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of of of of
Planning Applications Received Decisions Made Appeals Notified by An Bord Pleanála Appeal Decisions made by An Bord Pleanála
FOR WEEK ENDING: 28th September 2018
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“Applications for permission under Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions list for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.”
PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 39 2018 DATED 24/09/2018 TO 28/09/2018 Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0615 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Jun-2018 Central Park GP Co Prop Co Limited Central Park, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18 Permission for development. The development will consist of: Removal of 1 no.. existing freestanding advertising structure adjoining the Leopardstown Road in the north-east corner of the site and replacement with 1 no. freestanding approach signage sculpture (17.5 m. (l) x 2.5 m. (w) x 5 m. (h)); Erection of 1 no. freestanding entrance signage sculpture at the Leopardstown Road entrance (1.9 m. (i) x 1.5 m. (w) x 10 m. (h)); Removal of 5 no. existing freestanding signage totems within the site and erection of 9 no. freestanding signage totems (each 0.8 m. (i) x 0.2 m. (w) x 3 m. (h)) and 4 no. freestanding way-finding totems (each 1.2 m. (i) x 0.2 m. (w) x 1.2 m. (h)) at various key locations within the site; and associated ancillary site works. Permission Additional Information: 27-Sep-2018
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0705 Application Rec’d Date: 20-Jul-2018 Agata & Tomasz Byrdy 4 Rockville Drive, Stradbrook, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Demolition of single storey garage and shed to the side of the existing semi-detached two storey dwelling. 2. Construction of a two storey flat roof extension to the side. 3. Construction of single storey part two storey flat roof extension to the rear. 4. Attic conversion with velux roof lights. 5. Internal and elevational alterations to the front, side and rear of the existing house. 6. Widening of existing vehicular entrance. 7. New landscaping, drainage and associated site works. Permission Additional Information: 26-Sep-2018
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0722 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Jul-2018 Eoin & Ciara Dowling 12 Longford Terrace, Monkstown, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission to reinstate this Protected Structure into a single family dwelling. To upgrade the single glazing to double glazing in the existing sash windows and for under floor heating throughout with new floor boards. Existing plumbing and electrics replaced. Damp proof system installed in the lower ground floor along with the staircase reinstated and a new en-suite and utility area added. All
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unoriginal stud partitions removed. Lower ground floor front façade door replaced with a sash window and new door fitted under external staircase entrance. New external steps added at lower ground floor level. New vehicular gates added. New kitchen added along with two new doors to the rear façade. Access bridges added to the rear. Bathroom fitted in rear return upper ground floor and master en-suite fitted on second floor. Panel moulds added to walls, lean to shed demolished at rear.A protected structure. Permission Additional Information: 25-Sep-2018
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0905 Application Rec’d Date: 24-Sep-2018 Stephen Moore 24, Ludford Road, Dublin 16 Permission for the construction of a new two storey semi-detached dwelling to include living room W.C., dining / kitchen area at ground floor level. no 3 bedrooms and bathroom at first floor level. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0906 Application Rec’d Date: 24-Sep-2018 Claudia and Peter Kennedy 13, Ashgrove, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission for development consisting of the provision of a new vehicular entrance to front of property and associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0907 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Sep-2018 Paul Hegarty and Sinead Doohan 47, Kilgobbin Heights, Stepaside, Dublin 18 Permission for development consisting of : demolition of the existing side garage; the provision of a new ground and first floor extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling; widening of the existing front vehicular entrance and associated works on a site area of 0.047 ha. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0908 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Sep-2018 Anne-Marie and Ronan Corbett 118 Silchester Park, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the demolition of the existing attached side single-storey garage, construction of a new two-storey side and front extension; construction of a new single-storey rear extension; conversion of the existing attic; construction of a new dormer roof window on the rear; and general alterations and refurbishment of the existing house. The site works include proposals to widen the existing front vehicular entrance and carry out drainage and landscaping works.
