Who We Are Vow To Be Chic is the first company to offer designer bridesmaid dress rentals, providing cost savings and convenience to the bridesmaid experience and bringing an age-old tradition into the twenty first century. We’ve recently introduced the Little White Dress category. Now the bride can rent designer brand dresses for all of her wedding-related events.
Our Designers Jenny Yoo • ML Monique Lhuillier • Nicole Miller • Jill Jill Stuart • Tadashi Shoji • Watters • Theia • Jim Hjelm Alvina Valenta • Joanna August • LulaKate • Swoon
How It Works SHOP & RENT Rent designer bridesmaids dresses and Little White Dresses online starting at $50. Our bridal stylists are available for complimentary consultations to help you select the perfect dress and coordinate the bridesmaids’ orders.
TRY ON AT HOME Find the right fit from the comfort of your home. No more scheduling appointments or making multiple store visits. Try-on is included for bridesmaid dresses and optional for Little White Dresses.
WEAR & RETURN One week before the wedding or event, your dress arrives. No more wasting precious closet space with dresses you’ll never wear again. Look and feel fabulous without worrying about a thing. No more wasing precious closet space with dresses you’ll never wear again. After the event, return the dress using the prepaid packaging. We will take care of the rest. It’s that simple.
Our designers designers Our
LulaKate Kate• •Swoon Swoon• •Joanna JoannaAugust August• •Alvina AlvinaValenta Valenta• •Jim JimHjelm Hjelm Lula
Whypartner partnerwith withus us Why Hear From Our Customers
VOLUME SALES EXPANDED MARKETING VOLUME SALES EXPANDED MARKETING To meet growing customer CUSTOMER BASE OPPORTUNIT Y “Working with Vow To Be Chic was by far the most easy, stress-free, and fun part of customer planning To meet growing CUSTOMER BASE OPPORTUNIT Y demand, we build a large Brides are limited by the bridesmaid’s We work closely with our designers my wedding! Kelsey and her incredible team were so helpful and wonderful towework with! demand, build a largeMy Brides are limited by the bridesmaid’s We work closely with our designers inventory that is continuously willingness to pay. Our model enables and Be Inspired PR to elegantly bridesmaids were soelegantly relieved and appreciative that I chose go with such an affordable option inventory that is continuously willingness to pay. Our model to enables and Be Inspired PR to replenished, creating a you to maintain your high-end brand, position your brand, leading to for their dresses without sacrificing quality or style. ” replenished, creatingrelationship a you to maintain your high-end brand, position your brand,and leading to valuable long-term while reaching those untapped customers increased visibility brand - Karenthose L. , untapped Bride customers valuable long-term relationship while increased with our designers. andreaching increasing your market share. loyalty atvisibility no extraand costbrand to you. with our designers. and increasing your market share. loyalty at no extra cost to you.
Contact Us us Contact
Contact us
KELSEY DOOREY KELSE Y DOORE Y KELSE Y DOORE Y Co-Founder andCEO Co-Founder and Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer kelsey@vowtobechic.com Chief Executive Officer kelsey @vowtobechic.com kelsey @vowtobechic.com
ASHLEY LUDGOOD AMY WALKER AMY WALKER Co-Founder and Director of Marketing Co-Founder and Officer Chief Marketing ashley@vowtobechic.com Chief Marketing Officer amy@vowtobechic.com amy@vowtobechic.com
vowtobechic.com @ vowtobechic @vowtobechic vowtobechic @ www.vowtobechic.com www.vowtobechic.com
P r e s s Cl i p p i ng s
br ides.com 09.02.2014
3 Bridesmaid Dress Rental Sites T H AT W I L L M A K E YO U R L I F E A L O T E A S I E R
Choosing your wedding dress is tough enough, but finding a bridesmaid dress that every single one of your girls loves might be even harder. But luckily a few dress rental websites are making the choice for bridal-party wear very simple. They have an extensive selection in every silhouette and shade. Plus, the cost is significantly cheaper than purchasing the designer look outright. To help you find a rentable dress you and your girls will approve of, we rounded up a few of our favorite dress rental sites. Vow to be Chic promises to make sure that the price of your bridesmaids dresses are affordable, with designs starting at just $50 from labels like Nicole Miller, Theia, Tadashi Shoji and Jill Jill Stuart. Once your ladies submit their measurements, the site will send along the most-loved dresses in two sizes to be tried on at home. The bridal party can then send back the dresses they don’t want in the pre-paid packaging provided, and return the ones worn after the festivities are over. (Bonus for brides: The site just launched rentable little white dresses — perfect for your all of your pre-wedding parties!)
