Communica4action toolkit on inclusion

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4th to 9th of October, 2015 Harsin, BELGIUM

Introduction This took it is the outcome of the training course iMprOVE which took place in Harsin (South Belgium) from the 4th till the 9th of October 2015. This initiative involved 21 participants coming from 18 different countries and involves NGO and NPOs from the Alliance network of European Voluntary Service Organizations. The Access4All working group, focused on accesible workcamps, came up with the idea of this project to meet the organizations needs regarding the lack of skills in inclusive communication. The aim of this toolkit is to raise awareness about the importance of the access of youngsters with fewer opportunities in our workcamps. A strong communication strategy plays a key role to achive this objective.

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InDEX Definition of Social Inclusion 03


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Definition of Social Inclusion

Communication tools (theory)

Communication tools

A/ Face to face B/ Print C/ Event D/ Video


One of the main challenge of this training was to define what is Social Inclusion. Difficulties we faced in defining the target groups (many actors involved). This toolkit is made by international group so it has to be adapated to each target and local context. ny initiative (programmes, activities, tool, laws, actors etc...) that creates A the conditions to give to everybody the same opportunities, to get involved and to participate in social life (different contexts) ; I n order to feel more fulfilled and happy with themselfs and with a group throught reciprocity and mutual interatcion, respecting diversity. ocial Inclusion is a way to live all together by actively participating in soS ciety through working on relationships.

CommunicA4Action 3

Communication Tools (theory) How does Communication work ? Sender -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Target chanel ( ex : internet) support (ex : article on a website ) Communication has worked if you get a FEEDBACK from your target Channels : - Using Media = Above the line channels > 5 types of mass media : Cinema, TV, Radio, Internet/Social networks and Press - Not using media = Below the line channels ex : events… Supports : - Printed : posters, flyers, booklets, kakemono, Banners... - Digital : videos, plateform online, websites ... Tools : - Phone, mails - Informal discussions, meetings - Community mailings/mailinglist : A community mailing sends information by mail to key contacts and concerned or involved members of the community. It disseminates information quickly and easily in writing, and it is particularly useful when you have updates for the community. - Sharing plateforms... - Communication actions : ex : Open Day “ every month in Solidarités Jeunesses - evening from 18-20h / Campaign “ Raising Peace ” / Projection of a documentary and debate / Restitution of a project ( invitation of the youth workers, participant, local partners…) / International meals / Special action for “ international solidarity day” … ( Moving Denate in a public area with volunteers and people passing in the street…)

Communication support “good practises”: About the content aspect - Always communicate as if people do not know anything about the topic - Use action verbs - Answer those questions (6W) : Who is speaking, To Whom, What it is about, Where does it takes place, When, Why - Be Clear, short and concise - Find similarity with the target to raise the interest ( local, time-related, social (habits), emotionnal… - 1 paragraph / 1 idea - Content : from the general to the specific - Title, Subtitle “ sentence which sum up the main idea” and then the development. - Always translate the acronymes About the graphic aspect - Respect the style and the image of your organisation (graphic chart if your organisation has one) - Z reading - Use infographics “ very few texts, lots of numbers/figures” - Imagine lines to structure the document - Usually we say 2 fonts maximum / 4 colours max

Communication plan > All the steps that will help you organising your communication ! 1. Aims ( WHY general and specific : what you want from the communication) 2. Targets ( TO WHOM : who do you want to reach ) 3. Messages / Content > WHAT 4. HOW / Choose the right chanel and the right support 5. Deadlines/Retroplanning 6. Human, material and financial ressources for the project 7. Follow-up of the actions

Public/Press relations Strategy : In order to have an efficient communication, you have to identify who you want to reach. In communication, we name the “who” : Target. Communication towards “ everybody” is not possible. You can communicate to a large audience but it will be more efficient if you really identify your target and adapt to it.

