官方紀念場刊 Official Souvenir Programme
Volvo China Open 2012 | 2
Volvo China Open 2012 | 3
n Welcome Messages | 歡迎辭 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
Welcome from Zhang Xiaoning, China Golf Association 張小寧致辭 Welcome from Stefan Jacoby, Volvo Car Corporation 斯蒂芬.雅各布致辭 Welcome from Olof Persson, Volvo Group 歐羅夫.佩森致辭 Welcome from Per Ericsson, Volvo Event Management 艾瑞森致辭 Welcome from Li Hao, Homemain Holdings Group 李皓致辭 Welcome from George O'Grady, The European Tour 喬治.奧格瑞迪致辭 Welcome from Sang Y Chun, OneAsia 全商烈致辭
n Editorials | 特寫 21 25 43 53 57 61 65 70
Volvo in Golf - A Perfect Drive 沃爾沃與高爾夫:完美結合、動力無限 A Rich History, A Richer Future - Volvo China Open 豐富的歷史 更豐富的未來 A New Development with Old-World Class - Binhai Lake 濱海湖:古老經典的新詮釋 Volvo and Oscar Jacobson - The Perfect Fit 沃爾沃與OJ:完美搭配、互利共贏 Tianjin - A Port for the Emperor 天津:中國北方的通商口岸 The Volvo World Golf Ghallenge - A Million Golfers Can’t Be Wrong 沃爾沃世界高爾夫挑戰賽:惠及百萬球友,追尋高球夢想 The Birth of Chinese Golf 中國高爾夫的前世今生 Heart of Glass 晶瑩的心
n Information | 資訊 19 Schedule of Events 賽事日程 31 Championship Prize Fund 公開賽獎金 32 Player Profiles 球員介紹 41 Previous Winners 歷屆冠軍 46 Course Description and Hole-by-Hole Guide 球場逐洞介紹及攻略 68 Beginner’s Guide to Golf Watching 觀賽指南 72 Championship Committee 公開賽組委會 73 Acknowledgements 鳴謝 76 Course Map and Public Village 球場及公眾活動區示意圖 Volvo China Open 2012 | 2
Volvo China Open 2012 | 3
WELCOME FROM ZHANG XIAONING 張小寧致辭 歡迎各位光臨2012年沃爾沃中國公開賽。 自1995年沃爾沃中國公開賽在中國成功舉辦以來,到現在已經是第18個 年頭了。今年,沃爾沃中國公開賽將首度移師天津,於4月19日至22日在天津 濱海湖高爾夫球會掀開戰幔。在沃爾沃公司的大力支持下,今年的賽事總獎金 將繼續高達2000萬人民幣,必將吸引眾多高爾夫巨星駕臨天津,這也再一次 展現了沃爾沃在全國範圍內大力推廣高爾夫的決心。相信此賽事將會吸引眾多 來自各大巡回賽的優秀選手參賽,呈現給廣大高爾夫球愛好者一場精彩激烈的 比賽。 作為中國最早的國際職業賽事,在歷經18年的發展,沃爾沃中國公開賽已 經成為中國境內乃至世界範圍的高水平國際高爾夫賽事之一。本人謹代表國家 體育總局小球運動管理中心、中國高爾夫球協會,衷心感謝沃爾沃長期以來對 中國公開賽的支持,它為中國高爾夫球運動項目的普及,促進中國高爾夫運動 水平的提高做出了不可磨滅的貢獻。 眾所周知,高爾夫已經確定成為2016年奧運會和2013年全運會的新增項 目,我們希望透過沃爾沃中國公開賽讓國內選手有更多機會與國外頂尖選手交 流,促進中國高爾夫運動的普及與發展,並進一步提高國內球員的水平,為備 戰2016年奧運會做準備。特別感謝沃爾沃盛事管理公司對中國高爾夫發展做 出的長期貢獻,它為促進中國高爾夫運動水平的提高起到了關鍵的作用。
Director General Multi-Ball Games Administrative Center of General Administration of sports Vice President & Secretary General China Golf Association
在此我謹代表國家體育總局小球運動管理中心、中國高爾夫球協會以及賽 事組委會感謝天津市人民政府、天津市體育局、天津市高爾夫球協會、歐巡 賽、同一亞洲巡回賽、沃爾沃盛事管理公司、天津濱海湖高爾夫球會等合作單 位,感謝你們一如既往地支持中國公開賽以及中國的高爾夫運動。 我們相信,在沃爾沃以及社會各界企業、單位和人士的支持和關心下, 沃爾沃中國公開賽將越辦越好。最後,預祝2012年沃爾沃中國公開賽圓滿成 功!
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心 主任 中國高爾夫球協會 副主席兼秘書長
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WELCOME FROM STEFAN JACOBY 斯蒂芬.雅各布致辭 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you on behalf of the entire Volvo family to the 18th Volvo China Open, here at Binhai Lake Golf Club in Tianjin. I travel to China on a regular basis and I have come to know and admire this amazing country, which Volvo Car Corporation now considers as our second home market. We have high ambitions for growth and our venture in China includes new car plants, expanded dealer network, new recruits and ambitious sales targets. Our global sponsorship campaigns include our golf portfolio as well as the Volvo Ocean Race. The Race made a groundbreaking stopover in China, in the magnificent port of Sanya, known as, 'China's Hawaii,' on Hainan Island during the first part of 2012. The Volvo China Open is already seen as one of the biggest tournaments in Asia and it is watched by people from all over the world. The number of Chinese golfing talents is growing – in fact the sport is booming – and we are very confident that this increase in profile will continue in line with China's own remarkable growth.
President & CEO Volvo Car Corporation
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has participated in bringing the Volvo China Open to this level and I look forward to yet another exciting world-class tournament.
沃爾沃汽車公司 總裁兼首席執行官
Thank you for joining us here at Binhai Lake Golf Club – please enjoy your visit! 我十分榮幸地代表沃爾沃大家庭,歡迎您光臨在天津濱海湖高爾夫球會舉 行的第18屆沃爾沃中國公開賽。 由於我頻繁地來中國訪問,這使我對中國有了更多的瞭解,並十分喜愛這 個神奇的國家。目前中國已成為沃爾沃汽車公司的第二本土市場。對於沃爾沃 汽車在中國的增長前景我們充滿信心,未來我們將在中國興建工廠、擴大經銷 商網絡、招募新員工並更高的銷售目標。 我們的全球贊助項目主要包括沃爾沃的高爾夫球賽事以及沃爾沃環球帆船 賽。今年年初,沃爾沃環球帆船賽停靠在享有“中國夏威夷”美譽的海南三 亞,三亞站比賽也取得了開創性的成功。 沃爾沃中國公開賽已經是亞洲最大的高爾夫錦標賽之一,全球觀眾通過電 視轉播觀看賽事的盛況。高爾夫球運動在中國發展迅速,湧現出越來越多的優 秀選手。我們相信和中國經濟的飛速增長一樣,這項運動也將在中國繼續蓬勃 發展。 借此機會,我想對長期參與並推動沃爾沃中國公開賽的各界人士表示感 謝,並期待在本週再次見證一場令人興奮的世界級賽事。 再次感謝各位蒞臨濱海湖高爾夫球會,祝您觀賽愉快!
Volvo China Open 2012 | 6
Volvo China Open 2012 | 7
WELCOME FROM OLOF PERSSON 歐羅夫.佩森致辭 On behalf of the Volvo Group I am delighted to welcome you all to the 2012 Volvo China Open. Spectators, players, guests, members of the media indeed, everyone supporting this event, it is a pleasure having you here at the Tianjin Binhai Lake Golf Club. 2012 is a special year for us since it marks the 20th anniversary of the arrival of the Volvo Group here in China. Since then, this has become the 3rd largest independent market for us globally. Without doubt it was a fantastic opportunity and a wise choice also to get involved with golf in China as the first western brand in 1995. Together with the China Golf Association we have seen golf as a sport take off, just as the Chinese economy, and this national open championship has grown in importance and attracted a stronger and more international field every year. The Volvo China Open provides us with a perfect backdrop to showcase our brand and our products both in China and to a worldwide audience. Thanks to extensive media coverage clients who are passionate about the sport are able to follow the game at a close range. Golf is truly a great way to meet and connect and I hope you will experience that this week.
CEO Volvo Group 沃爾沃集團 首席執行官
Thank you for joining us here and please enjoy the event! 我謹代表沃爾沃集團,歡迎各位前來天津濱海湖高爾夫球會支持2012年沃 爾沃中國公開賽的觀眾、球員、嘉賓和媒體朋友們。 對沃爾沃集團來說,2012年是特殊的一年。今年是沃爾沃集團進入中國 20週年。自創建至今中國已成為我們在全球的第三大獨立市場。 1995年,沃爾沃成為第一個投資中國高爾夫運動的西方知名品牌,這無疑 是一次難得的機會和明智的決策。我們和中國高爾夫球協會一起見證了高爾夫 運動在中國的起步和發展,正如我們見證了中國經濟的騰飛。如今,這項國家 公開錦標賽已成為國際職業高壇的一項重要賽事,每年都有更多的國際頂級選 手加盟。 沃爾沃中國公開賽提供了一個完美的平台,向全中國和世界各地的觀眾展 示我們的品牌和產品。感謝傳媒的廣泛報道,讓熱衷高爾夫的客戶們能近距離 瞭解比賽。高爾夫運動還是結交朋友、加強溝通的極佳途徑,希望您在本週也 能有所體會。 再次感謝各位的光臨,並祝您愉快!
Volvo China Open 2012 | 8
Volvo China Open 2012 | 9
WELCOME FROM PER ERICSSON 艾瑞森致辭 I am very pleased to welcome you here in Tianjin to the Binhai Lake Golf Club and the 18th staging of the Volvo China Open. Over the years we have aimed at moving the tournament around this amazing country, to share the passion for the sport and to involve golfers and clubs all over China in this, your National Open Championship. It has been a very rewarding journey. In the coming days we will enjoy the game played by the best field ever in the history of the event. The Chinese players have become better and better, inspired by stars such as Liang Wen Chong and Zhang Liang Wei. An unprecedented number of international golfers, among them Ian Poulter, Paul Casey who was champion at Shenzhen seven years ago, defending champion Nicolas Colsaerts, and several of the world’s top 50 players, underlines the global appeal of the Volvo China Open. I am certain that this is going to be an exciting event and look forward to Sunday when we will congratulate our new champion. In addition to the winner’s cheque of RMB 3.3 million, the first prize also includes a spot in the exclusive fields of the Volvo World Match Play Championship at Finca Cortesín in May and in the Volvo Golf Champions in January 2013.
President Volvo Event Management 沃爾沃盛事管理公司 總裁
As ever, my thanks go to the China Golf Association for entrusting Volvo with their flagship event. I also want to thank Binhai Lake Golf Club, the European Tour, OneAsia, and all our other partners and sponsors. Special thanks also go to each and every one of you for coming here and for your continued support of the Volvo China Open. To the players I say ‘Good Luck!’ and to everyone else associated with this event, ‘Enjoy!’ 歡迎各位光臨天津濱海湖高爾夫俱樂部,共同見證第18屆沃爾沃中國公開 賽。 過去的幾年間,我們致力於將公開賽帶到中國各地,讓全中國的球友和俱 樂部有機會分享中國國家高爾夫球公開錦標賽的激情與榮耀。如今我們的努力 有了成效。 今年,中國公開賽又迎來了有史以來的最強參賽陣容。在接下來的幾天, 我們將欣賞世界頂級球員的精彩角逐。以梁文衝、張連偉為代表的中國選手 的表現一年比一年強勁。國際球員中也高手如雲,包括國際球星伊恩.保爾 特、2005年在深圳摘得沃爾沃中國公開賽桂冠的保羅.凱西、上屆冠軍尼古 拉斯.考賽茨和多位世界排名前50的優秀選手,顯示出沃爾沃中國公開賽在 世界高壇的號召力。 我相信本週將上演一場激動人心的比賽,並期待著在周日向新科冠軍表示 祝賀。今年的冠軍除了贏得高達330萬元人民幣的獎金支票,還將獲得5月前 往西班牙考特辛莊園參加沃爾沃世界比洞錦標賽,以及明年1月參加沃爾沃高 爾夫冠軍賽的資格。 借此機會我要感謝中國高爾夫球協會對沃爾沃的信任,讓我們有幸冠名贊 助這項中國高爾夫的旗艦賽事。我還要感謝濱海湖高爾夫俱樂部、歐洲巡回賽 和同一亞洲巡回賽,以及所有的賽事合作伙伴和贊助商。特別要感謝前來現場 的觀眾們對沃爾沃中國公開賽的支持。 最後,我想對所有參賽選手說“祝好運!”,對參與本週賽事的所有人說 “祝愉快!”