i ns t y l e 0 5 .16 .2 014
Bridesmaids Take Note: RE NTA L S A RE N ’ T J UST FOR G ROOMS M E N A N Y MORE
What’s the biggest bridal fashion lie ever told? “You can wear it again.” Being a bridesmaid means you get to stand up beside your best friend for one of the most important days of her life—but it also means you’ll be spending a chunk of change on a dress that you’ll likely never wear again. Bridesmaids-to-be, meet your new savoir: Vow to be Chic. The newly launched website lets you rent bridesmaids dresses online for as little as $95. Here’s how it works: Browse gorgeous designer dresses online, find something you (and the bride!) love. Submit your measurements and, months before the wedding, the site will send you two sizes to try on at home. Return the trial dresses in prepaid packaging and select the size the fit you best—your dress will arrive one week before the wedding. Just return the dress when you’re done with it and it’ll be dry cleaned, pressed, and ready to be rented by the next lucky bridesmaid.
INSTANT TIP Bridesmaids: Make like a groomsman & rent from @VowToBeChic! Rest assured, you can still have the bridal party bonding experience of trying on your gowns together. Vow to be Chic can ship all your dresses to the bride who can pop some champagne and hold a fitting party at her place. Not only do they let you skip the boutique hopping, tailor appointments, and high costs that come with ’maids territory, it’s a great option for green brides. Recycling dresses is an easy way to increase sustainability and cut down consumption. Go ahead, stop letting all the groomsmen have all the fun! Visit Vow to be Chic now and have one of their bridal stylists help your wedding party find the perfect (temporary) dress.
for bes.com 05.11.2014
Head Slap: A Remarkable ‘ W H Y DI DN ’ T I THINK OF TH AT ? ’
Business Idea
WARNING: this idea will make you ask yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Always the bridesmaid? While it still emotionally sucks, at least it will no longer break the bank; that is, if Kelsey Doorey has it her way. Ms. Doorey, Founder and CEO of Vow To Be Chic, believes that men have had it too easy for too long. When they are invited to join a wedding party, they simply roll into a tuxedo shop, rent a suit that (sort of) fits and off they go, fully equipped to sing bad karaoke and do shots at the wedding reception. Kelsey decided that women should be afforded the same hassle-free, economical wedding experience as men, without sacrificing their fashion sensibility. The result of her efforts is an online service that allows brides to select their bridesmaids’ gowns, within a broad range of colors, styles and price points. The dresses are then delivered via FedEx FDX -0.34%, either directly to each bridesmaid’s residence or to the bride, who can elect to hold a “fitting party” in which all the bridesmaids meet to try on their dresses together. After the nuptials are over, rather than forcing the bridesmaids to jam an expensive dress they will never wear again into the back of their closets, they simply return their dresses to Vow To Be Chic via USPS. The gowns are then dry cleaned and readied for the next customer, in the spirit of the emerging sharing economy in which goods are communally used multiple times. Curious to learn more about Kelsey’s seemingly obvious, yet logistically challenging idea, I interviewed her during a rare break in her hectic schedule.