Why do we communicate about ...inclusion ? When you want to develop a communication about a topic, you can begin by asking yourself several times WHY you want to communicate. > In general, we can remember to always ask ourselves 5 times ! > After each answer that you get, you have already elements to prepare your communication’s content!

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It is very usefull to use press relations in order to communicate - Create a media file with names of different types of media and journalists/contacts - Create a press review with all the articles wpeaking about your organisation/actions - Set up alerts ( internet : to know when one’s talk about you !) - Create a press kit ( many pages ) when you want to communicate in details about a topic and send it to your journalist/contact - Create a press release ( one page ) - logo /visuel ------press release - what : main info + catch phrase - what : developement - Why/Who - Contact/ practical details - Don’t wait for a special event to communicate ! - Think about reminder/relaunch if the journalist does not reply.

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A/ Face to Face


1. Meeting with new + old campleaders

strenghts / weaknesses / opportunities / threats You can use this tool in order to have a better understanding of what is working and what could be improve. You can also find solutions out of your organisation to help you.This tool makes you also aware of threats that are independant of your will coming from problemes out of your organisation.


internal source ( in your organisation)

external source (out of your organisation)




Non-formal meeting with experienced and “new� campleaders

Target group

New campleaders


To break possible fears or stereotypes of new campleaders towards being leaders in workcamps open to youngsters with fewer opportunities

Communication Action

Non-formal meeting (with snacks and drinks) in small group


weaknesses BEFORE 1. Chose place and time for non-formal meeting (cosy) 2. Chose and contact experienced campleader, who already run A4All camp. 3. Contact chosen experienced campleader by phone, explain the aim of the meeting and invite him/her. It is possible to suggest bringing some materials from A4All camp (photos, videos etc). 4. Invite new campleaders. 5. Send emails with details of meeting (place and date) to all invited people.


Description of the communication tools used

DURING 6. To prepare place for meeting. 7. Introduce participants to each other and invite them to talk in non-formal environment. 8. It would be useful to collect questions, fears, feedback which could be expressed during the meeting. This material could be used for new meeting, campleader training etc. 9. Pay the bills or clean the place ;) AFTER 10. Email or call to thanks experienced campleader. 11. To check how many new cleaders agree to be leaders in A4All camps. NOTE: i t is better to use tool after campleader training, where new campleaders will get information about A4All in general.

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CommunicA4Action - Face to Face 7

3. Breaking fears

by UNA

2. Face to face meeting with local partners Title

Ambassadors of volunteering

Target group

Local partners (youth- and social workers, field workers)


Active and systematic participation of local partners in recruitment of youngsters for A4A projects (incl. their further facilitation of youngsters)

Communication Action

(Face-to-face communication supported by visuals (flyers, posters, photos and videos) This tool already expects previous contact with local partner. The aim is to deepen cooperation and to make A4A multipliers from those who are in everyday contact with youngsters. Face-to-face meeting with local partner is the most suitable communication tool, mainly because of demanding day-to-day program in a field of social/youth work. Therefore, setting up the meeting in cosy and non-formal environment (out of office) is highly recommended.


Breaking fears

Target group

Youth with fewer opportunities


To take all concerns of the young people seriously but not spend too much time on the unlikely risks such as murder and kidnapping, but still not dismissing such concerns.

Communication Action

Training session - MATRIX

Session plan :

Participators : 1. Receiver – Local partner (potential new ambassador) 2. Addresser – an Employee of the organisation (competent and with a knowledge of the partners capacity) 3. Helper - a youngster with fewer opportunities with a wide range of experience in volunteering. Description of the communication tools used

Structure of face-to-face communication : 1. What? – “I need you to be an ambassador of volunteering.” Introduction A4A volunteering and organisation competence in the field, supported by leaflet (All the information is in the leaflet, which we won’t make him read on the spot, but afterwards). 2. Why? – “What benefits can it bring to the youth?” (done through youngster) Using photos or videos from participation on the project is recommended. 3. Why?- “What benefit can it bring to the ambassador? “ 1. volunteering as a tool for youth to gain life skills 2. experienced volunteers are support for youth worker 3. international project may be used as “benefit” towards youngster for being more active 4. experience with international volunteering may attract more youngsters 5. promotion of organization’s activities and progress (higher potential for new support/funds) 4. How? Explanation of the ambassador’s work agenda.

