard thinking and consultation with others, Vicki decided to make an exception to the usual eligibility criteria for one of their services. This meant that the person could escape the exploitation and abuse being experienced on the streets. At first, as someone with a long history of rough sleeping, he struggled to adapt and often didn’t return to the service at night. But Vicki took a flexible approach. A year later and the person has developed a trusting relationship with the staff. He is now almost ready to move to resettlement accommodation with a lower level of support.

Keith Lefevre

Manager , Travelodge Keith was approached by a support organisation to provide short-term accommodation for someone experiencing street homelessness. He listened to the support worker with care and decided to allow the person to stay. Keith and his team have made the person feel welcome as a valued guest. They have gone the extra mile to help by providing companionship and chat at breakfast, taking phone calls and emails, as well as passing on messages from support workers. Keith has supported the search for permanent accommodation by providing a reference. The actions of Keith and his team made the person feel valued, welcome, and listened to at an extremely difficult time.


“There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential” Rusty Berkus Family Councillor

LIVED EXPERIENCE JUDGING PANEL This year Expert Citizens received over 60 nominations from all over the UK which were judged on their merit by a UK wide panel of people with lived experience.

LISTENING In addition to all the characteristics of welcoming services, listening services actively seek the views of people with multiple needs and Expert Citizens. This is with a view to making their services even better and more accessible to people experiencing multiple needs.

LEARNING FROM PEOPLE AWARD Nominees in this category have demonstrated that they use active listening to learn from people with multiple needs and change their services as a result. Alternatively, nominees have demonstrated their ability to teach others the skills they need to learn to work even more effectively with people experiencing multiple needs.

“Some people strengthen the society just by being the kind of people they are.” John W Gardner

Carl Taylor

Commissioning Officer, Gateshead Council

When Carl was approached by the Jigsaw Recovery Project, he heard an opportunity for co-production immediately. Encouraging the project to build a business plan around the idea, Carl successfully explored prospects for seed funding to do a pilot. The Jigsaw Recovery Project are now running a scheme to help care leavers find suitable accommodation. Carl is described as listening to people because “lived experience is a valued commodity in today’s society.” However, he didn’t stop there. Carl has stuck with the project and supported the project to design data capture systems. Designed by people with lived experience that are delivering the service, this dataset prototype has now been rolled out across the North East to other services. Carl is truly putting people in the lead.

Wael Kassab

Former US Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare

Consultant Psychiatrist, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust


When Dr Kassab was referred two patients with multiple needs, it would have been easy offer a traditional appointment-based service. However, instead Dr Kassab listened closely to support workers involved with the individuals to be as flexible as possible. By taking the time to visit these patients in a place where they felt most comfortable, Dr Kassab overcame some significant barriers to their engagement. This resulted in a more holistic and accessible service in challenging circumstances.

In addition to the characteristics of welcoming and listening, learning services are applying their understanding to make services even more effective for people with multiple needs. They involve people with multiple needs in evaluating the improvements and are striving to become leaders.

Julie Norton

Consultant in Emergency Care, Royal Stoke University Hospital

Life as a consultant in the NHS is extremely busy. But Julie still finds the time to take extra care of patients in need. Just one example is that Julie collects quality clothing so that people can be discharged with dignity. Julie has taken the lead in the department to bring people with lived experience to share their stories to promote learning. As a result, the department is now distributing improved information about where and how to access care and support services. More than this, work is underway to change the system so that patients experiencing homelessness can be identified easily. Further learning events for staff in the department are also scheduled.


LEADING OTHERS AWARD Nominees in this category are leading others in good practice for people with multiple needs. They are setting a benchmark for colleagues to follow and generously passing on the skills and experience that they have developed.

Sophie Murtha Caitlin Wilson Laura Christer Rochelle Artus

“Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it.” Frances Wright

Domestic Violence Peer Educators , West End Women and Girls Centre These inspirational young women established the ‘Safe Project’ in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Their work in schools provides training and support to help young women identify when a relationship is coercive or abusive. Thanks to their work, each year group in local secondary schools now has trained individuals that others can go to with their concerns. Their service has now been established over four years. These amazing young women were described in their nomination as showing incredible passion, drive and proactivity in supporting others to keep themselves safe.

