Dlrcoco dlac 47 (local taxi forum) september 2014

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Councillor M. Merrigan

“That the Chief Executive, given that the local taxi service is an essential part of the public transport system for the greater Dún Laoghaire area, facilitates the establishment of a Local Taxi Forum consisting of County Council officials, An Garda Síochána and representatives of the local taxi drivers to provide a mechanism for regular structured dialogue between officials and the taxi drivers in order to resolve on-going issues relating to rank spaces, traffic planning, public and road safety, antisocial behaviour, public transport planning and related matters.”

Report: “The Transportation and Water Services Department deals with the Appointed Stands Street Service Vehicles Bye Laws (Taxi Ranks). Section 15 of the Road Traffic Act 2002 is the legislation that deals with the provision of taxi ranks and sets out the steps required when a Local Authority wished to make changes to its Bye Laws. In the event of a review of the Appointed Stands Street Service Vehicles Bye Laws (Taxi Ranks), Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will undertake an extensive public consultation campaign. As part of this review, discussions will also be held with representatives of local taxi drivers and submissions will also be invited from representative bodies such as Irish Taxi Drivers Federation, National Private Hire and Taxi Association, Dublin Taxi Branch SIPTU and National Taxi Drivers Union. An Garda Siochana will also be consulted on any proposed changes to the bye-laws. This public consultation process will provide an opportunity for all interested parties including local taxi drivers and their representatives to voice any concerns they have relating to rank spaces and their locations (traffic planning and road safety). The Council is currently awaiting regulations from The Department of Justice and Equality in relation to the set up of the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) where issues such as crime, anti-social behaviour and traffic matters can be discussed. Particulars of the remit of the previous JPC can be found at http://www.dlrcoco.ie/aboutus/councildepartments/humanresources/cdb/jointpolicin gcommittee/ The issues noted in this motion may be best tabled at this forum. Noting current staff resourcing in Transportation and Water Services Department, a commitment to the formulation and servicing of any local forum for taxi drivers as requested can not be made at this time. It is recommended that the matter be tabled for consideration by the Transportation SPC for their direction.” Contact:

Anne Devine, Senior Engineer, Traffic Section.

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