GRE Vocabulary Terms

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GRE Vocabulary Flashcards

Zealous He was a zealous hunter who loved his guns and his dogs.

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Zealous (adj.) enthusiastic; fervent

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Wanton In his warfare, though he kept strict discipline and allowed no wanton violence, he treated severely all who had in his opinion transgressed. Voltage Tutoring

Wanton (adj.) immoral or unjustified

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Ambiguous By making the imagery ambiguous, I want to allow space for individual interpretation.

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Ambiguous (adj.) doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness; open to more than one interpretation

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Usurp The software was not successful in usurping the role of the human editor.

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Usurp (v.) to seize; to take over

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Impede The housing market is making inequality wider and starting to further impede social mobility.

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Impede (v.) to restrict or retard in action, progress

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Whet This trip to Nevada has only whet her appetite for more traveling.

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Whet (v.) to sharpen or arouse

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Maladroit The governor has been criticized for his maladroit handling of the budget crisis.

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Maladroit (adj.) lacking in adroitness; unskillful; awkward; tactless

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Ribald Stories rich in erotic or scatological suggestion can elicit ribald laughter.

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Ribald (adj.) bawdy; lewd

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Lissome The horses were idling around - how she loved to watch them their shiny coats, lissome bodies, the graceful tilt to their heads. Voltage Tutoring

Lissome (adj.) supple; agile

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Exacerbate The forest fire was exacerbated by the lack of rain.

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Exacerbate (v.) to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.)

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Abnegate He made attempts to abnegate personal responsibility.

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Abnegate (v.) to renounce or give up

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Expunge He's not just trying to remove the Treaty from law, but expunge it from public consciousness altogether.

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Expunge (v.) to erase or delete

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Diffidence If there was a little hesitation and diffidence as the games began, it soon vanished without a trace, for even the kids who seemed shy, lost their self-consciousness and joined wholeheartedly in the activities. Voltage Tutoring

Diffidence (n.) a lack of self-confidence

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Iniquity A liberal lawyer could uncover the iniquities committed on his own doorstep.

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Iniquity (n.) injustice or immorality

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Antipathy As is customary, much was made of the mutual antipathy between the two fighters in the run-up to the contest.

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Antipathy (n.) strong or deep-rooted dislike; aversion

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Permeate His scent, the faint musk of ivory soap mingled with the clean ocean air, permeated my senses.

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Permeate (v.) to diffuse through or penetrate

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Dissipate She disappeared in a flash of smoke, dissipating like a shaken cloud.

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Dissipate (v.) to scatter; to disperse

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Macerate Identifying the prey of the giant squid, Achiteuthis dux, is not easy since they finely macerate their food.

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Macerate (v.) to break down or soak

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Acrimonious The deal was reached on Sunday after five days of sometimes acrimonious negotiations.

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Acrimonious (adj.) bitter; spiteful

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Anodyne I attempted to keep the conversation as anodyne as possible.

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Anodyne (adj.) bland or soothing

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Innocuous There are a number of issues here from what at the outset appears a pretty innocuous question.

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Innocuous (adj.) not harmful or injurious; harmless

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Quandary Jones has found that we are currently in a quandary comparable to that of the Red Queen in Through the Looking Glass: we have to run faster and faster just to stay in the same place. Voltage Tutoring

Quandary (n.) a state of uncertainty

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Conflagration Safety-conscious fire departments across the country are changing their policies, and will no longer risk firefighter lives to protect mere property in these conflagrations. Voltage Tutoring

Conflagration (n.) a great and destructive fire that threatens human life, animal life, health, or property

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Onus The onus is on the parents to understand and handle their children effectively.

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Onus (n.) a burden or duty

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Nonplus Diane was nonplussed by such an odd question.

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Nonplus (v.) a state of bafflement or perplexity

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Abjure I want to look closely at the first lines of the poem, in which Smith seems to abjure any claim of authority.

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Abjure (v.) to renounce or retract

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Deprecate They have no use for deprecating comparisons of the city's ‘winter’ with much more chill conditions elsewhere in the State this winter. Voltage Tutoring

Deprecate (v.) to belittle

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Deleterious Divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children.

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Deleterious (adj.) harmful; injurious

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Abortive Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded the north of the island in the wake of an abortive coup attempt by Greek Cypriot nationalists, aimed at uniting the island with Greece. Voltage Tutoring

Abortive (adj.) fruitless, unsuccessful; tending to cut short; prematurely born, imperfectly formed or developed

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Sophomoric Such insipid, sophomoric rhetoric is best left in the empty heads that created it.

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Sophomoric (adj.) immature

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Laudable Laudable though the aim might be, the results have been criticized.

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Laudable (adj.) worthy of praise

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Blatant To credit the newspaper, they did retract the quote once it was exposed as a blatant lie.

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Blatant (adj.) obvious, flagrant; offensively noisy or loud

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Ardent He has never played rugby, but is an ardent fan and a supporter of the game.

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Ardent (adj) characterized by intense feeling; passionate; intensely devoted, eager

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Insouciant But whatever the insouciant stage persona said, underneath Smith desperately wanted approval.

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Insouciant (adj.) carefree; casual

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Quixotic Others existed only as working hypotheses, unrealized plans or quixotic fantasies.

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Quixotic (adj.) idealistic; unrealistic

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Draconian The penalty imposed by law is not draconian, and serves more as a reminder to perform a common sense action. Voltage Tutoring

Draconian (adj.) of or relating to Draco, 7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker under whom small offences had heavy punishments; great severity Voltage Tutoring

Stalwart She remained a stalwart supporter of the cause.

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Stalwart (adj.) hardy and loyal

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Replete Sensational popular fiction is often replete with adultery and sudden death.

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Replete (adj.) filled up; stuffed

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Munificent They were munificent patrons of artists, poets and scholars.

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Munificent (adj.) extremely generous

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Delinquent Leaflets published outside the country blamed the government, accusing it of being delinquent in carrying out its duties and criticizing the deployment of troops to suppress the uprising. Voltage Tutoring

Delinquent (adj.) failing to do what law or duty requires; overdue in payment

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Eschew This country has avoided faith-based violence by eschewing theocratic government.

