Durre Design Capabilities 2016-11

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capabilities brochure


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we make design part of your organization, front and center, integrated, well thought out. it’s strategic and smart, always engaging the audience — we give power to the message. www.durredesign.com

a solid web site is a solid foundation. Web Site Development

Web Site Evolution

Web Site Management

Often the best method of moving forward is to start with a blank slate. We are experts in developing web sites from the ground up, and we know what today’s consumer expects from trusted brands.

If there is value in the business, but the web site is no longer speaking effectively to its audience, than the web site requires a revitalization.

Creating a web site is one thing. Breathing live into it, is quite another. Without knowledgeable partners and good talent it can challenging to create relevant messaging for your target audience. At Durre Design, we help you to maintain a high level of quality in creating and publishing marketing messages.

With positioning statement and branding objectives, we develop design strategies and define a conceptual approach for the new web site and create design solutions that are strong and memorable. A good and solid web site is a strong foundation for your organization.

We carefully craft solutions that maintain existing value and continue the brand heritage. We bring everything up to date, the mark, colors, typography, image treatments, graphic elements as well as online & social marketing pointers.

We can maintain web sites efficiently and smoothly without hick-ups. Our dedicated web specialist are working quickly and are up to date on relevant technological standards. We ensure compliance with guidelines for consistency and help you focus on the content of the message.


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MWest Holdings, LLC For a real estate company with a nationwide portfolio of properties, we craft a web site that accurately reflects framework of established marketing criteria. The design simultaneously reflects the concepts of heritage and modernity (moving forward while respecting the past). The site communicates the design driven nature of the company while at the same time speak with corporate authority.


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Condition One VR Condition One is an award-winning company that creates cutting edge VR content. We revitalize their brand and expand the visual system into signage and printed collateral. Fro the web site we focus on showcasing their impressive content. Reflecting the aspects of their proprietary technology, the web experience is equally seamless.


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Greenform For Greenform, an importer of lightweight non-toxic garden planters a meticulous identity system was crafted. Elements include tagline, custom-drawn logotype, color palette, font selections. Icons are combined into stylized landscape drawings, a nod to the target audience, landscape architects. Subsequently a variety of print applications such as stationery, postcards and product catalog are created. This project included a lot of visual research into landscape design and architecture. Inspiration for this project, among others, were Burle Marx’ landscape designs and vintage graphics from architectural magazines. The web site is browser responsive using a full width screen layout. For viewing the site on mobile devices the main menu is adjusted as are the viewable elements of the interface. The programming is executed in XHTML, CSS and JavaScript with web typography using CSS style sheets plus Typekit custom fonts technology Onsite Search Engine Optimization through industry standard semantic mark-up is included in the site.


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Type Studies

The identity needs to appeal to

The identity should convey

• • • •

• quality • durability • elegance

interior designers landscape designers architects design conscious people

Product Characteristic

A visual schematic of the identity development process for Greenform, shown in simplified form.


• numbered


Modern Classic




















































• light weight fiber cement • hand made in Switzerland


Icon Studies

lightweight. concrete. swiss-made. 5

• 3-year warranty




• colors: cement gray, black • color consistent throughout



Type+Icon Combination Studies


Color Studies

Image Studies

Primary Color Palette (container and what it contains) 1






Secondary Color Palette (nature, architecture, weightless)









Logotype Refinements












Logotype Refinements






Logotype Refinements

9 Logotype Refinements

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Fellowship for Visual Artists After 4 years of updating the existing web site, which we had also designed, the plan is pursued to expand the Fellowship for Visual Artists web site into a more comprehensive standalone site. It encompasses all aspects of the arts support that the California Community Foundation is involved with. The main areas of the redeveloped web site are the gallery, the 20+ year history of CCF’s engagement, an area for supporters/donors, and a section for artist seeking support through this program. The design solution is based on a variety of factors, among them the client’s wish to reduce vertical scrolling by the user. The clean aesthetic inspired by an actual gallery space is fused with an exciting color palette and sophisticated typography. A companion brochure is designed and produced to highlight selected outstanding artists. The visual language of the online components is carefully transposed to the printed space while at the same time receiving adjustments that are needed to make the piece work effectively.


have your brand be heard with our expertise in current technology, media and production methods. Optimization



Not all messages fit easily and equally into all different media outlets. If you want to communicate effectively with your audience, your materials need to be tailored to the environment it will be consumed in.

Nobody wants to overspend for services and materials. We work with you to determine the best and most cost-effective way to reach your communication goals. Our network of vendors can assist with their expertise in how to manufacture deliverables to maximize your budget.

As experts in design systems and complex crossmedia projects we are able to create a seamless experience throughout various marketing platforms and from print to online components.

We believe environment-responsive messaging pays off.


We want you to spend resources wisely.

We are experts in our field, and we know what we are talking about.

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California Community Foundation The mission of the California Community Foundation is “Strengthening Los Angeles communities through effective philanthropy and civic engagement.” The organization mostly focuses its efforts on housing, accessible health care, education, and the arts. CCF’s most important publication is the annual report for which Durre Design structures and writes the content and subsequently designs the printed and online versions. CCF is the 6th largest community foundation in the U.S. and has a complex organizational structure. We grouped their activities into sections that are digestible and tangible. The design language is simple, elegant, refined and friendly.


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UCLA Anderson School of Management The re-designed web site shows a home page without any bloat but clarity and focus. a large image carousel quickly informs the viewer of the latest in UCLA’s thought leadership. The clients for the organization is neatly divided in two groups and, the web site reflects this.


