Top seven benefits of VoIP

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Top seven benefits of VoIP VoIP is also referred as IP Telephony or Internet Telephony. By using this service you can make calls at cheaper rate. One of the main reasons as to why people are turning towards VoIP technology is cost. If your computer has a microphone, speaker and an internet connection, you can communicate using VoIP for free. You can use this service at home, work, corporate network, during travel and even on beach. This technology has gained acceptance throughout the world but still more changes have to be done in future. Some benefits of VoIP are given below which can improve your home or business voice communication.

Save a lot of money: People were following the same old traditional phone line service (PSTN – Packet Switched Telephone Network) which would really cost more because here time is money. You pay for each minute and you spend communicating on the phone. Making international call is very expensive. But when you’re using VoIP service, internet is considered backbone, the only cost you have when using it is the monthly Internet bill to your ISP. Studies have depicted that when a person uses VoIP service instead of PSTN line, he/can save up to 40% on local calls, and up to 90% on international calls.

More than two persons can communicate: While using a traditional phone line service only two persons can communicate but with VoIP service, you can set up a conference.

Equipments required for using this service: If you’re using this service, the only additional hardware you will be using apart from computer and Internet connection are a sound card, speakers and microphone. They are quite cheap. Interesting and useful features: Some of the important features include Caller ID, contact Lists, Voicemail, extra-virtual numbers, Fax, call blocking, call waiting, call forwarding, 411 Directory, 911 service etc. Flexible network layout: Organizations can use certain technologies like ATM, SONET and Ethernet etc. VoIP can also be used over wireless networks like Wi-Fi. Since the system sis more standardized, it requires less equipment management and is therefore more fault tolerant. Tele-working: You can access your office from home through VoIP. You can convert your home into office by using voice, fax and data services of your workplace through organization’s intranet. Area code doesn’t matter: VoIP is not tied to an Area code. If your office is in Michigan but your customers live in Calfiornia, you can buy Voip number from California and use this number when your customers call you from California as it is a local call instead of long distance call and much cheaper for them. Some VoIP service providers, with their monthly service plans, also offer free calling within U.S and Canada. By using VoIP service you can avail various benefits which will be useful to various people.


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