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Eschew (v.) to shun; to avoid

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Remunerate There will always be an important role for subsidies in farming, to remunerate farmers for environmental services and to assist farming in particularly marginal areas. Voltage Tutoring

Remunerate (v.) to pay, recompense, or reward for work or trouble

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Vituperate Every week the minister would ascend the pulpit and vituperate the parishioners for a litany of vices.

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Vituperate (v.) to condemn or berate

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Lackadaisical I want to be organized, but I'm just too lackadaisical to get things in order.

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Lackadaisical (adj.) without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic

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Kinetic The novel's plot is kinetic and fastpaced, and its effect on the reader is much like that of a surfeit of caffeine.

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Kinetic (adj.) energetic; in motion

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Genteel Such was the genteel corporate culture of the time that employees were encouraged to take a rest after lunch.

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Genteel (adj.) well-mannered; refined, often in an affected or ostentatious way

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Astringent His astringent words had their effect.

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Astringent (adj.) medicine tending to draw together or constrict tissues; sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe

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Equivocal The results may remain equivocal regardless of the number of times the experiment is performed.

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Equivocal (adj.) uncertain; undecided

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Accede The authorities did not accede to the strikers' demands.

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Accede (v.) to agree to

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Gainsay He had a hot temper and a weekly column in which he could publicly tear to shreds anyone who dared gainsay him or meddle with his works. Voltage Tutoring

Gainsay (v.) to declare to be untrue or invalid; contradict, oppose

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Exalt Economists emphasize efficiency over equity, glorify greed, and exalt the achievements of free markets.

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Exalt (v.) to praise; to glorify

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Largesse It turns out that the declaration of ‘independence’ is dependent upon largesse from the oil conglomerates.

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Largesse (n.) generosity or a gift

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Moratorium British, American and Soviet governments agreed a temporary moratorium on all nuclear testing in October 1958.’ Voltage Tutoring

Moratorium (n.) a suspension of activity; a legally authorized period to delay payment of debt

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Homily She had seen him on October 22, 1978, in his first homily as pope, admonishing and encouraging the whole of humanity to be not afraid. Voltage Tutoring

Homily (n.) a short sermon

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Jejune For some, Whitman's poetry seems jejune.

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Jejune (adj.) dull; uninteresting

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Pejorative The individual may be classified as incomplete, immature, or by other pejorative terms which detract from his dignity. Voltage Tutoring

Pejorative (adj.) having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force

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Fulsome They are almost embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation.

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Fulsome (adj.) offensively flattering

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Assiduous The manager has the right to expect that his workers will be careful and assiduous.

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Assiduous (adj.) diligent; attentive

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Lethargic Over the previous two days he had been feeling increasingly tired, lethargic, polyuric, and thirsty.

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Lethargic (adj.) characterized by laziness or lack of energy

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Maudlin She spent the day under a cloud of self-pity and maudlin nostalgia.

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Maudlin (adj.) overly sentimental

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Wax Because the symptoms of fibromyalgia wax and wane, treatment (as with that of other chronic diseases) is an ongoing process rather than management of a single episode. Voltage Tutoring

Wax (v.) to increase in extent, quantity, intensity, power

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Quell Extra police were called to quell the disturbance.

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Quell (v.) to suppress or alleviate

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Undulate Her body undulated to the thumping rhythm of the music.

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Undulate (v.) to move in waves

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Ramifications He knew what he should do and he didn't stop to consider the ramifications of what he did.

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Ramifications (n.) a development or consequence growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or statement Voltage Tutoring

Nostrum When his own nostrums failed to effect a cure, William Griggs, a doctor called to examine the girls, suggested that the girls' problems might have a supernatural origin. Voltage Tutoring

Nostrum (n.) a remedy, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person

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Peccadillo A serious lie is told to cover a peccadillo.

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Peccadillo (n.) a minor sin or offense

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Ubiquitous Caught between ubiquitous marketing and conflicting science, many consumers can't tell what to believe.

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Ubiquitous (adj.) present everywhere

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Dire There were dire warnings of an ecological disaster and world oil prices through the roof as the Iraqis set fire to the oil fields. Voltage Tutoring

Dire (adj.) causing or involving great fear or suffering; indicating trouble, or misfortune

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Timorous Girls, allegedly timorous and lacking in confidence, now outnumber boys in student government, in honor societies, on school newspapers, and in debating clubs. Voltage Tutoring

Timorous (adj.) fearful; timid

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Traverse Remarkably, this faith in the power of education to make or break lives traverses the political spectrum.

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Traverse (v.) to cross over

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Delve We must delve deeply into the ocean of knowledge that is life to find the bright and clear meaning to it and to death.

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Delve (v.) to inquire or research deeply or intensively; to search or rummage

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Vitiate Though Depretis, at the end of his life in 1887, showed signs of repenting of the confusion thus created, he had established a parliamentary system destined largely to sterilize and vitiate the political life of Italy. Voltage Tutoring

Vitiate (v.) to spoil or corrupt

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Egregious The desire for vengeance is very strong, simply because the abuses were so egregious.

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Egregious (adj.) flagrantly bad

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Futile Unfortunately, all rescue attempts were futile during the hurricane.

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Futile (adj.) serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective

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Vainglorious He was ambitious to the point of vainglory.

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Vainglorious (adj.) boastful; self-important

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Dolorous The dolorous look on her face told me the bad news.

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Dolorous (adj.) mournful; sad

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Enigmatic The secret behind Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile has been explained by scientists who believe it changes depending on which part of the eye sees it first. Voltage Tutoring

Enigmatic (adj.) difficult to be understood

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Germane Since we were running out of time, our professor asked us to limit our questions to those germane to today’s lecture

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Germane (adj.) relevant; to the point

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Ebullience I caught his belief that everything was possible; something of his ebullient nature was passed on to me.

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Ebullience (n.) enthusiasm

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Intractability A number of issues have only recently been finally resolved, with some remaining intractable.

