Councillor M. Merrigan
“That the Chief Executive urgently commissions a fire safety audit to be undertaken to assess the dangers posed by the lack of fire exits, with the exception of the front door, in any of second floor apartments in Barrett Street, Cumberland Street, Dominick Street, Cross Avenue, Mills Street, Convent Road, Wolfe Tone Avenue and Desmond Avenue as in each case these apartments are accessed by internal wooden staircases and to recommend measures to be implemented by the County Council to improve the safety of its tenants in these second floor social housing units, especially, in the event of an outbreak of fire in the apartments below.” Report: The Council’s housing stock has always been constructed in accordance with the building regulations existing at the time. While building regulations are updated from time to time there is no requirement to amend existing buildings to the new standards. Notwithstanding this when properties are refurbished or re-let every effort is made in as far as is reasonably practicable to renovate to the highest standards including any fire prevention elements. These dwellings were all refurbished in the 1990’s. In the late 2000’s a programme of window replacements, where required, was carried out. The 2006 building regulations Part B at that time required that the window should have an openable section which can provide an unobstructed clear open area of 0.33m2 with a minimum width and height of 450mm in a habitable room and where windows are being replaced in existing dwelling houses, it is recommended that bedroom windows should meet, in as far as practicable the provisions outlined. In the case of other habitable rooms, opening sections should not be reduced or altered to an extent that reduces their potential for escape or rescue. Smoke Alarms are installed in most or our units and, while it is not a requirement, this Council has installed carbon alarms in approximately 1500 units and will continue to do so as units are being re-wired. This Motion implies that all second floor units must be provided with a rear fire escape. This is incorrect; no such requirement exists. The Building Regulations and, before that, Building Bye Laws set out requirements for fire safety, among other matters, in relation to various building types, including flats. Part B of the Building Regulations which deals specifically with fire safety, runs to 170 pages and makes reference to a large number of other standards. The Regulations permit apartment buildings to be constructed with a single escape stairs and, over the last 10 years, a large number of this building type have been built in the County. Contact: Ann Hegarty, Senior Executive Officer, Housing Department.
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