for bes.com 05.11.2014
John Greathouse: Kelsey, for the uninitiated, what is Vow To Be Chic all about? Kelsey Doorey: “Vow To Be Chic is the first company to offer designer bridesmaid dress rentals. We combine e-commerce and the shared economy with the bridal industry to bring an age-old tradition into the 21st century. Guys have been renting tuxes forever and now it’s the ladies turn. Our mission is to make the bridesmaid dress process cost-efficient, convenient and fun.” Greathouse: Vow is no doubt pursuing a noble goal, but let’s face it, many rental tuxes are not great quality, with an emphasis on durability rather than fashion appeal. How will you balance designer dresses that wear out quickly with sturdy, fashion-unfriendly apparel? Doorey: “We are dedicated to carrying only top bridal designer dresses so we know that means fewer wears per dress than typical rental tuxedos, which can rent 100 times each! That said, we are working with our designers to create dresses in fabrics and styles that are more durable and will have a longer life. Our rule of thumb is that we won’t rent a dress that we won’t wear ourselves. Quality is definitely key for us.” Greathouse: Do you fear that renting bridal gowns online will take away from the bride’s overall wedding experience? Doorey: “Not at all, quite the opposite actually. Our brides have said that using Vow has made their experience less stressful and more fun. Men may not realize it, but tensions can arise when brides ask their friends to spend hundreds of dollars on a dress they’ll never wear again and we’ve heard of friendships ending over this! Our brides have loved getting the designer bridesmaid dresses they want and letting us manage the entire process, while our bridesmaids have loved saving money and time. The traditional process requires making appointments at bridal boutiques and driving to numerous stores on multiple occasions for selection, fittings, and pickup. Vow is much more convenient with everything done online and mailed right to their doorstep. We know many brides and bridesmaids are busy, always on-the-go, and used to shopping online, so we created Vow with them in mind. The bridal party can choose to collaborate as little or as much as they want, by hosting a try-on party or having each girl try on her own dresses at her own, for example.” Greathouse: How do you judge your success and to what extent have you met your goals? Doorey: “We have hit our milestones months ahead of schedule and under budget, thanks to our amazing team. We keep our eye on a handful of metrics, but we’re focused on customer satisfaction. We want to ensure that we provide a service our customers value and that they love their full experience with Vow.” Greathouse: You have clearly come up with a compelling business model. Do you have plans to go beyond bridal party wear? Doorey: “For now we’re focused on renting bridesmaids dresses and ensuring each customer has a wonderful experience. We will be moving into other categories based on customer demand. Over $50B are spent in the US wedding industry annually so there’s lots of room for growth and expansion in the wedding industry alone.” ...
N E W YOR K DA I LY N E W S 02.14.2014
Rental bridesmaid dresses give women designer flair w ith o ut th e p r i ce
Kelsey Doorey, a bridesmaid six times, knows just how expensive weddings can be – and a pricey dress is a huge burden. Her website Vow to be Chic rents designer bridesmaid dresses for a fraction of the price, so women can stay on budget without skimping on style. A new rent-a-dress website promises to save penny-pinched bridesmaids cash without sacrificing style. “It’s the designer dress the bride really wants her girls to wear but one she feels bad asking them to buy,” Kelsey Doorey, founder of Vow to be Chic, told the Daily News. She works with high-end bridal designers including Swoon and Alvina Valenta and rents their dresses for a fraction of the price — between $95 and $125. Doorey, who’s been a bridesmaid six times, launched the website last year as a project for business school at UCLA. She won a school contest for the idea, and two venture capitalist judges offered her funding on the spot. “I was supposed to move back to New York City, I already had a post-MBA job lined up,” the 28-year-old said. “But this opportunity came up to start my own business, so I decided to take a leap.”
s t y l e m e p r e t t y.c om 0 9 .0 2.20 1 4
Tips For Stress-Free
BRIDESMAID DRESS SHOPPING Hello beautiful brides, Caitlin here again with a few tips on how to make bridesmaid dress shopping more enjoyable for your girls! I’ve had so many dramatic, tedious experiences selecting maid dresses for weddings and I knew I wanted something different for my ladies. It seems the options are now endless for your bridal party attire – which is both overwhelming and wonderful at the same time! I decided to host a girls night and invited everyone over for a night of cocktails, snacks and dress shopping. I asked them to bring photos of dresses they liked so we could land on a dress that everyone felt confident and happy with! We also took to the internet and browsed sites like J.Crew, Bella Bridesmaid and Vow To Be Chic — which rents dresses. We looked at non-traditonal places like Anthropologie and H&M for non-bridal dresses too. We all found this experience to be much more fun than spending time visiting bridal salons. In the end we
ended up renting our gowns from Vow To Be Chic –I let each girl pick a color and we all decided on a style together and it couldn’t have been easier!