Stan Burridge

Expert by Experience Lead, Pathway Project Stan’s leadership at Pathway has had far reaching results. His training and development of people with lived experience has released their potential. Examples include Experts by Experience being involved in training doctors and nurses, sitting on a panel of experts at a conference of 200 medical professionals, and joining a national advisory group on addiction. Stan’s team have established a patient involvement group which has influenced the commissioning of a health service for people experiencing homelessness. As people in Stan’s service have developed, many have gone on to paid roles within and outside of the health service. Stan is passionate that just as the skills and time of professionals are valued and compensated, so should the skills and time of people with lived experience.

Scottish Lecturer & Writer

LEADING In addition to all the characteristics of welcoming, listening, and learning, leading services are actively sharing their good practice with others to widen inclusion for people with multiple needs.

GET YOUR OWN INSIGHT EVALUATION If you would like your service or organisation to benefit from an INSIGHT evaluation by Expert Citizens, please contact us via:

Carol Hamlett

Managing Director, Transforming Choice

Carol founded Transforming Choice to offer residential detox and rehabilitation for people that have become alcohol dependent. The service has an impressive record of success. This is particularly exciting because the service focuses on helping people that may have been through other services several times. The Care Quality Commission noted in their inspection report that the service accepted vulnerable people who might be excluded from other residential treatment. Residents of the service are co-creators of their care plans. The CQC noted areas of outstanding practice in a visible


MARK GATER AWARD Nominees in this category are drawn from the wider community having shown interest in and commitment to people experiencing multiple needs.

Iain Cameron

Low Threshold Service Manager, Extern Iain, better known as ‘Buff’, has shown outstanding commitment in establishing a Street Injectors Support Service in Belfast. This outreach service visits locations in the city with problems in relation to discarded needles. As well as clearing these away, the service offers advice, education, sterile injecting equipment, and trained administrators of naloxone. The results have been outstanding for the community and individuals. Thousands of discarded needles have been removed. Many people have been accommodated. And, several people in a state of overdose have been revived with naloxone administration. This success has attracted funding from commissioners and interest in the model from as far away as the United States.

“Just another day… Emails and phone calls and filling in forms, Banter and laughter and challenging norms, And then you go out and save lives” Mark Gater

Kate Blakemore

Founder and CEO, Motherwell Cheshire CIO

Motherwell Cheshire is a service provided for women by women. It promotes positive health and wellbeing, offering a range of educational services, holistic therapies and mental health support. The Believe Project is a specialist service supporting mums with a child, or children, who have been placed into care. Believe works with all mums to help them grow in confidence and feel valued, more resilient and emotionally strong again. The service is now developing to offer peer mentors. Kate has responded to the issue that many women whose children are taken in to care do not receive the support, representation, or advocacy that they need at the most challenging of times. The Believe project helps women to cope with the trauma and aims to prevent recurrence.

Terry Nelson & Mark Tunney Directors, Jigsaw Recovery Project

Terry and Mark worked together on the Newcastle and Gateshead Fulfilling Lives project funded by the National Lottery. Through this relationship they developed a joint vision for the Jigsaw Recovery Project based on how their own experience could help others. Bravely, they struck out together to make their vision a reality in 2017. The Jigsaw Recovery Project is now delivering services to young people leaving care, people with histories of offending, and offering family mediation. Terry and Mark also work closely with service commissioners and others to influence the system to be more accessible for people with multiple needs. Their nomination noted that Terry and Mark had shown real leadership in empowering people to see their true potential.


MARK GATER AWARD Expert Citizens have dedicated this award to recognise the outstanding achievement of people that go the extra mile to help people with multiple needs. This is in memory of Mark Gater who used his skills to make a difference.

MARKET PLACE EXHIBITORS The market place brings together many of the services that are working with Expert Citizens, VOICES, and others from across the UK, to help and empower people with multiple needs.