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Description of the communication tools used

1. Give everyone 3–4 post-its and ask them to write on them things that could go wrong, their fears and concerns related to the international voluntary project (3–4 mins). 2. Gather up the post-its and organise them into groups (remove repeated examples). Read out the post-its and ask the group to debate/ decide on the severity and where to stick it on a Risk Assessment chart according to likelihood and severity of impact. 3. Acknowledge that all concerns are real therefore valid but we will begin by dealing with the highest scoring ones first and work down, for obvious reasons ! 4. During the discussion, solutions to the problems and references to the Support System MUST be raised. 5. Reference should be made at this point to the different roles/ players that were discussed in the previous session, and their importance in problem solving.

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4. Connect local hosts

by IBG

5. Get in touch


Connect local hosts


Get in touch

Target group

Local hosts

Target group



Find more local hosts, increase visibility and enable exchange.


Lessen fears and building the confidence

Communication Action

Evening Event

Communication Action

Meeting with a social institution

I nvite representatives of institutions (partners) that have been hosting a workcamp AND potential hosts to a common dinner/evening event. This creates space for you to appreciate the effort of your partners and gives space for the exchange of experience among the local partners. In an unofficial atmosphere relationships are established and ideas for new camps are born. Description of the communication tools used

During the evening there is time to include an information presentation (done by the organisation or by former participants…) on different topics like inclusion/A4A/Sustainability and also the space to show impressions of the workcamps.

1. Speak with responsible person of social institution 2. Speak with campleaders and mental preparation Description of the 3. Organize some activities together with a social institution communication Favor the meeting on “neutral ground”, as well as an activity tools used in which everybody is at the same level 4. Feedback from campleaders and evaluation 5. Collect experience and feedback in one booklet

This tool reaches a big number of possible targets at the same time and is relatively work extensive. The effect is direct and personal and even if no new workcamps are being planned a positive attitude towards it stays. For questions feel free to contact IBG

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CommunicA4Action - Face to Face 11

B/ PRINT 6. UNAREC (booklet/meeting)


Target group


Face-to-Face speaking

Youth with fewer opportunities and educators

- To involve youth with fewer opprotnities to partiicpte inworkcamps. - To assure that expaectations of the youngster match with chosen workcamp.

Communication Action

Face-to-face meeting between representative of organisation, youngster and educator with using 2 support tools.

Description of the communication tools used

1. Organising meeting with youngster and youth worker. 2. D uring the meeting youngsters have to fill in a specific form. In the form are collected information about needs, expectations and ideas about workcamps which volunteer already has. 3. R epresentative of organisation show to volunteer booklet with short description of all workcamps prepared by organisation in advance. 4. V olunteer, educator and representative of organisation choose workcamp which match the best the expectation of volunteer.

1. Flyers in schools Title

Snack down your fears !

Target group

Parents of young volunteers and potential ones


To overcome parents’ fears when sending their sons and daughters abroad.

Communication Action

Meeting and event The main idea is to gather parents with experience in sending their sons and daughters to workcamps and parents with fears about sending their kids for the first time into this kind of international projects.

