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Alexander Holloway was born in west Tennessee where he grew up in Memphis for his adolescence. Since the seventh grade, he verbally claimed that he wants to be an architect. Art became an interest at a very young age where his passion followed drawing mostly. At the time, it was hard to say what architecture was about or how it gets done but for all those years, the desire for it sustained and became a great opportunity to enroll at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for the College of Architecture and Design. Here is where landscape architecture was introduced where he learned about the importance of the interrelations between land and structure. His infatuation with movies, tv shows, media, and the fine arts led him to pursue a bachelors degree in architecture and later a masters in landscape architecture. Alex studied classical music from the fourth through twelfth grade where constant exposure of the fine arts was imminent.


University of Tennessee, Knoxville

College of Architecture and Design

Bachelor of Architecture | Class of 2021

After traveling to Las Vegas, NV to compete in a national competition for the arts, Alexander was exposed to alot of bold, captivating designs that not only influenced his decision making but reinforced his aspirations. Design has been and will continue to be a tool he uses to improve the health and well-being of others. His long term goal is to start his own practice after first seeking further professional knowledge.

Masters of Landscape Architecture | Graduation 2022


901.412.0721 akh4854@gmail.com

The Courtyard Of Exploration


Adaptive reuse, biophilic architecture, and renovation was the goal set for this project. Du Su Bois is an elementary school precedented in Quebec City, Canada and was set as the focus. Biophilia was a key term and concept used throughout this semester. The intention of biophilic design served as an introduction to other key concepts such as studies of sun, wind, energy, surroundings, and more. These few concepts are used as a tools of knowledge to implement later in the design. This project relies heavily on revit software and some in rhino as well.


The overall site is very landlocked with a dense layer of residential homes surrounding it. Within this boundary lies a layer of deciduous trees providing shading and screening for the elementary school. This encompasses an aspect of biophilic incorporation to aid the design.


Three specific intentions drove this design and read as follows: Biophilia, Connectivity, and Energy. Between creating interstitial spaces for users, cultivating healthier relationships for the surrounding communities and school, and to achieve an overall efficient quality of energy-use for the building.

Material choices were governed by the exceptionally cold climate patterns of Quebec City. Concrete slabs, brick masonry, wood, and steel fortifies the school and weathers the effects of nature overtime.

A structural breakdown of the wall system exposes contents that allow for natural lighting such as the clerestory that wraps around the entire building. The roof system is pitched for stormwater drainage purposes.

We used the transpired solar collectors as a passive heating technique that lies on the southeast facade providing fresh, heated air for the classrooms.

Geothermal pumps used as backup to account for heating the rest of air that is distributed throughout the building.

River Engagement

Micro-housing created in response to the existing landscape.

Businesses will be spread throughout the nighborhoios in response to retrofitting the river front.

Small education pods dispersed throuhgout the river-scape to create small niches for the community.

Cores, being the only permanent structure within the landscape, will be spread throughout the landscape promoting new growth of the other categories to attach.


During the Industrial age, there was a revolution of steel making beginning in the 19th century. Economically, this explosion of city-making accommodated workers, workers-families along the way. Even the industry itself benefited from this occurrence of novel ideologies and still does today. Braddock, PA is where it all began and as of late, Braddock has experienced intense deterioration and decay leaving behind these dross landscapes ready to be claimed. Through adaptive reuse and renovation, we embrace the riverfront paying homage to the adopted network of railroad infrastructures by using it as a parameter to design around. The steel plant becomes a catalyst for us as a design team to implement a temporal, programmable shell that supports the fluxes of economy.


The site rests along the Monongahela River and on the other side lies a golf course that serves as a green lung for the city of Braddock. A thread of railroad tracks occupy the landscape where we began our construction at the east side of its perimeter.


To solidify historical ”leftovers” and to create adaptive connections between the river and the industry while encompassing a space for fluxes of the economy to flourish.

industry water, food, and shelter, americans view a neccessity, because it fufills that “amerdream” that many immigrants sought after and accomplished. the idea of making it big, and to take care of their family and generathat, put industry on a pedistal where the production created early morning hours, a minute lunch break, and night shifts. american dream was the theoretical idea and the was to making industry, production, and religion. something that all americans each day, makes sacrifices to in order to pay raises in the future, and evntually when industry comes to a close, a rapture will occur devoted followers to return to their god, the

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