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Application Type Permission Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0909 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Sep-2018 Padraig and Caroline Shanahan Saint Ronans, Dundrum Road, Dublin Permission to a) demolish existing single storey extension to the south of existing dwelling, b) construct a 2 storey side comprising of Living / dining area at ground floor and 1 no. bedroom and ensuite at 1st floor c) ground floor rear kitchen extension incorporating rear balcony and external steps to rear garden d) semi basement multipurpose room to rear under kitchen extension e) internal modification and all associated site development works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0910 Application Rec’d Date: 26-Sep-2018 Mr and Mrs Kilgallon 44A Balally Park, Dundrum, Dublin 16. Permission to construct a one storey extension to the rear of existing house containing kitchen, dining and family room and a small porch to the front. In addition planning permission is sought to replace existing hipped roof at attic level with a gabled roof containing artist studio complete with dormer window plus 2 No. velux roof lights to the rear plus the proposed enlargement of existing vehicular entrance gate to the front. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0911 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Graham and Laura Caffrey 1, Waltersland Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin Permission consisting of: 1) Demolition of existing garage / shed and chimney to the side and removal of existing dormers to the front and rear. b) Construction of new two storey extension to side and front. 3) 1no. new dormer to the front and 1no. new dormer to the rear. 4) Alterations to the existing roof including new velux to the front, new gable walls and new higher chimney to the side. 5) Revision to existing front, side and rear elevations. 6) Widening existing vehicular driveway to 3.5M in width and all associated site, drainage and landscaping works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0912 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Ellen McMahon Green Gates, Adelaide Road, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for demolition of existing bungalow and adjacent stables building with combined footprint of 142 sqm, the Reinstatement of garden wall facing Adelaide Road to previous location within boundary line of site with 2 sliding gates for vehicle
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access (relocation of wall previously approved Reg. Ref. D15A/0119) and the construction of 2 no. 3 bedroom 2 storey houses over basement, with Ridge Height of 6995 mm and with combined footprint of 153sqm . The reinstated wall facing Adelaide Road is proposed to include 2 no. 3500mm sliding gates with 1000mm of 1100mm high walls on either side of each gate to accommodate off street parking for each house. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0913 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 John Wilson Seafort, Anastasia Lane, off Sorrento Road, Dalkey,Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the demolition of existing house, construction of 2 new 2 storey 3 bedrooom houses, with 3 parking spaces each, a new driveway and 4 crossovers and associated works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0914 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Sterrin O'Shea & Kieran Gilmartin 1 Phoenix Terrace, Blackrock, Co Dublin (A Protected Strucutre) Permission for a single storey flat roof (sedum finish) extension to the side at ground level (c.20 sqm) and a single storey flat roof (sedum finish) extension to the rear at basement level (c.18 sqm), together with refurbishment works. Basement works will include partial removal of return walls and some internal walls, together with new steel beams to allow open plan with a new concrete slab at reduced floor level. Proposal also includes relocation of boundary wall pier to facilitate access to side extension/bin store and all associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0915 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 David and Sarah McCarrick 56, Westbrook Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for development consisting of a) Convert existing attic space to living accommodation including new roof window and new dormer window to west (front) elevation a new dormer window to east (rear) elevation and b) east (rear) two storey roof alteration / extension, all to existing semi-detached dwelling using existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0916 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Eddie and Jodie Tingle Louvain Villa, Louvain, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for the subdivision of the existing property
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and the construction of a new single-family detached house, of two storeys, with a new vehicular entrance on to Roebuck Road to the side. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0918 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Paul Murphy 22 Brighton Place, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission to demolish existing single storey garage/utility extension to side and construct new two and half storey detached house with ancillaries to side garden. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0919 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 James Francis Mahon 13 Rathmichael Road, Shankill, Dublin 18 Permission for replacement of existing septic tank and percolation area in new location and new 3-bedroom dormer bungalow, wastewater treatment plant and percolation area, new entrance, gates and walls and associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0920 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Jean Bennett 6 Idrone Terrace, Blackrock, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission for the construction of a single-storey extension to the rear of the property, refurbishing the property, provision of ensuite bathroom, widening the vehicular access from the rear laneway, provision of a roof-light in the existing return, provision of two car parking spaces in the rear garden, minor internal alterations and all associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd
D18A/0921 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Ruth Tracey 1 Cenacle Grove, Killiney Hill Road, Killiney, Co Dublin Permission for change to permitted development D17A/0416 to include: 1. Change to basement and ground floor layouts. 2. Additional 1st floor level with single span pitched roofs. 3. Change to permitted external finishes (permitted brick finish changed to cut-stone and render). Overall floor area increase from 313 sqm to 417 sqm (additional 1st floor level), demolition of existing garage and side wall and all ancillary site works relevant to the development. Permission
