1 minute read
By anonymous
to be a monster you must live in a labyrinth. it must be the same color as the hole knocked in your bedroom wall with the lights off. it must be haunted by birds. you must love spiders too much to brush their webs away. you must sleep better on the floor than you do on your bed. there must be something foundationally wrong with you. you must be too clever by half. you need mommy and daddy issues. you must forget your birthday and your name and your favorite song. you need to be so bad at talking that people treat you like you’re dead and stupid. you must think about peeling open someone’s shoulder with your teeth and hate every second of it. you must be good with animals. you must know the names of flowers you haven’t seen in years. you must dream, in your labyrinth, of going back, even though there is nothing for you there. you must hate going outside. you must move awkwardly unless you are killing. you must love your sister. you must sing when nobody can hear you.