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Intractability (adj.) not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable

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Fidelity His public career was marked by great independence and fidelity to principle.

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Fidelity (n.) loyalty or accuracy

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Nihilism The student’s rally demanding the Dean’s resignation smacked of nihilism.

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Nihilism (n.) believing that it is necessary to destroy any existing social or political institutions because of their deplorable condition to make way for constructive programs; a point of view that indicates that existence is senseless and all traditional beliefs and values are baseless; the rejection of beliefs Voltage Tutoring

Penumbra The lunar eclipse began with a subtle darkening of the lunar surface as it passed within the Earth's penumbra.

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Penumbra (n.) a partial shadow

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Sanctuary On a stressful business trip, a hotel room can be a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the work day.

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Sanctuary (n.) sacred place; safe haven

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Respite One of the best places to find respite from the outside world is your garden.

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Respite (n.) an interval of relief; delay or cessation for a time, especially of anything distressing or trying

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Riposte One-liners were bouncing around my head, ripostes to every single barb, especially those from the fat bloke.

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Riposte (n.) a comeback or retort; a quick clever reply to an insult or criticism.

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Sobriquet The heat is so great that the spot has acquired the sobriquet of El Sarten, or the "Frying-pan" of Andalusia.

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Sobriquet (n.) a nickname

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Vanquish The gladiators expected to vanquish their opponents and live.

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Vanquish (v.) to defeat; to overcome

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Gratify Victory, for its own sake, can gratify only pride or anger

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Gratify (v.) to give pleasure by satisfying desires

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Modulate The capacity to modulate and verbalize anger in constructive ways has failed to develop in people who are violent.

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Modulate (v.) to alter; to tone down

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Redolence The church was old, dark, and redolent of incense. The document bore names redolent of history and tradition. Voltage Tutoring

Redolence (adj.) an often pungent or agreeable odor (adj.) (redolent of/with) strongly reminiscent or suggestive of (something) Voltage Tutoring

Halcyon The halcyon weather was much appreciated on Sunday.

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Halcyon (adj.) peaceful and calm; idyllic

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Piquant The mural consists of large, wall-painted versions of his witty or piquant statements, realized in a variety of typefaces and colors. Voltage Tutoring

Piquant (adj.) pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor; spicy or stimulating; pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind

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Choleric Imbalance of the humours resulted in various temperaments, thus the dominance of black bile causes melancholy; blood, sanguine temperament; phlegm, a phlegmatic temperament; or yellow bile, a choleric temperament. Voltage Tutoring

Choleric (adj.) bad-tempered or irritable

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Chimerical Chimerical notions made her happy, and the cold naked truth would doubtless have made her unhappy.

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Chimerical (adj.) unreal or imaginary; from Greek mythology, a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature composed of the parts of three animals (a lion, a snake and a goat) Voltage Tutoring

Convivial A letter through the mail is so much more convivial than an online post or text.

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Convivial (adj.) friendly and making you feel welcome; fond of good times

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Devoid Some parts of the park have become empty forests, devoid of wildlife.

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Devoid (adj.) being without a usual, typical, or expected attribute or accompaniment

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Sonorous The wind plays on those great sonorous harps, the shrouds and masts of ships.

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Sonorous (adj.) giving out or capable of giving out a sound, especially a deep or resonant sound

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Gratuitous There is no ethical justification for causing gratuitous suffering among our animal kin.

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Gratuitous (adj.) free or without cause

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Jeremiad The American jeremiad is a rhetoric of indignation, expressing deep dissatisfaction and urgently challenging the nation to reform. Voltage Tutoring

Jeremiad (n.) a speech or literary work expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom

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Draft The chief adviser of the committee in Philadelphia was Dr. Thomas Young, a prominent physician, who had helped to draft the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776. Voltage Tutoring

Draft (n.) a plan, sketch, or drawing of something; a preliminary outline

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Censure Americans censure nepotism on the one hand and practice it as much as they can on the other.

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Censure (n.) disapproval; reprimand

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Egress The flight crew is responsible for the safe egress of the passengers.

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Egress (n.) an exit or way out

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Exigency The patient was losing blood so rapidly that it was exigent to stop the source of the bleeding.

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Exigency (n.) the state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action; that which is required in a particular situation [usually used in plural (i.e., the exigencies of modern warfare)] Voltage Tutoring

Iniquity Those who are quick to criticize the bad deeds of others should first look at their own acts of iniquity.

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Iniquity (n.) injustice or immorality

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Infuse Soak the rinds of your citrus fruits in water for several days to infuse the scent in the water.

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Infuse (v.) to cause to be permeated with something (as a principle or quality) that alters usually for the better

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Cajole He said a team captain must read the personality of each player, knowing when to cajole and when to coddle.

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Cajole (v.) persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery; to coax or wheedle

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Fulminate The editorial fulminated against the proposed tax increase.

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Fulminate (v.) to take a strong stance in protesting something; a disease that comes on suddenly and strongly out of nowhere; a violent and sudden explosion Voltage Tutoring

Saturnity Dark and saturnine, he is a strong screen presence with natural brooding ability.

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Saturnity (adj.) sluggish or gloomy

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Truculence Why are you in such a truculent mood that you want to argue with everyone today?

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Truculence (adj.) ferociously defiant; aggressively hostile

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Joviality Continue to be your kind, jovial, insightful self and all will work out.

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Joviality (adj.) state or quality of being jovial; marked by hearty conviviality and good cheer

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Benighted She is smart about a lot of things, but she is also somewhat benighted when it comes to seat belts.

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Benighted (adj.) unenlightened

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Corporeal Our skin microbes can provide us with a layer of defense, a moat around our corporeal castle.

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Corporeal (adj.) having physical form

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Vernal She enjoyed their annual trips to the country to see the trees and flowers in vernal bloom.

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Vernal (adj.) of or pertaining to spring; fresh or youthful

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Coterie There is always a fun-loving coterie of practical jokers in every club.

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Coterie (n.) a close group of friends

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Behemoth Despite people's fascination with this deep-sea behemoth, the giant squid's life and habits have remained largely a mystery. Voltage Tutoring

Behemoth (n.) a huge, powerful thing

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Stoic Stuart said nothing, his stoic features giving no suggestion of what was on his mind.