Volvo China Open 2012 | 10
Volvo China Open 2012 | 11
WELCOME FROM LI HAO 李皓致辭 在春意盎然、生機勃發的陽春四月,天津濱海湖球會迎來了第十八屆沃爾 沃中國公開賽的隆重舉行,我謹代表鴻銘控股集團對公開賽的順利召開表示 衷心祝賀!對來自世界各地的高球精英、媒體朋友和高爾夫愛好者表示熱烈歡 迎! 沃爾沃中國公開賽是中國歷史最悠久、極賦聲望的國際職業高爾夫賽事, 也是國內成功的高爾夫職業賽事之典範。從Nick Faldo設計的北京鴻華球會, 到精彩紛呈的北京CBD球會,再到世界高爾夫設計大師Pete Dye的傑作天津 濱海湖球場,歷史的認同、文化的契合以及愉快的合作經歷,讓鴻銘控股與沃 爾沃中國公開賽結下了一段寶貴的緣分。同時,我們也見證了中國公開賽的茁 壯成長與輝煌成就,並將繼續傳承這份堅持與榮耀,共同推動中國高爾夫運動 的健康發展。 沃爾沃中國公開賽十八年的堅持,業已成為中國高爾夫球界的頂級盛事。 隨着高爾夫運動回歸奧運大家庭,高爾夫運動以其無窮的魅力,高尚的品味, 與中華文化一脈相承的文化底蘊,健康、陽光和向上的精神,在中國得以生機 勃勃;中國公開賽的未來一定會與美國公開賽、英國公開賽並駕齊驅,讓全世 界矚目。
President Homemain Holdings Group
我們堅信,天津濱海湖高爾夫球場,以其殿堂級的大師設計、純正的林克 斯風格、茂密的蘆葦高草,頑皮的季風以及清澈的湖面,讓世界高爾夫球手感 受其魅力,接受挑戰。
鴻銘控股集團 董事長
Volvo China Open 2012 | 12
Volvo China Open 2012 | 13
WELCOME FROM GEORGE O’GRADY CBE 喬治.奧格瑞迪致辭 One of the chief aims of the Volvo China Open is to take the game to different parts of this endlessly fascinating country, and with the move to Binhai Lake Golf Club, the people of Tianjin will get the chance to see some of the game’s finest players at close quarters. Measuring 7,667 yards, the North Dye Course at Binhai Lake Golf Club is the longest to have hosted the Volvo China Open and, like many of Pete Dye’s designs the world over, I have no doubt it will provide a test of golf worthy of this prestigious tournament. Since joining The European Tour International Schedule in 2004,China’s National Open has gone from strength to strength, aided in no small part by Volvo’s title sponsorship. Having first sown the seeds of our partnership at the 1987 Volvo Belgian Open we have developed a strong bond with Volvo – this is the 76th staging of a European Tour event supported by one of our longest-standing partners – so we should thank Per Ericsson, President of Volvo Event Management, for his sterling support.
Chief Executive The European Tour 歐洲巡回賽 首席執行官
We should also thank Mr Li Hao, President of the Tianjin Binhai Lake Golf Club, who has been instrumental in the development of the Volvo China Open, having previously hosted the event at his Beijing CBD International and Honghua International Golf Clubs. Finally, we should also applaud the work of Zhang Xiaoning, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the China Golf Association, and indeed the China Golf Association as a whole for their efforts in growing the game. 沃爾沃中國公開賽的目標之一是將高爾夫運動傳播到中國各地。今年賽事 來到濱海湖高爾夫球會,天津的球迷將有機會近距離體驗國際職業大賽和頂級 球員的風采。 長達7,667碼的濱海湖北戴球場是沃爾沃中國公開賽舉辦球場中最長的一 個,如同皮特.戴在世界其他地方的作品一樣,我相信這將為參賽選手提供與 賽事聲望相符的嚴峻考驗。 自從2004年加入歐巡賽以來,在冠名贊助商沃爾沃的鼎力支持下,中國國 家高爾夫球公開錦標賽的規模正逐年擴大。 早在1987年,當歐巡賽與沃爾沃首度結盟舉辦沃爾沃比利時公開賽,在我 們之間就建立起了強大牢固的關係——本屆比賽將是我們最長久的合作伙伴沃 爾沃贊助舉行的第76場歐巡賽事——因此,我們要感謝沃爾沃盛事管理公司 總裁艾瑞森先生的鼎力支持。 我們還要感謝濱海湖高爾夫球會總裁李皓先生,他旗下的北京CBD國際高 爾夫球會和鴻華國際高爾夫球會都曾經承辦過沃爾沃中國公開賽,感謝他對公 開賽的一貫支持。 最後,我們還應該把掌聲送給中國高爾夫球協會常務副主席兼秘書長張小 寧先生和他的團隊,感謝他們對推動中國高爾夫球運動發展做出的努力。
Volvo China Open 2012 | 14
Volvo China Open 2012 | 15
WELCOME FROM SANG Y CHUN 全商烈致辭 On behalf of OneAsia and our founding partners, the China Golf Association, the Korea Golf Tour, the Korea Golf Association and the PGA of Australia, I welcome you all to the Volvo China Open, the second event on our busy 2012 calendar. OneAsia has been associated with this championship since our inception in 2009, and it is one of five prestigious national Opens forming the backbone of our elite suite of tournaments. Our partnership with the European Tour in this venture is particularly noteworthy as it underscores OnesAsia’s growing international recognition. We are delighted this year to be at Binhai Lake Golf Club for the first time, and I’m sure the beautiful course will prove a true test of golf and a worthy venue for the championship of the world’s most populous nation. China’s economic and social development has been astounding by almost every measure, and OneAsia is proud to be part of that growth.
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Pro V1 and Pro V1x.
Chairman OneAsia 同一亞洲巡回賽 主席
Asia is the cornerstone for the growth of the game, and we would sincerely like to thank Volvo, the China Golf Association and the European Tour for taking this journey with us. I would also like to thank the many officials and volunteers who help make this event such a success, as well as the fans for their patronage. We look forward to a wonderful week of golf, and all the best to the players! 我謹代表同一亞洲巡回賽及其發起方——中國高爾夫球協會、韓國高爾夫 巡回賽、韓國高爾夫球協會和澳大利亞職業巡回賽,歡迎各位光臨同一亞洲 2012年賽季的第二場比賽——沃爾沃中國公開賽。 同一亞洲巡回賽自從2009年創立起就與沃爾沃中國公開賽結緣,它是我們 的五項賦有聲望的國家公開賽之一,也是同一亞洲的支柱賽事。我們通過此項 賽事與歐洲巡回賽的合作更令人矚目,因為它標誌着同一亞洲巡回賽的成長和 國際認可。 很高興今年賽事首度來到天津濱海湖高爾夫俱樂部,我相信這座美麗的球 場將是對選手的真正考驗,符合這項在世界上人口最多的國家舉行的公開錦標 賽的聲望。中國的經濟和社會在各方面都有着驚人的發展,作為發展中的一部 分,同一亞洲深感自豪。 亞洲是高爾夫運動發展的基石,我們衷心感謝讓賽事得以成功舉辦的沃爾 沃、中國高爾夫球協會以及 參與賽事的眾多官員、志願者和廣大球迷。 我們期待着見證一周精彩的比賽,並預祝選手們取得好成績!
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Monday 16 April 4月16日 週一
Official Practice day 球員練習日
Tuesday 17 April 4月17日 週二
Official Practice day 球員練習日
Opening Ceremony in Tianjin 開球儀式(天津市)
Wednesday 18 April 4月18日 週三
Championship Pro-Am and Gala Dinner 職業-業余配對賽及歡迎晚宴
Thursday 19 April 1st round of Volvo China Open 沃爾沃中國公開賽第一輪比賽 n Play will commence at approximately 7:00am with 2 Tee start and is estimated 4月19日 週四 to finish at 6:15pm 比賽大約於上午7:00開始,下午6:15結束,1號、10號發球台同時開球 Friday 20 April 2nd round of Volvo China Open 沃爾沃中國公開賽第二輪比賽 n Play will commence at approximately 7:00am with 2 Tee start and is estimated 4月20日 週五 to finish at 6:15pm 比賽大約於上午7:00開始,下午6:15結束,1號、10號發球台同時開球
n After today's play, the field will be cut to the 65 leading and ties 決出排名前65位選手(含並列)進入後兩輪決賽
n Media Cup – Tianjin Binhai Lake Golf Club (South Course) 媒體杯 – 天津濱海湖高爾夫球會(南場)
n Media Dinner – The Open Club hospitality 媒體晚宴 – 尊之閣貴賓帳篷
Saturday 21 April 3rd round of Volvo China Open 沃爾沃中國公開賽第三輪比賽 n Play will commence at approximately 7:00am with 1 Tee start and is estimated 4月21日 週六 to finish at 5:00pm 比賽大約於上午7:00開始,下午5:00結束,1號發球台開球 n The Championship Dinner - for invited officials 公開錦標賽晚宴–受邀官員出席
Sunday 22 April Final round of Volvo China Open & Prize Presentation 4月22日 周日 沃爾沃中國公開賽決賽及頒獎典禮 n Play will commence at approximately 7:00am with 1 Tee start and is estimated to finish at 5:00pm 比賽大約於上午7:00開始,下午5:00結束,1號發球台開球 n The Rong Gao Tang Award will also be presented at the prize presentation ceremony after the final round 決賽結束後將舉行頒獎典禮,頒發冠軍獎杯及“榮高棠獎”
Monday 23 April 4月23日 週一
“After The Open” VIP Golf Day “公開賽後”VIP高爾夫日
Notes: Timings are subject to change, please check www.volvochinaopen.com / listen for announcements & check noticeboards on course.
注:賽事期間日程安排有可能變動,請登錄官方網站www.volvochinaopen.com 或至現場公告板查看。
Volvo China Open 2012 | 18
Volvo China Open 2012 | 19
VOLVO IN GOLF A quarter of a century ago, Volvo became one of the world’s first multinationals to realise the value of golf as an important business tool. They recognised the strong link between their brand and golfers, amateur and professional, around the world. This mutually productive relationship between Volvo and golf began with the Volvo PGA Championship at Wentworth, won by golfing super stars such as Nick Faldo, Seve Ballesteros, José María Olazábal and Colin Montgomerie. This pedigree underlines the quality present in all of Volvo’s links with golf. The company has Volvo China Open 2012 | 20
- A Perfect Drive been associated with a wealth of top-drawer championships, most notably the Volvo Masters which for more than 20 years was the dramatic climax to the European Tour’s season. For many years, Volvo was also the main title sponsor of the Order of Merit, the template for today’s Race to Dubai. Volvo’s innovative portfolio of events has moved with the times, last year seeing the first-ever true tournament of champions on the European Tour - the Volvo Golf Champions - an elite event for proven winners. This year’s thrilling play-off at Fancourt in South Africa saw emerging star Brandon Grace edge past two of his legendary compatriots, Ernie Els and Retief Goosen. Volvo China Open 2012 | 21
Volvo is also very proud of the Volvo World Match Play Championship which dates back to 1964 and is one of the most iconic events in global golf, the unofficial world championship of match play. Taking over sponsorship in 2009, the company mixed tradition with innovation and reinvigorated this flagship event, introducing qualification on merit and attracting golf’s brightest stars. The field last year was the strongest ever, with the world’s top three golfers and all four Major champions amongst the 24-man line-up. And so to China. Inaugurated in 1995 and on the European Tour since 2004, the Volvo China Open is the nation’s most revered event and one of the most prestigious Opens in world golf. Growing at a pace thanks to Volvo’s investment and a solid relationship with the world’s fastest-growing
golf market, the tournament is complemented by the Volvo China Junior Championship which provides a pathway for the country’s ever-expanding array of young talent. In addition, the Volvo World Golf Challenge is the company’s prestigious tournament for customers and prospective clients, already contested in more than 25 countries and including the money-can’t-buy chance of ‘Playing with the Pros’; a unique pairing of professional and amateur golfer playing together as a team. Volvo’s ground-breaking approach has also led to significantly increased prize money and player services such as courtesy cars and players’ lounges
which are now par for the course and an enduring legacy of Volvo’s contribution to golf. According to Per Ericsson, President of Volvo Event Management, “Golf here in China is expanding more rapidly than anywhere else before. Volvo was the first western brand to engage with China and we are very proud to be continuing and developing further our long-standing relationship with golf in this, the most populated country in the world. We are delighted because as in all healthy relationships, we know that what Volvo puts into golf is matched by what golf gives back.”