Description of the communication tools used

1. To distribute flyers and posters at the entrance of any school/cultural centre/ shopping centre/ sports centre near the organization. In this flyer or poster you need to specify the time and place of the event. 2. To call parents who already sent their sons and daughters in workcamps in order to invite them to join the evening/appetizer. 3. During the event: there would be snacks/appetizer and also worcamps pictures exhibition. 4. There will be an introduction about the Organisation and the workcamp programmes. 5. Parents should be in a discussion group and a facilitator will ask the parents of “potential” volunteers to talk about their expectations about workcamps. 6. Then the facilitator will ask the “experienced” parents about the expectations they had the first time they sent their children abroad. 7. The facilitator will ask the parents of “potential” volunteers about their fears and after, the “experienced” parents will be asked to share their feedbacks about this experience. NOTE: Up to the organzation to propose to the parent’s group some energizers or non-formal games.

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CommunicA4Action - Print 13

3. Banner 2. Press


Target group


Communication Action



Target group

Local partner


- To establish partnership with local organizations in order to create new projects - To raise visibility

Communication Action


Press release

Local partner

- To establish partnership with local organizations in order to create new projects - To raise visibility

Press contact – newspaper, TV, Radio, magazine The banner is a 2m/1m size made of waterproof material. It is placed outside in the workcamp site or brought to different events so that everyone can see it.

1. At the beginning of the workcamp season send to all the press contact (national, regional, local) a general information about all the workcamp planned during the summer. 2. The first day of the workcamp: send a more precise information about this workcamp

There are different types of banners, with different messages/information: A general one: used to bring to events, stands, fairs, general presentation of the organization with contact information. A specific one: used at the workcamps with a message like : « HERE there is an international workcamp of CBB »

The press release should be short with the 5 WH (who, where, when, why, what).

Description of the communication tools used

Example : Title: International workcamp in Brussel, 02-17 of july +LOGO of the association First sentence: In collaboration with CBB, .... (host organisation which is local) host 17 volunteers from all over the world (name countries...) to realise the renovation of the old mill. * Task description & CBB description * At the end, don’t forget to give the contact information * Adress and contact of CBB & adress of the workcamp * * Contact of the campleaders during the workcamp * (which are contacted by the press to organise a meeting)

- This message attracts the attention of locals and local partners. - The banner gives information that may interest local partners so they can contact the organization themselves - Or the locals can spread the information. Description of the communication tools used

This tool is used to make a step from INDIRECT communication to the DIRECT one (after having seen the banner and workcamp project itself, the local partners contact the organization to arrange a face-to-face meeting and think over the project they want to implement together).

The press release should be sent to a list of local newspapers, tv and radio but also of national medias. Impact of the press: The article of the different medias about our workcamps attracts attention of potential partners. So that they contact the organisation if they are interested and they arrange a personal meeting, to become potential new partners.

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4. Katimavik

by SJ


Katimavik - Leaflet

Target group

Youth professionnals / Youngsters with fewer opportunities


- Make them aware of the project, Voluntary Service of 7 months starting in France (6 months) and finishing in Scottland ( 1 month) - Get them interessed in it - Find participants for the project - Give youth professionnals languages elements and visual help to talk to the yougnsters about the project and get them interested in participating in the project

Communication Action

- The Leaflet has been sent to youth professionnals of a specific area because volunteers with a short explicative email about the project. - The Leaflet has been given to professionnals who came to the office after a meeting - The document is also on the website in our section dedicated to youth professionals dealing with people with fewer opportunities. The flyer - Format A3 folded it 2 - Front page/Cover : What, Who, To Whom, How, Why Whe, Where > We can know directly what it is about. - Central pages : Infographics > How will the project take place ? The infographics make things concrete and aims to reassure the targets ! - Last page : Contact > Let’s do it !

5. Volunteer manual



How to lead through a project.

Target group

Camp leaders and host organizations


- Supporting NPOs or local communities. - Intercultural learning experience and opportunity of getting to know new cultures.

Communication Action

Manual explaning how to organise a workcamp.

This is a manual where you can find the different steps in order to develop a workcamp project. The manual is divided in three main sections: before, during and after the workcamp according to the main topics:

Description of the communication tools used

Description of the communication tools used

- Putting the idea of a volunteer camp into practice - Volunteer camps with a focus on social integration - Functions of a leading team A detailed timeline is provided in the manual so campleaders or host organizations can get a general overview. The pdf manual can be provided by Grenzelos.