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Stoic (n.) one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain

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Elegiac Simylus, a Greek elegiac poet, makes Tarpeia betray the Capitol to a king of the Gauls.

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Elegiac (adj.) expressing sorrow

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Climactic The Man in the Iron Mask climactically concludes the epic adventures of the three Musketeers.

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Climactic (adj.) pertaining to or coming to a climax

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Nugatory The most comprehensive policy wording in the world can be rendered nugatory by a wrong move once a claim comes in.

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Nugatory (adj.) of little importance

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Penultimate The penultimate scene of the play was anticlimactic.

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Penultimate (adj.) next to the last

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Lachrymose The first half of the film plays for laughs, while the second half evolves into a lachrymose soap opera.

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Lachrymose (adj.) weepy; mournful

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Prosaic Marital estrangement is measured not in agony-and-ecstasy emotions, but in prosaic daily deprivations.

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Prosaic (adj.) matter-of-fact

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Blandishment Our blandishments left him unmoved.

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Blandishment (n.) a flattering remark

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Fealty Voting has become more a matter of consumer choice than of ideological fealty.

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Fealty (n.) allegiance; loyalty

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Scrutiny Only close scrutiny by investors can provide the kinds of discipline needed to ensure the bank's long-term success. Voltage Tutoring

Scrutiny (n.) a searching study, inquiry, or inspection; surveillance

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Disquiet So far the markets have shown only muted signs of disquiet.

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Disquiet (n.) absence of peace or rest; anxiety

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Mendacity He needs to overcome this deplorable mendacity, or no one will ever believe anything he says.

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Mendacity (n.) dishonesty; falsehood

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Élan The lecture was delivered with so much Êlan that the audience was convinced of every word that was said by the speaker.

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Élan (n.) vigorous spirit or enthusiasm

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MĂŠlange Surrounded by full-length windows, its setting is a mĂŠlange of skylights, brushed steel and warm wood tones.

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MĂŠlange (n.) a mixture often of incongruous elements; a medley

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Bacchanal Through her eyes we observe the absurdities of co-ed dorms and toilets, drunken frat bacchanals, and violent tailgate parties. Voltage Tutoring

Bacchanal (n.) an occasion of drunken revelry; a drunken reveler; a follower of Bacchus

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Tome The tome was far heavier than she expected, made of something much different than cardboard and paper.

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Tome (n.) a volume or large book

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Sordid If people learn of the politician’s sordid past, they will not vote for him.

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Sordid (adj.) very bad; dirty; disgusting

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Ubiquitous He aims to make his product ubiquitous by selling it internationally.

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Ubiquitous (adj.) present everywhere

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Disparate He is a strong leader, able to motivate a geographically disparate team to achieve agreed goals.

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Disparate (adj.) distinct in kind; containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements

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Hackneyed Eventually, the phrase became so hackneyed that people stopped saying it.

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Hackneyed (adj.) trite; overused

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Savvy He's an excellent scholar of political science, but lacks the kind of savvy needed to run for public office.

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Savvy (adj.) shrewdly informed; experienced and well-informed; canny

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Facile He forced us to reexamine our facile assumptions and challenge our sweeping conclusions.

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Facile (adj.) using or showing little effort and not sincere or profound; superficial

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Attuned She was exquisitely attuned to the feelings and emotions of others.

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Attuned (v.) to bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship; adjust

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Fortuitous When Amy had given up hope her car would start, a fortuitous encounter with a neighbor got her back on the road.

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Fortuitous (adj.) happening by chance

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Winnow The selection committee will winnow the finalists from the long list of applicants.

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Winnow (v.) to separate out

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Bellicose They will become more bellicose rather than diplomatic, more self-righteous and dismissive when criticized.

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Bellicose (adj.) quarrelsome; warlike

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Somnolent The moonlight, along with the somnolent lapping of the waves on the shore, set the perfect scene for a romantic evening.

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Somnolent (adj.) tending to cause sleep; soporific

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Plebeian It is terrible, this aggressively plebeian culture that celebrates itself for being plebeian.

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Plebeian (adj.) vulgar or common; unrefined

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Aleatory An object placed inside the piano added an aleatory element to the piece.

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Aleatory (adj.) of or pertaining to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable

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Dulcet His dulcet tones and objective professionalism in describing the game brought an otherwise boring round of golf to life. Voltage Tutoring

Dulcet (adj.) sweet; melodious

Voltage Tutoring

Jocular Her jocular personality always made the customers smile.

Voltage Tutoring

Jocular (adj.) joking; humorous

Voltage Tutoring

Stymie You'll encounter obstacles that might stymie some individuals.

Voltage Tutoring

Stymie (v.) to obstruct; to hinder

Voltage Tutoring

Demystify The class is intended to demystify the process of using a computer.

Voltage Tutoring

Demystify (v.) to clarify; to rid of mystery or obscurity

Voltage Tutoring

Expunge Because the court has decided to expunge his criminal record, there will be no evidence of his past misdeeds.

Voltage Tutoring

Expunge (v.) to erase or delete

Voltage Tutoring

Discordant She has the difficult task of bringing together a number of discordant elements.

Voltage Tutoring

Discordant (adj.) disagreeing; being at variance; disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh

Voltage Tutoring

Lugubrious Marc Maron is a comic actor known for his lugubrious manner.

Voltage Tutoring

Lugubrious (adj.) excessively mournful

Voltage Tutoring

Moribund The moribund real estate market is causing many agents and brokers to seek new careers.

Voltage Tutoring

Moribund (adj.) approaching death

Voltage Tutoring

Quotidian The book opens with a profound essay sparked by the quotidian exercise of cleaning the refrigerator.

Voltage Tutoring

Quotidian (adj.) everyday

Voltage Tutoring

Cursory Please ask yourself why you're so willing to discard so much evidence when you haven't even taken a cursory look at it.