For information about all of Volvo’s events, please visit www. volvoingolf.com Volvo China Open 2012 | 22
25年前,沃爾沃成為率先發現 高爾夫 運動 的價值、並將其轉 化為重要的商業推廣手段的跨 國企業 之一。他們認識到品牌 與全世界的高爾夫人群——無 論業余還是職業球員——之間 的強有力的 聯繫。最初 的 聯姻 始於在溫特沃斯球場上演的沃 爾沃PGA錦標賽,冠軍名單中 不乏尼克.佛度、賽弗.巴拉斯 特羅斯、歐拉扎寶和蒙哥馬利等 國際球星。 首次合作即顯示出沃爾沃對高 品質的不懈追求,這一理念延續到 沃爾沃參與的所有高爾夫項目中。 其中最知名的要數長達20年之久的 歐巡賽季末總決賽——沃爾沃大師 賽,以及今天“衝刺迪拜”獎金榜的 前身——沃爾沃獎金排行榜。 時至今日,沃爾沃仍延 續着對 職業賽事的創新。創建於去年的首
沃爾沃與高爾夫 完美結合、動力無限 屆沃爾沃高爾夫冠軍賽,被譽為真 正的“冠軍之戰”,參賽者均是曾在 歐巡賽奪冠的優秀球員。今年冠軍 賽移師南非範考特球場,再次上演 扣人心弦的一幕——本土新秀布蘭 頓.格瑞斯,延長賽力克南非高壇兩 位偶像——厄尼.埃爾斯和雷鐵夫. 古森,摘得桂冠。 對於贊助世界比洞錦標賽,沃 爾 沃 深 感自豪。這 是 一項 創 建自 1964年的國際頂級賽事,沃爾沃自 2 0 0 9 年開始冠名贊助以 來,再次 發揚秉承傳統、銳意創新的辦賽理 念,對參賽資格的甄選進行大膽革 新,吸引了更多世界高壇頂級球星 的加盟。去年的參賽陣容更是達到 史上最強,24個參賽席位中,世界 排名前三和四大滿貫賽冠軍得主等 一眾球星悉數到場。
在中國,始於1995年並在2004 年加入歐 巡 賽 的 沃 爾沃中國公 開 賽,是中國歷史最久、首屈一指的國 際職業大賽,也是世界高壇最賦聲 望的國家公開錦標賽之一。得益於沃 爾沃的傾力投入和中國經濟的飛速 發展,沃爾沃中國公開賽及其附屬賽 事——沃爾沃中國青少年冠軍賽都 以驚人的速度逐年發展壯大,對推動 中國的高爾夫運動發展和青少年人 才的培養均做出重大貢獻。 此外,沃 爾沃 為客戶、車主 及 潛在客戶精心打造的沃爾沃世界高 爾夫挑戰賽,已在超過25個國家和 地區舉行,各分站的優勝者還將享 有千載難逢的機會,前往世界總決 賽,與歐巡賽冠軍球員組隊角逐總 冠軍。 多年來,沃爾沃通過冠名贊助職 Volvo China Open 2012 | 23
業大賽宣傳品牌的同時,為國際職 業高壇帶來眾多突破性改良,注入 新的活力。早年間,沃爾沃在大幅提 升獎金額的同時首創了多個球員服 務項目,比如為球員提供禮賓車和專 用休息室,大大提升了職業大賽的品 質和標準,使職業巡回賽的面貌得 到徹底改觀,這將成為沃爾沃對職 業高壇的永久貢獻而載入史冊。 正如沃爾沃盛事管理公司總裁 艾瑞森所說:“高爾夫在中國的發展 比其他任何地方都更迅猛。能成為 第一個在中國投資職業高爾夫賽事 的西方品牌,沃爾沃深感驕傲,並將 在這個人口最多的國家繼續深入持 久地推動高爾夫運動。我們高興地 看到各方面都已走上健康發展的軌 道,並深信沃爾沃與高爾夫將繼續 緊密合作、互惠共贏,前途無量。”
更多有關沃爾沃高爾夫賽事的 資訊敬請登錄w w w.vo lvo i n g o l f. com
A RICH HISTORY, A RICHER FUTURE - VOLVO CHINA OPEN Although golf was almost unheard of in China thirty years ago, the introduction of this royal and ancient game in Guangdong in 1984 has generated widespread interest and a short but very readable history book in which the Volvo China Open is the leading character. Organised by the China Golf Association just a little over a decade after the arrival of golf in the country, the inaugural Volvo China Open in 1995 was a slightly more modest affair than it is today. Volvo China Open 2012 | 24
The first winner was a golfer who had travelled further than most, 30-year-old Paraguayan Raul Fretes, whose 3-shot win earned him a cheque for $72,000 roughly a seventh of the amount that this week’s winner will take home. The event returned to Beijing International for the next two years with 1997 happily producing the first home-grown winner of the title, Cheng Jun, a player noted for his graceful swing. Along with local hero Zhang Lianwei, he became a pioneer for golf in Volvo China Open 2012 | 25
modern China and the pair went on to represent the country in several World Cups. Next stop was Sun Island where Englishman Ed Fryatt became the first European to win before the Volvo China Open found a new home for the next six years, the Shanghai Silport Golf Club. The venue produced a terrific mix of international winners including the host nation’s first golfing superstar, Zhang Lianwei, who the same year became the first Chinese winner on the European Tour. By now,
the first prize had increased to $180,000 still only a fraction of the $500,000 on offer here at Binhai Lake this week.
and two years later expanded to include an International Qualifying tournament for golfers from elsewhere.
There was soon to be a significant elevation in status of the Volvo China Open as for the first time it became a part of the European Tour. The increased importance of the event resulted in an increase in the calibre of entry. In addition, the decision was made to follow the lead of most major national championships and create a moving roster of venues to host the championship. With golf taking off in China, there was a wealth of top quality courses from which to choose.
This year, four such events have been held, each offering three prized places to the leading finishers.The International event was staged at the lovely oceanside Sanya Luhuitou Golf Club on tropical Hainan Island. Prior to this, Southern Qualifying had been contested at the highly-rated Lion Lake Country Club in Guangdong with its huge, Californian-style clubhouse. This was followed by Mid China Qualifying at the spectacular Kauiji Mountains in Zhejiang Province before the final chance, closest to us here in Tianjin, the Northern China qualifier at Beijing’s Jade Island International, a beautiful new course near the capital surrounded by the Wen Yu River.
The 2005 winner was Ryder Cup star Paul Casey, here again this week, who won a play-off with compatriot Oliver Wilson. Since then, the Volvo China Open has visited a number of courses for the first time and attracted ever-greater attention and increasingly competitive fields. A particularly star-studded group assembled at Jinji Lake two years ago which included both the 2010 Ryder Cup captains, Colin Montgomerie and Corey Pavin, as well as Graeme McDowell who went on to win that Summer’s US Open. However, it was reigning USPGA Champion YE Yang from South Korea who emerged victorious with a tremendous score of 15-under-par.
From the past to the future, and there is now one final place in the field which goes to the winner of the Senior Boy’s section in the Volvo China Junior Championship. This event started in 2005 and attracts young golfers from all over China. With the strongest field ever gathered this year, it can only be a matter of time before we see the first Volvo China Open winner then go on to win one of golf’s four Majors whilst still champion. In the meantime, it will be fascinating to see which golfer can head the field on Sunday afternoon and make his own entry in the golfing history books. Will last year’s champion Nicolas Colsaerts become the first to successfully defend his Volvo China Open title?
Such is its growth since those early days that demand for spaces in the Volvo China Open means that as in Britain and the USA, pre-qualifying is now required. This was introduced for home nation players in 2005, Volvo China Open 2012 | 26
Volvo China Open 2012 | 27
Sanya Luhuitou Golf Club 三亞鹿回頭高爾夫俱樂部
Kuaiji Mountains Golf Club 會稽山高爾夫俱樂部
Beijing Jade Island International Golf Club 北京翡翠湖國際高爾夫俱樂部
Lion Lake Country Club 獅子湖鄉村俱樂部
豐富的歷史 更豐富的未來 30年前,高爾夫在中國大陸幾 乎無人 知 曉,但 這並沒有妨礙 建國後第一家高爾夫球場於 1 9 8 4 年 在 廣 東 中 山 建 成,從 此,高爾夫 運 動 猶如雨後春筍 在中 國各地 興 起,中 國高爾夫 雖然只有近30年的短短歷史, 但 其 內容卻是豐富多 彩,而沃 爾沃中國公開賽在其中扮演了 舉足輕重的角色。 就在高爾夫進入中國10年後的 19 9 5 年,由中國高爾夫球 協 會主 辦的首屆沃爾沃中國公開賽在北京 國際高爾夫俱樂部舉行。當時的公 開賽遠沒有今天的規模,總獎金只 有40萬美元,但卻開創了中國高爾 夫的先河,首次將國際職業高爾夫 球比賽引入中國。首屆公開賽的冠 軍是30歲的巴拉圭選手勞爾.弗里 茨,他以3桿優勢奪冠,贏得7.2萬
美 元的冠 軍支 票 ——大約是今 年 冠軍獎金額的七分之一。 接下來的兩年賽事繼續在北京 國際高爾夫俱樂部舉行。1997年, 公開賽誕生了首位本土冠軍程軍。 這位以揮桿姿勢優美而著稱的中國 球員和當時的“中國高爾夫一哥” 張連偉一起,成為中國當代高爾夫 運動的領軍人物。兩人曾代表中國 征戰高爾夫世界杯。 1998年公開賽移師上海太陽島 國際高爾夫俱樂部,英格蘭選手愛 德華.菲亞特成為首位在中國公開 賽上奪冠的歐 洲人。之 後,沃爾沃 中國公開賽進入“旭寶時代”,連續 六年落戶上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部。 在此期間沃爾沃中國公開賽迎來多 個“華麗轉身”,不僅產生6位不同 國籍的冠 軍,包括2 0 0 3年賽 事歷 Volvo China Open 2012 | 28
史上第二位本土冠軍——中國頂級 球星張 連偉,並於2 0 0 4年迎 來 重 大轉折——加入歐洲巡回賽,獎金 總額達到10 0萬美元,冠軍獎金升 至18萬美元。考慮到公開賽日益提 升的國際聲望,同年公開賽組委會 決定讓賽事在中國更多城市舉行, 並與四家球 場簽訂了0 5至0 8年的 承辦協議,分別是深圳高爾夫俱樂 部、北京鴻華國際高爾夫球會、上 海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部和北京C B D 國際高爾夫球會。
2005年,萊德杯球星英格蘭名 將保羅.凱西在延長賽戰勝同胞奧 利佛.威爾森奪冠。時值2010年, 兩位當年的萊德杯隊長科林.蒙哥 馬利和科里.佩文現身蘇州金雞湖 高爾夫俱樂部,在沃爾沃中國公開 賽賽場相遇,同年參賽選手中還有 之後贏得大滿貫賽美國公開賽的北 愛選手格萊莫.麥克道威爾,然而 最後捧起冠軍獎杯的卻是首位贏得 大滿貫賽美國PG A錦標賽冠軍的 亞洲人、韓國名將梁容銀。
球員敞開大門。首屆資格賽設置了 華南、華中和華北三站。兩年後資 格賽進一步擴大範圍,增設國際資 格賽,面向全球的優秀球員,成為 名符其實的“更公開的公開賽”。
成為歐巡賽常規賽 事後,沃爾 沃中國公 開 賽 有了更 加飛 速 的發 展,規 模 逐 年 擴 大、獎 金不 斷 攀 升。時至今年即將在濱海湖上演的 第18屆沃 爾沃中國公開賽的冠 軍 獎金已高達50萬美元。而隨着賽事 規模的擴大和獎金的提升,參賽選 手的陣容也越來越強大。
“秉 承傳統、銳 意 進取”是沃 爾沃中國公開賽恪守的原則,伴隨 賽事一路走來、不斷壯大。
今 年的四 場資格 賽 也先 後登 場。國際資格賽首度離開香港,移 師中國內地,在海南三亞鹿回頭高 爾夫俱樂部舉行,其他三站國內資 格賽相繼於清遠獅子湖鄉村俱樂部 (華南資格賽)、紹興會稽山高爾 夫俱樂部(華中資格賽)和北京翡 翠湖國際高爾夫俱樂部(華北資格 賽)如期舉行,決出總共12位優勝 者入圍本屆沃爾沃中國公開賽。
2005年,沃爾沃中國公開賽借 鑒世界頂級公開錦標賽——英國公 開賽和美國公開賽,建立資格賽機 制,向國內更多優秀的職業、業餘
在多年投資中國職業高爾夫之 後,沃爾沃又將目光放在更長遠的 未來。同樣在2005年,沃爾沃從中 國公開賽的推廣預算中撥出資金, Volvo China Open 2012 | 29
創建了全新的沃爾沃中國青少年冠 軍賽,為培養中國高爾夫的後備力 量再做貢獻。2007年公開賽組委會 再做出決定,將一個寶貴的參賽名 額獎勵給沃爾沃中國青少年冠軍賽 的男子A組冠軍,至今已有5位青少 年冠軍實現夢想,走上中國公開賽 賽場與歐巡賽高手同場競技。 今年,沃爾沃中國公開賽迎 來 賽 事歷史 上的 最 強 參 賽 陣 容。隨 着賽期日益臨近,更多謎底將等待 揭曉:誰將在周日下午舉起冠軍獎 杯?是 否有 更 多的 賽 事 紀 錄將 被 刷新?上屆冠軍比利時球員尼古拉 斯.考賽茨能否抓住改寫沃爾沃中 國公開賽歷史的機會,成為賽事18 年來第一位成功衛冕的前冠軍? 本周讓我們共同見証。
Pos RMB 名次 人民幣 1 3,333,330 2 2,222,220 3 1,252,000 4 1,000,000 5 848,000 6 700,000 7 600,000 8 500,000 9 448,000 10 400,000 11 368,000 12 344,000 13 322,000 14 306,000 15 294,000 16 282,000 17 270,000 18 258,000 19 248,000 20 240,000 21 232,000 22 226,000 23 220,000 24 214,000 25 208,000 26 202,000 27 196,000 28 190,000 29 184,000 30 178,000 31 172,000 32 166,000 33 160,000 34 154,000 35 150,000
Pos RMB 名次 人民幣 36 146,000 37 142,000 38 138,000 39 134,000 40 130,000 41 126,000 42 122,000 43 118,000 44 114,000 45 110,000 46 106,000 47 102,000 48 98,000 49 94,000 50 90,000 51 86,000 52 82,000 53 78,000 54 74,000 55 70,000 56 66,000 57 62,000 58 60,000 59 58,000 60 56,000 61 54,000 62 52,000 63 50,000 64 48,000 65 46,000 66 44,000 67 42,000 68 40,000 69 38,000 70 36,450
Total Prize Fund 總獎金
RMB 20,000,000
First Prize 冠軍獎金
RMB 3,333,330
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Player profiles 球員介紹 Age: 29 年齡: 29 | Height: 1.88m 身高: 1.88米
NICOLAS COLSAERTS (BEL) 尼古拉斯.考賽茨(比利時) Turned Pro: 2000 轉職業年份: 2000 European Tour Wins: 1
歐巡賽獲勝: 1次
Age: 36 年齡: 36 | Height: 1.85m 身高: 1.85米
Our returning champion this week boasts a real sporting pedigree as his great grandfather represented Belgium at basketball and water polo in the 1920 Olympic Games. Known for his big hitting, he won last year’s Volvo China Open at Luxehills, Chengdu, with the best-ever score in the history of the event, a fantastic 24 under par. At this year’s Volvo Golf Champions in South Africa, Colsaerts shot a first-round course record of 64 on his way to a very respectable fourth place finish. He is understandably keen to become the first player ever to defend this title.
The flamboyant and unmistakable Englishman has made something of a name for himself as a master of match play in recent times. In 2010 he won the World Golf Championship event before taking three points out of four at the Ryder Cup. Last year, he went on to victory in the Volvo World Match Play in Spain where he beat world number one Luke Donald in the final. Known for speaking his mind, he has embraced social media and has more than one and a quarter million followers on Twitter. This week, however, he will be keen to let his clubs do the talking for him.
