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A day in the life of Mayor Barbara Buffaloe

As she approaches the one-year anniversary of her election, Buffaloe takes Vox behind the scenes.



It’s a sunny day in Columbia, and its residents are starting to wake up. Among them is Mayor Barbara Buffaloe, whose day isn’t much different from anyone else’s.

In between board meetings and public appearances, Buffaloe’s time is dedicated to her family, walks with their pup and working out.

Buffaloe won her mayoral campaign in 2022 and will complete her first year in April. Despite the demands of her office, Buffaloe has found a balance to manage her and the city’s needs. Her calendar looks different each day, but Buffaloe has a few habits she sticks to throughout her busy times. “It helps keep me engaged because I have such a variety of things to go over,” Buffaloe says.

6 a.m.

– The day’s getting started

First thing on the mayor’s agenda? The daily Wordle puzzle. Buffaloe and her friends have a longstanding Wordle streak, and she uses the mental exercise to wake herself up. In the meantime, her husband, Lucas Buffaloe, prepares breakfast for their two children and brings her coffee in bed. “For Barb, every day is different,” he says. “It’s hard to predict what’s going to happen. So at least that part of her day can stay the same. She can have a little bit of time to herself, just to kind of collect herself before the day starts.”

The first thing Buffaloe does at her office, besides turning on her computer, is check the metal buffalo on her desk. “The buffalo is where they put (messages) if anyone has called the mayor’s office when I haven’t been here,” Buffaloe says.

7 a.m.

– School drop off

She walks with her son, Benjamin, to elementary school every day, a time they both cherish. Along for the trip is their beloved dog Neko, who enjoys the brisk walk. The rescued black Labrador mix was named after American singer Neko Case. After dropping off her son, Buffaloe works to maintain a healthy lifestyle, squeezing in a pilates class when time allows before heading to work.

10 a.m.

– The

mayor is


Although Buffaloe doesn’t have set working hours, she likes to create her own schedule.

“I usually try to set hours that they can expect to see me in here, so that the city clerk can check in (and) the city manager,” she says.

Buffaloe makes an effort to be in the office between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every weekday. Those four hours are filled mostly with meetings, sometimes emails and about four cups of coffee. “A lot of people think our local elected officials don’t do a lot,” City Clerk Sheela Amin says. “I would say that that’s not true.”

Amin has worked in the city’s offices for two decades and under four different mayors, with Buffaloe as the fourth. She helps organize the city council’s dayto-day and lets them know what’s what.

During Buffaloe’s lunch, it’s usually more meetings with groups such as the Missouri Department of Transportation or the Department of Economic Development to discuss how statewide changes could affect Columbia. On the rare occasion she has a free period, she heads across the street to Sycamore with some of her colleagues for a lunch break.

Buffaloe sometimes takes this time to touch base with her husband as well.

“One of the things that we’ve really tried to prioritize is making sure that we have time as a couple,” says Lucas Buffaloe, who is a family doctor. “Wednesdays are a little freer for me, so we make time to have lunch on Wednesdays so that we have that time just the two of us.”

2 p.m.

– Family time

On the days she can, Buffaloe likes spending her afternoons at home with her children before returning to work later in the evening.

Artwork by her daughter, Ellie, hangs among many creations in Buffaloe’s office at City Hall.

A Brief Mayoral History

April 1821 Columbia is founded, and Richard Gentry becomes the first mayor.

April 1989 Over 160 years later, Mary Anne McCollum becomes the first woman elected mayor.

April 2022

Barbara Buffaloe becomes the second woman to serve as Columbia mayor.

Buffaloe shows off her Wordle guesses to get the word “stage.” She plays every day and has a long streak with friends.

Buffaloe usually busies herself by helping her children with their homework, spending time with her husband or taking their dog out on walks. From watching movies with her daughter, Ellie, to cheering with Ben as Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo plays his latest soccer match — family is always a big part of her day.


p.m. – Out of office, but the work’s not done

Buffaloe often has late meetings and events she needs to attend.

Buffaloe recalls days when she arrived at her office at 8 a.m. and didn’t leave until 10 p.m., when the twice monthly city council meeting concluded. On other days, she talks at inaugural events or celebrations.

On average, three out of the five nights of her week are spent at various engagements. Beyond regular city council meetings, typical nighttime meetings are with local boards and commissions.


p.m. – Bedtime

After a long day, Buffaloe likes to unwind and go to bed early in preparation for the next. Currently reading the latest Louise Penny book, A World of Curiosities, she dedicates time to activities that help her mental health. Tomorrow, she’ll do it all over again.

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