Voltage Tutoring

Cursory (adj.) performed with haste and scant attention to detail

Voltage Tutoring

Altruistic The gesture was not necessarily altruistic; he was hoping for a donation in return.

Voltage Tutoring

Altruistic (adj.) charitable; generous

Voltage Tutoring

Noisome Even if a correspondent wanted to deliver the noisome truth, patriotism would join censorship in stopping his mouth. Voltage Tutoring

Noisome (adj.) offensive or disgusting, as an odor; harmful or injurious to health; noxious

Voltage Tutoring

Raucous At night the riverbanks echo with the urgent thump of unseen drums and raucous singing.

Voltage Tutoring

Raucous (adj.) unpleasantly loud

Voltage Tutoring

Tawdry Leah knew that the professional golfer's tawdry episode was sure to grab headlines.

Voltage Tutoring

Tawdry (adj.) cheap and gaudy

Voltage Tutoring

Equine The devices were often graced with equine figureheads, or even carved dragons and elephants.

Voltage Tutoring

Equine (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling a horse or the horse family

Voltage Tutoring

Boisterous The performance was rewarded with a boisterous ovation.

Voltage Tutoring

Boisterous (adj.) energetic and noisy

Voltage Tutoring

Fetid In their own words, survivors recount how they escaped the floods and fetid conditions— and agonize over what comes next. Voltage Tutoring

Fetid (adj.) foul-smelling

Voltage Tutoring

Fervent She's become a fixture on news programs and fervent advocate of green investment.

Voltage Tutoring

Fervent (adj.) showing great passion

Voltage Tutoring

Porcine The lone oil is a portrait of the artist, with porcine face and pink flesh blotched in blue.

Voltage Tutoring

Porcine (adj.) of, relating to, or suggesting swine; piggish

Voltage Tutoring

Beatific Over her face a serene, beatific smile had expanded, and lingered there in untroubled repose.

Voltage Tutoring

Beatific (adj.) showing delight or bliss

Voltage Tutoring

Inimitable He had a unique ability to explain almost any concept in physics in his own inimitable style.

Voltage Tutoring

Inimitable (adj.) matchless; unique

Voltage Tutoring

Itinerant The outside world knew of the horrors and atrocities of that day only from the reports of itinerant journalists.

Voltage Tutoring

Itinerant (adj.) wandering

Voltage Tutoring

Putative Unfortunately, this putative conqueror of the common cold loses its potency rather quickly when exposed to air.

Voltage Tutoring

Putative (adj.) commonly accepted or supposed; assumed to exist or to have existed

Voltage Tutoring

Heinously For the right amount, the sleazy lawyer will represent even the most heinous criminals.

Voltage Tutoring

Heinously (adj.) hateful; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible

Voltage Tutoring

Naively His view of the problem is naively one dimensional, and his solution is politically and economically unrealistic. Voltage Tutoring

Naively (adj.) having or showing a lack of experience; unsophisticated

Voltage Tutoring

Judiciously It is an old military maxim that time and muscular exertion are things to be judiciously expended.

Voltage Tutoring

Judiciously (adj.) using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; prudent, careful and wise

Voltage Tutoring

Diaphanous She wore a diaphanous night-dress which reached to the ground.

Voltage Tutoring

Diaphanous (adj.) sheer; gauzy

Voltage Tutoring

Grievous Poverty and poor health are grievous problems for many communities.

Voltage Tutoring

Grievous (adj.) causing grief or great sorrow

Voltage Tutoring

Hector Fortunately, he's a skillful enough filmmaker to entertain rather than hector us about his theory.

Voltage Tutoring

Hector (v.) to bully; to boss around

Voltage Tutoring

Foist One full professor foisted a major administrative task on me, then took credit for the results.

Voltage Tutoring

Foist (v.) to force upon slyly; to pass off as genuine, valuable, or worthy

Voltage Tutoring

Purloin The owner of one of the purloined laptops was able to connect remotely to her Apple MacBook and photograph the thief. Voltage Tutoring

Purloin (v.) to take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer

Voltage Tutoring

Avarice Motivated by avarice, the employee stole thousands of dollars from the company vault.

Voltage Tutoring

Avarice (n.) greed

Voltage Tutoring

Clemency In their letter to the governor, the victim’s family asked him not to give clemency to their son’s murderer.

Voltage Tutoring

Clemency (n.) leniency; pardon

Voltage Tutoring

Parsimony Despite his wealth, the parsimonious millionaire refused to give any money to charity.

Voltage Tutoring

Parsimony (n.) the quality of being careful with money or resources; economical

Voltage Tutoring

Auspices The international auspices were favorable.

Voltage Tutoring

Auspices (n.) sponsorship; support

Voltage Tutoring

Puissance The president pledged to put the full puissance of the nation into the war effort.

Voltage Tutoring

Puissance (n.) power; strength

Voltage Tutoring

Suppositions Courts can't reliably, and in my view shouldn't, work on supposition and rumor but on objective evidence.

Voltage Tutoring

Suppositions (n.) the act of supposing; assumption

Voltage Tutoring

Apostate The female apostate is to be kept in confinement until she recant or death.

Voltage Tutoring

Apostate (n.) renegade; traitor

Voltage Tutoring

Epicure My sister is an epicure who will travel across the country to find a tasty dish.

Voltage Tutoring

Epicure (n.) a person who enjoys good food and drink

Voltage Tutoring

Imprecation They found the apparent lunatic struggling in the grasp of two or three gentlemen and uttering imprecations of the most violent kind. Voltage Tutoring

Imprecation (n.) a curse or invocation of evil

Voltage Tutoring

Edacious My edacious dining companion could always be counted on to order the largest item on the menu.

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Edacious (adj.) devouring; voracious; consuming

Voltage Tutoring

Hirsute My formerly hirsute friend is now completely bald.

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Hirsute (adj.) hairy

Voltage Tutoring

Fecund Physics and zoology to paint an intriguing picture of the earth's fecund resilience.

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Fecund (adj.) fertile; productive

Voltage Tutoring

Mugwump For the average citizen, if there's anything to be said of a mugwump, it's that he doesn't play favorites.

