3 minute read
Tastee Spoon serves up the bold and distinct flavors of the Caribbean with a twist. With an emphasis on rich flavors, Tastee Spoon delivers à la carte options that fuses the culinary traditions and spices of the islands with favorites from Europe, Asia and Latin America into a culinary adventure for every palate.

Raymone, tell us your backstory
I am not a chef and I have never had the desire to be one even though I love cooking, but I truly love eating good food The journey of being in business and being about business is not one for the meek This started off as a family venture but as the train went through the valleys it got lighter It all started on Mitchell Street in Downtown Atlanta as a soul food restaurant with a twist

What was the idea or inspiration that started it all?
The desire was to create a business that could support my family financially This was not the first, but it is the one that has survived the longest Failure has birthed this concept and has allowed it to survive thus far

What was it like working as an entrepreneur in the beginning? Were there any unusual challenges or advantages?
I prided myself as a hard worker prior to starting this entrepreneurial journey but I truly did not know hard work until I became an entrepreneur depending solely on the survival of this business Showing up daily regardless of how you felt physically, mentally, or emotionally was a challenge Realizing that there is a difference between planning a business on paper and actually manifesting it are two different things Nothing can fully prepare you for day one like working DAY ONE.

AUG 6 - 20, 2023

6 - 20, 2023
6 - 20, 2023
Starting out as a restaurant owner, what were some of the biggest time management challenges you faced? What were your strategies for keeping up with the work of both running and growing the business?

Being an employee while being the employer. It seemed like there were never enough hours in the day for me to do both so I was forced to manage myself by tasks and then organize them by order of importance. Then on the days that seemed like I got nothing done because I was physically exhausted from working open to close I would just choose the easiest thing so as to not feel unproductive I like to say my title is the “Head Cook and Bottle Washer”, and old Jamaican saying to describe the person that does everything I knew my strengths, weaknesses, and the areas I had no energy to improve, I just needed the funds to get people in positions to do the things that would get the business from survival to growth mode
What has been your best day as a restaurant owner? Worst day?

My best day was opening day of each location (Mitchell Street, Food Truck, Perimeter Mall, Columbus Mall, Perimeter Village) They all represent the phases and Chapters of the Tastee Spoon Restaurant Life Cycle
Just like the best days, I have a few worst days The one that stands out the most was closing due to Covid Restrictions This level of uncertainty no one could ever imagine I still struggle to assign words to match the feelings and emotions But even in this dark moment, I hang on to my belief in God to bring me thru. It is at this point in life and business I understood that my destiny was purely Divine.
When the days get tough I say a few words to myself that an employee shared with me. The day must be DONE (finish).
What on your menu is your most favorite dish to prepare?
I love some many things, but curry chicken or goat is my favorite; it tastes like home. It's a comfort food that cures anything. What recipe are you willing to share with our readers The secret to our curry chicken or goat is the burning of the curry; it's how the spices and flavors are released; when done right, there is nothing else that can compare After adding the perfect combination of seasonings like thyme, scotch bonnets, garlic, onion, ginger, etc You have a dish that warms your soul and fills your belly