本週歸來的上屆冠軍考賽茨出身真正的運動世家, 他的祖父曾代表比利時參加1920年奧運會的籃球和水 球項目。長打見長的考賽茨,去年在麓山鄉村俱樂部以 負24桿的驚人成績贏得沃爾沃中國公開賽,刷新了賽事 的最低奪冠成績紀錄。在今年南非舉行的沃爾沃高爾夫 冠軍賽,考賽茨首輪創下64桿的球場最低桿紀錄,並以 第4名的優異成績完成比賽。本週他將全力以赴,力爭成 為沃爾沃中國公開賽歷史上第一位衛冕成功的前冠軍。
這位着裝鮮艷且無可挑剔的英格蘭人,近年在比洞 賽上名聲大噪。2010年他贏得了世界高爾夫錦標賽,並 在萊德杯上拿下4分中的3分。去年,他又在西班牙舉行 的沃爾沃世界比洞錦標賽一舉奪冠,決賽中擊敗世界排 名第一的盧克.唐納德。保爾特是社交媒體的紅人,在推 特上擁有125萬粉絲。本週保爾特首次亮相沃爾沃中國 公開賽,期待他有更加令人驚艷的表現。
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IAN POULTER (ENG) 伊恩.保爾特(英格蘭) Turned Pro: 1994 轉職業年份: 1994 European Tour Wins: 11
歐巡賽獲勝: 11次
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Age: 34 年齡: 34 | Height: 1.78m 身高: 1.78米
PAUL CASEY (ENG) 保羅.凱西(英格蘭) Turned Pro: 2000 轉職業年份: 2000 European Tour Wins: 11
歐巡賽獲勝: 11次
Back in 2005, the Volvo China Open was held at Shenzhen Golf Club and Casey started the day five shots back. Following a sparkling 65, he finished tied with fellow Englishman Oliver Wilson on 13 under. He held his nerve to win at the first hole of the play-off and is back in China this week looking for more. A fan of extreme sports, Casey was out of action at the start of the year when he injured his right shoulder whilst snowboarding and was sorry not to be able to defend his Volvo Golf Champions title. 2005年在深圳高爾夫俱樂部舉行的沃爾沃中國公 開賽上,決賽開始時凱西仍落後領先選手5桿。經過一輪 精彩發揮,凱西打出驚人的65桿完成比賽,以總成績負 13桿追平同胞奧利佛.威爾森。之後他乘勝追擊,在延 長賽第一洞力克對手奪得冠軍。本週凱西重回中國,力求 有更大的突破。凱西還是一名極限運動愛好者,今年初 在進行單板滑雪時不幸右肩受傷,遺憾地退出沃爾沃高 爾夫冠軍賽的衛冕之戰。
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Age: 48 年齡: 48 | Height: 1.85m 身高: 1.85米
Monty has one of the most impressive golfing CVs in the history of the European Tour. Eight times he has won the Order of Merit, along the way picking up no fewer than 31 tournament victories, an all-time British record. As captain in 2010 of Europe’s winning Ryder Cup team, he added even more to an amazing record in the event in which he is the third highest-ever point scorer. Monty is also something of a Volvo specialist and will this week be competing for his tenth Volvo tour victory, the previous nine stretching all the way back to the Volvo Masters in 1993.
COLIN MONTGOMERIE (SCO) 科林.蒙哥馬利(蘇格蘭) Turned Pro: 1987 轉職業年份: 1987 European Tour Wins: 31
歐巡賽獲勝: 31次
蒙哥馬利無疑是歐巡賽歷史上最引人注目的選手 之一。他曾經8次在歐巡賽年度獎金榜上稱王(19 93 1999,2005),並贏得過不少於31場比賽,該紀錄在英國 尚無人打破。2010年他作為隊長帶領歐洲隊贏得萊德 杯,給自己的萊德杯光榮史再添一筆。他目前仍保持着 歷屆萊德杯最高得分第三名的紀錄。蒙哥馬利是沃爾沃 賽事的常客,本週他將為自己的第10個沃爾沃賽事冠軍 而戰,之前的9個冠軍最早可以追溯到1993年的沃爾沃 大師賽。
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Age: 34 年齡: 34 | Height: 1.91m 身高: 1.91米
PETER HANSON (SWE) 彼得.漢森(瑞典) Turned Pro: 1998 轉職業年份: 1998 European Tour Wins: 4
歐巡賽獲勝: 4次
One of the highlights of Hanson’s career came four years ago when he won his national open championship, the SAS Masters in Stockholm, thus becoming the first Swede to capture the title in ten years. Twice a winner in 2010, he subsequently qualified for a place in the winning European team at the Ryder Cup.Was the runner-up in the 2011 Volvo Golf Champions and his best finish in a Major was seventh in last year’s US Open, the same year as his highest finish in the Order of Merit, both finishes an indication that his game is very much heading in the right direction. 四年前漢森的職業生涯迎來了新亮點,他在斯德哥 爾摩贏得了本國的公開錦標賽——北歐航空大師賽,成 為10年來第一位在該項賽事獲勝的瑞典人。2010年的 兩場勝利,讓他獲得了加入歐洲隊徵戰當年萊德杯的資 格。2011年漢森在沃爾沃高爾夫冠軍賽取得亞軍。他在 大滿貫賽中取得的最好成績是去年美國公開賽第7名。 同年漢森的歐巡獎金榜排名也達到個人新高。一切跡象 表明,漢森的職業生涯正朝着正確的方向發展。
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Age: 29 年齡: 29 | Height: 1.91m 身高: 1.91米
Having won at least once every year since joining the European Tour, Quirós will be keen to extend that record here at the Volvo China Open. Last year he finished in sixth place in the Order of Merit courtesy of two wins in Dubai, the first of which included a hole-in-one in the final round, the second a monster putt on the final green. Renowned for his massive hitting from the tee, one of the very longest on Tour, the exciting young Spaniard is likely to be a serious contender and is sure to entertain the crowds.
ALVARO QUIRÓS (ESP) 奧瓦羅.奎洛斯(西班牙) Turned Pro: 2004 轉職業年份: 2004 European Tour Wins: 6
歐巡賽獲勝: 6次
自從加入歐巡賽以來,奎洛斯幾乎每年都有冠軍進 賬,他十分期待在本屆沃爾沃中國公開賽上保持這個紀 錄。去年奎洛斯在歐巡獎金榜排名第6位,得益於在迪 拜取得的兩場勝利,其中最讓人津津樂道的是他在第一 場勝利的決賽輪打出一桿進洞,以及第二場最後一洞果 嶺推出精彩的制勝一擊。作為歐巡賽擊球距離最遠的球 員之一,這位年輕外向的西班牙人在賽場上深受觀眾喜 愛。
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Age: 33 年齡: 33 | Height: 1.76m 身高: 1.76米
LIANG WEN CHONG (CHN) 梁文沖(中國) Turned Pro: 1999 轉職業年份: 1999 European Tour Wins: 1
歐巡賽獲勝: 1次
Liang Wen Chong announced his arrival to the golfing world by winning the China Amateur Open three times in succession from 1996 and then finishing fourth in the Volvo China Open in 1999 before even turning professional. In 2008 at Royal Birkdale, he became the first Chinese player to make the cut at the Open Championship, and two years ago he finished in 8th place at the US PGA Championship. As the Chinese number one for some time, the spotlight has been on the Zhongshan golfer to see whether he can become just the third home grown player to win his national title and the first since it became a full European Tour event. 從19 9 6年起連續三年贏得中國業余高爾夫球公開 賽,確立了梁文衝在中國高壇的地位。1999年轉為職業 球員之前,梁文衝在沃爾沃中國公開賽取得第4名的佳 績。2008年在皇家伯克戴爾球場,梁文衝成為第一位成 功晉級英國公開賽決賽的中國球員。兩年前他又在美國 PGA錦標賽上取得第8名的優異成績。作為當今的“中 國高爾夫一哥”,這位來自中山的職業選手無疑是關注 的焦點,人們期待他成為賽事歷史上第三位、也是加入 歐巡賽後的第一位贏得沃爾沃中國公開賽桂冠的本土選 手。
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Age: 24 年齡: 24 | Height: 1.81m 身高: 1.81米
The story of Zhang Xin Jun is an inspiring tale of someone from humble origins who has risen to become a star of today and tomorrow. Originally a security guard, he progressed onto the caddy ranks before the Shan Xi Golf Association selected him to be coached as a player. Still improving steadily, last year was his most successful so far with some good performances culminating in his partnering Liang Wen Chong in the World Cup. 從一位普通農家孩子成長為當今中國高壇冉冉升起 的新星,張新軍的高爾夫生涯就像是一篇勵志故事。在 被陝西省高爾夫球協會選中成為重點培養的球員之前, 張新軍曾經做過球場的保安和球童。去年是他轉職業以 來最成功的一年,不僅在國際大賽上有所突破,還和梁 文衝一起代表中國隊參加世界杯,並有不俗的表現。
ZHANG XIN JUN (CHN) 張新軍(中國) Turned Pro: 2010 轉職業年份: 2010 European Tour Wins: 0
歐巡賽獲勝: 0次
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Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部 Prize fund 總獎金 USD500,000
Stephen Dodd (WAL) 斯蒂芬.多德 (威爾士)
Beijing International Golf Club 北京國際高爾夫俱樂部
Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Raul Fretes (PAR) 勞爾.弗里茨 (巴拉圭)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD1,000,000
Paul Casey (ENG) 保羅.凱西 (英格蘭)
Beijing International Golf Club 北京國際高爾夫俱樂部
Shenzhen Golf Club 深圳高爾夫俱樂部
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Prayad Marksaeng (THA) 普瑞亞德.馬克薩恩 (泰國)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD1,300,000
Jeev Milkha Singh (IND) 吉夫.米哈.辛格 (印度)
Beijing International Golf Club 北京國際高爾夫俱樂部
Beijing Honghua Int'l Golf Club 北京鴻華國際高爾夫球會
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Chen Jun (CHN) 程 軍 (中國)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD1,800,000
Markus Brier (AUT) 馬庫斯.布瑞爾 (奧地利)
Shanghai SunIsland Int’l Golf Club 上海太陽島國際高爾夫俱樂部
Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Ed Fryatt (ENG) 愛德華.菲亞特 (英格蘭)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD2,000,000
Damien McGrane (IRL) 達米恩.麥克格蘭 (愛爾蘭)
Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部
Beijing CBD Int'l Golf Club 北京CBD國際高爾夫球會
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Kyi Hla Han (MYN) 奇拉漢(緬甸)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD2,200,000
Scott Strange (AUS) 斯科特.斯特倫奇 (奧大利亞)
Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部
Beijing CBD Int’l Golf Club 北京CBD國際高爾夫球會
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Simon Dyson (ENG) 西蒙.戴森 (英格蘭)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD2,200,000
Y. E. Yang (KOR) 梁客銀 (韓國)
Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部
Suzhou Jinji Lake Int’l Golf Club 蘇州金雞湖國際高爾夫俱樂部
Prize fund 總獎金 USD400,000
Charlie Wi (KOR) 韋昌秀 (韓國)
Prize fund 總獎金 USD2,500,000
David Gleeson (AUS) 大衛.格雷森 (澳大利亞)
Nicolas Colsaerts (BEL) 尼古拉斯.考賽茨 (比利時)
Shanghai Silport Golf Club 上海旭寶高爾夫俱樂部
Luxehills Int'l Country Club 成都麓山國際鄉村俱樂部
Prize fund 總獎金 USD500,000
Volvo China Open 2012 | 41
Zhang Lian-wei (CHN) 張連偉 (中國)
Prize fund 總獎金 RMB20,000,000
A NEW DEVELOPMENT WITH OLD-WORLD CLASS The new eco-tourism resort here at Binhai Lake is just 20 km from downtown Tianjin, and closer still to its international airport. Bordered by the Dongli District to the west and the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zoneto the south, it is perfectly situated forvisitors both from the locality and further afield. The club’s President, Li Hao, has already been instrumental in the development of the Volvo China Open, having hosted the event previously at his Beijing CBD and Beijing Honghua Golf Clubs. He welcomed the decision to bring this year’s tournament to another club in his portfolio. “I am delighted to have the opportunity to play a part in my country’s national open golf championship once again. Ever since Beijing Honghua hosted the event back in 2006, the Volvo China Open has grown appreciably and it is great news for the city of Tianjin that the stars of world, Asian and Volvo China Open 2012 | 42
Chinese golf will be on show at Binhai Lake.” The superb, links-style course was designed and built by the award-winning Schmidt-Curley team from the USA under the guidance of their mentor, Pete Dye, one of the greatest golf architects of the modern era and the man responsible for the TPC at Sawgrass which each year hosts the Players Championship on the US Tour. According to Dye, a golf course should meet the needs of both professionals and amateurs. His designs are bold, creative and elegant at the same time as combining safety, amusement and challenge. Indeed, his philosophy very much mirrors Volvo’s own core values of quality, environment and safety. “It’s always a thrill and an honour to have one of your designs selected for a major Tour event, and to have the Volvo China Open come to Binhai Lake is extra special.” The first nine holes of the contrasting South Course opened Volvo China Open 2012 | 43
recently and the remaining nine will open later in the year giving members an excellent choice. Whilst the South offers something for golfers of all standards, it is the tournament-standard North Dye Course that will host this week’s championship. The tees are generally raised offering players a panoramic view of the challenge ahead, and the elevated greens add to both the spectacle and the difficulty. The entire site was until recently a man-made lake. To make construction possible, this was drained and excavated, and the ground that was dug out was used to create the peninsula on which the course now sits.There are no fewer than ten windswept, lakeside holes, and the natural tall-reed area of bulrushes around the clear lake forms a beautiful and enchanting landscape. The club is surrounded by the Huanggang Reservoir which has a water area of over 5 km2 and a unique ecological landscape with all manner of plants and wildlife. As such, it has been recognised
as an important eco conservation area by the Tianjin Municipal Government.