destination w eddings 06.24.2014
Bridesmaid Dress Rentals FOR DESTI N ATION W E D D INGS Groomsmen can rent their tuxes, but bridesmaids have to buy dresses they’ll never wear again? No fair! Vow to be Chic, debuted in April 2014, one-ups the boys by offering online rentals of designer bridesmaid gowns. After submitting their measurements, the girls will receive their frocks in two sizes to ensure the perfect fit. The dresses arrive a week before the big day, and afterward, they’ll send them back in prepaid packaging.
M a rt h a St e wa rt R a dio
Sirius XM 106 Stars VOW TO B E CH I C I nte rview
Welcome to the world of you don’t have to buy it necessarily, you can rent it, which is fantastic.
Not just for guys anymore.
r ef i n ery 29 07.01.201 4
Make Your Closet Happy: RE NT A B RI DES M A ID D RESS
When the bride says, “You can get it hemmed and wear it again!” most bridesmaids politely nod and then shell out the $250 (plus tailoring!), knowing full well that the dress is doomed to live alone in the back of their closets immediately after the wedding. Meanwhile, the groomsmen rent inexpensive tuxes for the day and never have to think about them again. But, if you’re looking to save some money, a new company called Vow to be Chic is poised to help. Now, bridesmaids can rent designer bridesmaids dresses online — both runway designers and department store brands — and return them after the fact. Here’s how it works: Pick a dress on the Vow to Be Chic website and enter your measurements, and they’ll send two different sizes for you to try on at home. (The bride can also host everyone at her place and have all the dresses sent directly to her.) A week before the wedding, they’ll send you the size you chose; after the big day, just send it back in the prepaid envelope and you never have to think about it again. They’ll also dry clean and press the dress so you don’t have to worry about that either. Designer Nicole Miller is the newest addition to the Vow to be Chic collection. Some of our other favorite bridal designers, including Alvina Valenta and Jim Hjelm, can be found in their online shop too, giving brides and maids plenty of options. Many of the dresses retail for more than $400, but rent for as little as $95. Now ,you can enjoy your best gal’s wedding with the same financial freedom that tux-renting groomsmen have been enjoying for years.
ru e da i ly 07.07.201 4
Trends & Shopping
This e-tailer was founded on perhaps the most genius idea ever... designer bridesmaid dress rentals! There is no question that being a bridesmaid is a true honor. We love standing beside our best girlfriends on the most important day of their lives! However, the financial cost can be somewhat intimidating. From bridal showers to bachelorette parties to hair & makeup… the costs can add up quickly. So when we discovered Vow to be Chic, we knew we had to spread the word ASAP! Vow to be Chic is an innovative new e-tailer that offers designer bridesmaid dresses for RENT! Starting at only $95, you can borrow dresses from Joanna August, Nicole Miller, and more. And with every color of the rainbow, there is sure to be one that’s perfect for the upcoming wedding you’re in! We think it’s a great concept- the bride gets the elegance and style she envisions for her big day, and you don’t have to spend your rent money on a dress you’ll only wear once! If you’re still on the fence, here’s how Vow to be Chic works. You and the bride can browse from their large selection of dresses. Once you’ve decided on the one for you, email Vow to be Chic your measurements. They’ll send you 2 dresses that are close to your size. You can them on in the comfort of your own home and decide which is best for you. Send them both back using the pre-paid labels provided. One week before the big day, Vow to be Chic will send you your dress! Enjoy the wedding, look gorgeous, make a perfect toast, catch that bouquet, and when you’re done… drop the dress back in the mail. They’ll cover dry cleaning and the dress will be ready to rent to another fabulous bridesmaid! We have to admit… we’re kicking ourselves for not thinking of this concept first. Vow to be Chic is guaranteed to make the bride AND your wallet happy!
