2 minute read
International Internal Meetings from virtual to in-person meetings
Secretary General
Our term gave rise to several challenges concerning returning to in-person meetings. As it started off as a virtual year, we organised the I International Training Meeting, the LXXX International Council Meeting and the II International Strategy Meeting in a fully virtual environment. The LXXXI International Council Meeting in Cosenza, as the first in-person meeting of our term and organised by the International Board, allowed us to finally meet and spend time with those we had seen behind a screen for the past two years.
The year began with the first International Training Meeting in the history of ELSA. As an International Internal Meeting created by multiple generations of Officers, involving the training and educating of our younger members, the I ITM gave our Network the tools to start off its term in the best way possible. We had the opportunity to involve and promote ELSA Training from the very beginning of our term through the training sessions provided by our ITP members.
Following that, the LXXX International Council Meeting was a historical one, as it was the first fiveday ICM. It allowed us to put some of our initial ideas into practice and gave us more opportunities to get to know our Officers in a virtual format. Here we faced obstacles regarding motivation and participation following a two-year break from our beloved physical meetings. However, the Network showed us their dedication by joining us and actively participating, allowing this meeting to have been an overall success.
At the beginning of 2021, we had the II International Strategy Meeting. Here, the International Board and the Network were able to discuss important topics by beginning to discuss the proposals to be adopted in the second International Council Meeting. Thus, we approached topics such as the new International Focus Programme, the Annual Human Rights Campaign, Social Responsibility, Rebranding, Board Reform, and International Internal Meetings. We left this meeting having gathered the input of Officers from all over the Network and shaping ELSA for years to come.
April marked an idea that finally became a reality: the return to physical meetings. The LXXXI International Council Meeting of ELSA took place in Cosenza, Italy, after four months of hard work. This ICM was a particular one, as it was unprecedently organised by the International Board with the help of the ELSA International Team as well as the wonderful Organising Committee: Giovanna Gaglianese, Rosita Stuppello, Annemarie Grigore, Francesco Pace, Vincenzo Lo Bue, Desiree Tracea, Giacomo Antonini, Lucrezia De Paulis, and Avv. Simone Maria Totaro. The LXXXI ICM definitely left a mark on the path of ELSA, as it was able to return the ELSA Spirit that was dearly missed during the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing the Network back together to discuss essential topics and elect those who will be leading the Association for the next term.
Last but certainly not least, it is undoubtedly essential to mention how the efforts of our term have provided concrete results. The return to in-person meetings allowed for a greater motivation of our Officers, which is shown by the fact that we have successfully appointed three groups to host the International Internal Meetings for the next term: a big thank you to ELSA Croatia, ELSA Prague and ELSA Malta for taking on this responsibility. Thus, after two years of online meetings, the in-person events are here to stay, with the hosts for the next term ready to organise successful International Internal Meetings.