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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0922 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Jennifer O'Riordan Rear of Fareham, Silchester Road, Glenageary, Co Dublin A96 E4F1 Permission for the construction of a two storey domestic dwelling (with a gross floor area of 364 sqm and a maximum height of 10m) and all associated services and facilities to the rear of Fareham. The development includes the demolition of the existing garage to the east of Fareham and partial demolition of the property boundary wall at Silchester Road to facilitate the creation of independent access to the property from Silchester Road and relocation of existing entrance to the front of Fareham. Fareham and part of the application boundary are located within the Silchester Road Architectural Conservation Area. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0923 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Philip & Christina Marr 11 Beech Park Avenue, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of a new separate three bedroom single-family dwelling (143 sqm) within the grounds of a current residential property, including a new vehicular entrance on an existing laneway. Development will consist of the following: 1. Demolition of existing outbuilding (grass roofed shed). 2. The removal of the pitched roof on an existing single-storey, timber frame structure (living space) while retaining the structures walls at ground level for the construction of an upper storey (42 sqm) to provide two bedrooms. 3. The construction of a single storey extension (68 sqm) providing living and kitchen area and one bedroom. 4. Associated site works and landscaping including a new vehicular entrance gate off the laneway (adjoining Foxrock Wood). Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0924 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Mary J Quigley Parousia, Torquay Road, Dublin D18 Y886 Permission and Retention Permission for: 1. Retention Permission for unauthorised conversion of single-storey ancillary building to accessible residential Granny-Flat and Live-In Carer use. 2. Permission for the construction of a single storey link between the main dwelling house and ancillary building along with all associated and ancillary site development works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location
D18B/0318 Application Rec’d Date: 23-Jul-2018 David Nolan & Louise Curran 25 Ballinteer Drive, Dublin D16 ND70
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Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing semidetached house. The construction of a single storey entrance porch to the front with a pitched roof, a two storey extension along the entire side of the dwelling to include wc, utility, playroom and 2 bedrooms, a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling to include kitchen and family room all with associated internal alterations, extension of existing pitched roof over the two storey extension, flat roof to rear extension, solar panels to west facing pitched roof and roof lights to rear all with an overall floor area of 75 sqm all on a site of 0.0363 hectare with all associated site works. Permission Additional Information: 24-Sep-2018
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0415 Application Rec’d Date: 24-Sep-2018 David and Ailish McGlew 12, Sycamore Court, Carriglea Downs, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Retention of existing single storey side extension and permission to construct a single storey extension to the rear with a side extension on ground floor and first floor. Front section of first floor to partially overhang side passage. The proposal consist of a flat roof on the two storey extension and a flat roof extension with a roof light on the rear single storey section and a BBQ area to rear with canopy over. Internal alterations to accommodate new design layout at ground and first floor level. Connection to existing county council soil and surface water and all associated site works. Permission for Retention
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0416 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Sep-2018 Eoin and Emma Madigan 87 Ballyedmonduff Road, Stepaside, Dublin 18 Permission for a new 2 storey rear house extension, including alteration and refurbishment to the existing single storey house creating a four bedroom family home with associated external works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0417 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Sep-2018 Deirdre Doran 18, Kingston Rise, Dublin 16, D16 YT72 Permission is sought for the conversion of attic to storage including a dormer window to the rear at roof level, extending a portion of the front roof and a velux rooflight to the front. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.
Application Rec’d Date: 25-Sep-2018
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Applicant Name Location Proposal
Frank Monahan 11A, Birchfield Lawn, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, D14 F8Y4 Permission is sought for conversion of attic to storage including changing the existing hipped end roof to a gable end roof, a dormer window to the rear a velux rooflight to the front all at roof level and raising the existing chimney. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0419 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Aodhan Breen 4A, Avondale Lawn, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Dublin Permission for development comprises of the attic conversion including the construction of a dormer structure to the rear and new velux window to the front of the existing end of terrace house. The development also consists of alterations to the first floor layout with all associated site and services works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0420 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Jerry Grant 90 Carysfort Park, Carysfort, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for extension and alterations to an existing detached dwelling house. The development will consist of the demolition of an existing single storey lean-to kitchen return, the construction of a new single storey extension to the side and rear of the existing house, internal refurbishment and remodelling works and all associated site development, drainage and landscaping works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0421 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2018 Peter Walsh 16 Priory Drive, Stillorgan, Co Dublin A94 AN82 Permission for new pedestrian entrance gate in existing stone boundary wall from Treesdale to the rear of No. 16 Priory Drive. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
Application Type Further Information/
D18B/0422 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2018 Martin & Tamara Dormer 10 Heather Park, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for Retention of: 1. Changes to extensions constructed to the front, rear and side of existing dwelling house to that as granted under previous planning application D17B/0158. These changes include revisions to all elevations and for changes in layout of the extensions. 2. Provision of new basement level under the extension to the rear of the house. Permission for Retention
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Clarification of F.I. Recd IMPORTANT NOTE RE: PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR PROTECTED STRUCTURES 13 sets of all documents / drawings must be submitted by applicants, to the Planning Authority when lodging a planning application for proposed works to:- (i) a protected structure, (ii) within the curtilage of a protected structure or (iii) within an Architectural Conservation area (ACA).
END OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 39 2018 DATED 24/09/2018 TO 28/09/2018 _____________________________________________________________ “In deciding a planning application the Planning Authority, in accordance with Section 34 (3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, has had regard to submissions and observations received in accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to 2011. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined in their applications�.
PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 39 2018 DATED 24/09/2018 TO 28/09/2018 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D17A/0876 GRANT PERMISSION 25-Sep-2018 JC Decaux Ireland Ltd North-East side of Loughlinstown Roundabout facing the N11 at Loughlinstown, Co Dublin Proposal Permission for the replacement of 2 no. 48 sheet illuminated static advertising displays, 1 no. 64 sheet illuminated advertising display and 1 no. 96 sheet illuminated advertising display with 2 no. 48 sheet (6.4m wide x 3.35m high) Premiere internally illuminated advertising displays and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0493 CLARIFICATION OF FURTHER INFORMATION 26-Sep-2018 Eagle Horizons Limited Building 2, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 T672 Permission for the construction of a new two storey gymnasium building and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0509 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Coshon Two Ltd Aikens Village, Village Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for modifications to the previously permitted residential development, permitted under planning Reg. Ref. D16A/0393, consisting of the division of the terrace of 6 houses located at units 39-44 into two terraces of three houses with a break, introduced between units 41 and 42
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and units 39, 40 and 41 relocated further north than their permitted location; for modifications to house Type C1, occurring at unit no. 28, resulting from reorientation of the unit in compliance with Condition no. 2 of Reg. Ref. D16A/0393, including a redesign of the internal layout and all elevations; for modifications to house Type B, occurring at unit no. 22, consisting of additional 4.0 sqm gross floor area for the provision of a utility room at ground floor level and associated amendments to the rear elevation; for modifications to house Type F, occurring at units no. 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, consisting of amendments to the rear elevation and roof pitch and arrangement in order to provide adequate head height to first floor rooms along the rear elevation. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0573 GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Ian Cluskey 30, Vale View Avenue, The Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 Permission is sought for development consisting of: demolition of the existing garage conversion, associated rear extension, shed and boiler chimney and the construction of new two storey two bedroom house with pitched roof and roof-lights all to the side of the existing house with associated minor alterations to the existing property and ancillary site work. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0593 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Zena Ross and Jason Mulvaney 203, Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission for the following: Demolition of the garage and utility room to the side, and the construction of a part two storey; part single storey, extension (104sq.m) to the side and rear, of the existing residence. The extension will include the following: - (i) A two storey Montessori preschool (75sq.m) for twenty two children to the side, and (ii) a single storey extension (29sq.m) to the rear of the residence. Planning Permission is also sought for (a) three car parking spaces and four bicycle spaces to the front of the property, (b) sign at entrance to property, and (c) minor changes to front fenestration, attenuation works and all site works associated with the proposed development. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0611 GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2018 David Keogh rear of Hamilton Lodge (a Protected Structure Ref. RPS 374), Mount Merrion Avenue and South Hill Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Proposal Permission is sought for the construction of one no. part single storey / part two storey dwelling houses, single storey plant room / store, one new vehicular entrance and all associated site works.A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.
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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 24-Sep-2018 Maxbelle Junction Limited Unit R-A2P, Block A2, Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford Business District, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Proposal Permission is sought for a change of use development. The development will consist of the change of use (113sq.m in size) now vacant, from the previous use as a dry cleaner, to use as a yoga studio with associated ancillary works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0745 GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Tiger Wood Fire Pizza and Bake Ltd Ground Floor, Block 2, Laurkur House, Deans Grange Road, Deansgrange, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Proposal Permission is sought for development at this site. The development consists of a change of use at ground floor level from existing vacant former plumbing supply shop, to proposed artisan pizza take-out, with related internal alterations; changes to shopfront including new signage and revised entrance location; changes to windows and doors to rear and all related services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0746 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 24-Sep-2018 Caoimhe McCahey 15 Trees Avenue, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for change of house type granted under previous planning ref. no. D15A/0582 and connect to existing services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0748 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 25-Sep-2018 Ditton Investments Limited Lands between Deansgrange Cemetery and Deansgrange Motors at Deansgrange Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Proposal Permission for Retention on a temporary 3 year basis for development. The development will consist of: 1. Change of Use of front and rear gardens of derelict house known as Chicamauga from residential use to display of cars for sale. 2. Change of use of rear garden of derelict house, known as Marylands, from residential to display of cars for sale. 3. Erection of a Portakabin canteen to rear of former Statoil Service Station. 4. Erection of a car valet shed, parts shed / containers and general storage shed to the rear of the former Statoil Headquarters. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0749 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 24-Sep-2018 Pauline McCarthy 39 Ferncarrig Rise, Kilgobbin Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18
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Permission for the widening of existing vehicular entrance, the construction of a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling house and all associated site works (including glazed roof lights). Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0750 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 24-Sep-2018 Helen Moloney Hylbrook, Quarry Road, Rathmichael, Co Dublin Permission for the part demolition (60 sqm) of existing house (245 sqm). The retained portion of existing house (185 sqm) will be reclad in part render and part brick and include significant changes to window and roof arrangement. The works will include single storey brick and render extensions totalling 171 sqm over a lower ground floor non-habitable storage room of 44 sqm. The extensions will include a low pitch roof behind parapet, balcony to front of house and a flat roofed entrance foyer. The works will also include changes to front boundary wall to Quarry Road and all associates site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0752 GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2018 Better Value Unlimited Company Former Playwright Public House, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94 DA33 Proposal Permission for: A. Erection of 4 no. internally illuminated shop signs. B. Provision of new roof plant comprising of Air Handling/Dry Air Cooler Units and Plant Louvered Screen. C. All other associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0753 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Angela Kenny & Rรณnรกn ร Muirthile 84 Pearse Gardens, Sallynoggin, Co Dublin A96 Y9H0 Permission for the demolition of the existing porch to the side and the single storey extension to the rear of the house. The proposed development includes the construction of single storey extensions to the front, side and rear of the existing house. It is proposed to build a new dormer roof window to the rear. Permission is also being sought to widen the vehicular access from Pearse Gardens. It is proposed to provide new gate access to the side of the house. The proposed development includes roof lighting and sundry other minor works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0754 REFUSE PERMISSION 27-Sep-2018 Keith Jackson & Justyna Benko Desmar, 15 Railway Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin A96 Y4D9 Permission for the demolition of the existing single storey return and construction of a two storey return and new window to the second storey of the rear elevation of the existing building, currently operating as a B&B.
