1 minute read
Yields 9 bars at 10mg of CBD or THC per bar
16 oz bag of mini marshmallows

6 tablespoons butter
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
6 cups crisped rice cereal
3 (1.0 ml) full droppers of Rogue’s unflavored 1000mg CBD or 1000mg Delta 8 oil
Prepare a 9-inch square pan with cooking spray or parchment paper and set aside.
In large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat and add all but one cup of the marshmallows. Turn heat to low and stir until marshmallows are completely melted, and cereal is evenly coated. Remove pan from heat and stir in your vanilla and CBD/Delta 8 oil of your choice.
Add remaining cup of marshmallows and stir until combined. Press into prepared baking dish with your oiled fingertips or spatula. Gently now! If you press them down too hard, they won’t be as chewy as you might like.
Try to control yourself for an entire hour while they set.
NOTE: If you are wanting a more potent bar, you can double the amount of oil you are using, but cut out the vanilla. Bewa re that the more CBD you add, the hempier the flavor of your bar. Delta 8 does not have a taste, so don’t worry about extra flavor with those bars