3 minute read
Tell us your backstory. How did you know cooking is what you desired to do? When I was younger, my mother’s coworker gave me a easy bake oven. I always wanted this toy because I seen on TV and all my friends had one at the time. Also, I watched my mom cook and bake on the "big stove" so I thought it would be nice if I had my own oven. When we moved to Decatur, I didn’t have many friends so every time I came home after school I would do my homework and I would watch this show on Netflix of these two sisters building stuff out of cake. I’ve always been the art child so I thought it was cool that people knew how to build something out of food. From that point on I realized that baking would be my career path when I was older so I started harvesting my skills.
What was the idea or inspiration that started it all? The idea or inspiration that I had for my business was urban. Growing up in Atlanta you see many different and diverse businesses, especially when it comes to food. Atlanta was a big inspiration for my business especially the way I run it is based on blackowned businesses in Atlanta My business caters to the neighborhood and I got that feel anytime I went downtown and ate.

What made you want to open your establishment in your current location? I started selling cakes during my junior and senior years of high. The biggest advantage was I had the support of my culinary teacher and most of the students did not enjoy the school lunches but had a sweet tooth.

What are your expectations for the future? Did you set any goals? The expectation I have for myself is to graduate from JW with a master's degree in culinary science and with experience in my field to run a successful business.
How is it working as an entrepreneur? It is certainly stressful at times but the feeling I get from the feedback from my clients, the consistent support from family and friends, and the success of something I've built make it all worth it.
What did you need to change to prepare yourself to harden yourself to deal with preparing orders/meals/catering for people other than family? I had to learn to separate personal relationships from business. Occasionally, I sacrifice my social life to build my brand.

What has been your best day as a young entrepreneur? Worst day? My best day was the day I first started. I never thought I’d such a following as I do. As far as I know I haven’t had a worst day.
What advice would you give other entrepreneurs wanting a career in the culinary business? If you love what you do, you will never work. I started this business in 2021 and I haven’t worked since.