How To Create A Website For SEO Success

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==== ==== How To Create A Profitable Website ==== ====

Knowing how to create a website that the search engines will love is a straight forward process but it does require a little more work than many are prepared to put in. The simple one page sales letter plus download page website did work well in the past but now it will most likely hinder the progress of your internet business in terms of sales. The search engines love content. Just think for a moment why people go onto the internet. It's to search for information. Websites that provide such information with quality, relevant and unique content are going to rank much higher than websites that merely advertise a product for sale and have no other function. So in order for your website, that will most likely be offering something for sale, to rise high in the search engines, you must provide something more than a simple sales page. It isn't just a case of ensuring that you utilise relevant keywords and tags on your website for. There should always be a contact page which provides a contact email address and also a postal address. There should also be a terms and conditions page plus a page that gives more information about you. You could also include a privacy policy page. Now for the really effective pages that the search engines love. What you must also do is create a main articles page. This is a page that will have individual links leading to each article that you write on a particular subject or keyword in your niche. In order to do this, the main page of your website, the sales page must also include clickable links, located either at the top or bottom of the site, that go to various reference pages. Each article will be put on a subpage. And on that article subpage will be a link back to your sales page. What you will then have created is a website that not only offers something for sale but also content that is relevant to the search that the person is undertaking. Through the creation of a main articles page and creating subpages for each article, these will all be indexed by the search engines with the result being greater weight, relevance and importance being placed on your website in the eyes of the search engines. It is these links to the individual articles that will act as headlines to the articles and should contain keywords relevant to the articles and to your niche market. Why don't you also make sure that if you have a blog it is linked to the website and also to some of the articles? This will increase your link structure throughout your website and to your blog and back again. Link some of your blog posts to the articles on your website to increase the amounts of back links. It isn't just a case of utilising keywords and tags on your website for how to create a website the search engines love. By undertaking a little more work in writing some articles and putting them on

a specially created articles page, you can create a very attractive website in the eyes of the search engines, helping it rise up the rankings, plus also if you are considering using pay per click, your costs will be lower than a straight forward sales page website. Now is that not worth the extra effort to build your own niche internet business?

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==== ==== How To Create A Profitable Website ==== ====

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