Voltage Tutoring

Mugwump (n.) a person who is independent (as in politics) or who remains undecided or neutral

Voltage Tutoring

Demagogue The agitators were led by an angry demagogue whose mission was to overthrow the government.

Voltage Tutoring

Demagogue (n.) a leader who appeals to passions and prejudices

Voltage Tutoring

Miser The old miser would not give any money to the poor children.

Voltage Tutoring

Miser (n.) a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money

Voltage Tutoring

Opine Some pundits opine that the balance between privacy and security must shift in favor of the latter.

Voltage Tutoring

Opine (v.) to express opinions

Voltage Tutoring

Yaw The gigantic wave caused our boat to yaw sharply to port, but thanks to some clever steering by the captain, we were able to get safely back on course. Voltage Tutoring

Yaw (v.) to swing back and forth

Voltage Tutoring

Juxtapose The reality show clearly shows a cultural juxtaposition between rich people and poor people.

Voltage Tutoring

Juxtapose (v.) to place side by side

Voltage Tutoring

Brigand A hundred tales, for the most part probably mythical, are told of his powers and cunning during the years he spent among the mountains as a brigand leader. Voltage Tutoring

Brigand (n.) a thief or outlaw

Voltage Tutoring

Humbug Her impartiality is all humbug.

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Humbug (n.) a hoax or imposter

Voltage Tutoring

Jingoist Prejudice and jingoism need to be replaced by empathy and critical thought.

Voltage Tutoring

Jingoist (n.) someone who believes in extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism Voltage Tutoring

Pacifist He was a pacifist and believed that India should become independent through non-violent actions.

Voltage Tutoring

Pacifist (n.) a person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind

Voltage Tutoring

Juggernaut The globalization Juggernaut will continue to flatten everything in its path.

Voltage Tutoring

Juggernaut (n.) an unstoppable force

Voltage Tutoring

Mendicant They gave up their possessions, put on a saffron robe, shaved their head, and became mendicants or wandering monks. Voltage Tutoring

Mendicant (n.) a beggar; given to begging; of or denoting one of the religious orders that originally relied solely on alms

Voltage Tutoring

Rapaciously The reality is that we are rapaciously destroying ecosystems and burning fossil fuels as if there were no tomorrow.

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Rapaciously (adj.) given to seizing for plunder or the satisfaction of greed

Voltage Tutoring

Placidly A sense of anxiety disturbed the apparent placidity of her picture-perfect world.

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Placidly (adj.) pleasantly calm or peaceful; serenely quiet or undisturbed; tranquil

Voltage Tutoring

Licentiously He grinned licentiously during the interrogation which lead the police to suspect that he was hiding something.

Voltage Tutoring

Licentiously (adj.) going beyond customary or proper bounds or limits; disregarding rules.

Voltage Tutoring

Clamor Now oil prices are so high that some of the oil-fired power plants sit idle, even as people clamor for more electricity.

Voltage Tutoring

Clamor (n.) a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people

Voltage Tutoring

Ignominy She is in deep denial and cannot face the ignominy of being sacked.

Voltage Tutoring

Ignominy (n.) shame; disgrace

Voltage Tutoring

Abject Research is clear that abject poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being.

Voltage Tutoring

Abject (adj.) (of a situation or condition) extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading; (of a person or their behavior) very humble, feeling or showing shame; lacking courage or strength; self-abasing Voltage Tutoring

Culpable Much as we believe she's culpable, we don't have any hard evidence.

Voltage Tutoring

Culpable (adj.) blameworthy

Voltage Tutoring

Urbane His handsome presence and urbane manners made him quite popular with the elite crowd.

Voltage Tutoring

Urbane (adj.) having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities

Voltage Tutoring

Lambent The forest floor was dappled with lambent flecks of golden sunlight filtering down through the leafy branches.

Voltage Tutoring

Lambent (adj.) glowing softly

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Deft The deft carpenter was able to take a few old boards and turn them into a beautiful bookshelf.

Voltage Tutoring

Deft (adj.) skillful; dexterous

Voltage Tutoring

Rustic Never would she have guessed such a lavish home existed in these rustic mountains.

Voltage Tutoring

Rustic (adj.) having qualities ascribed to country life or people; unsophisticated

Voltage Tutoring

Limpid We went wandering through the woods, and came to a limpid and shallow stream a matter of three yards wide.

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Limpid (adj.) clear and bright

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Lithe Champion sprinters rely on long, muscular legs to propel their lithe bodies.

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Lithe (adj.) supple; agile

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Sagacious Wise and full of insight, the sagacious leader would live on to better the world.

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Sagacious (adj.) wise; perceptive

Voltage Tutoring

Euphonious Some words tug at the heart, some pique the mind and others are simply euphonious.

Voltage Tutoring

Euphonious (adj.) pleasant-sounding

Voltage Tutoring

Umbrage One politician the paper interviewed for the story took a bit of umbrage at our inquiries.

Voltage Tutoring

Umbrage (n.) resentment; offense

Voltage Tutoring

Kudos The voluminous and emotional responses ranged from kudos to condemnation.

Voltage Tutoring

Kudos (n.) praise

Voltage Tutoring

Nebulous Fairness is a nebulous concept that is different for each person.

Voltage Tutoring

Nebulous (adj.) cloudy or vague

Voltage Tutoring

Overweening At times, government is overweening and ought to be cut back.

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Overweening (adj.) excessive or arrogant

Voltage Tutoring

Mutable The country is so vast and so mutable that any attempt to describe it seems facile.

Voltage Tutoring

Mutable (adj.) capable of change

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Ostracize Historically, tattoos were developed as a way to identify prisoners and ostracize them from law-abiding society.

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Ostracize (v.) to banish or exclude

Voltage Tutoring

Lambaste Celebrities often end up in supermarket tabloids, which lambaste stars for any perceived physical flaws.

Voltage Tutoring

Lambaste (v.) to reprimand or thrash

Voltage Tutoring

Ingratiate She doesn't ingratiate herself with the audience or seek to charm.