球 場。在皮特.戴看來,一個好的 高爾夫球 場應該能 同時 滿足職 業 和業余球員的需求。他的設計理念 集大膽、創新和優雅於一體,同時 還兼顧安全、娛樂和挑戰性,這恰 與沃 爾沃品牌的核心理 念 —— 品 質、環保、安全不謀而合。“每當自 己設計的球場被選中承辦大型職業 比賽,總是讓人興奮不已。而沃爾 沃中國公開賽能選在濱海湖舉行就 更加特別。”
The large but elegant clubhouse boasts everything the visiting golfer could wish for including a restaurant, a coffee shop, guest rooms, dressing rooms, a sauna andan extensive Pro’ Shop. The elegant and luxurious wooden decorations and furniture in the clubhouse add a further touch of class for club members and their guests.
濱海湖球場共有36洞,本屆公 開賽將在“北戴場”18洞舉行。球 場沿襲純正的林克斯風格,深而大 的 壺 狀 沙 坑、火車 枕 木 的 大 量 應 用,以及長長的發球台都體現了著 名的“戴式風格”。多數 發球台高 起,給球手更開闊的視野,而同樣 升高的果嶺既 美 化 景 觀又增 添難 度。
濱海湖:古老 經典的新詮釋
南 球 場九洞於2 012 年 初正式 開場。余下的南九洞將會在今年晚 些時候開場,屆時將為會員及訪客 提 供總共3 6洞球 場。南球 場全 長 7009碼,果嶺、發球台和球道都是 本特草。在設計風格和佈局上與北 戴場形成鮮明對照,能滿足不同水 平高爾夫球手的需求。
濱海湖高爾夫球會位於濱海湖 生 態 旅 遊度假 區,靠 近天 津 國 際機場,距離天津市區僅20公 里。西接東麗區,南鄰泰達經濟 技術開發區,交通十分便利。 濱海湖球會董事長李皓與沃爾 沃中國公開賽十分有緣,他旗下曾 有 兩座 球 場 承辦過 沃 爾沃中國公 開賽,分別是北京鴻華國際高爾夫 球會和北京CBD國際高爾夫球會。 而今年沃爾沃中國公開賽得以轉戰 天津落戶濱海湖,離不開李總的果 斷決策和傾力支持。“能再次參與 承辦中國的國家高爾夫球公開錦標 賽 我深 感榮幸。自從2 0 0 6年鴻華 球會承辦沃爾沃中國公開賽以來, 賽事的規模有了明顯提升。來自世 界、亞洲和中國的眾多頂級球星將 蒞臨濱海湖,呈現精彩的比賽,這 對天津來說是一個極好的消息。”
整個球場所在地原本是一座巨 大的人工湖。施工中運用大量排水 和挖掘,挖出的土方建成半島,球 場就坐落其上。球場地形變化師法 自然,球道起伏渾然天成、恢宏大 氣,讓球手可以 盡情發揮。廣闊的 水域為揮桿增添樂趣,長年的季候 風更是對球技的極大考驗。 球會周圍被黃港水庫圍繞,水 域面積 超過5 平方公里,天然 植物 和 野 生動物 組 成了獨特的生 態 景 觀,因此這裡已被天津市政府指定 為重要的生態保護區。
濱海湖球場由美國獲獎設計公 司 ——施密 德 - 科里團隊,在 殿 堂 級球場設計大師皮特.戴的指導下 傾情打造,於去年正式開業。皮特. 戴堪稱當今最偉大的高爾夫球場設 計師之一,其代表作包括每年承辦 美 巡賽 球員錦 標賽的T P C 鋸齒草
大而雅 致的會所功能齊全,滿 足客人的各種需求,包括餐 廳、咖 啡廳、客房、更衣室、桑拿房以及寬 敞的專賣店。會所典雅豪華,實木 材質的傢具和裝潢給會員和賓客帶 來置身經典的舒適感受。 Volvo China Open 2012 | 44
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Course Description and Hole-by-Hole Guide 球場逐洞介紹及攻略
Hole 1
423-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,423碼
Hole 4
481-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,481碼
A perfect opening hole, his sharp dogleg left demands a player’s ‘A’ game. The hole favours a tee shot to the left as a series of grass hollows flanks the right, but a long waste bunker and lake loom along the entire left hand side of the hole. Perfect execution is needed on the approach to the elevated, narrow green guarded by a deep bunker.
Picturesque, this lengthy dogleg-left requires two perfectly struck shots. From the tee, aggressive players can reduce the distance of the hole by taking on the lake and the left side of the fairway. There is a semi-blind approach from the right half of the fairway but the two-tiered green is largely unprotected except for a vicious pot bunker which sits in the very front.
完美的開場球洞,銳彎的“左狗腿”要求球手發揮出最高水平。由於球道右側分布着一系列草坑,所以開球時應略微瞄向左側,但 要小心沿球道左側的大片廢棄沙坑和湖面。攻果嶺一桿必須做到非常準確,因為高起的窄小果嶺邊有一個極深的沙坑守護。
風景如畫的美麗球洞。這個頗具長度的“左狗腿”四桿洞需要球手連打兩記完美的擊球,才能成功到達果嶺。在發球台上,進攻 型球手可以抄近路挑戰湖水和球道的左側。從球道右半側攻果嶺要面對“半盲式”擊球,但雙層的果嶺周邊大部分沒有甚什障礙—— 除了位於前側的一個危險的壺狀沙坑。
Hole 2
572-yard, Par-5 | 5杆洞,572碼
Hole 5
420-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,420碼
Big hitters can shorten the hole by carrying as much of the lake as possible, while others can play safely down the right. The second shot is likely to be a lay-up short of bunkers that flank the entire left side of the hole from the second landing area to the green. Stronger players can try and clear the trouble, leaving an easier approach to the green.
A challenging mid-length hole, this sharp dogleg right offers plenty of excitement. The tee shot tempts players to carry as much of the right side as possible, but they must avoid a large waste bunker which guards that route as well as a collection of bunkers right of the landing area. Left is safer but leads to a semi-blind approach.
開球時,進攻型球手可以盡可能多地飛越湖面,而其他球手則可以選擇朝球道右側打安全球。第二桿可能需要打短球,以躲避球 道左側從第二落球區一直延伸至果嶺的沙坑群。大力球手也可以嘗試直接越過障礙區,為攻果嶺創造有利條件。
距離適中卻很有挑戰性的四桿洞,銳彎“右狗腿”給球手帶來興奮感。球手會盡量向右側大力開球,但是要避開球道右側的大片 廢棄沙坑,同時還要小心落球區右側的沙坑群。球道左側相對較安全,但是攻果嶺擊球有部分盲區。
Hole 3
260-yard, Par-3 | 3杆洞,260碼
Hole 6
593-yard, Par-5 | 5杆洞,593碼
This long Par-3 sits on the northern tip of the property and features panoramic views of the surrounding water. The green is perched above the fairway and is protected by a deep pot bunker. Players can either try for an aerial approach onto the surface, or attempt a right-to-left approach which can run onto the green.
This winding, double-dogleg forces players to navigate cautiously around trouble all the way. The second shot is daunting with bunkers and water right and yet more bunkers left. The putting surface is undulating and is protected by sand on three sides and a pot bunker at the front.
較長的三桿洞,坐落在整個球場的最北部,視野能看到周邊水域的全景。果嶺位於高地,有很深的壺狀沙坑保護。球手可以嘗試 打高拋球攻上果嶺,或者,選擇打一記“從右向左”的小右曲球滾上果嶺。
這個迂迴蜿蜒的“雙狗腿”5桿洞,迫使球手必須非常謹慎地躲避沿途的障礙區。第二桿擊球令人生畏,右側是沙坑和水塘,左側 有更多沙坑。果嶺表面波浪起伏,三面被沙坑包圍,前方還有一個壺狀沙坑。
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Course Description and Hole-by-Hole Guide 球場逐洞介紹及攻略
Hole 7
374-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,374碼
Hole 10
374-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,374碼
A fun, exciting, risk-reward Par-4. In the right conditions, big hitters can go for the green. For most golfers, however, from anywhere on the fairway accuracy is vital for the second shot as the green features bold contouring. This makes controlling the exact distance of the approach vital if par or better is to be achieved.
A spectacular start to the back-nine, this slight dogleg right allows golfers to hit driver, 3-wood or long iron from the tee. The landing area is guarded by a collection of bunkers short and right as well as two bunkers long and left. The green, protected by bunkers on the right, sits perched above the fairway and favours an approach from the left.
這是一個既有趣又令人興奮的短四桿洞,風險與回報並存。如果條件良好,長打球手甚至可以直接開球攻果嶺。然而,對於大多 數球手來說,從球道的任何位置攻擊果嶺,準確性都是至關重要的,因為果嶺表面起伏較大,要想打出標準桿或更低的成績,精確地 控制攻果嶺一桿的距離至關重要。
景色壯觀的後九洞起始洞,呈輕微右狗腿狀,球手可以選擇1號木、3號木或長鐵桿開球。落球區右側附近有沙坑群把守,左側也 有兩個長沙坑。高起的果嶺右側有沙坑保護,從球道左側攻果嶺效果更好。
Hole 8
246-yard, Par-3 | 3杆洞,246碼
The tee shot on the final Par-3 is daunting, with water and marsh flanking the entire right side of the hole and also waiting behind the green. Protecting the putting surface are two bunkers short and an additional pot bunker behind, all of which forces the golfer to step up and hit the perfect tee shot. 上半場的最後一個三桿洞,開球的難度很大,球道右側至果嶺後方遍布水塘和濕地。果嶺前側由兩個沙坑護衛,後側還有一個壺 狀沙坑,所有這一切都要求球手必須擊出精准完美的開球。
Hole 9
484-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,484碼
Hole 11
392-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,392碼
A perplexing hole, this sharp dogleg left presents players with options. Conservative players can either play short and left or carry their tee shot over the right hand fairway bunkers. More aggressive players can attempt to carry the left hand traps, significantly reducing the distance to the hole and providing a less-guarded approach. The elevated green sits at a sharp left-to-right angle, falling away, and is protected by two deep bunkers. 複雜的銳彎左狗腿洞,給球手提供多種選擇。保守型球手可以選擇向球道左側打短球,也可以向右側擊球飛越沙坑。進攻型球手可以 嘗試挑戰球道左側的沙坑,大大減少下一桿攻果嶺的距離和障礙。高於球道的果嶺呈自左向右的銳角,並向後傾斜,由兩個深沙坑守護。
Hole 12
575-yard, Par-5 | 5杆洞,575碼
There are water and waste bunkers down the entire right side of the hole, while fairway bunkers protect the left. The approach shot into the green is also demanding as the green is surrounded by bunkers to the right and behind, as well as a pot bunker eating into the front left corner.
The first encounter with the Bin Hai Lake. Golfers tempted to cut across the corner of the marsh must avoid a treacherous waste bunker. Smart golfers will aim for the right half of the fairway and benefit from a slope which can increase distance. Following a lay-up, the approach is very tricky as the multi-tiered green is elevated 3m above the fairway.
這整個球道右側被水障礙區和廢棄沙坑佔據,而左側則有球道沙坑把守。攻果嶺擊球同樣不輕鬆,因為果嶺右側和後方圍繞着 沙坑,左前角也被一個壺狀沙坑侵蝕。
第一個比鄰濱海湖的球洞,那些試圖走捷徑直攻濕地拐角的球手必須躲避危險的廢棄沙坑。有經驗的球手會瞄准球道右側擊 球,借助一個陡坡增加距離。第二桿需打短球,之後的攻果嶺擊球非常棘手,因為果嶺表面多層疊,且比球道高出3米。
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Course Description and Hole-by-Hole Guide 球場逐洞介紹及攻略
Hole 13
287-yard, Par-3 | 3杆洞,287碼
Hole 16
199-yard, Par-3 | 3杆洞,199碼
A long, daunting Par-3. A perfectly struck tee shot is required to reach the green which falls away from front-to-back and is protected on both sides by a combination of hollows, pot bunkers and a large waste bunker along the entire right side of the hole.
A stunning Par-3, this mid-length hole demands an accurate tee shot to hit the surface. The left side of the hole is extremely well protected with a combination of lake and a series of bunkers which flank the entire left side of the fairway and green. The right side is not safe either, as a deep, punishing pot bunker swallows up anything short and right.
令人望而生畏的長距離三桿洞。需要完美的一桿開球攻上表面自前向後傾斜的果嶺。果嶺兩邊分布着草坑、壺狀沙坑,以及沿着 整個球道右側的大片廢棄沙坑。
極美的3桿洞,需要精准地將球開上果嶺。整個球道和果嶺左側被湖和一連串的沙坑佔據,。右側也不安全,壺狀沙坑時刻等待 吞下打短或者偏右的擊球。
Hole 14
498-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,498碼
A massive hole, this sharp dogleg-right requires a golfer’s best game. A tee shot down the right-centre helps reduce the distance, but must avoid the right hand fairway bunkers. The approach is wide open and permits golfers to have a go, as this “turtle back” shaped green is elevated well above the fairway and unprotected on all sides except for a menacing pot bunker hidden behind. 大氣磅礡、角度刁鑽的右狗腿洞,非常考驗球手的球技。開球落在球道右中部附近可以減少下一桿距離,但是必須避開右側的球 道沙坑。攻果嶺一桿非常開闊,球手不必有太多顧慮。 “龜背”形果嶺地勢高於球道,兩邊沒有障礙區,只在果嶺後方暗藏一個險惡 的壺狀沙坑。
Hole 17
An exciting long Par-4, this hole offers various routes to the green. Featuring a split fairway, you can either go right leaving a long way home, or go left and take on the lake. The approach is difficult as the narrow green is protected by a left greenside bunker as well as a blistering of pot bunkers and grass hollows which guard the right. 令人興奮的四桿洞,富有特色的雙球道,給球手提供多種球路選擇。球手可以向右擊球留下較長的攻果嶺距離,或者向左擊球挑 戰湖水。攻果嶺擊球的難度較高,因為較狹窄的果嶺左邊有沙坑,右側是草坑和壺狀沙坑。
Hole 18 Hole 15
469-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,469碼
630-yard, Par-5 | 5杆洞,630碼
390-yard, Par-4 | 4杆洞,390碼
The first of three consecutive lakeside holes, this short Par-4 provides plenty of options. From the tee players can hit safely down the right side of the fairway. Stronger players can hit directly towards the green, but need to execute a perfect drive to the landing area just short of the putting surface which is protected by bunkers left and a pot bunker right.