s t y l e m e p r e t t y.c om 0 8 .27.20 1 4
SMP: Tell us a little about Vow to be Chic! Vow: Vow To Be Chic is the first company to offer designer bridesmaid dress rentals online. Our goal is to make the bridesmaid experience affordable, stress-free, and fun! We also just launched little white dress rentals for the bride’s countless wedding-related events, so she can enjoy designer dresses at a fraction of the price too. SMP: How did you get your start in the industry? Vow (Kelsey): I have been a bridesmaid six times already, so I know how expensive and timeconsuming it can be. I also worked in wedding planning in New York City. During my time there I saw how guys could easily rent tuxes for weddings, and it always bothered me that women couldn’t enjoy the same concept.
s t y l e m e p r e t t y.c om 0 8 .27.20 1 4
SMP: The very best part of your job? Vow: We love talking to our happy brides and bridesmaids and hearing how we helped them. It’s an honor to be part of their wedding, one of the most important days of their lives, and we’re thrilled to hear how we made it easier for them. SMP: The worst? Vow: Not being able to attend the weddings! We get to hear all of the details during the planning process. If we could go and hand deliver the dresses and see the end result, how fun would that be?! SMP: One thing you would do differently if you could go back? Vow: We wish we started it sooner! Women constantly tell us they wish we were around for their wedding and how thankful their bridesmaids would have been. If you’re thinking about starting a business, our advice is to go for it! SMP: One thing you wish you knew when you first started your business? Vow: Don’t be afraid to ask! People are very willing to help no matter how unreachable they may seem. We met with CEOs of major companies simply because we emailed them and asked to meet. SMP: A piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out? Vow: Keep the bigger picture in mind. As an entrepreneur you’ll be pulled in a million different directions, so stay focused on your goals and what’s really most important to you! Prioritization is key. SMP: Your secret to success? Vow: A great team! We all have the same goals and work together to achieve them. We are lucky that we genuinely enjoy working together, and that culture makes what we do even better. SMP: Five things that every event needs Vow: Love, champagne, chic dresses, beautiful flowers & dessert. SMP: Any predictions in upcoming trends? Vow: The mix and match style will probably go beyond just style. We’re starting to see bridal parties wearing various styles, colors and designers to suit everyone’s body type. We love this trend since each bridesmaid can look and feel her best and the bride can achieve her exact vision. SMP: One thing that really helped your company thrive? Vow: Candy! We can’t live without it. We always have at least five different kinds of candy in the office – it’s our afternoon fuel! Besides that, our customer’s viral response to Vow helps not only spread the word but also keep us motivated and fuels our love for what we do.
YA HOO 03.14.2014
The bridesmaid dress nightmare ends — w ith o n li n e r e nta l s Kelsey Doorey has been a bridesmaid six times, experiencing the excitement, the emotions — and the expense. While men in wedding parties typically rent their tuxedos, women get stuck paying for dresses they’ll probably never wear again. “Many of my best friends aren’t engaged yet, so I have many more to come,” she says. “It’s an honor, but it’s an expensive honor.” So the 28-year-old recent UCLA business school grad decided to do something about it. Her new company, Vow to be Chic, rents designer dresses for bridesmaids from a website. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a new dress, customers pay $95 to $125 and, after the bride and groom head off into the sunset, the dresses go back.
Exclusive de als The site has struck exclusive deals to carry several of the most popular styles each from five of the eight top designers of bridesmaid dresses, including Swoon and Lula Kate. Every dress is available in multiple colors and a full range of sizes. Traditionally, a bride selects the dress for her bridesmaids, who then each must head to one particular boutique for a fitting. It’s often stressful as well as expensive – think of Katherine Heigl’s character in the movie “27 dresses.” The average designer dress costs about $300, generating $2 billion annually amidst the overall $50 billion spent on weddings in the United States. Vow to be Chic starts by helping a bride select a dress for her bridesmaids online. Then the renting bridesmaids send in their measurements and, way before the wedding, get the dress in two sizes to try on. Once the fit is confirmed, the sizing dresses go back to Vow to Be Chic, which sends final models out just before the nuptials.