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C/ EVENTS 1. 1,2,3 Action for All

2. Speed Dating


Cinema as a tool

Target group

All volunteers




To bring people together to raise awareness about inclusion through movie screening follewed by a constructive discussion, and promote volunteering

Target group



Convince them to be a part of A4A workcamps

Communication Action

(Speed Dating)

Communication Action

1,2,3 Action, For All! 1) Promotion of the Event: a. Face to Face communication with educators all about our plan to prepare a movie screening that brings together people with disabilities, fewer opportunities and random people, ask for their support to include their youngsters. Select some universities in our town/city to talk in person with their public/ international relations offices ,and share our plan and ask for their support. In corporate feedback we received from these meetings to our planning and promotion.

Description of the communication tools used

b. Emails sent together with a flyer attached, making use of our existing mailing lists of our organisation/network (to be able to reach our camp leaders, previous volunteers, parents, local hosts/partners) and ask them to spread the news if they feel like. c. Create and hang posters, to the selected cinemas including the cinema where screening will take place and places of interests (universities, cafes, community/social centres, youth houses, to sum up: all the places we had face to face meetings) d. Social Media; twitter, facebook, Instagram, vine !!! we think to be able to use social media effectively this step should be used continuously throughout the whole planning process, not only on the day when the visuals are ready and on the day of screening. !!! steps b,c,d should be done simultaneously. 2) Event: a. Have a selected cinema that is suitable for the access of all people beforehand ( in order to include the information of the place on the flyers and posters) b. Movie Selection: a movie that talks about inclusion and doesn’t contain elements of violence of any kind. Eg: “the way he looks”, breaking the waves, “my left foot”, Le famille Bélier”, “Rainmain”, Forest Gump”, “pride”, “the angry inch”, 3- Screening Night: welcoming preparations, snacks beverages

Speed dating is meant for the volunteers which haven’t made their minds about being a camp leader and they have specific questions about it. The event will give them the opportunity to lessen fears and see the situation clearly.

Description of the communication tools used

In order to reach potential new camp leaders of A4A camps, we will create flyers and posters which will describe the event in an attractive way. In addition, we will try to contact old camp leaders who were in a regular camp, so that they would have a chance to upgrade their competences in being a camp leader. The event will include 5 guests : 1. A camp leader with difficult background; 2. A camp leader who has experience in regular camps; 3. A participant who has fewer opportunities and has experience in participating in A4A camps(or a disability); 4. An expert of A4A program; 5. Sending organization director. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions to the guests about the camps or if they don’t want to ask it publicly, they have a chance to ask it anonymously in a question jar.

If it is possible to invite the director/actors of the movie, and have them in the discussion part. !!! Through recording the discussion we might have a material that gives us feedback about the participants feelings.

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CommunicA4Action - Events 19

3. CBQ Title

Communication Tool about about local host

Target group

Local Host


To decrease fears and barriers of local host when they are hosting volunteers with fewer opportunities in case they are convinced to create facilities and support of higher quality.

Communication Action

CBQ ZERO STEP – VIDEO: All the process will be recorded to make a video at the end. This way will be able to share this process with international partners if they face some difficulties in motivating new local partners to welcome a work camp. Every little detail can be recorded or photographed and that could be inserted in the video. FIRST STEP – FIND GOOD LOCAL PATNERS: GRIMM WORKCAMP has been going well for more than 20 years. They welcome volunteers with fewer opportunities on their work camps. Every year they succeed to gather locals, volunteers and people of the association all together in different events and for example to their famous BBQ. So we thought it could be a good idea to invite new partners or (reticent) partners who have fears about hosting volunteers with fewer opportunities at the GRIMM BBQ. At least at the welcome BBQ and if it is possible also at the last BBQ to see the result of the work camp.