Transforming Choice Liverpool Residential Detox and Rehabilitation for people who have become alcohol dependent Brighter Futures Providing support to those who require extra help to live independent and fulfilled lives Motherwell Cheshire A Service provided for women by women, promoting positive health and wellbeing Changes User led mental health charity Dual Diagnosis Anonymous Support in the community for people with co-existing mental health and addiction problems Amanda Roche - ‘Last of the spoken’ Music available from our key note speaker ADFAM Improving life for families affected by drugs and alcohol VAST Developing, advancing and promoting the voluntary and community sector in Staffordshire Elevat8 Working towards a more inclusive society supporting people to take the lead in developing their skills Housing First (Local & National) Shaping a national movement of Housing First services Expert Citizens CIC Improving systems and services for people experiencing multiple needs The rise and fall of Blake & Gladys Try your hand at our innovative board game B-Arts Arts charity specialised in work with people experiencing social exclusion Mayday Trust Support for people going through tough life transitions Pathway London Transforming health services for people experiencing homelessness ARCH Supporting people with complex needs to develop their independence Performance through People Providing high quality training to companies throughout the Midlands Emmaus Potteries Working to establish an Emmaus community in the Potteries



“Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with passion.” Brian Chesky Airbnb CEO


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Accendo Consultancy



All the Small Things CIC

Arch North Staffs


Autumn House Carehome


BAC and O’Connor Centre

Big Lottery Fund

Brighter Futures


Citizens Advice Staffordshire North & Stoke-on-Trent

Collective Voices

Creative Inclusion


Dementia path Finders

Derbyshire County Council

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous

DWP organisations/department -for-work-pensions


Emmaus Potteries


Future 19

Gateshead Council

Healthwatch Staffordshire


Healthwatch Stoke


Her Majesty Prison and Probation Service organisations/hermajestys-prison-andprobation-service

Homeless Link

Jigsaw Recovery Project

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Lankelly Chase

Mayday Trust

Motherwell Cheshire


My Community Matters Stoke



“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.” Frank Zappa Musician, activist & film maker

ORGANISATIONS REPRESENTED National Probation Service organisations/nationalprobation-service


NHS Combined Healthcare

National Offender Management Service organisations/nationaloffender-managementservice

North Staffs MIND

Number 11 Project

Pathway Project

Public Health England organisations/publichealth-england

Phoenix Practice

PM Training


Salvation Army -street-lifehouse

Sarah Blunden Counselling




Spirende Ltd Staffordshire County Council

Staffordshire Fire Service

Staffordshire Housing Group

Staffordshire Police

Staffordshire Probation Service

Staffordshire University

Steve Freeman

Steven Talbot Consultancy


Stoke Winter Night Shelter


Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Surrey MEAM

Transforming Choice

Travel Lodge

University Hospital North Midlands

University of West London

Wellbeing Scotland

Westend Women and Girls


Which Way Trust


"Challenges are our biggest teachers. Nothing teaches us more in life than challenges." Brenda Nathan Writer

YOUR NOTES “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them� Dennis Waitley Motivational Speaker


YOUR NOTES “If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” Thomas Jefferson 3rd US President

Our film production partner today is Inspired Film and


a film production company based in Stoke on Trent. Inspired provide a range of film production services including film, animation, live streaming and e-learning. Their clients include, Voices, NHS trusts from around the country, Staffordshire University, Keele University and many other local, national and international companies, organisation and broadcasters. Inspired are proud ambassadors and advocates for Stoke on Trent and the surrounding area and their crew today are all local graduates with a passion for film making and visual communication technology. If you’d like to discuss a project of your own with a member of the Inspired team please feel free to say ‘Hello’ or contact them on 01782 845533.




Thank you to everyone involved for all the hard work that goes into making the INSIGHT Conference & Awards so special. Special thanks to: • • • • • • •

Big Lottery Fund Awards For All Arts Council England B-Arts & Ride Out Everyone at Expert Citizens Everyone at VOICES Inspired Video Everyone that took time to make a nomination


“Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”


Mark Twain American Author

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Barack Obama @ExpertCitizens 28

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