Voltage Tutoring

Ingratiate (v.) to purposely gain favor

Voltage Tutoring

Dotage My grandmother is now in that stage of her dotage where she has trouble remembering the simplest things.

Voltage Tutoring

Dotage (n.) a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness

Voltage Tutoring

Obloquy Terrified by the storm of obloquy which he aroused, he fled from office.

Voltage Tutoring

Obloquy (n.) verbal abuse

Voltage Tutoring

Perfidy Napoleon's perfidy at Bayonne was so flagrant as to strip from him the mask of a champion of popular liberty which had previously been of priceless worth. Voltage Tutoring

Perfidy (n.) a betrayal or treachery

Voltage Tutoring

Venerable The Pope is a venerable leader who is recognized for his commitment to helping others.

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Venerable (adj.) respected or impressive

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Gargantuan The gargantuan cruise ships plying the waters hire nearly a thousand workers-on each vessel.

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Gargantuan (adj.) enormous, gigantic

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Fallible Human memory is fallible.

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Fallible (adj.) likely to make mistakes

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Sanguine The authors take a sanguine view about the quality of jobs that will replace those lost to outsourcing.

Voltage Tutoring

Sanguine (adj.) optimistic; upbeat

Voltage Tutoring

Nefarious Additional licensure requirements are intended to prevent felons and other nefarious persons from owning or operating pharmacies. Voltage Tutoring

Nefarious (adj.) extremely wicked

Voltage Tutoring

Misanthrope Later in life Degas gained a reputation as a recluse, even a misanthrope.

Voltage Tutoring

Misanthrope (n.) a hater of humankind

Voltage Tutoring

Miscreant The judge determined that the miscreant should be punished for his crimes.

Voltage Tutoring

Miscreant (n.) a villain or criminal

Voltage Tutoring

Luminary The speaker is a luminary in the field of cancer research.

Voltage Tutoring

Luminary (n.) a celebrity or intellectual

Voltage Tutoring

Ossify Any political philosophy that does not have within it, the seed of rejuvenation , re-examination and evolution is bound to ossify and die. Voltage Tutoring

Ossify (v.) to turn hard and bony (adj.) having become set and inflexible

Voltage Tutoring

Portend Over the crowns of the cypress, towers of blue-black cumulus portend a storm.

Voltage Tutoring

Portend (v.) to indicate in advance; to signify

Voltage Tutoring

Quaff He and his friends went to the local pub to quaff a few beverages and enjoy each others company.

Voltage Tutoring

Quaff (v.) to drink deeply

Voltage Tutoring

Harbinger Whenever I see dark clouds, I know they are a harbinger of an approaching storm.

Voltage Tutoring

Harbinger (n.) a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; sign Voltage Tutoring

Ambience Burning wood may be humanity's oldest way of generating heat—and in the home it definitely creates a nice ambience.

Voltage Tutoring

Ambience (n.) setting or atmosphere

Voltage Tutoring

Kismet To many, a belief in destiny, one's kismet , gives a sense of peace and security, without leading to complacency.

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Kismet (n.) fate; destiny

Voltage Tutoring

Mercurial Many sports fans are mercurial and show very little loyalty to their favorite teams.

Voltage Tutoring

Mercurial (adj.) changeable

Voltage Tutoring

Imprudent The editor was forced to write a retraction after she published imprudent and ill-judged speculations.

Voltage Tutoring

Imprudent (adj.) lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment

Voltage Tutoring

Incorrigible Incorrigible kids sometimes become adults in prison.

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Incorrigible (adj.) incapable of reform

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Odious The athlete got arrested for participating in the odious sport of dog fighting.

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Odious (adj.) disgusting; offensive

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Imminent The hurricane is imminent and has homeowners rushing to board up their windows.

Voltage Tutoring

Imminent (adj.) ready to take place; especially hanging threateningly over one's head

Voltage Tutoring

Intrinsic If students want to accomplish their academic goals, they must have the intrinsic motivation to push themselves.

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Intrinsic (adj.) inborn; essential

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Rife Speculation about who would be fired ran rife for weeks.

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Rife (adj.) widespread

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Salutary The board hopes the merger of the two companies will have salutary effects that will leave all the shareholders happy.

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Salutary (adj.) beneficial

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Eclectic Her home is filled with many eclectic furnishings from her travels around the world.

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Eclectic (adj.) selecting what seems best from various styles, doctrines, ideas, methods

Voltage Tutoring

Noxious Owing to the noxious exhalations of the surrounding forests the town is so extremely unhealthy during the hot weather as to have acquired the title of the "Abode of the Plague." Voltage Tutoring

Noxious (adj.) harmful; toxic

Voltage Tutoring

Raffish Artists and antique dealers have moved in, giving the neighborhood a raffish bohemian energy.

Voltage Tutoring

Raffish (adj.) unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner; dapper; dashing Voltage Tutoring

Arcane The lyrics are quite clear and not concealed beneath some arcane reference.

Voltage Tutoring

Arcane (adj.) known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure; esoteric

Voltage Tutoring

Nominal Thailand retained nominal independence under Japanese military occupation.

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Nominal (adj.) existing in name only; so-called; putative

Voltage Tutoring

Spurious He found himself charged with the task of separating authentic and spurious claims.

Voltage Tutoring

Spurious (adj.) false; illegitimate

Voltage Tutoring

Steadfast Although the men ridicule him and laugh at him, Wang Lung is steadfast in his resolution.

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Steadfast (adj.) firm and dependable

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Rue She might live to rue this impetuous decision.

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Rue (v.) bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen)

Voltage Tutoring

Grovel Each year at harvest, the prince hosts a feast for the noblemen of the countryside, while the peasants who farm his land grovel in abject poverty. Voltage Tutoring

Grovel (v.) to lie or move abjectly on the ground with the body prostrate (downward): in token of subservience Voltage Tutoring

Ruminate We sat ruminating on the nature of existence.

Voltage Tutoring

Ruminate (v.) to reflect deeply on

Voltage Tutoring

Nascent Your nascent efforts to use the word felt awkward, but you quickly felt comfortable with it, especially after you learned how to pronounce it. Voltage Tutoring

Nascent (adj.) (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential Voltage Tutoring

Lucid After staying up for twenty hours, I was far from lucid.