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It will also involve the construction of a new two storey mews house to the rear of number 15 with on-site parking space to the rear of the site to be accessed from St Patrick's Avenue with alterations to the elevation of the garden wall and all associated internal and ancillary works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0755 GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Arbour Hills Alternative Asset Fund 1 Ltd Rockville Gate Lodge, Rockville House, Glenamuck Road South, Kiltiernan, Dublin 18 (The Gate Lodge is a Protected Structure) Proposal Permission for the construction of a single storey extension (48.84 sqm in area, 6.238m in height) to the rear of the existing Gate Lodge (also known as Rockville Lodge), renovations to the existing Gate Lodge and all associated site works. The proposed extension and renovations will integrate the Gate Lodge with the permitted residential development (Reg. D17A/0793).A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0756 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 26-Sep-2018 Naoise & David Wilkinson 10 Castlepark Road, Sandycove, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of existing terraced part 2 storey / part 3 storey dwelling and the subsequent construction of a new single storey extension to the rear; modification of existing windows and doors; new external insulation to the rear; widening of existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0757 GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2018 Mohamed Alkurd t/a L'OMBRE Unit 2 Nutgrove Shopping Centre, Dublin 14 Permission for Change of Use of first floor (53 sqm) from storage to retail/hairdresser. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0758 REFUSE PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Shane McInerney Spar Supermarket, 35 Gledswood Drive, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for alterations and additions to approved development D17A/0600 at first floor and attic level to provide 2 no. 2-bed apartments including a dormer extension at attic level to the front elevation (north) in lieu of 1 no. approved 3-bed apartment and part of the existing first floor commercial area (4.96 sqm store) and all ancillary development works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________
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Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0759 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2018 David & Aoife Mangan 14 Saint Vincents Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94 YH97 Permission for the widening of a gate entrance to include removal of existing wall and fence at the front boundary, with the provision of a dropped footpath kerb to allow for vehicular access to 2 no. new car parking bays, together with associated ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0762 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2018 Rory & Vera O'Connor 7 Haddington Park, Glenageary, Co Dublin, A96 X6Y3 Permission for single storey extension to rear of single storey detached house, also addition of external insulation to sides and rear, roof lights to sides and rear, and associated site works including widened gateway. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18A/0763 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 28-Sep-2018 WL Nowlan Real Estate Advisors, Brennanstown Co-Ownership 0.55 hectare site on the western side of the junction of Old Bray Road and Brennanstown Road, Cabinteely Village, Dublin 18 Proposal Permission for construction of a 34 no. unit residential development comprising a terrace of 10 no. three storey three bedroom houses (ranging from 124.58 to 125.17 sqm) with 2 no. surface car parking spaces each; 13 no. two bedroom apartments (ranging from 71.7 to 120 sqm) and 11 no. duplex apartments (1 no. two bedroom [88 sqm] and 10 no. three bedroom [ranging from 121 to 146.7 sqm]) in 2 no. blocks - a three storey block along the Old Bray Road frontage and a two/three storey block along the Brennanstown Road frontage; the provision of a landscaped courtyard incorporating internal access routes, communal open space, children's play area, 24 no. surface car parking spaces (including 2 no. accessible parking spaces), 84 no. covered cycle parking spaces, 2 no. motorcycle parking spaces, an electricity substation and bin storage building; the construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access to the site from Old Bray Road and 1 no. pedestrian entrance from Breannanstown Road and all other site works above and below the ground required to facilitate the development, including the installation of photovoltaic panels on the apartment block and houses and the formation of 8 no. openings in the existing boundary wall on the Old Bray Road and Brennanstown Road frontages. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0764 GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2018 Tomas O'Connor 35 Drummartin Road, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of existing single storey extension to rear and construction of a new full width single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling, alterations to existing dwelling to facilitate the above works,
