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The Carrick Community Food Garden
Be involved volunteer
Sherrie McCorriston ccfg.grow@gmail.com
28 Allan's Rd, Maybole KA19 7AU
07454 006509

The Carrick Community Food Garden invites you to discover the joy of growing fruit and vegetables, building and creating with members of your community garden, where everyone shares the work and the harvest.

Being part of a community garden is a great activity to do by yourself or with friends and family and a good opportunity to get outdoors, learn new skills, meet new and like-minded people, keep active, improve mental health and contribute towards your community and the environment.

Peer Support Volunteer

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland supports groups across Scotland to meet the needs of people living with chest and heart conditions and following a stroke. Peer support groups give people the chance to share experiences with others who understand what they are going through.
Peer support groups have various reasons for coming together. It may be to meet socially, take part in physical activity or learn how to live well with their condition. Each group is unique and tailored to the needs of its local community. Everyone involved with the group will have a say in how the group is run.
Girvan Tourist Information Point Volunteer
Can you spare a few hours, to help us run the Tourist Information Point? You can volunteer weekly, fortnightly, or fill in as required. From the tourist information point we promote activities, walking routes, accommodation and food & drink details, news & events of things happening in Girvan and the smaller villages around Girvan.

Girvan Prom Parkrun Volunteers
timekeepers,finishtokens,barcode scanners,marshals,tailwalkers.....
You can volunteer alone or team up with someone else, and there are always people on hand if you have any questions.
You don’t need any experience of parkrun, junior parkrun or of volunteering. There are a range of roles to choose from, and many of them can be combined with walking or running too.

A free, weekly, timed 5k walk/jog/run at 9:30am every Saturday. Open to all ages and abilities.
Food Pantry Volunteer
Are you interested in offering practical help as a volunteer in our Food Pantry by assisting local people to learn about the Pantry and do their shopping? The Pantry, based in Girvan Primary School, is a membership scheme aimed at helping people make their money go further by reducing their food shopping bills and providing advice and support.
We will give you full training on how it works, equipment used and systems to follow. A staff team member will always be present while you are volunteering. Volunteers are required for 3.5 hours on Wednesdays or Fridays each week.
and South Carrick Community Action Network (CAN) Volunteer Drivers
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer driver? Do you enjoy driving and helping people? If you have your own vehicle and able to offer regular commitment, we are looking for volunteer drivers to help us transport people to their GP or hospital appointment. We pay your mileage expenses.
Office Volunteers
Are you interested in volunteering as an office volunteer? As a small charity we benefit from volunteers who give their time to help our organisation and the families we work with.
If you are interested please get in touch with us or drop by our shop at 40, Dalrymple Street Girvan.
comunityaction@btopenworld.com 01465714060

We welcome applications from everyone, whether you feel able to help us on a regular basis, occasionally as a stand-in volunteer (such as when a member’s usual volunteer is unavailable due to illness or holiday), or even both.
There are several volunteer roles available within our Food Train Connects service.
Shopping Friend - doing weekly grocery shopping for an older person.
Phone Friend – phoning an older person once a week for a friendly chat.
Befriender – visiting an older person at home once a week.
Shopping Companion – taking an older person out to do their grocery shopping.
Fundraiser – helping with fundraising or organising fundraising events.
Leafleter – distributing leaflets or posters in your community.
Online Shopper – calling an older person to submit an online shop for them.
Telephone Supporter – calling lists of our members to check in on them.
Several of these roles require you to complete a PVG check. A head and shoulders photo is also required and on completing your application you will be asked to complete online induction and role training.
If any of these roles are of interest, we would love to have you on board. Please sign up and we will be in touch shortly. foodtrainconnects.org.uk
0800 783 7770

Volunteer Befriender
What's in it for you
Full induction and training
Other training opportunities relevant to the volunteer role
Regular supervision and support. Out of pocket expenses agreed in advance.
Access to the Barnardo’s internal vacancy listing.

Other benefits: experience of working with children, young people and families; experience for your CV; supporting your local community; meeting new people; increasing selfconfidence; feeling like you are making a difference; improving your
Funding Application Volunteer

As an established community charity, SPRED Galloway would love to have enthusiastic, organised and self motivated people with us on our journey of successfully providing wellness in every local communities of Ayrshire.

We are looking for self motivated individuals with expertise in submitting funding applications, to local and national government and other organisations who may advertise funds that we may make applications to.
01292 738 068

CAN you help a child (aged 6-16) engage with learning and fulfil their potential?
CAN you develop their communication skills, build their confidence and support them in overcoming adversity?

CAN you tutor English, Maths and potentially other subjects, dependant on experience.
One To One Online Volunteer Tutors
Beingatutorisarewardingexperience.Youwillmakeadifferencetotheeducationof thechildyouaretutoring.Mostchildrenbeingtutoredneedhelpwithbasicreading, writingandnumeracy.Someneedsupportforspecialistsubjects.
Beforeyoucanstarttutoringyouwillreceiveinductiontrainingwhichincludeslesson planningandchildprotection.Youwillbeencouragedtotakepartinadditional traininginareassuchasdyslexiaawareness,learningandcommunicationandEnglish asanAdditionalLanguage.VTOalsoprovidesongoingsupport,trainingandtutoring resourcesonceyoustarttutoring. volunteering@wdcvs.com