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UCLA Anderson School of Management For the EDGE program, which is geared towards recent graduates, Durre Design design a series of poster and advertisement, featuring a unique and custom key art collage that combines various branding elements of the business school into a balanced image and connects it to the main marketing message. Among the many templates developed for the school, the Powerpoint documents centering around the theme of “Adapt, Catalyze, and Transform” visualize a learning journey in an effective and compelling way. Custom icons are developed for the individual development programs that UCLA Anderson School of Management offers.


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Allison Paschke Sculptor Allison Paschke approached us to design her first catalog of work. The resulting layout structure is heavily based on the square format, with which she has worked repeatedly. This catalog design is careful to make her work the focus and the design elements secondary.


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Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) For the education department of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles a 460-page Contemporary Art Guide (CAS) is designed. The binders, one for content, the other contains slides, serve as a teaching aid for educators intending to bring their students closer to various aspects of contemporary art. A color coding system is created in which every one of the over 25 chapter covers contain the colors of the previous, the current, and the next chapter. The typography of the piece is set extra-large, so that teachers can read the guide in the near dark classrooms while showing slides.


you know your business better than we do, but we can help you to articulate it effectively. Engaging & Inspiring

Audience Connection

At Durre Design we have a clear understanding of the different demographics and how to speak to them. Converting marketing strategies into compelling messages, we design tailor-made solutions for specific target audiences.

It is important for your marketing messages to start a conversation with your audience. To enable meaningful connection to the demographic you need to target, you need great design solutions that act as transport vehicles for what you have to say.

As experts in innovative online technology and sophisticated printing techniques we communicate complex content effectively and clearly, while at the same time pushing boundaries.

Let us help you connect to your audience.

We maintain a diverse, multicultural sensibility. We look beyond our own backyard for unusual solutions and inspiration.


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Sundance Film Festival One of the premier film festivals in the world the Sundance Film Festival takes place every January in Park City, Utah. For the 2010 & 2011 film festivals we design a complete visual system and a large number of printed and online components. Working with the client we synthesize a completely unique messaging strategy for each year. The communication systems function within the framework of the Sundance brand as not to alienate it’s devoted fan base.


The comprehensive style guide includes a variety of logo versions, logos with tagline lock-ups, color palette, typeface palette, patterns, custom backgrounds, special typographic treatments, and sample applications. We redesign the web site’s look and feel, a series of online promos, printed ads, helped brainstorm merchandise options, designed the film guide, catalog, different posters, postcards, movie tickets and credential badges.

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Shimahara Illustration Shimahara Illustration creates refined architectural illustrations for architecture/engineering firms. Work includes digital and traditional renderings and digital animations. For this site design we maximized the impact by showcasing the renderings dramatically large and by stripping away superfluous decoration. We made it easy to for prospective and existing clients to be impressed.


excellence is a commitment and a state of mind. Passion for Excellence



Durre Design is a multifaceted design and branding agency founded on a basic principle, a passion for design excellence.

We know that we have responsibilities:

Design is not a stand-alone exercise in creativity. It’s a thorough process that requires collaboration and focus on both sides. Our work is not a cosmetic afterthought, but built into the strategic thinking evolved from the collaboration of the minds.

Since 2007 Durre Design has operated in Los Angeles serving a variety of clients. The company is located in the Soutbay of Los Angeles and serves nonprofit institutions as well as for-profit companies.


We have a responsibility to help our clients become respected leaders in their field. We have a responsibility to create visual communication that is socially relevant, ethically correct, and provides sustainable solutions. We have a responsibility to make the creative work process as clear and stimulating as possible for everyone involved, on the client side and within our studio practice.

At Durre Design, we listen to our clients, because we are eager to learn, and we realize that you know your business better than we do.

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Yost Grube Hall Architects After a rigorous selection process that includes requests for proposals from 17 design firms, Durre Design is hired to redesign all visuals of in this rebranding effort of the 45-year old architectural firm. After thorough research, we developed a variety of design system options spanning the spectrum of what the creative brief could encompass. The resulting visual system contains various elements, at its core a timeless wordmark with completely custom-drawn letters, a color palette of sophisticated blues and grays, and News Gothic the 100-year old typeface classic. The projects scope include corporate identity system, company web site, extensive stationery package, corporate identity manual, digital templates, email newsletter, email signatures.


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Yost Grube Hall Architects The look and feel of Yost Grube Hall’s web site is designed so that the content shines. Unnecessary decoration and elements have been removed to communicate integrity and high professional standards that the firm is known for. The entire interface is built on a strict 4-column grid. Content is on the left, imagery on the right side of the page. Most navigation is all together so that to browse the site little cursor movement is required. The email newsletter also follow strict layout guidelines. digital documents as well as Powerpoint templates and an identity style guides are created for the architecture firm.


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Kilroy Realty Animation to highlight the central location of the Sunset Media Center with its advantageous amenities. We developed the look and feel and hire an animator to make it come to life.


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CO Architects CO Architects: After having been an architectural practice for many years under the name Anshen+Allen Los Angeles, the partners rename their business to CO Architects. A bold, simple logotype is accompanied by a custom font, signage, identity guidelines, announcement cards, merchandise items and a comprehensive collateral system. In a surprise meeting the new name is unveiled to the 100+ people workforce which is excited by the print collateral gift box everyone receives. Tradeshow presence, brochures, and new website are designed in the following year.


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to create one’s own world in any of the arts takes courage.—georgia o’keeffe


Volker Durre

Durre Design, Inc.

Creative Director & President 310.750.6882 volker@durredesign.com

26440 Birchfield Ave Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 www.durredesign.com

Durre Design owns the copyright for this confidential document and all its contents.

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