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widening of existing vehicular entrance from Drummartin Road, together with all ancillary site works and landscaping. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0777 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2018 Jason & Laura Milne 9 Wynnsward Park, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for extensions and alterations to an existing two storey semidetached dwelling, comprising: A. Demolition of existing single storey garage, covered walkway and outhouses to the side. B. Construction of an infill porch to the front door, a single storey flat roof extension to the side and a part two storey/part single storey flat roof extension to rear. C. Internal and elevational alterations which includes an increase in size to the existing first floor window above the front door. D. Widening of existing vehicular entrance to 3500mm. E. All associated site and landscaping works. The proposed works result in an increase in habitable floor area from 141 sqm to 215 sqm. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18A/0907 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 28-Sep-2018 Paul Hegarty and Sinead Doohan 47, Kilgobbin Heights, Stepaside, Dublin 18 Permission for development consisting of : demolition of the existing side garage; the provision of a new ground and first floor extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling; widening of the existing front vehicular entrance and associated works on a site area of 0.047 ha. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0091 GRANT PERMISSION 25-Sep-2018 Ray Traynor 88 Granville Road, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for: A. Single storey flat roof extension to rear with internal alterations including 2 obscure glass windows to side. B. Conversion of the attic space with dormer type flat roof to rear, all to existing dwelling house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0252 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 24-Sep-2018 Michael McWeeney 8, Hyde Park Gardens, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Retention permission. The development consisted of a single storey side extension. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.
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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Sean Crowley, St John of God Housing Association Clg 30 Obelisk Walk, Saint Augustine's Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94 Y4X0 Permission for a single storey extension to the side and rear, also modifications to existing structure, namely window and door openings altered and application of external insulation. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18B/0336 GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Laurence and Ruth Hill Hill House (formerly known as Camolin), Brennanstown Road, Carrickmines, Dublin 18 Proposal Permission for a single storey extension to front, (total floor area of proposed ground floor extension = 14.0sqm) of existing single storey detached dwelling (total floor area of existing dwelling = 169.0sqm), conversion of existing attic space to provide bedroom accommodation (total floor area of first floor accommodation = 34.5sqm), amendments to roof profile to include new dormer window to front elevation, new hipped roof treatment to rear of dwelling to replace existing flat roof, 7no. 'velux' type roof windows to existing roof surfaces, together with minor elevational amendments and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0337 GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Ross Lauder 2, Sandyford Hall Close, Dublin 18 Permission is sought for a single-storey kitchen/dining and playroom to the rear, a two-storey study, two bathrooms, utility and store to the side and first floor bedroom extension to the rear and a store-room attic extension and dormer window to the rear. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0339 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Dervila O'Mahony 84B Mount Albany, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Construction of single storey extension to rear and side with flat roof detail and 3 no. roof lights. 2. Construction of porch to front of property. 3. Internal modifications and all ancillary works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal Application Type
D18B/0340 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Marguerite Harvey 172 Clonkeen Road, Deansgrange, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission to construct a single storey rear extension to existing terraced two storey house and all associated site works. Permission
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____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0343 GRANT PERMISSION 24-Sep-2018 Hossam Bilasy 19 Sandyford Hall Place, Sandyford, Dublin D18 V0H1 Permission for the conversion of the attic to a bedroom with dormer type flat roof to rear of existing dwelling house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0344 REFUSE PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Christina & Laura Langenberg 57 The Larches, Abberley, Killiney, Co Dublin Permission for: A. Single storey flat and mono-pitch extension to side and rear. B. Attic conversion with two storey flat roof element to rear and roof lights to front roof. C. Associated internal modifications and site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0345 GRANT PERMISSION 25-Sep-2018 Shane Murphy & Tara Chambers Annaville, Sandyford Village, Dublin D18 WP8C Permission for construction of: 1. New ground floor single storey extension to rear. 2. Attic conversion with dormer style window to rear including increase in ridge height to existing roof level. 3. All associated site development works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0346 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Rita Reilly 15, Clonlea, The Rise, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission is sought for conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, raising of existing gable c/w window, new access stairs and dormer to the rear. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D18B/0348 Decision GRANT PERMISSION Decision Date 28-Sep-2018 Applicant Name Lesley Harrison Location 7 Saint Helens Villas, Rock Road, Booterstown, Co Dublin Proposal Permission to install two roof lights to front roof slope. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date
D18B/0356 REFUSE PERMISSION 28-Sep-2018
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Applicant Name Location Proposal
