==== ==== How To Create A Profitable Website http://bit.ly/createweb ==== ====
Like a lot of people, I used to think that creating a website would be hard, until I tried and it was amazingly simple! Now I have over thirty website that are all making money. Here's how you can get started right away. Firstly, you will need to buy some hosting from a hosting company such as GoDaddy or Arvixe. A hosting company basically runs a server which is like a computer 24/7. It is always connected to the internet and never switched off, this is where you need to build your website in order for it to be accessible on the internet 24/7. This may seem complicated but the hosting companies usually make it very simple to set yourself up. So, pick a plan, and buy a basic hosting account. You will usually need to pay a small monthly fee to use their servers based on the plan you choose. Now, to get an address like "http://www.CheckOutMyWebsite.com" you will need to buy it. That address is called a domain name. A domain name will be a small yearly fee and can usually be purchased from the same company as your host. You can search around for better prices, but to keep it simple buying from your host is usually a good idea. You will be asked to choose a domain name that is available. Generally, to help rank on the search engines, you should pick a domain name that is a central keyword to your website topic. You could check out Google keywords, their search volume, and their competition by using the Google keyword tool (type "Google keyword tool" into a search engine). You will want something with a relatively low competition in comparison to search volume. Going for a keyword that has more than about 5000 monthly searches will take a long time to rank, so if you plan to rank highly in the search engine, pick a fairly easy keyword to rank for with low traffic and no competition. Now, I am assuming you already have an idea of the topic you are doing your website on, so I'll skip the details about how to choose a niche topic. Let's move on to the website building. Here's some good news, these days you don't need to know any HTML coding to create websites. Although it does help, it is definitely not necessary. To get started, head over to WordPress.org where you can download their website software for free. WordPress comes with their famous 5 minute installation guide (I'd have to admit it took me a bit longer the first time I used it, but now I can install it in about one minute). Follow their instructions carefully and if you run into any problems check their forum or search Google for answers. This is what I did and I figured out what my mistakes were.
Anyway, once that has been installed, you can log in to your control panel and start adding pages and posts to your website, these will be live right away and you are all done. Once you familiarize yourself with the WordPress software, you might want to search Google for "Free WordPress themes" to spice up your website. Next, you are going to need to attract some traffic. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best way to get free traffic to your website. Basically you need to create content that Google likes and create backlinks to your webpages in order for Google to rank your higher for certain keywords. SEO is a specialized art and it is always changing so it is worth looking into, just type "Free SEO Analysis" into Google if you need some clarification. For immediate results, I often tell people about my website in forums, blogs, web 2.0 sites to create an interest right away. I hope these tips on how to create a website are beneficial to you and you get your website online today. There are also many ways to monetize your website so you can easily get your money back for the hosting costs and pocket a little more for yourself if you do things right.
If you are after a free SEO analysis, please be sure to check us out at http://www.SEOJuice.net for more helpful tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Adamson
==== ==== How To Create A Profitable Website http://bit.ly/createweb ==== ====