Councillor M. Merrigan
“To ask the Chief Executive what measures, if any, are being considered to streamline and to simplify the licensing procedures for the placing of street furniture (tables and chairs) and sandwich boards outside commercial premises in town and village centres throughout the County and whether, in the interest of promoting commercial activity and tourism and thus, creating employment opportunities, that a reduction in the licencing fees to nominal levels is being considered in order to stimulate and sustain the growth of a European café-style culture in these areas to increase footfall, attract visitors and to enhance the overall appearance of these areas?” Reply: “In 2011, the Council developed a policy in respect of street furniture on public footpaths. The licensing system was drawn up under the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Planning and Development Regulations 2001 as amended. As part of this policy review, Transportation Department updated the policy in respect of all street furniture including tables and chairs and also the display of goods. Under this review, the Council reduced the fee to licence advertisement structures on a public road from €630 to €125 (Planning & Development Regulations). To further support businesses, a single application form for all street furniture licences was developed so as to reduce the level of paperwork required by businesses seeking to make multiple licence applications. Each application on receipt will be assessed by the Area Traffic Engineer, taking account of the requirement for such items and suitability of the location having consideration for the safety of pedestrians and other road users. The annual license fee for street furniture is as follows: Tables and Chairs €50 per square metre and €125 per table (includes accompanying chairs) per year A sandwich or A-board is €50 per year (€150 for a 3 year licence) A case, rack, shelf or other structure is €50 per year (€150 for a 3 year licence) This year (2014), in an attempt to maximise compliance, and in recognition of the contribution of local businesses to the character and visual enhancement of the public space and street-scape, the Council again significantly reduced the licence fee for signage and other structures to €50 per year. This fee applies to all applicants for street furniture up to and including no more than two tables and a seating provision for up to 4 persons. A fee will be charged to businesses above this threshold recognising that their core business activity is benefiting financially.
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The revised licensing system outlined above, is noted as being received well by businesses, both in terms of simplifying the process but also in terms of the fees structure. Compliance among businesses is high.� Contact:
Anne Devine, Senior Engineer, Traffic Section.
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