Sarah Robson & Ronan Flood 210 Roebuck Castle, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for: 1. The construction of a ground floor single storey extension to the rear as living space. 2. A single storey extension to the side as store/plant room. 3. A single storey first floor extension to the rear of the first-floor bedrooms with sedum green roof. 4. The conversion of the attic to a bedroom with associated dormer roof and windows to the rear and 2 no. roof light to the front. 5. The removal of the existing chimney stack. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0405 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 25-Sep-2018 Aodhan Breen 4A, Avondale Lawn, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission for development comprises of the attic conversion including the construction of a dormer structure to the rear and new velux window to the front of the existing end of terrace house. The development also consist of alterations to the first floor layout with all associated site and services works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0406 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 25-Sep-2018 Peter Walsh 16, Priory Drive, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, A94 AN82 Permission is sought for a new pedestrian entrance gate in existing stone boundary wall from Treesdale to the rear of the site. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D18B/0407 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 25-Sep-2018 Ken Fogarty and Niamh Stewart 1A, Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for extension and alterations to the existing dwelling house. The proposed works will incorporate: A) Demolition of existing single-storey garage to side and porch to front, demolition of 2 no. existing single-storey extensions, one to side and one to rear B) Construction of a new two-storey pitched roof extension to the side of the existing house, a new single-storey flat roof porch to front and a new single-storey flat roof extension to the rear, all totalling 117 sqm(including 35 sqm exempted development). C) Conversion of the attic space to a study room with 2 no. new rooflights to rear, 1 no. to front in existing pitched roof. D) Associated demolitions and internal layout alterations. E) All associated drainage, landscaping and site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D18B/0410 WITHDRAW THE APPLICATION 28-Sep-2018 George Dunbar 35 Rosemount Estate,, Dundrum,, Dublin 14.
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Proposal Application Type
Retention permission of two obscured glazed windows at first floor level in west facing gable wall elevation. Permission for Retention
END OF PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 39 2018 DATED 24/09/2018 TO 28/09/2018 ______________________________________________________________ APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 39 2018 DATED 24/09/2018 TO 28/09/2018 ____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:
Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:
D18A/0689 18-Jul-2018 The Wood, Ballyedmonduff Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of a detached dwelling which will comprise of: A. The construction of single and part two storey. The ground floor plan (140 sqm) consists of 4 no. bedrooms, the first floor (88 sqm) consists of a study, wc, open plan kitchen/dining, living room with a separate utility room. B. an extension of the existing driveway. C. A packaged waste water treatment system and polishing filter. D. All associated ancillary works and landscaping. The total overall floor area will be 228 sqm on an overall site area of 0.3035 hectares. REFUSE PERMISSION 28-Sep-2018 Appeal against Refusal of Permission
Type Of Appeal:
1st Party Appeal
____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:
Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:
D18A/0657 06-Jul-2018 Beech Hill Office Campus, Beech Hill Road, Dublin 4 Permission for the demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 3-5 storey office building over basement on a 0.278 hectares' site. The proposed development will comprise the following elements: 1. The demolition of c.240 sqm of existing structures consisting of an electricity substation and communications rooms. 2. The construction of an office building ranging in height from 3 no. storeys to 5 no. storeys (max height 20.1m) over basement with a total GFA of c.3182 sqm and an office net floor area of c.2616 sqm private open space in the form of a roof terrace at 3rd floor level of c.130 sqm, .420 sqm of green roof and c.85 sqm of solar panels. 3. The proposed development incorporates a basement of c.1004 sqm GFA and will accommodate 28 no. car parking spaces, 16 no. long-stay bicycle parking spaces, a mechanical room of c.63 sqm, water tank room of c.26 sqm, electrical room of c.27 sqm and a combined welfare facilities area of c.61 sqm. 4. The construction of an electricity substation of c.43 sqm. 5. 26 no. surface level car parking spaces, 16 no. short-stay surface level bicycle parking spaces, c.400 sqm of public open space in the form of a landscaped courtyard and all associated site works. REFUSE PERMISSION 26-Sep-2018 Appeal against Refusal of Permission
Type Of Appeal:
1st Party Appeal
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______________________________________________________________ APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 39 2018 DATED 17/09/2018 TO 21/09/2018
Reg. Ref. Appeal Decision Appeal Decided Council’s Decision Location Proposed Development