Voltage Tutoring

Lucid (adj.) expressed clearly; easy to understand; bright or luminous

Voltage Tutoring

Analog These policies had effects analogous to pouring gasoline on a burning building.

Voltage Tutoring

Analog (n.) a person or thing seen as comparable to another

Voltage Tutoring

Locale Amidst the hustle and bustle of day-today life, it can sometimes be refreshing to experience a weekend getaway to a new locale. Voltage Tutoring

Locale (n.) a place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events associated with it

Voltage Tutoring

Ingress Though the entrance is the same, the ingress to the entertainment area is separate from the main living space.

Voltage Tutoring

Ingress (n.) a going in or entering; a means or place of entering; right or permission to enter

Voltage Tutoring

Cuneiform Digital representations of the tablets bearing the cuneiform writing of ancient Mesopotamia have started appearing on the Internet. Voltage Tutoring

Cuneiform (adj.) wedge-shaped; being a character or characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements and used in ancient writing (e.g.., Sumerian) Voltage Tutoring

Efface His anger was effaced when he stepped into the open air.

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Efface (v.) to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface; make oneself appear insignificant or inconspicuous Voltage Tutoring

Conducive The harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere.

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Conducive (adj.) tending to produce; helpful; favorable

Voltage Tutoring

Indoctrinate Broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating the masses.

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Indoctrinate (v.) to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments; to imbue with a usually partisan or ideological point of view Voltage Tutoring

Docile Although the lion appears docile during the circus acts, he is really a fierce animal when uncontrolled by a trainer.

Voltage Tutoring

Docile (adj.) easily taught, led, or managed

Voltage Tutoring

Exculpate It falls to this judge to search out and collect evidence, both that against the accused and the evidence exculpating him. Voltage Tutoring

Exculpate (v.) tending to clear from a charge of fault or guilt

Voltage Tutoring

Incredulous The lottery winner was incredulous and could not believe his good fortune.

Voltage Tutoring

Incredulous (adj.) unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true; skeptical

Voltage Tutoring

Corpulent Because the piano is too corpulent to fit through the front door, we will have to bring it in through the garage.

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Corpulent (adj.) having a large bulky body

Voltage Tutoring

Culpable The teacher who allowed the bullying in her class is just as culpable as the student bully.

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Culpable (adj.) meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful

Voltage Tutoring

Brevity During the meeting, we must encourage brevity so everyone will have time to speak.

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Brevity (n.) shortness of time or duration; the quality of expressing much in few words; terseness

Voltage Tutoring

Benign Even though the company claims the energy drink is benign, you may experience some unwanted side effects after drinking the beverage. Voltage Tutoring

Benign (adj.) having a kindly disposition; showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness; favorable; (of a disease) not harmful in effect: in particular, (of a tumor) not malignant Voltage Tutoring

Benevolent He was a benevolent man, volunteering all of his free time to charitable organizations.

Voltage Tutoring

Benevolent (adj.) characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings; desiring to help others; (of an organization) serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose Voltage Tutoring

Aural Attending an opera performance is as much a visual experience as it is aural.

Voltage Tutoring

Aural (adj.) of, relating to, or perceived by the ear

Voltage Tutoring

Amorous We've long accepted that hormones can make you amorous, aggressive, or erratic.

Voltage Tutoring

Amorous (adj.) inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love

Voltage Tutoring

Amiable When smiling, all of us look more approachable and amiable.

Voltage Tutoring

Amiable (adj.) having or showing pleasant, goodnatured personal qualities; affable; sociable

Voltage Tutoring

Empathy Seeking to understand more than one viewpoint is empathy, not moral equivalence.

Voltage Tutoring

Empathy (n.) the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

Voltage Tutoring

Sympathy He rarely invites any sympathy at all, and his unrepentant swagger says he wouldn't be caught dead trying.

Voltage Tutoring

Sympathy (n.) feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune; understanding between people; common feeling Voltage Tutoring

Depict The wall was painted with a large mural depicting famous scenes from American history.

Voltage Tutoring

Depict (v.) show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form

Voltage Tutoring

Sentient Pigs, chickens, and other animals raised for food are sentient beings with rich emotional lives.

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Sentient (adj.) able to perceive or feel things

Voltage Tutoring

Spirit He was spirited away by four police officers in the middle of the night.

Voltage Tutoring

Spirit (n.) the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul (v.) convey rapidly and secretly Voltage Tutoring

Statuesque My grandmother, was a tall, statuesque woman with a kind and gentle face and manner.

Voltage Tutoring

Statuesque (adj.) (especially of a woman) attractively tall and dignified

Voltage Tutoring

Tactile In the aquarium, there is a tactile exhibit where students can touch exotic ocean creatures.

Voltage Tutoring

Tactile (adj.) of or connected with the sense of touch; perceptible by touch or apparently so; tangible

Voltage Tutoring

Tensile Spider silk has incredible tensile strength and is often touted as being several times stronger than steel of the same thickness. Voltage Tutoring

Tensile (adj.) of or relating to tension; capable of being drawn out or stretched

Voltage Tutoring

Contort The fashionable ideal of the perfect figure forces us to starve ourselves and contort our shape.

Voltage Tutoring

Contort (v.) twist or bend out of its normal shape

Voltage Tutoring

Tractable Even normally tractable elephants become uncontrollable, unpredictable and extremely dangerous.

Voltage Tutoring

Tractable (adj.) (of a person or animal) easy to control or influence; (of a situation or problem) easy to deal with

Voltage Tutoring

Vacuous Criticizing his opponent’s argument as vacuous, the lawyer asked the judge to dismiss the case.

Voltage Tutoring

Vacuous (adj.) having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless; empty

Voltage Tutoring

Verisimilitude The lawyer called several witnesses to give verisimilitude to his client’s claim of innocence.

Voltage Tutoring

Verisimilitude (n.) the appearance of being true or real

Voltage Tutoring

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