==== ==== Ultra-powerful Brainwave Entrainment System That Will Make You Smarter http://bit.ly/brainpowergenius ==== ====
Have you ever thought the amount of Brain capacity we are using on a day to day basis? Or the amount of Power we have which is far better than a super computer, which can help you achieve your Goals, Desires, or Dreams? This massive power has been made available to you since men has been evolved. It's just that only a few individuals have taken the advantage of it, why? Because only these few knew how to use it, or were aware, that they were using this paranormal Brain Power. These few had the power to take them from rags to riches, from power to success, frustration & emptiness to happiness & fulfillment. As I mentioned above these few people were not aware of their abilities as all their power was running on Autopilot, what we call our Subconscious Mind. It's like the everyday things we do breath, run, walk, ride a bike, drive a car, etc, what you have learnt once, your subconscious mind takes over and does it on Autopilot. Hence we have these Super Brain Powers which we haven't tapped into & I can safely say that the majority of us aren't even aware that they exist. It is only lately, due to advancement in our technology that we are now realizing the power of the human mind, people are recoding data and sharing with their fellow human beings. One of them was Napoleon Hill who spent nearly 25yrs of his life researching and interviewing successful people during his times and recording this data into a book which we know as 'Think And Grow Rich". He concluded that most of these successful men and women used or had the ability to tap into some higher source which he called the "Infinite Intelligence" or "Universal Intelligence" to put it more appropriately, in my opinion, - GOD. But how to tap into this Intelligent Source? That was the BIG question and it still is, as the brain is so intricate that it still baffles our scientists to this day. It still marvels them as studies have shown that the brain is still working even though we may be asleep...all thanks to our Subconscious mind. It is this very Subconscious Mind that tells us or forewarns us of an impending danger or gives us the "right decisions" on any of our problems that we are thinking about. Napoleon Hill tells that these "decisions" are given to us by the "Infinite Intelligence" though our Subconscious Mind. So imagine these little information we get when we haven't even trained our mind, think what your brain can do when it is "Awakened" or when it goes to "work". Remember the famous proverb "A man becomes what he thinks", so be careful what you think. This where our positive thoughts work in our favor(being successful), and the negative thoughts against you(failures, poverty, etc). But then again you cannot just tap into these mind powers just by sitting on your easy chair, no, there is some work (I hate this) involved. It begins when one realizes that he/she wants to succeed
in life, when there are certain goals or dreams one wishes to achieve. You can even use it to control your body weight, quit smoking, find your soulmate, etc, etc. Learning how to use our brain power lets us create things that we have always been dreaming of. This "awakens" your Subconscious Mind to start tapping into the "Intelligent Source" and things begin to work for you and outside sources come to your aid in order to achieve your goals and desires. Once you learn to harness the power of your mind, the things that you can do are limitless. Find out more about increasing the power of the mind and live the life of your dreams. All the secrets revealed here.
The author is a blogger, a network marketer, and an authority in self improvement of mind and body. http://bz9.cc/09Z3 Aunali Noordin Email: ant786110@yahoo.com Tel: +2554728999702 Skype: aunali.noordin
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aunali_Noordin
==== ==== Ultra-powerful Brainwave Entrainment System That Will Make You Smarter http://bit.ly/brainpowergenius ==== ====