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Mason Scores Sustainable Wins
2 Sustainable Solutions Team
The cancellation of his former team landed Nicholo Gadiana in the leadership role of the sustainable solutions team. “I built the team three months before the competition,” Nicholo says. Faced with time constraints and deadlines, Gadiana ensured his team followed the rules in building their project. He says the hardest part of leading his team was maintaining communication between members and finding meeting locations.
This year’s sustainable solutions competition theme was the “Tiny House Challenge.” Gadiana’s team had to create a model of 10 sustainable tiny homes, each containing a loft bed, bathroom, kitchen, and living and dining area. The competition rules also required the houses to be 400 square feet each, and all fit on 1.07 acres of land. The team used 3D modeling software to sketch and design the house layouts. For the sustainable part of the project, the plans included a rainwater soil system, which absorbs the water and lessens the need for managing rainfall runoff.
Surveying Competition Team
Another award from the ASCE Region 2 MidAtlantic West Symposium went to Mason’s surveying competition team, who won second place in their competition. Team members were Nikolas Hawley (Survey Party Chief), Christian Harar (Assistant Survey Party Chief), Kai Barner (Survey TechnicianInstrument Man), Margaret Freeman (Survey Technician-Chain Man), and Siddarth Achar (Survey Technician-Rod Man). g