D17A/0240 GRANT PERMISSION New Determination Date Due: 25-May-2018 20-Sep-2018 REFUSE PERMISSION Thornhill House, Cherrygarth, Mount Merrion, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission for development. The proposed development comprises of 47 no. dwellings provided as follows; 33 no. apartments including 3 no. 1bed, 24 no. 2-bed and 6 no. 3-bed apartments with balconies/terraces in a 3-4 storey apartment building over single basement level and rooflights on the roof; 14 no. houses including 1 no. 5-bed 3-storey semi-detached house, 3 no. 4-bed 2-storey semi-detached houses, 2 no. 4-bed 3-storeys semi-detached houses and 8 no. 5 bed 3-storey terraced houses; each will have a private garden and an option for solar panels on the roof; 78 no. car spaces and 55 no. cycle spaces at basement and surface level; All associated site development works including site clearance works, landscaping, open space, boundary treatments, ESB substation, site services and infrastructure, bin stores and plant at basement level and ancillary signage. Vehicular and pedestrian access to / from Cherrygarth is via the existing access on the eastern boundary which is to be relocated and upgraded and via a proposed access on the southern boundary. 2 no. controlled pedestrian accesses are provided to the existing public open space area in the eastern part of the site. A footpath is proposed along part of southern site boundary adjoining Cherrygarth. Permission is also sought for the laying of a new surface water sewer outfall and a new foul sewer outfall to connect to the existing public sewers to the south of the site. All on a site of c. 1.39 ha (excluding sewer connections) within the grounds of Thornhill House (A protected Structure). Applicant David Doyle ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D17A/0707 Appeal Decision GRANT PERMISSION New Determination Date Due:, New Determination Date Due: 16-May-2018, 30-Jun-2018 Appeal Decided 17-Sep-2018 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Location 0.715 ha at Charleville, Harbour Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Proposed Permission for development shall provide for the demolition of the Development existing Charleville building (c.1,006 sqm)(currently in use by a charitable organisation and not in residential use), the Coach House (198.5sqm)(in established residential use), and other ancillary buildings on the site (c. 122.6 sqm) and the construction of 56 residential units including the replacement of the existing access at Harbour Road with a new, relocated entrance off Harbour Road. The residential development proposed includes four apartment block of generally 4 storeys over basement (plus plant equipment and lift overun), with 4 no. 1-bed units, 42 no. 2-bed units and 10 no. 3-bed units all with associated balconies on the north, south, east and west elevations. Garden terraces are also provided at ground floor level. The development will also include 112 car parking spaces at basement level of the apartment block (c. 3,763 sqm), c. 3,166 sqm of landscaped communal courtyard spaces including a children`s play area, boundary treatment works, and all associated site development works above and below ground including site services and landscape works. The existing spy tower is maintained by the way of this development proposal. Applicant Winterbrook Homes Ltd ________________________________________________________________
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Reg. Ref. Appeal Decision Appeal Decided Council’s Decision Location Proposed Development
D17A/0851 WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION ON APPEAL 20-Sep-2018 REFUSE PERMISSION Site 7 Woodberry, Killiney Heath, Killiney, Co Dublin Permission to construct a new detached two storey 4 bedroom dwelling house (325 sqm) together with a new vehicular entrance off Killiney Heath and all associated site works. Applicant Donal Roche ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D17A/1054 Appeal Decision REFUSE PERMISSION New Determination Date Due: 04-Sep-2018 Appeal Decided 18-Sep-2018 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Location Site of c. 0.48 ha at Harrow House, Church Road, Killiney, Co Dublin Proposed Permission for development consisting of modification to Harrow House to Development include the partial demolition of the house (c. 112 sqm), provision of a 2storey rear extension (c. 63 sqm), reconfiguration/modification of internal areas and associated works. Construction of 3 no. 2-storey, 4-bedroom detached dwelling (between c. 213-229 sqm each). The development provides for a new vehicular access from Balure Lane and a new pedestrian access to Church Road, closure of the existing vehicular access to Church Road, new internal access road, open space, car parking, landscaping, boundary treatment works, site development works and services provision. Applicant Hamilton Harrow Development Limited
END OF WEEKLY LIST FOR WEEK 39 2018 Please note that pursuant to Part 4 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as Amended) the following revised list of newspapers approved to carry Planning Application Notices for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has been approved as and from the 5th October, 2017:
The Irish Times The Irish Examiner The Irish Independent The Evening Herald The Irish Star The Sunday Independent The Sunday World Irish Mail on Sunday Irish Daily Mail The Sunday Times The Irish Sun Dublin Gazette South Edition Southside People Sunday Business Post
Applications for Planning Permission must also apply for a Certificate of Exemption (or have been granted one previously) if they propose to build one or more dwelling units (regardless of the total site area).
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RE:-APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 97 OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, AS AMENDED:- THE STATUTORY DECLARATION TEMPLATE PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION IS INTENDED FOR USE AS A GUIDELINE ONLY. When preparing the declaration for submission with the application, item nos. 1 to 9 must be answered/completed by the applicant, (bearing in mind that individual circumstances differ/vary for each applicant). The completed declaration should then be signed by a commissioner for oaths or a practicing solicitor. Please note that in accordance with Section 251 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, (as Amended): “where calculating any appropriate period or other time limit referred to in this Act or in any regulations made under this Act, the period between the 24th December, and the 1st January, both days inclusive shall be disregarded”. Accordingly, all time limits specified in connection with the planning application process, including time limits relating to the maintenance of site notices and receipt of submissions or observations are extended by nine days.
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