A tough finishing hole that demands excellent play in order to provide a scoring opportunity. This long, intimidating Par5 is a true 3-shotter. The tee shot means avoiding a lake along the right whilst not straying too far left into the rough. The next landing area is bottlenecked by waste bunkers on both sides, and the approach into the green is also difficult as it tilts sharply from back-to-front and is protected by bunkers on the left.
這個短四桿洞是三個連續湖邊球洞中的第一洞,有很多擊球選擇。可以從發球台朝球道右側打安全球。大力球手可以直接朝果嶺 開球,但球需要精准地落在緊鄰果嶺前方的落球區,小心左側的沙坑和右側的壺狀沙坑。
高難度的結束洞,需要球手完美髮揮去爭取最後的得分機會。令人望而生畏的超長五桿洞,三桿上果嶺是必須的。第一桿開球既 要避開右側的湖水,又要防備左側的長草區。第二桿的落球區因兩側的廢棄沙坑而變得狹窄。攻果嶺一桿同樣艱難,果嶺表面自後向 前明顯傾斜,左側有沙坑保護。
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VOLVO AND OSCAR JACOBSON - the perfect fit Golf is a sport synonymous with tradition and time-served style, and the same can also be said of Swedish clothing manufacturer Oscar Jacobson which four years ago relaunched itself with a new owner, a new board of directors and a new design team. Whilst remaining dedicated to its heritage, the company is now building on this by adding a modern twist. Oscar Jacobson has been involved in golf clothing for around a quarter of its 109year history and it is now concentrating on pairing its classic tailoring with a greater emphasis on fashion whilst using new technical materials that offer both better functionality and greater durability. In order to identify more with golfers around the world, the company has engaged the support of Fredrik Jacobson, one of Sweden's most successful international players. According to the world top-50 star, "I have great Volvo China Open 2012 | 52
confidence in Oscar Jacobson as an international label and I want to help introduce the brand to more markets. I love Swedish design and Swedish quality, so it makes sense for me. The new golf collection feels fantastic to play in, and I like to dress well off the course as well." Commenting on the collaboration between Volvo and Oscar Jacobson, Per Ericsson, President of Volvo Event Management said, “We were looking for the correct clothing partner and with Oscar Jacobson, we have established a mutually Volvo China Open 2012 | 53
beneficial partnership across all our events. It is a perfect fit for both parties.” Gunnar Hedendahl, Sales Manager Golf, Oscar Jacobson, added, “For us it is especially exciting to be present at the Volvo China Open, since we are now developing our sales and distribution network in China. It’s a great opportunity to showcase our brand at such a fantastic venue as the Binhai Lake Golf Club.” Not too many people will know that OJ also provides Volvo with parts of the interior for its new ‘Concept You’ car; an exclusive woollen fabric which is used for the door panels and the back of the front seats. However, it will come as no surprise to anyone that when it comes to golf and clothing, Volvo and Oscar Jacobson are extremely well suited.
高爾夫是一項講究歷史傳統和 時代 風尚的 運 動,這與瑞典 著 名服裝品牌Oscar Jacobson (簡稱OJ)的理念不謀而合。四 年前,OJ有了新的主人、新的董 事會和新的設計團隊。在弘揚品 牌傳統的同時,OJ也正努力為 產品增添新的時尚元素。
沃爾沃與OJ 完美搭配 ,互利共贏
在OJ品牌109年的歷史里,有四 分之一的年代與高爾夫運動有關。 如今,OJ正致力於將傳統的剪裁工 藝與流行時尚緊密結合,同時運用 功能性更好、更耐用的高新科技材 料。 為了讓全世界更多的高爾夫愛好 者認識OJ品牌,公司邀請瑞典最成 功的國際球星之一——弗里迪克. 雅各布森出任其代言人。這位世界排 名前50的球員表示:“作為一個國際 知名品牌,我對OJ有極大的信心, 希望能協助將這個品牌介紹到更多 的國際市場。我個人十分鐘愛瑞典設 計和瑞典品質,因此為OJ做代言更 有意義。最新一季的高爾夫系列產 品很棒,穿上打球十分舒適,即使在 球場之外我也很喜歡穿。” 談到沃爾沃與OJ的合作,沃爾 沃盛事管理公司總裁艾瑞森說:“我 們一直在尋求合適的指定服裝贊助 商,通過與OJ在所有沃爾沃賽事的 合作,我們之間建立起了互利共贏 的伙伴關係,對雙方來說都是一次完 美的搭配。” O J 公司高爾夫 部 銷 售 經 理甘 納.赫登達補充說:“對我們來說, 能在沃爾沃中國公開賽期間展示我 們的產品特別令人興奮,因為我們正 在中國建立銷售網絡。這是一次極 好的展示OJ品牌的機會,而且又是 在濱海湖高爾夫球會這樣一個絕佳 的地點。” 很多人並不知道,OJ還為沃爾 沃的新型概念車提供內飾,一種獨 特的羊毛質地的面料被用於車門和 前座靠背。不過,只要提起高爾夫與 服裝,沃爾沃和OJ是公認的最佳組 合,可謂錦上添花、相得益彰。 Volvo China Open 2012 | 54
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TIANJIN - A Port for the Emperor Tianjin is one of four municipalities directly under the Central Government of China. Despite its long history and wealth of economic and cultural pursuits, it is perhaps not so famous as the others which include Shanghai and Beijing.Situated in China’s north-east, it is both an international harbour and a centre of commerce which prides itself on its historical and cultural heritage. In ancient times, sea water receded from this area, and the land was then crossed by Huang He, the second longest river in China which is also known as the
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Yellow River. More than 5,000 kilometres long, it derives its name from the high content of sand, and even today, ancient seashell dykes can still be found, remnants of the ancient coastline. The name Tianjin, translated variously as ‘port for the emperor’ or ‘port for the heavenly capital’, was first adopted in the Ming Dynasty. 450 years later, it was opened as a trading port in 1860, and in the1930s, it became the largest industrial and commercial city in the north of China. In1978, as part of a national policy to reform and open up to the outside world, Tianjin became one of the first coastal cities in China to do so.
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There are many historical sites here such as the Dule Temple in Jixian with its large wooden buildings from the Sui Dynasty which have existed for over 1,000 years. Nearby is the Huangya Pass, a section of the Great Wall of China on a steep mountain ridge. The beautiful Panshan Mountain is sinuous and tortuous and is also known as Panlong Mountain - coiling dragon mountain. Tianjin is a birth place of culture and arts. Various performing artsgroups cover a wide range of activities including Peking opera, Pingju opera, drama, singing and dancing and classical music. In the museums
and memorials of Tianjin there are nearly 60,000 specimens of cultural relics, some with national treasure status.The local artisan work is varied and interesting; the colourful Yangliuqing New Year Paintings, the vivid clay figurine sculptures of Zhang, and the impressive and ornate kites of WeiYuantai. With regard to cuisine, the local Eight Great Bowls should really be the 16 Great Bowls as these dishes have been further categorised as the smooth Eight and the rough Eight. The
smooth are dishes such as fish fillet, boiled shrimp and Sichuan shredded meat, whilst the rough includes fried shrimp, boiled chicken and seared carp. Another local favourite is Four Great Stews, actually a range which includes chicken, fish, mutton, duck and sea cucumber soup. Goubuli Baozi (steamed stuffed bun) is one of the oldest snacks and Shiba Jie Mahua (fried dough twist) is a sweet smelling, crispy treat. As you would expect from an area engaging with the outside world, international cuisine is also widely available.
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天津 中國北方的通商口岸 天津市是中國中央政府直接管 轄的四大城市之一。歷史悠久、 經濟發達、文化豐富,但其國際 知名度仍不及北 京和上 海。地 處中 國東 北部 的天 津 市,不僅 是國 際大 型 港口,還是重要 的 商業中心,有着 驕人的 歷史積 澱和文化遺產。 天津所處的位置原來是海洋, 在 黃 河 改 道 前由泥 沙沖 積 形成。 天 津 城 市的形成得 益於京杭 大 運
河的開通,由於金元定都北京,在 這 裡 形 成 漕 糧 轉 運 中 心“直 沽 ” 鎮。
城 的 一 部分。美 麗 的 盤山 蜿 蜒 盤 踞,古時曾名為“盤 龍山”— —取 其“形無定向勢如龍”之意。
天津的名字可解釋為“帝都之 埠”,最早出現在明朝。4 5 0 年之 後的18 6 0 年,天 津開放 成為通商 口岸。上世 紀 3 0 年 代 成為中國北 方最大的工業和商貿城 市。19 7 8 年天 津 成為中國率先實 行 改革開 放政策的沿海城市之一。
天津是許多民間文化和藝術的 發祥地。集中了各種藝術門類,包 括京劇、評劇、歌 劇、歌 舞 劇和古 典音樂。在 天 津 的 博 物 館 和 紀 念 館中,有超 過6萬件與文化有關的 藏品,很多是國寶級文物。當地的 傳 統 民 間藝術 品 更 是豐富多彩。 色 彩 明 艷 的 楊 柳 青 年畫、栩 栩 如 生的“泥人張”,還 有做工精細造 型逼真的魏元泰風箏。
天津擁有許多歷史文化古蹟, 近 郊 薊 縣 的 都 樂 寺,以 其 建於 隋 朝 的 木 質 建 築 而 聞 名,距 今 已 有 超過1千年的歷史。附近 還有建在 陡 峭 山 脊上 的 黃 崖 關,是 萬 里長
說到天津的美食,最有名的當 屬本地的“八大碗”,其實 應該 稱
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之為“十六 大碗 ”,因為通常一席 分成 細 八 大碗 和 粗 八 大碗。細 八 大碗由燴兩雞絲、燒三絲、全 燉、 蟹黃蛋羹、海 參丸子、元寶肉等選 編而成,粗八大碗包括炒蝦仁、溜 魚片、燴丸子、燴滑魚等菜。另一 個 著名的當地美食叫“四大扒”, 包括扒 整 雞、扒肉條、扒肘子、扒 海 參、扒魚塊、扒麵筋、扒鴨子等 等,選 其四 種即可組 成“四 扒”。 此外,天津狗不理包子、十八街麻 花 更 是 膾 炙 人口。如 果 想 換 個口 味,各 國 的 特 色 美食 餐 廳在 這 裡 也是應有盡有。
THE VOLVO WORLD GOLF CHALLENGE - A Million Golfers Can’t Be Wrong Since its launch in 1988, the Volvo World Golf Challenge (formerly the Volvo Masters Amateur) has evolved into the ‘must play’ event for club and amateur golfers all over the world. It is a truly multi-national tournament that begins at a course close to home and ends in a celebration of golf at the annual World Final, an event where golfing dreams really do come true. Participants in the Volvo World Golf Challenge come together to play beautiful Volvo China Open 2012 | 60
courses and enjoy competitive but sociable and professionallyrun events. Each country runs its own competitions and these are tailored to meet the needs and demands of its markets, its golfing infrastructure, and Volvo’s customers and partners. What begins at a local golf club can be the start of a golf experience of a lifetime, a journey that could take the participants all the way to the World Final. Last year, more than 25 countries, a number that is steadily growing, joined in. Well over 50,000 took part, giving Volvo China Open 2012 | 61
Volvo and its customers a fantastic opportunity to really get to know one another. Indeed, over the years, more than 1,000,000 golfers from all over the world have enjoyed playing in this exciting and prestigious event. Better still, there is now the unique opportunity for the most successful World Finalists to play alongside stars of the European Tour during the Volvo Golf Champions, live on television, in front of a worldwide audience of millions. This once-in-a-lifetime thrill, which we call ‘Playing With The Pros’, is bound to appeal to every golfer. Each year, the national winners receive an invitation to the World Final where they enjoy…
n The
36-hole competition played over a beautiful and challenging golf course n The chance to Play With The Pros during the Volvo Golf Champions that runs in parallel n Off-site activities and experiences n The chance to watch the Volvo Golf Champions up close and rub shoulders with the stars
如今,這項成功賽 事的世界總 決賽又有了新的舉措。參賽的各國 業余高手將獲得難得的機會,在沃 爾沃高爾夫 冠 軍 賽 期 間與 歐 巡賽 職業選手並肩作戰,並通過全球電 視 直 播 展現在世界各地 的 觀 眾面 前。每一位業余球員都有機會加入 這一沃爾沃獨創的 “與職 業球員 同行”比賽形式,體驗一生難得的 機遇和激動人心的高球經歷。 每年各國的優勝者將收到邀請 前來世界總決賽,他們將
In the most recent World Final at the stunning Fancourt Resort in South Africa, 18 of the 55 finalists went on to play in a 3-man team with two professionals; stars such as multiple Order of Merit winner Colin Montgomerie, triple Major winner Ernie Els, and reigning Open Champion Darren Clarke. Nationalities represented included Austria, Italy, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Sweden. According to one of the UK’s finalists, Bill Ferguson, “You can’t get a better event than this. The trip overall has been magnificent, the Volvo people couldn’t be any nicer, everything is first-class and I would like to thank Volvo personally for putting on such a great show - it’s just terrific.”
n 在 美麗且富於挑戰的球 場 參加
36洞比賽 n 在沃爾沃高爾夫冠 軍賽 期間有
機會與職業選手組隊同場競技 n 賽場外社交活動 n 觀看沃爾沃高爾夫冠軍賽決賽,
This global tournament, with its local beginnings leading to the worldwide stage, is certainly unique and is already considered by many to be the leading tournament of its kind. It is a perfect mix of business and pleasure that fits well with Volvo’s close relationship with both amateur and professional golf.