Description of the communication tools used

SECOND STEP: Let’s start the process with a first e-mail to our international partners (SJ, INEX, ELIX, etc.) Pay attention to stay really positive in your message, use a positive vocabulary. The point is to explain them all our process and to let them know that it is going to be recorded in order to share the result with them. THIRD STEP – INVITATION FOR LOCAL PARTNERS: We were thinking to invite some local partners living close from Marche to be sure that they could be able to join us twice in two weeks without doing too long of a trip. The promotion will take different forms such as: - E-mail with the flyer of the event - Website announcement with the flyer of the event - Letter + Flyers to share inside - Flyer on our Facebook website During this step: It’s really important to ask our local partners to prepare their questions or expectations about welcoming a work camp with access for all. Like this we can be able to use it at the first BBQ. (Do it as a digital survey)

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FOURTH STEP – ORGANISATION OF FIRST BBQ IN COLLABORATION WITH GRIMM: Contents of the day Methodology Aims and goals Material Budget Everything you have to take in consideration when you create an event. FIFTH STEP – FIRST BBQ: This BBQ takes place at the early beginning of the work camp. Workshop 1: Presentation game to introduce everybody (this way it is possible to see all the actor who are taking part in this day : CBB, GRIMM, volunteers and other local partners) made by CBB. Workshop 2: « How to present the association to volunteers » by GRIMM (Ambassador) Workshop 3: « Sharing experience and good practices » by CBB. It could be a debate leading by some one from CBB. It is the moment when other local partners can ask their question to GRIMM and to volunteers about how to welcome a work camp. Informal moment: BBQ, discussions (everybody can continue to discuss about the debate) SIXTH STEP – PREPARATION OF SECOND BBQ: During the work camp, the GRIMM takes a moment to prepare the second BBQ with the volunteers (they will take a bigger place on this second event). Contents of the day Methodology Aims and goals Material Budget Everything you have to take in consideration when you creat an event. SEVENTH STEP – SECOND BBQ: This BBQ takes place at the end of the work camp. Workshop 1: The volunteers present the work camp. They can use pictures, videos, power point presentation, etc. it has to be interactive. Workshop 2: « What did we do? » So the GRIMM can present what they implement for the volunteers, what were the difficulties, etc. And the volunteers can also express their difficulties and the new skills they gained. Workshop 3: « Tips for future? » What GRIMM and the volunteers think they should keep the same or change for the future. And what they are going to do after the work camp. Informal moment: BBQ and discussion about the result of the work camp (they can show what they did exactly during the camp). Workshop 4: « Last game » a last activity proposed by GRIMM and the volunteers in order to say goodbye. HEIGHTH STEP: Making the video and than sharing it with all our international partners (the video will be subtitled in English of course).

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4. Parents evening 3. PARENTS EVENING Title

Parent’s evening as a tool

Target group



To convince parents to become ambassadors of volunteering

Communication Action

Invitation to a Parents Evening and treasure hunt

1. When in direct contact with the parents of volunteers, input the idea, that they become ambassadors of volunteering by spreading the word to other parents and their kids, to create a multiplyer effect of promotion. This discussion can be oral, or as an addition to the already existing Volunteer’s Questionnaires.

Description of the communication tools used

E.g. of Feedback Questionnaire, (part ,specifically addressed to parents): We want to know YOUR opinion: Let’s improve! - How.....? -Why.....? - Would you like to help us to spread the word? - Would you recommend the experience of your kids to other parents? - Let’s stay in touch! (get parents’ specific contact information for future communication) phone: address: email: (and invite them to a future event aiming at making them ambassadors) You are invited to our parents evening (date to be announced) Bring your friends !

