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The focus of the Supervisory Commi ee is to oversee management practices and policies, safeguard member assets and ensure that VolCorp’sfinancial reporting objectives are met.To administer these responsibilities the Commi ee must establish audits, inspect or cause to be inspected the securities portfolio, cash and other accounts ofVolCorp, to inspect or cause to be inspected the internal controls over financial reporting, to opine on thefinancial statements at the end of thefiscal year and to cause a full report of these audits to be made to the Board.

In accordance with these responsibilities, the independent accounting firm of Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC was engaged to performVolCorp’s annual audit.Their le er renders an“unmodified” opinion on the consolidatedfinancial statements ofVolunteer Corporate Credit Union as of December 31, 2022, and the year then ended. Mrs. Marla Mackie, CPA, was engaged by the Commi ee to perform the internal audit function for VolCorp during 2022.All audits and their recommendations were reported to the

Supervisory Commi ee. Information Security reports were provided to the Commi ee monthly by Mr.Tyler McNair, Director, Enterprise Risk and Mr. Cody Lee, Information Security Officer.

Based on the results of the internal audits, security reports, external audit and the joint examination byTennessee Department of Financial Institutions and the National Credit UnionAdministration conducted during 2022, the Commi ee believes that it has properly represented the interests of the membership and its responsibilities toVolCorp.


Committee Chairman

Tennessee Members 1st Federal Credit Union


WestVirginia Federal Credit Union

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