惠及百萬球友,追尋高球夢想 自從1998年創辦以來,沃爾沃 世界高爾夫挑 戰 賽(原沃爾沃 “精英杯”業余大師賽)已成為 世界各地的俱樂部和業余球員 爭相加入的比賽。這是 一項真 正的 國 際化比賽,每年始於世 界各地的球場,止於盛大的世界 總 決賽,讓更多普通 球友實現 了期待已久的高球夢想。
Volvo is committed to the continued growth and success of the Volvo World Golf Challenge and looks forward to welcoming the Chinese players to the World Final in the near future.
沃爾沃世界高爾夫挑戰賽的參 賽球員們 歡 聚一堂、以球會友,經 過各地的區 域預 選 賽 和總 決賽 決 出優勝者,前往世界總決賽角逐總 Volvo China Open 2012 | 62
冠軍。每個國家根據當地的市場和 高爾夫基礎設施特點運行各自的比 賽,以期最大限度地滿足沃爾沃客 戶和合作伙伴的需求。業余高手們 從自己的家鄉主場出發,開啟一段 終身難忘的高爾夫之旅。 去年,有超過25個國家和地區 加入。涉及超過5萬名球友,給予沃 爾沃及其客戶最好的相互瞭解和溝 通的機會。多年來,已有超 過10 0 萬來自世界各地的球友加入到這項 久負盛名的比賽中,享受高爾夫的 樂趣。 Volvo China Open 2012 | 63
最近於南非美麗的範考特度假 村結 束的 世界總 決 賽 期 間,5 5 位 參賽選手中的18人獲得參加“與職 業球員同行”的機會,分別來自奧 地 利、意大利、巴拉 圭、沙 特阿拉 伯、韓國和瑞典。每位球友與兩個 職業球星搭檔,如前歐巡獎金王科 林.蒙哥馬利、大滿貫賽冠軍得主 厄尼.埃爾斯以及前英國公開賽冠 軍達倫.克拉 克。正如一位 來自英 國的球友比爾.法古森說,“沒有比 這更好的業余賽事了。整個行程引 人入勝,沃爾沃的接待人員十分可 親,一切都是頂級品質,我想感謝 沃 爾沃 打造 如此 精彩的比賽 —— 真的太棒了。” 這一遍及全球的賽事——從地 區 舞台到 國際 舞台 —— 是 獨一無 二的,已經被許多人認同,成為同 類比賽中的佼佼者。它是商業和娛 樂的完美組合,體現出沃爾沃長期 以來與業余和職業高爾夫運動的密 切關係。 沃爾沃將致力於沃爾沃世界高 爾夫挑戰賽的持續發展和成功,並 期待有更多中國的球友加入其中。
THE BIRTH OF CHINESE GOLF Genworth正在与欧洲巡回赛基金会合作,筹集急 需的慈善基金 Genworth的业务是全球性的保险及财富管理。 我们致力于帮助人们理财,照顾他们的家人及其未来。 我们的承诺,是保护人们生活中珍贵的一切,我们的目标,是把产品设计,与我们伙伴的合作关系, 以及我们的服务都做得尽善尽美。 欲获取Genworth或我们支持的Putts4Charity和慈善机构的更多信息,
Genworth is working in partnership with the Tour Players Foundation to raise much needed funds for charity.
Step back thirty years and golf in China was non-existent, an alien concept, a dream for some of what may lie ahead. However, a closer look reveals that the sport is perhaps not just a thing of the future, but also of the past. The Autumn Banquet is a scroll from the Ming Dynasty that dates back to 1368 and shows a member of the Chinese Imperial court taking part in ‘chui wan’, swinging what appears to be a golf club at a small ball with the aim of sinking it into a hole. Possibly, this modern, global game has its origins in China. The first golf course in China was built in Guangdong's Zhongshan City and designed by the legendary Arnold Palmer. Zhongshan Hot Spring opened for play in 1984, since when it is estimated that more than 600 golf courses have sprung up
throughout the country at such a rate that no-one really knows quite how many are currently open for play. In every part of this vast and geographically varied country, there are courses of every style built by an array of designers from all over the world.
Genworth is a global insurance and wealth management business. The power of our promises help people secure their finances and look after their families and futures. Because our promises protect the precious moments that matter in people’s lives we aim to excel in the design of our product range, in our relationships with our partners and in our service delivery. For more information on Genworth or Putts4Charity and the charities we support, visit
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One of the advantages enjoyed by a nation new to golf is that it inherits few bad habits from the past. There are no preconceptions of what is right and few parents wanting or able to teach bad swings to their children. With golf returning to the Olympics in just four years and the sport’s popularity broadening globally all the time, it must surely only be a matter of time before a Chinese golfer breaks through into the highest levels of the world rankings and wins his first Major. With this in mind, there is a hope and expectation in the young golfers of China to take the game to the next level both here and internationally. Supporting this, the
Volvo China Junior Championship has become one of the most important events at this level and offers the glittering prize for the senior boy’s champion to go on and play in the Volvo China Open itself. This year, it is the turn of Chen Ze Shan Chuan from Beijing, who won at the Stone Bay Resort in Shandong last October in what was Volvo’s 50th sponsorship in partnership with the China Golf Association. According to the 15-yearold, “I am very excited to be the winner of the Volvo China Junior Championship - to play in the Volvo China Open with a field of top stars is a dream come true - it will be amazing to be in the same
competition as great players such as Liang Wenchong and Paul Casey.” The event also encourages girls into the game and Wang Xi Yue from Guangdong, 16, beat Ye Zi Qi from Liaoning Province on the last green of a thrilling final. Wang was understandably thrilled, “To be Volvo China Junior Championship Senior Girl’s winner makes me very proud and I am so excited to be the national champion of China in golf.” The golfing eyes of the nation will be wishing Chen Ze Shan Chuan the very best as this week he steps up a level to take on some of the best golfers in the world. Volvo China Open 2012 | 66
中國高爾夫的 前世今生 30年前,高爾夫運動在中國大 陸 是 一片 空 白。然 而,如 果 仔 細研究這項運動在中國的歷 史,並非只有未來,還有過去。 一 張可追 溯 到13 6 8 年 的 明代 古 畫《 秋 宴 圖 》,顯 示 出 官 家 在 庭 院 裡 玩“ 捶 丸”遊 戲 的 場 景,它是中 國 古 代 球 戲 之一, 以棒 擊小球進 洞 定 勝 負,與 現 代 高 爾 夫 球 相 似。“ 捶 丸”在 宋、元 朝 代 十 分 流 行,到了 明 代 雖不 如 前代 那 樣普及,但仍 在上 層人士中流行。有人據 此 推 斷 —— 高 爾 夫 球 起 源 於 中 國。
建國後,中國大陸建成的第一 家高爾夫球 場,是19 8 4 年由高爾 夫 傳 奇人物 阿 諾 德.帕 爾 瑪 設 計 的中山溫 泉高爾夫 俱樂 部。近3 0 年的時間里,高爾夫在中國有如雨 後 春 筍 蓬 勃 發 展,如 今 全 國已有 球場數量超過6 0 0家,具體開業的 球 場 數 沒 人說得 清 楚。在中國 廣 袤的土地上,可以找到來自世界各 地的 設 計師 打造 的 各種風格 的球 場。 高爾夫新興發展國家的優勢之 一,是不受不良傳統的制約,沒有 固步自封的思維定式,從而有着巨 大的發展空間和潛力。隨着高爾夫 在4年之後重 返 奧 運會,以及高爾 夫 運 動在全 球方興未艾的 流行 勢 頭,相信在不久的將來,將會有中 國球員突出重圍、躋身世界排名前 列,並贏得首個大滿貫賽。
我 們 有 理 由 希 望 並 期 待,未 來中國的 新生代 球員在國內外 使 這 項 運 動 達 到 一 個 新 的高 度。因 此,沃爾沃打造了高端的青少年賽 事— —沃爾沃中國青少年冠軍賽, 並拿出沃 爾沃中國公 開 賽 的一 個 寶貴的參賽名額,獎 勵給男子A組 冠 軍,為 培 養 中 國 高 爾 夫 運 動 的 後備軍助力。今年獲得這一榮譽的 是來自北京的陳澤山川,他在去年 10月於山東 榮 成石島旅 遊度假村 舉行的第7屆沃爾沃中國青少年冠 軍賽上贏得男子A組冠軍,而這場 比賽已經是沃爾沃與中高協合作, 在中國冠名贊助 的第50場大型比 賽。 本屆青少年冠 軍賽的女子A組 選手、來自廣東的王茜月在決賽最 後一洞 果嶺 擊敗 對手葉子琪 艱 難 獲 勝。她說:“能贏得沃爾沃中國 Volvo China Open 2012 | 67
青少年冠軍賽女子A組的冠軍讓我 深感興奮。我很自豪能成為中國青 少年高爾夫冠軍中的冠軍。” 15歲的陳澤山川表示:“能作 為沃 爾沃中國青少年冠 軍 賽 的冠 軍參加沃爾沃中國公開賽,與歐巡 賽頂級球員同場競技,真是令人興 奮,就像美夢成真— —對我來說, 能和梁文衝、保羅.凱西參加同一 場比賽將是一次難忘的經歷。” 本週,國內的球迷們將關注並 祝 願 小 將陳澤山川在比賽 中發揮 出自己的水平,邁上更高的國際舞 台。
BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO GOLF WATCHING Now into its 18th season, the Volvo China Open has grown into an open championship worthy of the name, and, whilst many of our spectators may be regular players and / or watchers of golf, others may be new to the sport.
by viewing on the giant screen in the Volvo China Open Public Village.
Elementary Etiquette n Professional players perform at their best when
The following Beginner’s Guide to Golf Watching is designed to keep you on course with some helpful hints that will maximise the experience of visiting the Volvo China Open.
Getting Started
there are no disturbances to distract them, so please switch-off all mobile phones and avoid talking and cheering before and during a player’s routine. Feel free to cheer once the golfer has played his shot. n Please remain outside the roped-off areas and
n Upon arrival at Tianjin Binhai Lake Golf Club,
pick-up a Programme and a Daily Draw Sheet and familiarise yourself with the general layout of the area. n The Daily Draw Sheet provides the names,
starting times and tees of each and every player, so you can follow your favourites. n For an up-close-and-personal view of the players,
we recommend the Practice Range and Practice Putting Green.
Watching Brief
follow the guidance of Stewards and Marshals. n Taking photographs / shooting video using
cameras or mobile phones is restricted to the Practice Range and Practice Putting Greens; most players are happy to pose for photographs with spectators, but only after their round is finished. n Please do not pick up or touch a player’s golf ball
on the course; it could cost him penalty shots – and money. n Children are welcome at the Volvo China Open,
but only when accompanied by adults, who are requested to keep kids under control. n When disposing of rubbish, please use the
n There are two ways of watching a major golf
championship; either pick a group of players and follow them round the golf course, or, alternatively, select a good vantage point and watch all the players come through. n Keen spectators may ‘mix-and-match,’ follow
some favourites for a while before taking a break and watching one particular hole; Par-3’s make for especially good viewing. n You can follow the scores of each match on the
portable scoreboards carried with each group, whilst the overall state-of-play can be found on the leaderboards located around the course. n Towards the end of each day’s play, the 18th
green makes for an excellent and atmospheric vantage point as the players complete their rounds. n Take a break and catch all the action over lunch
recycling bins provided. n Players are normally happy to sign autographs,
normally when they come off the 18th green at the end of their round but never before and during a round.
Handy Hints n It is suggested that golf shoes, walking shoes or
trainers are worn when walking around the golf course. n Please wear a sun hat and use a proprietary sun
cream suitable for springtime in North East China, SPF 15 or above; this is especially important for children. n Professional golfers ensure they are well hydrated
throughout their round, and so should you; don’t forget to take a bottle of water out on the course with you.