1. Location: calculate optimal distances according to interest, maybe select a more central location if it is more convenient and/or tour around country with the event to reach other central places. 2. provide food and drinks 3. Event: a. Small oral presentation of the organisation with very few words. Energisers and games to get to know each other better with the parents b. Treasure hunt: The aim of the treasure hunt is to show the parents how difficult it is to gather information if you don’t already have them provided, and how easier it is if you spread them by different ways and with the help of others. In the hunt they will have to answer questions about volunteering and the organisation and how to promote it, find hidden information in the form of flyers, car stickers (e.g. VOLUNTEER ON BOARD ! logo of organisation, and site) c. After the treasure hunt that will last no more than half an hour, there will be dinner with discussions and some further suggestions. The parents who will be interested in becoming ambassadors for sure ,will be given promotional material (banners,flyers, stickers and promotion ideas) and are subscribed in a list. Suggestions that can be given to the parents: - Spread the word ear to mouth - Have parties in their homes and provide information about volunteering - Go talk to schools or universities and leave flyers and banners of Organisation. - The possibility to have a guest role in an upcoming workcamp or event of the Organisation. e.g. cook a dinner for volunteers, make a small workshop of their own, provide a space, give activity ideas, provide materials, place, local connections for them

2. PROMOTION If the parents show any positive interest in the above discussion or questionnaire, use phone calls and mailing list to invite them to a Parents Evening where they will get to know the organisation better and gather information about how to become ambassadors and promoters of volunteering. Spread Event through social media as well.

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CommunicA4Action - Events 23


2. Act for your district

1. Volunteering Pleasure and Handicap


Target group

by CBB Title

Act for your district

Target group

Youth with fewer opportunities (from difficulties district with a specific label from the government : ZUP, ZEP,..)


To involve 6 youngsters on an international workcamp that take place in their district.

Communication Action

The house district partner of the JR organisation distribute this infos sheet to the local youth.

VLH video (Volunteering Pleasure and Handicap)

Volunteer recruitment for local activities


To promote inclusion in local level activites because we think that some people can be afraid to be in contact with people with disabilities and the video was done in order to break these fears. It was difficult to explain it by speaking so for us the video is a great support.

Communication Action

VLH video (Volunteering Pleasure and Handicap)

Description of the communication tools used

by JR

We put it and shared it on our website/Facebook page in order to try to create a buzz. Also used during the face to face meeting as an introduction for the volunteers.

This communication action was designed in order to involve the local youth in an efficient way.

Description of the communication tools used

1. The info sheet was created by the house district with their own tool with the support of JR : youth workers from this structure know their target so they know how to communicate with them. 2. The content of this info sheet : General information about the project with catchy sentences, information that the youngsters have to fill in [contact, background) and a place for a motivation letter. 3. Youth workers talk directly to the youngsters about this project. They distribute this info sheet to youngsters who seem to be interested. 4. Youngsters fill in the info sheet and then give it back to the youth workers. 5. When the selection of the 6 local youngsters was made JR and the house district organised a meeting with the youth in order to present the organisation, the workcamp and collect their expectations and fears. -> Communicating with youth with fewer opportunities is a big challenge that can be solved by building strong local partners. To go further here is an institutional video that illustrate the project happened on summer 2015 in Clermont Ferrand thanks to this communication tool :

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CommunicA4Action - Video 25

3. HUJ



Smile to treat /HUJ-Voluntary service of Armenia/


Nobody left out

Target group


Target group

Volunteers and local partners/ local host


Lessen fears and building the confidence


International volunteering is open to eveybody

Communication Action

Showing the video about the volunteering in Rehabilitation center during the training course for volunteers

Communication Action


The video it’s a effective tool to show what international volunteering is about, it also shows the learning outcomes. Some of the main issues tackled are:

Description of the communication tools used

1. Organizing the training course for local volunteers 2. Inviting the facilitator and former volunteers who has a good experience in volunteering and in working with peoples with fewer opportunities 3. Inviting local volunteers by email 4. Phone calling to volunteers for confirmation 5. S peaking with campleaders and mental preparation through workshop 6. Presentation of the center (PPT presentation) 7. Showing the video about volunteering in the center 8. Giving the booklets about methodology of working and animations to the volunteers and campleaders

