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Volodymyr Sokolyk TEAM LEADER LEADING ARCHITECT Ukraine Remote work Experience: 6 years 1 month Design and management of the full project cycle Project team management and mentoring Avalon Leading architect; Team lead

November 2020 - March 2022, 1 year 5 months, Lviv, Ukraine


+380934198663 (Mobile) (LinkedIn) profile.php (Personal)

- Management and mentoring of the team of architects - Management and planning of project development - Development of urban concepts - Development of architectural and construction part of projects at the stages of EP, P, R - Planning, development and updating of deadlines, schedules, reports - Document management with the Customer (Contracts, design and executive documentation, etc.) - Implementation of author's supervision over the construction of the designed objects - Interaction with subcontracted project organizations

N+K Architectvra Leading Architect. Project Manager

February 2020 - November 2020,10 months, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

HABITS Adobe Suite Agile methodologies AutoCAD/Revit/Sketchup


- Management and control of the course of design, completion of construction documentation - Planning, development and updating of deadlines, schedules, reports - Interaction with estimators - Document management with the customer (Contracts, design and executive documentation, etc.) - Interaction with subcontractors

AVR Development

Ukrainian (Native or Bilingual)

February 2016 - February 2020, 4 year 1 months, Lviv, Ukraine

French (Elementary)

Project Manager, Аrchitect

English (Elementary) Russian (Limited Working)

HOBBY Hiking Snowboarding Ride a mountain bike River rafting Music festivals

August 2019 - February 2020 · 7 months

- Management and control of the course of design, completion of construction documentation - Planning, development and updating of deadlines, schedules, reports - Interaction with estimators - Document management with the customer (Contracts, design and executive documentation, etc.) - Interaction with subcontractors

Project manager of model making studio March 2018 - August 2019, 1 year 6 months

- drafting a project tree - scheduling a project for the Kanban-based team - drawing up project estimates - formation, adjustment and systematization of transport logistics processes - cooperation and consultations of clients in carrying out of presentation actions with production of the design studio

Architect. Project manager of model making studio January 2017 - August 2019, 2 year 8 months

- Creating and developing concept design through drawing, sketches, layouts, 3D visualization and other presentation material - Participation in negotiation and presentation process with Clients - Development of project plans, reports on the projects - Creating and developing concept design through drawing, sketches, layouts, 3D visualization and other presentation material - Participation in negotiation and presentation process with Clients - Development of project plans, reports on the projects

Model maker

February 2016 - September 2 years 8 months

- operator of laser CNC equipment - technical and software maintenance of CNC laser equipment - development and execution of drawings for cutting with CNC laser equipment - operator of CNC milling equipment - maintenance and software maintenance of CNC milling equipment - development and execution of drawings for cutting with CNC milling equipment - development and execution of models for 3D printing - development of technical documentation, cutting and implementation of voluminous realistic models of buildings and structures - development of technical documentation and implementation of light scenarios for models of buildings and structures - finishing, cutting, installation of volumetric realistic models of buildings and structures from the following materials: PVC, acrylic plastic, composite, balsa, expanded polystyrene, various types of wood

Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Diploma of a specialist in engineering specialty Architectural design (2011 - 2017)

Липова Алея 5 (residential complex) Lviv Leading architect; Team lead

Stage Concept - development of functional zoning of buildings; - development of the town-planning concept according to town-planning conditions and building norms; EP stage - development of building architecture, development of spatial planning decisions in accordance with regulatory requirements Stage P - management of the team's implementation of the project proposal of the competition; management of project works; formation of forecasts and calendar plans; forming tasks for contractors

Дорошенка ,2 ( Shopping center with hotel block) Lviv Leading architect / Project-manager Competitive project for the International Open Architectural Competition for the best design proposal of the shopping center with the Grand Hotel Lviv hotel block and conference hall - management of the team's implementation of the project proposal of the competition; - development of functional zoning according to town-planning and other normative documents; - development of spatial planning decisions according to regulatory documentation; - development of the architectural concept according to the technical task of the competition;

Незалежності,73 ( office center) Ivano-Frankivsk Leading architect / Project-manager Reconstruction project: -development of the architectural proposal of the existing building -management of project works -formation of forecasts and calendar plans -forming tasks for contractors

C.Стоцького ( private hospital) Lviv Аrchitect

Stage Concept - development of functional zoning of the clinic buildings; - development of the town-planning concept according to town-planning conditions and building norms; EP stage - analysis of medical technology of English, Polish, Austrian samples; - development of medical technology of the clinic MBR stage (MBO) - development of a concept-based IBRD project; - formation of an accompanying package of documentation for obtaining the MOU;

Навроцького,31 (residential complex) Lviv Project-manager/ architect

RD stage: -project management -formation of forecasts and calendar plans -forming tasks for contractors -development of architecture of the complex Stage P: -implementation of spatial planning decisions according to regulatory documentation -preparation of the stage for examination.

Панаса Мирного 24 (multifunctional building) Lviv architect

EP stage - development of spatial planning decisions according to the requirements of regulatory documentation / Stage P - development of the GP section

Харківська (residential building of medium storey) Lviv


EP stage / IMO stage - development of spatial planning decisions according to the requirements of regulatory documentation; - development of building architecture;

Колегіум УКУ (student dormitory) Lviv architect Stage P - implementation of spatial planning decisions in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation; Stage RD - execution of working drawings; Stage of IN - development of the concept of corridors of residential floors; - development of the concept of bathrooms; - development of the concept of a spiral staircase

Колегіум УКУ (student dormitory) Lviv architect Stage P - implementation of spatial planning decisions in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation; Stage RD - execution of working drawings; Stage of IN - development of the concept of corridors of residential floors; - development of the concept of bathrooms; - development of the concept of a spiral staircase




Героїв УПА (residential complex) Lviv Model maker / Project-manager of model making studio

Семицвіт (residential complex) Lviv Model maker / Project-manager of model making studio

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