Old-Fashioned Love Notes Are The Most Romantic

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For centuries, or perhaps since the beginning of time, love notes have been used to express heartfelt romantic feelings to the recipient. Sometimes verbally expressing how deeply you feel about a person is not enough. However, when you sit down with a pen and paper something happens. All those unexpressed and raw emotions tend to spill out on the page. Love notes obviously discuss the love that a person has to someone. However, they also go a bit deeper than that. One can use many themes such as growth, romance, joy, commitment, wholeness and risk. Whichever theme you choose to write about, the only thing that matters is that it comes from the heart. We live in a technology driven society. Instead of writing letters, the majority of people use instant messaging, e-mail or tweets. While all of these forms of communication have the advantage of being convenient, they can never replace the art of writing a letter. When the recipient sees an actual letter addressed to them, it can provoke deeper emotion than receiving a love note via email or text message. Love notes written on paper gives way to a certain intimacy that is no longer commonplace in modern society. Love letters will leave a profound and lasting impression to the recipient. If you want to write a love letter to the one that you love, there are a few pointers, which can help you along the way. Before you begin writing your love note, first take the time to think about whom you will be sending the letter to. As you begin to think about that individual, ask yourself why you want to send a love note. These steps are important; as they will help invoke the most vulnerable side of you and help you reach an emotional state to where you can express some of your deepest feelings. Doing this will take away any fear or anxiety you may have; as the goal is to focus on your recipient. Once you have reached a romantic and emotional frame of mind, begin to think about what qualities or themes you would like to bring forth. Perhaps there is something about your significant other that you admire. Or, maybe they have done something for you and you want to express your gratitude. Do not be afraid to use romantic language; but at the same time be sure that you let your real personality shine through. If you are a natural poet, then the use of flowery language is okay. But if you are not the poetic type you can still use romantic language without all the prose. However you choose to draft your message, just be sure that there is true sentiment behind your words and that your words come straight from the heart.

M Rose, a love and relationship expert, writes about the healing power of love at HealingLoveNotes.com. Learn more about writing romantic love notes at her Web site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Rose

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