Dún Laoghaire Business Improvement District - (Motions DLRCoCo 10 Dec. 2018)

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Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Item 11 – Monday 10 December 2018 MOTION FROM THE FLOOR BID Renewal Proposal 2019-2024 “That, notwithstanding the request by the Executive to “note” this Agenda Item, given the necessity to consider this important issue in full in the interests of our constituents, it is wholly inappropriate to restrict the Elected Members to contributions of no more than sixty seconds each as per Standing Order 11 (2) and therefore, in accordance with Standing Order 20 (e), it is proposed that Standing Order 11 (2) [“Sixty Seconds Rule”] should not be applied to this Agenda Item in order to allow for its fullest consideration by this Council.” COUNCILLOR


Michael Merrigan (Independent)

Dún Laoghaire

Shane O’Brien (Sinn Féin)

Killiney - Shankill

Anne Colgan (Independent)


FOR INFORMATION – Standing Orders mentioned above: 11(2) A member may contribute on an item for noting for a period but the speech of any member shall not exceed 1 minute. 20 – Submissions of Motions Without Notice 20 (e) for the suspension of a Standing Order or of Standing Orders in respect of any specified rule or rules (such motion to be decided without debate save in the discretion of An Cathaoirleach);

VOTE TAKEN as follows: FOR 14 (Two Independents, Sinn Féin, Solidarity-PBPA, Labour & One Green) AGAINST 18 (Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Cathaoirleach (Green), Three Shane Ross Independents)

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Monday 10th December 2018 Item 11 – BID Renewal Proposal 2019-2024 MOTION FROM THE FLOOR “That, in order to avoid a repeat next year of the acrimonious and very divisive campaign that accompanied the plebiscite on the BID Scheme in 2013/2014, this Council recommends to the Chief Executive that the following addendum be attached to any Service Level Agreement to be concluded between the Council and BID DL CLG for the operation of any new Business Improvement District Scheme for Dún Laoghaire for the period 2019-2024. 1. Executive Oversight – Safeguarding the Public Purse That, the Chief Executive of the County Council reserves the right to appoint a suitably qualified person with such authority and powers as may be required to perform such duties and functions as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Chief Executive in the provision of an ongoing financial and corporate governance oversight and reporting function in respect of the operation of the Company. The person so appointed shall be entitled to receive from Company copies of any documents or information on request, without redaction. 2. Company Structures– Democratisation of BID Company That, the Company shall undertake to amend the governing instruments of the Company in accordance with the Companies Act, 2014 and, in doing so, provide a new structure for the Company whereby all paid-up levy-payers are deemed to be Members of the Company. That the Company shall provide an undertaking that such structures will be in place for the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Company. 3. Annual General Meeting – Enfranchisement of BID Levy-payers That, the Company shall ensure that the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2019 shall provide for the democratic governance of the Company through the election of the incoming Board by the enfranchisement of each paid-up levy-payer who shall be entitled to one vote and shall be eligible to be elected by the Annual General Meeting to membership of the Board of Directors of BID DL CLG. 4. Directors Terms of Office – Accountability & Transparency That, the Company shall provide for the rotation of the membership of its Board of Directors by making provision in its governance structures to ensure that 50% of the Directorate shall resign, although be eligible for re-election, at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2020 and that such a procedure shall apply at each subsequent Annual General Meeting.”



Michael Merrigan (Independent)

Dún Laoghaire

Shane O’Brien (Sinn Féin)

Killiney - Shankill

Anne Colgan (Independent)


VOTE TAKEN as follows: FOR 14 (Two Independents, Sinn Féin, Solidarity-PBPA, Labour & One Green) AGAINST 19 (Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Cathaoirleach (Green), Three Shane Ross Independents)

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