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觀賽指南 n You may find using a pair of binoculars helpful in
watching your favourite players close-up. n Food and beverages are available in the Volvo
China Open Public Village but you are at liberty to bring your own. n The Volvo China Open Public Village also offers
a range of retail outlets and fun things to try out, including the chance to try your hand at golf. 沃 爾沃中國公 開 賽 迎 來了第1 8 個年 頭,已經 成 為一項 知名的國家高爾夫球公開錦 標賽。比賽 現場 會聚 集很多經常參加或 觀看高爾夫球比賽的資深球 友,但也不乏一些 剛 剛 接 觸高爾夫的初學 者和 普 通 觀眾。 以下的觀賽 指南中,將 提 供一些有用的建議,讓 觀眾 更 好地體 驗沃爾沃中國公開賽,在濱海湖球 場 度過愉快時光。
觀賽前的準備 n 到達天津濱海湖高爾夫球會後,請在入口處領取 一份賽事手冊和每日分組表,讓自己熟悉賽場區 域的分布。 n 每日分組表能夠提供參賽球員姓名、出發時間以 及相應的發球台,方便您跟隨自己喜愛的球員觀 看比賽。 n 如果希望近距離觀看職業球員的揮桿風采,我們 建議您前往練習場或練習果嶺。
n 觀看比 賽 也要 注 意 勞 逸 結 合,可以利 用午 餐 時 間,在 沃 爾沃中國公 開 賽 的公 眾 活 動區 通 過現 場大屏幕觀看比賽的實況直播。
基本觀賽禮儀 n 職業球員在不受干擾的情況下才能發揮最好,因 此賽場內請務必關閉您的手機,並請勿在球員準 備擊球或擊球過程中交談或歡呼。球員擊出好球 之後您可以鼓掌喝彩。 n 任何時候都請站在場地內設置的繩圈之外,並遵 循場地工作人員和巡場員的指示。 n 在練習場和 練習果嶺用照相機 或手 機拍照或攝 像 是 受 到 嚴格 限制 的。大多數球員樂 意與 觀 眾 擺拍,但僅僅是在他們結束比賽之後。 n 請勿在球場上撿起或觸碰球員的球,那會導致球 員被罰桿,這將直接影響到球員的排名和獎金收 入。 n 沃爾沃中國公開賽歡迎兒童前來觀看,但一定要 在成年人陪伴下。攜兒童入場的成年人一定要照 管好自己的孩子,並為孩子的行為和安全負責。 n 請愛護球場環境衛生,將垃圾扔進垃圾桶。 n 球員通常 都樂 意為觀 眾 簽 名,但 必 須 是 在 他們 完成當天的比賽、走下第18洞果嶺並遞交完當日 打球成績之後,而不是在比賽之前或之中。
友情提示 n 我們建議您在場地內觀看比賽時,穿着高爾夫球 鞋、旅遊鞋或跑鞋。
觀賽中 n 觀看高爾夫球大賽主要有兩種方式。一種是選擇 一組球員並跟隨走完全場,另一種是選擇一個固 定的觀賽地點觀看所有的球員通過。 n 經驗豐富的觀眾通常會綜合以上兩種方式,先跟 隨 最喜歡的球員 走 幾 洞,然 後 選 擇某個球 洞 停 下來 休息一下,同時觀看不同組的球員打過。三 桿洞通常是駐足觀賽的最佳地點。 n 觀眾可以 通 過每組 志 願 者手 持的移動記分牌瞭 解該 組的比 賽 情 況及 成 績。也可以 通 過球 場內 設立的領先榜瞭解全場比賽的進程。 n 每日賽 事即將結束前,第18 洞 果嶺 無 疑 是 氛圍 極佳的觀賽位置。
n 在戶外請戴 遮陽帽,並 使 用S P F15以上 適合中 國北方春季天氣的防曬霜,尤其是兒童。 n 職業球員在比賽期間都會及時補充水分,您也需 要。請不要忘記下場前帶一瓶飲用水。 n 可以 準備一副 望 遠鏡,能 幫助 您 更 好 地拉 近 您 和喜愛的球員之間的距離。 n 公眾活動區將為觀眾提供餐飲服務,您也可以自 帶食物和飲料。 n 公 眾 活 動區 還 將設 置豐富的 商品零 售 帳 篷,並 提 供 多種 有趣 的 娛樂 休閒活 動,包括 試打 高爾 夫球。
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HEART OF GLASS 晶瑩的心 On Sunday afternoon, the winner of the Volvo China Open will walk away not only with a handsome cheque, but also with an equally handsome trophy. 本週日下午,沃爾沃中國公開賽的優勝者將會帶著一張巨額冠軍支票 離開,同時帶走的還有一座精美的獎杯。
Leading Swedish designer Åsa Jungnelius was commissioned to design it just two years ago by Orrefors Kosta Boda, one of the world’s leading producers of glassware and art glass which specialises in work that is vibrant, bold, innovative and provocative. By chance, this will be three months to the day after the Volvo Golf Champions was won by emerging South African star Brandon Grace, following a thrilling play-off with local legends Ernie Els and Retief Goosen. Grace was thrilled to win Ludvig Löfgren’s beautiful leaf-shaped design which is actually the latest addition to Volvo’s treasure chest of trophies from Orrefors Kosta Boda. He takes possession from Paul Casey who is in the field here this week and who said after his win last year that the trophy would “take pride of place in my very modern home.”
would be special to put my name on it as well.” Poulter is here this week and with his obvious interest in fashion and design, it will be fascinating to see if he can add another Kosta Boda instant classic to his impressive trophy collection. 兩 年 前,瑞 典 著 名 的 設 計 師
Åsa Jungnelius按照世界著名玻璃
工藝品牌 Orrefors Kosta Boda 的 要求設計了這款獎杯,它沿襲了品 牌的一貫風格 — —活力、大膽、創 新和啟迪。 就在三個月前結束的沃爾沃高 爾夫冠軍賽上,南非新秀布蘭頓. 格瑞斯在 延長賽 戰 勝同胞 兼高爾 夫偶像級人物厄尼.埃爾斯和雷鐵 夫.古森,捧起了有着獨特 樹葉造 型的精美 Orrefors Kosta Boda獎 杯,它由藝術家 Ludvig Löfgre精心 設 計,是 沃 爾沃 賽 事 獎 杯 中的 一 枝獨秀。去年的冠軍保羅.凱西在 捧起獎杯時曾由衷地表示喜愛,稱 “要 安 放 在自己 現 代 風格 家中的 顯 要位 置”。本週 保羅.凱西將出 現在濱海湖的賽場上。
沃 爾沃賽 事皇 冠 上的第三 顆 珠 寶,是 由 獲 獎設 計 師 Ingegerd Råman 為沃 爾沃世界比洞錦 標賽 設計的獎杯,去年由英格蘭球星伊 恩.保爾特 摘得。決賽前夕,保爾 特 的兒子盧 克要求爸 爸贏 下這 座 獎 杯,作 為 特 殊 的 生日禮物 送 給 他。“決賽當天也是我兒子盧克的 生日,站在第一洞,看着獎 杯上鐫 刻 的 那 些 前 冠 軍 的 名字,我 想 如 果今 天之 後 我的名字也被 刻 在上 面,將是多麼有意義。” 以服裝 亮麗和對設計頗 感 興 趣 而 聞 名 的 保 爾特,本 週 也 將 參 加沃爾沃中國公開賽。我們拭目以 待,看看這位衣着養眼的球星,能 否在 周日舉 起 另一座 同 樣 養 眼的 Kosta Boda獎杯。
The third of Volvo’s crown jewels is award-winning designer Ingegerd Råman’s trophy for the Volvo World Match Play Championship, which was won last year by English star Ian Poulter. Prior to the final, his son Luke asked dad to win the trophy for him as a special birthday present. “I looked at the names of the previous winners on the first tee, and on Luke’s birthday I thought it Volvo China Open 2012 | 70
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Championship Committee 公開賽組委會
Acknowledgements 鳴謝
顧 問:
袁偉民 Yuan Weimin
中國高爾夫球協會主席 President, China Golf Association
張俊芳 Zhang Junfang
天津市副市長 Deputy Mayor of Tianjin
王述祖 Wang Shuzu
天津市高爾夫球協會主席 President, Tianjin Golf Association
主 任:
張小寧 Zhang Xiaoning
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心主任 中國高爾夫球協會副主席兼秘書長 Director General, Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Vice President & Secretary General, China Golf Association
副主任: 王立偉 Wang Liwei
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心副主任、中國高爾夫球協會副主席 Deputy Director General, Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Vice President, China Golf Association
李大正 Li Dazheng
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心副主任、中國高爾夫球協會副主席 Deputy Director General, Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Vice President, China Golf Association
王延梅 Wang Yanmei
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心副主任、中國高爾夫球協會副秘書長 Deputy Director General, Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Deputy Secretary General, China Golf Association
沈家聰 Shen Jiacong
天津市副秘書長 Deputy Secretary General of Tianjin
劉鳳山 Liu Fengshan
天津市體育局局長 Director of Tianjin Sports Administration
艾瑞森 Per Ericsson
沃爾沃盛事管理公司總裁 President, Volvo Event Management
謝德龍 Xie Delong
天津市體育局副局長 Deputy Director of Tianjin Sports
李皓 Li Hao
鴻銘控股集團董事長 President, Homemain Holdings Group
委 員:
宋迎春 Song Yingchun
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心經營管理部部長,中國高爾夫球協會副秘書長 Director of the Management & Administration Department, Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Deputy Secretary General, China Golf Association
Official Trophy 賽事指定獎杯 Official Hotel 賽事指定酒店 Official Golf Magazine 賽事指定高爾夫專業雜誌
楊傑 Yang Jie
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心四部部長 中國高爾夫球協會司庫 Director of the Fourth Division of Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Treasurer, China Golf Association
龐政 Pang Zheng
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心四部副部長 中國高爾夫球協會副秘書長 Deputy Director of the Fourth Division of Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Deputy Secretary General, China Golf Association
黃東生 Huang Dongsheng
天津市高爾夫球協會副主席 Vice-President,Tianjin Golf Association
蔣嵐 Lansi Jiang
副總裁, 集團傳訊與品牌 沃爾沃集團中國, 沃爾沃(中國) 投資有限公司 Vice President, Corporate Communication & Brand Volvo Group China, Volvo (China) Investment Co Ltd
寧述勇 Michael Ning
沃爾沃汽車集團中國區公共事務副總裁 Vice President, Public Affairs, Volvo Cars China
秘書長: 楊傑 Yang Jie
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心四部部長(兼) Director of the Fourth Division of Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Treasurer, China Golf Association
副秘書長:龐政 Pang Zheng
國家體育總局小球運動管理中心四部副部長(兼) Deputy Director of the Fourth Division of Multi-Ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport Deputy Secretary General, China Golf Association
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Official Apparel 賽事指定服裝
Official Media Partner 賽事指定合作媒體
n CCTV 中央電視台 n Designer - Shirley Li n eHail Limousine Service, Ltd 一嗨車務有限公司 n European Tour Production n Golf Trick Show Artist - David Edwards n Golfweek 假日休閑報.高爾夫 周刊 n International Qualifying Venue - Hainan Sanya Luhuitou Golf Club 三亞鹿回頭高爾夫球會 n KOK Associates 北京創拓匯智公關顧 問有限公司 n Mid China Qualifying Venue - Kuaiji Mountain Golf Club 紹興寶業會稽山高爾夫俱樂部 n Northern China Qualifying Venue Beijing Jade Island International Country Club 北京翡翠湖國際高爾夫 俱樂部 n Official yardage book - Michael Etherington n Quattroruote 《車王》雜誌 n Scoring Solution n Shanghai Sunwin Bus Corporation 上海申沃客車有限公司 n Signage – OJO Design Ltd n Southern China Qualifying Venue - Lion Lake Country Club 華南資格賽場地 廣州獅子湖鄉村俱樂部 n Sports Physiotherapy International n Volvo Aero Services China 沃爾沃宇航服務 n Official Volvo China Open Photographer and Qualifying Yardage Books - Richard Castka n Volvo Automotive Finance (China) Limited 沃爾沃汽車金融(中國)有公 司 n Volvo Bus Hong Kong Ltd n Volvo Car Corporation 沃爾沃汽車 公司 n Volvo Car China 沃爾沃汽車銷售(上海)有限公司 n Volvo Construction Equipment (China) Co. Ltd. 沃爾沃建築設備(中國)有公 司 n Volvo Group China 沃爾沃集團中國 n Volvo (China) Investment Co. Ltd. 沃爾沃(中國)投資有限公司 n Volvo Penta (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. 沃爾沃遍達(上海)咨詢有限公司 n Volvo Truck Greater China 沃爾沃卡車公司大中華區 n Xi'an Silver Bus Corporation 西安西沃客車有限公司 n Kee Wah Bakery 奇華餅家
Special Thanks to all Staffs, Volunteers and Members of Tianjin Binhai Lake Golf Club and Beijing Artist Association ALL STAR GOLF Team. 特別鳴謝天津濱海湖高爾夫球會的全體員工、志願者和 會員及北京演藝人協會全明星高爾夫球隊
Official Consulting Firm 賽事指定咨詢公司
Official Range Ball 賽事指定練習球
Official Website Partner 賽事指定合作網站
Official Order of Merit 賽事指定獎金排行榜
Official Wine 賽事指定葡萄酒
Official Golf Equipment 賽事指定高爾夫用具
National Governing Body/Organizer
Multi-Ball Games Administrative Center of State Sports
國家體育總局小球運動 管理中心
China Golf Association
Regional Governing Body/Co-organizer
Tianjin Sports Administration
Title Sponsor
Co-organiser & Promoter
Volvo Event Management
冠名贊助 沃爾沃 賽事管理及推廣 沃爾沃盛事管理公司
Sanctioning Bodies
China Golf Association
PGA European Tour
OneAsia Tour
Host Venue
Tianjin Binhai Lake Golf Club
批准機構 中國高爾夫球協會
承辦球場 天津濱海湖高爾夫球會
Thanks to all spectators for supporting the 2012 Volvo China Open. Please drive safely and we look forward to seeing you next year. 感謝所有觀眾對2012年沃爾沃中國公開賽的支持。敬請安全駕駛,期待明年再相聚。
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Course Map and Public Village 球場及公眾活動區示意圖
M Catering 小賣亭 Practice Putting Green 球員練習果嶺
On-course Viewing Platform 場內公眾看台 12th Green 12 號果嶺
Club House 會所
10th Tee 10 號發球台
1st Tee
13th Tee
13 號發球台
18th Green 18 號果嶺
WATCH THE OPEN Get the most out of your day at the Volvo China Open by following it from our strategically positioned grandstands and viewing platforms located at key points out on the course.
前往位於最佳觀賽點的公眾看台,盡享沃爾沃 中國公開賽的精彩。
Free car parking and shuttle service is available near the venue 場地附近設有免費停車場 及穿梭巴士服務
Public Catering
公開賽之友咨詢帳篷 /禮物換領處
Friends of The Open / Gift Redemption
Spectator Entrance
Golf Swing Zone
Golf Simulator
Kids Zone
Sponsor Tents
主計分板 / 巨型 LED 屏幕
Main Scoreboard / Giant LED Screen
Volvo Cars Brand Experience Center
Golf Trick Show
Volvo Group China Hole in One Challenge
Putting Challenge
Grand Stand
The Open Club
9 洞推桿挑戰賽
9-Hole Putting Competition
Media Center
Spectator Shuttle Bus
First Aid
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