Description of the communication tools used

- Solidarity - Bottom-up learning - Multicultural aspects - Local population impact - Interaction among participants and local hosts - Learning by doing - Living together - Mobility - Active citizenship - Democracy - Team work - Gathering different backgrounds - Awareness - Acquire new skills - Personal satisfaction and challenge experience - Sustainability This video is uploaded in the Lunaria website,

26 CommunicA4Action - Video

CommunicA4Action - Glossary 27

5. Empowering Youth


Empowering Youth through international volunteering

2) If you are done with your video, upload it to your different Channels: youtube, vimeo. website, twitter, facebook, tumblr, ... 3a) Organise an event, gathering together current and potential new local partners. Use different channels and tools to do so: phone, email, website, social media networks.

Target group

Direct: Local Partner (sending) Indirect: Young people with fewer opportunities

3b) If local partners are interested in your work and approach you, arrange a meeting and invite a current local partner you have a good relationship with to the meeting.


Convince local partner that international volunteering projects (workcamps) are an empowering tool for their young people with fewer opportunities (and that their participation is beneficial for the local partner)

Communication Action

First Meeting/ «Get to know» Event with new local partner , using video showing workcamps as empowering tool

4) During the meeting/ event g ive a short verbal introduction about workcamps/ international voluntary projects and explain how that can be an empowering tool for the youngsters. S how the video D ebrief and discuss it together with the local partners. Ask the current partner to share his experience with sending youngsters to international voluntary projects.

1) Create a video that shows several y. p. w. f. o. talking about their experience of taking part in an ivp and what they learned from it, how their life changed to the better and what they liked about it. If possible, the video should also give an impression about what a workcamp entails (travelling, working and leisure time, meeting new people, sharing experience, etc.).

Description of the communication tools used

5) As a follow up, send out an email to all current and potential new partners with a short introduction again about voluntary projects (it should entail all key words used in the video as well) and the link to video. Add possible next steps. 6) Local partner can now use the video as a tool to motivate youngsters for international voluntary projects as well, as the video is available for all online.

If you include young people from different countries to emphasise the international part of a workcamp make sure you add subtitles (subtitles would also allow youngsters with hearing difficulties to follow the video). If you stay within your own language or if you use different languages plus subtitles would depend on your specific target group regarding the youngsters. You know best what will work. The video should be between 2 - 4 minutes long and be very clear in the message and understandable for everyone. Try to use actual video footage and not pictures to create your video. If you feel comfortable use specific online tools to create a comic style video (they are usually easy to handle and quite cheap). This will make your video appear more professional. (e.g. Xchange Scotland - European Voluntary Service video on youtube). Make sure you add your organisation’s name and contact details or at least your website.

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LINKS anual of A4A Training run by Grenzenlos in 2014: M Manual on group perception and inclusion alto Inclusion Booklet of Inclusion Forum in 2006: S alto Inclusion Booklet: S anual on inclusion in ST EVS: M hite paper on international voluntary service: W Social Inclusion for Young People: Breaking Down the Barriers (Helen Colley 2007) Coucil of Europe publishing online: International Voluntary Service (T-Kit) ( Tony Geudens 2004) Council of Europe and European Commission online:

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Acces4All Working Group : ALT-V - Anna CBB - Sophie, Mélodie, Sarah, Céline CONCORDIA - Monica ELIX - Angeliki ESTYES - Annely Emma GRENZENLOS - Sergio et Daniela GSM - Esra HUJ - Anna IBG - Helena INEX SDA - Stepan JAVVA - Amadeus JR - Clément LUNARIA - Margherita LYVS - Olga SJ - Julia et Adama UNA EXCHANGE - Michi UNAREC - Arnaud Thanks to all the participants envolved in this project.

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